• Hello everyone and welcome to Shrillstars fail! Later, I will use this page for my other roleplays, but here we are! The list of every member is here.

    Frostdawn as Swirlheart. Shy loyal suspicions enduring lithe brown tabby she cat with darker swirling stripes, a lighter brown underbelly, white chin, unusually long whiskers and turquoise eyes.
    Dawnpaw as darkdawn female black and toroticeshell she cat with a brown tail, ears and splotches , a back belly and chest, a single white dash 9n her chest, brave, determined, logical, sensible, dependable
    Potato as crestsnow femalei a lot like nightcloud loves family very light silver she cat with dark gray paws tail white underbelly and chest with yellow eyes
    Spottedstream as shadowstorm female dutiful observant stubborn inpatient dark gray with green blue eyes black stripes a pale gray nose and front paw black tail tip torn ear
    Crystalshine Galaxymist female sweet kind loving soothing caring beautiful sleek pale golden tabby with light green eyes
    Sand/sandstone as Wisteriakit she cat loyal friendly determined midnight black with white patches and blue violet eyes
    Wrenkit as feathernight female kind friendly energetic loud socially awkward moltted gray she cat with darker gray spotted legs and dark blue eyes
    Foxtrot as foxkit tortoiseshell Tom with with amber eyes shy anxious questioning
    Rainshine as aloepaw/song female kind determined courageous loyal laid back suspicions. Long furred gray tabby she cat with a white chest, paws, muzzle and tail tip mellow green eyes and a faint scar on her flank.
    Dapplemoon as Runningshine female loyal shy protective silver with black and white spots and green eyes
    Cheetahflight as dawnfire she cat hyper excitement shy fiery tabby she cat with green blue eyes and white tip on fluffy tail
    Robinsky and spottedstream as shadowstorm female level headed cool logical calm in crisis distant, determined uncaring at times Distant rouge blood black she cat with yellow eyes nick in her ear and long scar on her belly, white tipped tail and white ear
    Maplepaw and darkflight as flarepaw malefeisty rude reckless sassy careless selfish fun. Toroticeshell mainly ginger with black stripes on his back, white tail, chestnut ears, white spots on muzzle, white dash on chest, and green yellow eyes.
    Wishwhisper as crimsonrose female caring and motherly. Caring and motherly, petite graceful, fluffy ginger she cat with green eyes and cuts on her tail.

    If you are combined, that’s because I mixed up the names.
    I will try to post a chapter every Sunday. Feel free to make comments on them if you feel your character should do or say something more. Thank you! 🙂

  • I need some suggestions on how to end SF. Galaxymist is arguing with Shrillstar about her right to hunt (he doesn’t want to spoil her “good looks” when crestsnow stalks in and argues in Galaxymists defense, mostly for herself because she doesn’t like Galaxymist. And I have no idea how to end.
    Shrillstar relents, letting Galaxymist be herself
    Shrillstar dies within a moon and the newly named Shadowstar gives Galaxymist amnesty
    Galaxymist and crestsnow relent
    Galaxymist leaves, going back to twolegplace, keeping the name Galaxymist
    One of the three are exiled and become a Mapleshade 2.0
    I am also accepting prophecy ideas!

    • I have a prophecy idea!
      The eagle will become entranced with the stars, and his folly will turn the frost into ash.

    • Yes, I combined you and spottedstream because I mixed up and she signed up first

  • Ideas on the end, Crestsnow runs Shrillstar out, and Galaxymist stays in the clan, becoming mates with another cat. Shrillstar stalks the clan, when he sees Galaxymist with another tom (or she-cat) and loses it. Basically Mapleshade 2.0. As Shrillstar is about to kill Galaxymist’s mate, Crestsnow jumps in the way and kills Shrillstar or something.
    I’m sorry, that was intense 😛

  • A gray she cat padded through the narrow stone tunnel, leading a grim proccetion. They formed a solunm ring around a looming presence lurking in the cavern. Then the moon passed through a gap in the ceiling, and it transformed the cave. Personally, she felt hemmed in by walls. But the cool walls of cave were different. The shadowy stone in the center on the cave was illuminated with silver. Confidently the cats padded up and pressed their noses in the glimmers. When the gray she cat did, a warm tide of murky peace swept over her. When the she cat opened her eyes, a broad shouldered tom stood in front of her, his ginger fur gleaming with a sheen beyond a normal living cats. The gray she cat dipped her head in a mix of respect and awe. “Flareglow.” She said simply. “Hello father.” Flareglow nodded politely back. “I’m proud of you runningshine.” His luminous golden green eyes darkened. “A rift will form in the clan, brought by a rouge. But you will have courage.” But runningshine has heard of The Great battle from long ago. Her mind was already spiraling through thousands of negative possibilities. The sene wavered in front of her eyes, lines blurring together. As a hazy fog mask swirled, she was dragged back into the cave. A glance at the gap told her that the moon had passed. She was the first one to awaken, though fallowshine of marshclan was beginning to stir. Adjusting on the uneven floor, she looked at the unfriendly specks of silver-gold trailing across the sky. “What rift?” She beseeched. “What will drive us apart?”


    • A few capitalization errors, the has in the sentence about the great battle should be had, and misspell with scene, but overall very good!
      Now for the prophecy, and this might just be me, but the prophecies tend to be very vague. What I find helpful, is if the prophecy involves cats, make their name as basic as possible.
      So Galaxymist could represent Star, or shine, etc. Crestsnow, snow, frost, etc.
      But there’s a few sites that can help with think of one! And this was a great intro!

  • Fix my grammar errors!
    LEADER Shrillstar: broad shouldered gray tom with yellow eyes
    DEPUTY Shadowstorm: gray and black she cat with green-yellow eyes
    MEDICINE CAT Runningshine: black and white she cat with green eyes
    WARRIORS Swirlheart: brown tabby she cat with turquoise eyes
    Darkdawn: black and ginger she cat with bright green eyes APPRENTICE: ALOEPAW
    Crestsnow: silver she cat with yellow eyes
    Dawnfire: ginger she cat with green eyes
    Redfire: ginger tom with amber eyes
    Snowslash: white tom with blue eyes
    Crimsonrose: fluffy ginger she cat with green eyes
    Rainstorm: silver she cat with blue eyes APPRENTICE: FEATHERPAW
    Sedgeclaw: tawny tom with deep amber eyes
    Troutleap: gray tom with blue eyes APPRENTICE: FLAREPAW
    Lionfang: yellow tom with green eyes
    Pineberry: ginger she cat with green eyes
    Hailstorm: gray and white tom with sky blue eyes APPRENTICE: JAYPAW
    APPRENTICES Flarepaw: toroticeshell tom with yellow green eyes
    Jaypaw: gray tom with teal eyes
    Aloepaw: gray tabby she cat with green eyes
    Featherpaw: mottled gray she cat with blue eyes
    QUEENS Frogspots: gray brown tabby she cat with amber eyes, mother to Foxkit, a toroticeshell tom with deep amber eyes, and Owlkit, a tawny she cat with yellow eyes
    Icestorm: silver white she cat with blue eyes, mother to Wistiriakit, a black and white she cat with indigo eyes, and Violetkit,a gray silver she cat with unusual violet eyes
    ELDERS Poolsong: gray she cat with green eyes
    Hazelstone: gray and ginger she cat with green yellow eyes
    Hazeflare ginger tom with amber eyes
    Gala: pale golden tabby she cat with light green eyes
    Minx: black she cat with amber eyes
    Ellen: cream she cat with green eyes
    Finn: dark brown tabby tom with green eyes
    Aspen: gray tom with light green eyes
    Willow: silver she cat with teal eyes

    • “DEPUTY Shadowstorm: gray and black she cat with green-yellow eyes”

      “Robinsky and spottedstream as shadowstorm female level headed cool logical calm in crisis distant, determined uncaring at times Distant rouge blood black she cat with yellow eyes nick in her ear and long scar on her belly, white tipped tail and white ear”

      Why is Shadowstorm’s description different in the alliances? I know you said that you’d combine them, but I thought they were already combined when you wrote out who’s who?

      • Sorry, with so many people and my regular life, (plus I suck at statistics and stuff.) I got confused. My only excuse is I shortened/modified some to fit the standard allegiances.

  • So I was thinking that I actually use BlogClan on my iPad so I’ll just write it on my computer, and copy it into here. I will continue to answer questions and be active on here.

    • And I will also use this page to do other things and basically have a mini talk show.

  • Clear this out!!! SF is OVER!!!!!! It’s time forrrrrrr
    *plays gameshow music*
    okay you saw the basic summary, but here is de form

    Blog name
    RP name
    Group name

  • Hello! Welcome to the Character Creation, Rules and Info page. This is where you will make your Wings of Fire Characters. The rules are rather simple:
    1. No tribrids. The closest you can to having one is to have had one of your ancestors be one of a different tribe, only even somewhat looking alike
    2. Animuses are allowed, because this is before even Jebora 1 was born.
    3. No God-modding or Meta-Gaming
    4. No inappropriate content (Drinking,Swearing, Heavy Gore, etc.)
    5. You must at least include your name, tribe, gender/pronouns and appearance in your CC. All the others are optional. you can also use a ref in u cannot describe the appearance well.
    6. Because it takes place so long ago, you can be a beetlewing!