Duskstar- a golden tabby she-cat with white paws and tail-tip and green eyes
    Mapledrift- fursona needed
    Nightflower- fursona needed
    Apprentice- Dawnpaw- fursona needed
    Fireleap- fursona needed
    Brightwing- fursona needed
    Windspirit- fursona needed
    Spottedstream- tortoiseshell she-cat with a black chest with small cream streaks and a white front paw
    Drizzleflash- silver-and-white speckled tabby she-cat with amber eyes
    Aquacloud- pale gray she-cat with brilliant aqua eyes
    Foxtail- dark reddish brown she-cat with a stripe of dark brown fur running down back, a white muzzle and chest fur, large ears, a thick bushy tail and forest green eyes
    Dawnpaw (mca)
    Otterpaw- light brown tabby she-cat with light amber eyes
    Tacoshell- tan tabby she-cat with green eyes and a clawed ear

    Yay! Welcome Drizzleflash, Aquacloud, Foxtail, and Otterpaw!

  • Ok, here’s a suggestion by Mapledrift!
    Guess who these characters are based on their description on the warriors wikia! And don’t look it up! 😛
    1. “dark flame-colored she-cat with brilliant, forest-green eyes. She has one white paw, short legs, a torn ear tip, glossy fur, and a long, squirrel-like, bushy tail.”
    2. “huge, sleek, muscular, long-legged, broad-shouldered, mackerel-striped dark brown tabby tom with a snow-white underbelly, a bushy tail, a scarred, broad muzzle, long, thorn-sharp, hooked claws, huge paws, and pale ice-blue eyes.”
    3. “big, solid dark gray tom with a stripe of darker gray fur running down his back, a torn left ear, and yellow eyes. He has shaggy fur, a bushy tail, and a broad face.”

    • 1. SQUIRRELFLIGHT!!! ❤️❤️
      2. HAWKFROST ❄️😈
      3. Graystripe 😛

      I’ll do some too! 😛 Let’s see if you guys can guess these:

      1. “Short-furred, sleek, silver -gray she-cat with white chest fur. She has a long body, a thick tail, and bold green eyes.”
      2. “Slender, long-legged, black she-cat with soft and long fur. She has green eyes, and a bushy tail.”
      3. “Short black-and-white tom. He has a plump belly, big paws, broad shoulders, a broad face and luminous blue eyes.” (this one is tough)
      4. “Smoky-dark gray she-cat with enormous, pale blue eyes. She is fluffy and soft-furred.”
      5. “Large, sleek-furred, dark gray tabby tom with piercing yellow eyes.”
      6. “Small, pale orange tabby she-cat with thin, darker orange stripes and small, white paws.” (this could be hard as well)
      7. “Big, thick-furred, long-bodied, muscular, snowy-white tom with yellow eyes and tufted ears, one of which has a scar behind them.”
      8. “Pale gray tom with darker flecks and dark blue eyes. He has short, thick fur, and a torn ear.”
      9. “Slender, soft-furred, silver tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes and a plumy tail.”
      10. “Small, lithe, soft-furred, dark tortoiseshell-and-whiteshe-cat with large, warm, amber eyes, and white-tipped ears. Her coat is distinctively dappled and mottled with orange and brown markings, and a small, pink nose. One of her eyes is rimmed with darker fur than the other, and she has small white paws and a black-tipped, gold-and-brown-striped tabby tail.” (this one should be easy 😉)
      11. “Small, triangular-faced, thick, sleek, and long-furred, dappled, dark golden she-cat with rippling tabby stripes, huge, brilliant amber eyes, a broad head, and a fluffy tail.”
      12. “Short, thick and sleek-furred, sturdy, large, bright, fiery ginger-and-white tom the color of autumn leaves. He has a broad head and shoulders, a torn ear tip, clear amber eyes, and wide, big white paws.”

      • Hmmm… I feel like his will be hard… 😛
        1. Ahhh I feel like I know this one! Uhh… Millie? (Probably wrong XD)
        2. Hollyleaf
        3. Hmmm… random guess… Patchpelt? 😛
        4. Cinderpelt? Goldenflower?
        7. Whitestorm
        8. Ashfur
        9. Feathertail
        10. Hmmm… so hard! 😛 Spottedleaf
        11. Mothwing
        12. Thunderstar?
        That was good, foxie!

        • Thanks Dusk! You did really well!

          1. Needletail (Millie is a short-furred light gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes)
          2. Hollyleaf
          3. Barley (Patchpelt is a black-and-white tom with smooth fur and amber eyes. Good guess though!)
          4. Cinderpelt (Goldenflower is a pale ginger tabby she-cat with yellow eyes)
          5. Hawkwing
          6. Violet (Barley’s sister)
          7. Whitestorm
          8. Ashfur
          9. Feathertail
          10. Spottedleaf!!!
          11. Mothwing
          12. Thunderstar (you were correct!)

          Sorry 5 and 6 were a bit hard, haha

      • (For Fox’s game)

        1. Millie?
        2. Hollyleaf?
        3. Ok I have no idea 🙂 Swiftpaw?!
        4. No idea again…um…
        5. Crowfeather?
        6. Sorrelstripe?
        7. Snowtuft?
        8. Lets just say Tornear 🙂
        9. Feathertail?
        10. Spottedleaf!
        11. Honey I can’t remember the suffix?
        12. Fallen Leaves?

        Wow, I’m so bad at this 😉 😛

      • Thistleclaw is a spiky gray-and-white tom with big white patches on his shoulder and amber eyes. Number 2 is Hawkfrost I believe (big dark brown tabby tom with a snowy white underbelly and ice-blue eyes) 😉🙂

  • Hiiiii guys! NTA Results are here! (I’m going to try to start a new round every Sunday, like the actual NTA)
    Crowtuft by Brightwing!
    Oakwind by Foxtail!
    Bluesnow by Drizzleflash!
    Applefang by Fireleap!
    Maplespark by Foxtail!
    Leafblossom by Otterpaw!
    Good job, everyone! The theme was forbidden mates. Fireleap, Otterpaw, and Foxtail guessed correctly (+1 point) and Drizzleflash gets .5.

    Fireleap- 7
    Dawnpaw- 6
    Mapledrift- 5
    Brightwing, Foxtail- 3
    Otterpaw- 2
    Drizzleflash- 1.5
    Windspirit- 1

    Next round!
    What is the theme? (Don’t look at others’ guesses, Brightwing! 😉 ) (and name the apprentices, of course)
    Good luck! (And the next round will either be next Sunday, or possibly on Wednesday because I’m super impatient)

  • Hi DuskClan!
    Otterpaw, who do you want as your mentor? If you don’t want anyone specific, then which warrior would like to be their mentor (I can be your mentor if you want, Otterpaw)?
    Also, I was writing down the allegiances in my notebook, so everyone, admire my amazingly horrible handwriting! 😛
    https://imgur.com/a/CBQBN Truly terrifying, especially at the bottom XD
    (That was kinda random 😛 )

  • Hey guys, here’s another game suggestion by Brightwing! Its name that warrior! You choose a prefix for suffixes I give you, instead of the other way around.
    Which prefixes would be the best for these suffixes? (And there’s still NTA, this isn’t a replacement) 😛

    2. How about another guess the characters thing?
    “a small white she-cat with black splotches and amber eyes. She has glossy, and short fur, and wide paws.”

    “a large, lithe, pale blue-gray she-cat with luminous, ice-blue eyes. She has soft, thick, long fur, a broad face, head, and shoulders, with a scar that parts the fur across them, silver hair tinged around her muzzle and her long, sleek tail, and a torn ear.”

    “a large, muscular, long-haired dark gray tom with amber eyes, a broad head and shoulders, and thick, sleek fur.”

  • Let all cats old enough to use a computer gather here beneath the Duskrock (lol idk) for a clan meeting!
    Cats of DuskClan, it is time for Otterpaw to get a mentor!
    Brightwing, step forward.
    (I can’t remember the apprentice ceremony words)
    By the powers of StarClan, Brightwing is now Otterpaw’s mentor!
    Brightwing! Otterpaw! Yay!

  • Here are some more! These could be hard:

    1. “Broad-shouldered, dappled tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with white patches, a patchy, thick, shiny pelt, and a muzzle gray with age.”
    2. “Sleek, pale ginger tabby she-cat the color of ripe barley. She has a small nick in one ear, and yellow eyes.”
    3. “Light gray tabby tom with amber eyes, tufted ears, and pale brown spots on his belly.” (Hint: he was a deputy)
    4. “Small, lithe, sleek, thick soft-furred, dark gray tabby she-cat with bright green eyes.”
    5. “Long-legged, stocky, fluffy, thick-furred, pale blue-gray tom with battle-scarred ears, one of which is shredded, a broad head and shoulders, a pink nose, and blue eyes.” (RIP ☹️)
    6. “Broad-shouldered, muscular, golden-brown tabby tom with amber eyes the color of the sun. He has thick fur, thick fluff ringing around his neck, a nicked ear, and massive, pale paws with fur that bunches at his claws.”
    7. “Sleek, long-furred, and silky, stocky, silver-gray tom with rippling stripes, thick, soft, silver belly fur, and bright green eyes.” (this may be hard unless you’ve read DotC)

      • Nice job Dusky! You got 4 right!

        1. Dappletail (Mapleshade is a large, thick-furred, primarily ginger, tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with a fluffy, white tail, a white muzzle, white patches, and amber eyes. The thick white tail usually gives a good hint for her)
        2. Goldenflower
        3. Tawnyspots
        4. Willowshine! 🙂
        5. Stonefur
        6. Lionblaze
        7. River Ripple (Riverstar)! 😛😉 (Gray Wing is a sleek, smokey gray tom with amber eyes, broad shoulders, and a torn ear-tip)

          • Sure! I’d love to! 😀 Do you want me to post everyday or like a once a week kind of thing? (haha or just whenever I feel like it, lol) Hmm maybe those who get one right will have one point, two have two points and etcetera and I can make a leader board like NTA? Also how many do you want me to do each time (or does it matter)?

    • 1.) Dappletail.
      2.) Goldenflower.
      3.) Owleyes/star? I was looking at the wiki for a list of deputies, and if I remember right he matches this description. (I wasn’t looking at the descriptions for any of them of course 😛 (Does it count as cheating if I used the wiki for a list of deputies?))
      4.) Willowpelt? I think she might have blue eyes, so probably not. But hey, I tried.
      5.) Stonefur.
      6.) Lionblaze.
      7.) Ripple/River Ripple/Riverstar.

      • Nice you got five correct! Owlstar is a lean, sleek, dark gray tom with large, unblinking, brilliant amber eyes, and broad shoulders. 🙂 Yes Willowpelt does have blue eyes (she’s a silvery-gray she-cat with unusual blue eyes) but #4 is Willowshine and is a dark gray tabby she-cat who has brilliant green eyes. 😉

  • *sneaks away from mountain of hw*
    Here’s the results for the last quiz…
    1. Lostface
    2. Half Moon
    3. Moonflower and Stormtail
    4. …a lot, but everyone who did the quiz had 5 correct answers
    5. Red
    6. Mousefur
    7. Longtail
    8. Smoky
    9. 7
    10. Brambleclaw, Squirrelpaw, Tawnypelt, Stormfur, Feathertail (RIP 🙁 ), Crowpaw

    Good job! Foxtail and Mapledrift got all 10, and Brightwing got 9/10!
    The next quiz will only be 5 questions because I’m pretty busy today…
    1. Who was Spiderleg’s littermate and how did he die(I meant how did the littermate die)?
    2. Who was Yellowfang’s grandmother?
    3. Who was the second SkyClan medicine cat?
    4. Who were Clear Sky/ Skystar’s mates?
    5. Which of Leafpool’s kits was born first? (Idk if that grammar is correct XD)

    Good luck! (And if anyone wants to add questions, feel free to!)

    • Why didn’t I join this? 😛

      1. Shrewpaw and he got hit by a monster
      2. Silverflame?
      3. Acorn Fur
      4. Bright Stream, Storm, and Star Flower
      5. Hollykit/leaf

    • Wasn’t the person who won supposed to do the next round? 😛

      1. Shrewpaw and he dies while chasing a pheasant and a monster hit him 🙁
      2. No idea…I’m gonna say Brightflower even though I think that was her mother…?
      3. Can’t remember 🙂
      4. Bright Stream (though I’m not sure that was official), Slate, Star Flower
      5. Lionblaze?:P

      Thanks for posting the results 🙂

      • busy today…
        1. Shrewpaw and he got killed by a monster while chasing a pheasant onto the Thunderpath
        2. Silverflame
        3. Uh Acorn Fur
        4. Uh…..Gray Wing, Jagged Peak and Fluttering Bird I think
        5. HOLLYLEAF!!!! And then Lionblaze and then Jayfeather ^^

        • Wait why is there “busy today” on my comment? Huh never noticed that (it’s not supposed to be there, haha)

          • Wow I read that so wrong. #4 is Bright Stream and uh….Star Flower. I thought it said “littermates” haha


    • 1.) Shrewpaw. He was chasing a phesant when he got hit by a monster.
      2,) Silverflame.
      3.) Acorn Fur.
      4.) Bright Stream, Storm, and Star Flower.
      5.) Hollyleaf.

  • NTA! (NTW Results will come out tomorrow hopefully)
    The theme was RiverClan Medicine Cats!
    Foxtail, Brightwing, Fireleap, Otterpaw, and Mapledrift got this correct! +1 for them!
    Willowsong by Mapledrift
    Mothfang by Fireleap
    Mudpuddle by Foxtail
    Brambleshell by Brightwing
    Milkwave by Otterpaw
    Graybrook by Foxtail

    Fireleap- 9
    Mapledrift- 7
    Dawnpaw, Foxtail- 6
    Brightwing- 5
    Otterpaw- 4
    Drizzleflash- 1.5
    Windspirit- 1

    Next Round!
    What’s the theme? Give those apprentices some names! See ya next week (for this game, I mean)!

  • Hello everyone. I’m bored, procrastinating, and trying not to forget to update the allegiances, so here ya go!
    Duskstar- a golden tabby she-cat with white paws and tail-tip and green eyes
    Mapledrift- fursona needed
    Nightflower- fursona needed
    Apprentice- Dawnpaw- fursona needed
    Fireleap- dark ginger she-cat with darker stripes on back and tail, white muzzle, belly, paws, and tail-tip, warm amber eyes
    Brightwing- light tabby she-cat with white paws and amber eyes (apprentice- Otterpaw)
    Windspirit- fursona needed
    Spottedstream- tortoiseshell she-cat with a black chest with small cream streaks and a white front paw
    Drizzleflash- silver-and-white speckled tabby she-cat with amber eyes
    Aquacloud- pale gray she-cat with brilliant aqua eyes
    Foxtail- dark reddish brown she-cat with a stripe of dark brown fur running down back, a white muzzle and chest fur, large ears, a thick bushy tail and forest green eyes
    Dawnpaw (mca)
    Otterpaw- light brown tabby she-cat with light amber eyes
    Tacoshell- tan tabby she-cat with green eyes and a clawed ear

    Mapledrift, Nightflower, Dawnpaw, and Windspirit, I still need your fursonas (unless you already told me what they are, but I’ve forgotten or I’m blind or something 😛 ). Um… have a nice day, everyone 😀

    Heatherbrook by Brightwing
    Robindusk by Fireleap
    Firelight by Otterpaw
    Swiftfire by Foxtail
    Heathersplash by Mapledrift
    Littlewing by Otterpaw

    Otterpaw- 2
    Foxtail, Mapledrift, Brightwing, Fireleap- 1

    Next round! This time there’s a theme, too!
    Good luck, everyone! 😛

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