
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Sharklight lists their favourite characters from the series.
Guess what everyone? Today we get to celebrate Fireflypaw’s first ever claniversary!! What an exciting day, and a truly momentous achievement! We’re so glad that you’ve stuck around with for this past...
Dawnpaw argues why Yellowfang made the right decision.
Nine bananas
Right Hand Man
Ten bananas
Right Hand Man
Eleven bananas
Right Hand Man
My art contest has ended.
There were so many wonderful drawings of Turtle Tail! Thank you so much to everyone who entered!
The winner is Springkit/tail!
Spring, you win a secret page, and a drawing of your purrsona.
Please give me the description of your purrsona below so I can draw it. Expect to see it on the art page over the weekend.
And here is your secret page, Spring!
You can expect another contest soon! 😀
Right Hand Man
Congratulations Springkit!!! Your drawing was amazing! <3
I’m going to have another contest!
You see, I’m currently working on a fanfic called Poisoned Honey- you can read it on the BlogClan 2 Wikia.
It’s an AU where Honeyfern is evil.
For this contest, you have to draw cover art for this fanfic!
If you will, your cover art will be the main picture for Poisoned Honey.
And even if you don’t win, your cover art will go in the gallery of Poisoned Honey’s BlogClan 2 Wikia page.
The contest starts today, July 4th, and will end on September 4th.
I hope you have fun!
Ten Duel Commandments
Here’s mine (gore warning)
Awesome 👏
Meet Me Inside
Here’s my entry! I hope you like it! 🙂 https://freeimage.host/i/ozkLrP
Beautiful <3
Meet Me Inside
oh. WOW. could you draw my purrsona?
Here ya go
I didn’t know what to do hehe
Woah!! That’s so cool! I love the sun in the background!! 😀
Oh wow, that’s awesome.
History Has Its Eyes On You
Please ignore the fact that it looks like Leopardstar being evil
It looks more like Leopardstar than I realised
In the unlikely case that this wins, I’ll force you to rename your fanfic Poisoned Leopards because that is clearly Leopardstar on the cover
Here’s mine https://imgur.com/a/Kh5EZ0H ! I probably was a bit too extra 😛 the flower I drew was a poppy by the way (for obvious reasons.) the blackberry image i used doesn’t belong to me, and I give all photo rights to the photographer (who I don’t know, as I found this off the internet.) also there’s a small amount of blood so be warned
That’s so cool, Strawberry!
Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)
https://freeimage.host/i/At89s4 That’s honeyfern on the right, and her shadow is evil, so it’s like honeyfern pretends to be nice but she’s really not >:)) I tried my best but it’s not very good :’) I love the fanfic so I was really excited when I saw this :PP
I love the way the word ‘Poisoned’ is all lit up :0
Tomorrow There’ll Be More Of Us
here is mine! SLIGHT gore warning………….
oh my STARCLAN that’s cool 😀
Tomorrow There’ll Be More Of Us
awww, thanks!
CW: Blood
The bottom cats are Poppyfrost and Honeyfern
The eyes and fangs are from the snake that bit her 🙂
i mean berrynose and poppyfrost! sorry
I love it <3
Tomorrow There’ll Be More Of Us
you change your name way to much LOL XD
I agree with this one tho
I redrew my original drawing a little bit; mostly just spicing up the background and adjusting where she’s looking.
https://iili.io/RwYlO7.png little last minute haha
it’s poisoned honey, an au where honeyfern is evil. we’re drawing the cover for it, as if it were a book
so who won?
All drawings will be featured in the (currently nonexistent, but that’ll change! 😉 ) gallery on the BlogClan 2 Wikia page for Poisoned Honey!
And the winner is Ospreymist! Which means that their drawing will be the main pic you see when you first go to the Poisoned Honey page.
I’ll have another contest soon!
Cabinet Battle 1
Well done everyone!
Evil Leopardstar
Congratulations Osprey!! 😀 Your cover is stunning, you totally deserved to win!
This contest will be a writing contest.
Your prompts (you can do up to 3):
• Squirrelflight X Daisy
• Nightcloud kills Crowfeather
• Honeyfern and Berrynose have kits
• Needletail survives
• Jessy joins SkyClan
• Turtle Tail’s backstory
• Hollyleaf becomes leader
• Ivypool X Blossomfall
• A cat who can shapeshift
• Hawkfrost goes to trial in StarClan
The word limit is 400 words. If it’s that short, you can just post it directly in a comment. The word maximum is 5,000 words. Please post it somewhere like Wattpad or the BlogClan 2 Wikia if it’s above 400 words.
The first place winner will win a short story about any Warriors ship they choose, and a secret page.
The second place winner will win a secret page, and a drawing of their favorite kitty pet (not including former kitty pets).
The third place winner will win a drawing of their favorite Warriors character.
The contest starts today, October 8th, 2021, and will end on February 8th, 2022, so everyone has plenty of time to write their stories.
The Room Where It Happens
Ooh the last prompt’s fun!
I like the second to last one
I’ll enter! I was gonna say I might not have time and then I saw I have like four months so I should definitely have time 😛
I’m doing ittt
These prompts are awesome! I’m going to enter!!!
I’m gonna enter! I’ll probably submit it tomorrow!
I’m entering!
Can I write for prompt two? Nightcloud kills Crowfeather? (ill probs post it on BlogClan 2)
Yep, anybody can write any prompt! <3
Schuyler Defeated
awesome! i started writing it on blogclan 2 wikia! its under the title ¨the crows eternal sleep¨
uhh does the shape-shifting cat have to be placed in like the original book, or can we make up a whole new story and just put in a shape-shifting cat?
All characters have to be canon Warriors characters.
Schuyler Defeated
“Will the kits be okay?”Honeyfern pressed her nose into her mate’s flank reassuringly as he paced in front ofLeafpool.
“They’ll be fine,”Leafpool mewed,”So willHoneyfern.Snakebites are serious,butHoneyfern is recovering well.”
Berrynose let out a relieved purr,then nudgedHoneyfern gently.”Comeon sweetie, let’s get you to the nursery.”
Honeyferns tail twitched,but she ducked into the nursery without protest-she didnt wantBerrynose to worry after he’d had somuch fear over the snakebite.
Briarkit skipped up to her as she entered.”Thank you for saving my life!”the kit purred,winding betweenHoneyferns paws.
“We’re so grateful for your courage”Briarkits motherMillie dipped her head.
“I’d do it again in an instant,”Honeyfern murmured.Glancing warmly ather round belly she knew she truly would-for any one of these precious kits.
A moon laterHoneyfern licked the soft fur of the tiny tom.
A tan shekit let out a mewl,scrambling up her sister.Honeyfern purred-she had her fathers boldness.She gave her a lick as she tumbled down.Luckily the nest was soft-Millie had lined it with feathers.
“You have 3 shekits and a tom” Leafpool said.
Honeyfern purred with love for her babies.
“They’re beautiful!”Berrynose mewed.
Honeyfern’s pelt warmed as she looked into his gaze.”What should we name them?”
“I want you to name them,”Berrynose murmured.
“The tom will be Molekit after my brother.And the tan kit will be Sandkit after the best mentor ever!”
“You gonna name one after the best mate ever?”Berrynose mewed,nudging her playfully.
“How about Cherrykit!”Honeyfern suggested,letting out a purr”For the gingerkit-it reminds me of berry!”
“I like that” he gazed fondly at his kit,”now for the silver kit”
“I’d like to name her Rainkit after my uncle”Honeyfern murmured.She looked at Berrynose but he didn’t meet her gaze.Hewas busy staring atthe kits,eyes aglow with love.Honeyfern knew with all her heart hewould be a great father.
Lovely story!
Schuyler Defeated
Can I send it as a PDF?
Sure, whatever works best for you!
Schuyler Defeated
Ok, thanks!
Hopefully it works! The word link wasn’t working so I had to use sway.
Hi, can I enter but make it like 4 parts in the comments if I add the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th parts right after I post the 1st? I really want the warriors ship short story(:
I’m not sure what you mean.
Schuyler Defeated
hi stream! if your fanfiction is so long that it requires more than one comment to fit then we’d appreciate it if you posted it on a different website and linked it here 😀
(Part One of Nightcloud’s Justice)
Nightcloud knew what she needed to do. Crowfeather had gone out of camp for the fifth time that moon, and she was growing suspicious of her mate. Of course, it wasn’t like she shared any trust with him anymore. He had seen Breezekit once, only one visit to the nursery to see his son. Nightcloud was beginning to wonder if Breezekit would ever know his father. And these… midnight adventures… she knew they weren’t just walks. He’d be gone until sunrise, when he’d come back to camp, saying that he’d been hunting. Yes, he always brought at least one rabbit back, but she had a feeling in her heart that Crowfeather wasn’t just doing his duty as a warrior. She needed to know what, exactly, he was up to, for the sake of her Clan, and their relationship.
Breezekit mewled as she left his side, and she stared fondly into his bright amber eyes. “Hush, little one,” she whispered, licking his ebony pelt. She gently nudged him towards Whitetail’s pale pelt, hoping that the kind queen wouldn’t mind another little body snuggling close to her. She wished Crowfeather would share this love for her kit, this motherly love. But Crowfeather was just… distracted, always out on a dawn patrol or hunting. They never spent time as a family anymore. “I don’t understand it, Breezekit,” Nightcloud murmured. “Why doesn’t Crowfeather love you?” Breezekit was fast asleep, and she licked his ear once more before turning to follow Crowfeather.
Webfoot, one of the senior warriors, was guarding the camp, his black fur camouflaging perfectly with the dark night sky. He looked at her with some amusement in his eyes. “Want some time alone with your mate?”, he purred, his eyes glittering. Nightcloud shifted her paws uneasily but realized that telling the truth would be harder than just answering his question.
I’m sorry, I can’t see it- it says that I have to sign in.
Schuyler Defeated
I made a new Wattpad account… but I can’t figure out how to write a story, and for some reason Wattpad support is blocked on my phone
I’m sorry, I don’t have Wattpad, so I don’t know.
Schuyler Defeated
I would like to enterrrr
Hi, sorry about the confusion. Here’s my first entry:
Oooh, it’s really good!
Cabinet Battle 2
Here’s the story 😀
I loved it!
Cabinet Battle 2
Is it ok if I go over 5000 words but only the first 5000 are judged?
No, it must be 5,000 words. ^^
Cabinet Battle 2
Wow, all these prompts are so fun!! I’ll be entering! <3
“I’m here!”Jessy mewed gently-her mother had asked to see her urgently.
“My precious kit”the old she-cat rasped.The sad depth to her wise amber gaze made Jessy shove her face into her mother’s coat.
“there’s something I need to tell you”she went on,”You can climb,and jump-”
“Of course”Jessy purred”I had the best teacher!”
“The reason I could teach you is because my ancestors taught me.Jessy,” Mother mewed,”You are a descendant ofSkyClan.”
Jessy blinked in awe at what she’d heard-A Clan,like ThunderClan?Was she a wild cat?
“Why are you telling me this?”she asked.
“I want to know my Clan is in safe paws..Before I go.”
“Before you”heart hammering she pushed down the terrible thought,”No! You’re not going anywhere,You’re staying right here,I’ll care for you!”
“I’ll always be with you,”Mother mewed,eyes full of love,”Please,Take good care of my Clan.”
Numb with grief,Jessy didn’t mind that her bed was tight to share with Velvet,who’d insisted on staying over to comfort her.
She stared at the ceiling,vaguely aware of Velvet’s tongue rasping gently over her tearstained fur.
As her sobs finally seized a mew roused Jessy.Acat gazed at her.
“I’m Cloudstar,”he mewed,stars shimmering in his fur,”I was a leader of SkyClan,like you will soon be-It’s your destiny.”
“But I’m not even in SkyClan,”Jessy hesitated.
“Follow your heart,past theClan of your first love and over the mountains,”Cloudstar told her,”and we will guide you there.”
He motioned to a row of starry cats,all looking atJessy.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way,”a familiar voice mewed,relieving the fear in Jessy’s chest.She turned to meet her mother’s gaze and the sadness that weighed her down was washed off.
“Go now,”Cloudstar prompted.Jessy’s eyes opened to the dim light of dawn streaming in through the window.
Pulling herself up,she placed the toyVelvet had let her sleep with back in her friends paws.
“Bye,Velvet,”she mewed gently”I’m leaving.”
“Oh, Jessy!”Velvet’s eyes widened with sympathy and concern,”Are you okay?Are you really le-”
“I’m fine,”Jessy said,”But I have to go lead aClan.It’s sort of my destiny.”
“Was it a prophecy?”Velvet frowned”Alderheart talked about them.”
She nodded.
It seemedVelvet would wail like a kit,but instead she looked softly at her friend for the final time.
“I’ll comfort yourHousefolk the best I can”she promised as Jessy stepped outside to face the rising sun,”You’ll make a great leader,Jessystar.”
With a deep breath,Jessy headed toward the horizon.
Jessystar forever!
Cabinet Battle 2
Hawkfrost stood in the center of attention. He didn’t want to be in the center of things, but they told him he had to be. He was on trial. But he didn’t want to go to StarClan, and he knew StarClan didn’t want him. But they’d gladly accept Mothwing, and Hawkfrost didn’t care. Bluestar came forward out of the mist. “Spirits of StarClan, we are here today to see if Hawkfrost is suitable to join us here in the stars. Can anyone vouch for the youngling?” The call echoed with no response— until one of Hawkfrost’s old friends stepped up. “Please, Bluestar, he was under the terrible guidance of Tigerstar. He deserves a chance to redeem himself.” Mudclaw was a strong speaker, but not strong enough. Snowfur called out,”But he nearly killed Firestar willingly. He cannot come back from that.” Hawkfrost couldn’t resist the temptation. “Scared I was going to mess with your prophecy pet?” Snowfur’s blue gaze locked on to him. “No, we were not scared. Brambleclaw made sure that Firestar was safe, and we were more concerned about you and your will to kill.” Hawkfrost laughed. “You have to be willing to do the impossible if you want power.” Bluestar had had enough. “Hawkfrost, I never want to see you in this forest again. You will live the days of the dead in the Place Of No Stars.” Hawkfrost called up,”Ah. I can’t say I wanted to be here in StarClan, and I don’t wish to return.” And with that, he stalked into the shadows, into a life better than anything StarClan could’ve given him.
(Writing this made me think of Time Of Your Life)
Washington On Your Side
You said “Hawkfrost on trial in StarClan” so I gave him a trial :p
I never said you didn’t give him a trial? 😛
One Last Time
I will enter
“Berrynose! Berrynose! I have something to tell you!” Honeyfern bounded toward her mate, who had just arrived back from a hunting patrol.
“Honeyfern!” he purred as he greeted her, setting down his prey. He nuzzled her, and Honeyfern felt his warm scent wreath around her.
“What’s up?” Berrynose asked brightly, settling down beside his mate and pushing the plump squirrel toward her.
“My favorite! Thank you Berrynose! You’re so thoughtful! Want to share it with me?”
The two cats ate silently, taking big bits of the flavorful flesh. Honeyfern licked her whiskers, then, her chest bubbling with excitement, said, “I’m carrying our kits!”
Berrynose’s whiskers quivered as his mouth twitched into a huge smile. “That’s brilliant Honeyfern! You’ll be the best mother ever, I know it.”
“No one could ask for a better father,” Honeyfern breathed gently. “I’m so grateful for you. I don’t know how I got such a loving, supportive mate.”
Berrynose purred. “Back at you. Now, enough sappy stuff! Let’s finish this squirrel then go make you a cozy nest in the nursery.”
Two moons later
“Go, Honeyfern! You’re doing wonderfully!”
Through the pain, Honeyfern felt a thrill of excitement as Berrynose stroked her rippling flank with his tail. She’s going to meet her babies soon!
Before long, she had three fluffy kits nestled close to her, suckling happily and kneading her belly with strong tiny paws. Love brimmed in her chest and and swept through her body like an overflowing pool of sunshine.
“You’re a superstar,” Berrynose purred, covering Honeyfern’s ears with licks. “I love you.”
“I love you too. And our babies. What should we name them?”
“Can we name the tiny red she-kit Cherrykit?”
“Yes! It’s really cute! And…could we call the brown and tan tom Molekit? After my brother?”
“Of course. Molekit and Cherrykit. Perfect.”
Aahhh, I made a mistake, I’m so sorry!! I said there were three kits when there were only too. 🥴
I’m really sorry!
I adore this story! <333 So sweet! 🙂
It’s super cute! <3
One Last Time
Mapleshade was so perfectly written! I love that she influenced Nightcloud to murder Crowfeather!
One Last Time
You’re such a good writer!! <33 Everything fits so perfectly in this story! It’s awesome how you combined two prompts C:
TEACH ME YOUR WAYS(Just kidding here 🙂 )https://blogclan-2.fandom.com/wiki/Faithleap%27s_Short_Stories
Here’s mine! The prompt I chose was Needletail survives.
I loved it <3
I Know Him
Hollystar sat on the Highrock. She had just been made leader a few moons ago, as she used to be Hollyleaf. She missed Firestar, and her father– wait, not her father, Brambleclaw. Her dream had come true, she’d always had wanted to be leader. Or one of the three. But she didn’t realize how much she had to sacrifice.
“Adderkit.” Hollystar said, and thought, *the poor kit, just lost his father… so did Sparkkit…*, “Step forward. Adderkit. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and listen to your mentor?”
“I do!” Adderkit said.
“Then by the power of StarClan, you will now be known as Adderpaw. Your mentor will be Jayfeather.” *Oh, thank StarClan. I did that right..*
Sparkpaw got the mentor Cherryfall, and Adderpaw and Sparkpaw looked so proud. Nothing could ruin this moment, the most important moment. *I know these two apprentices will be special.* I survived the first. Everything will always be fine, because these apprentices will help the clans. *I just know it*
It’s very nice!
We Know
I meant Adderpaw got Molewhisker. Can I edit it up a bit, and repost it?
Sure 🙂
We Know
Part 2:
Needletail ran trough the forest, tracking down Violetpaws scent, She knew exactly what she had to do.
“Violetpaw!” She exlaimed as she saw a white pelt, “Violetpaw I love you!”
“Needletail!” She exlaimed rushing over to the Grey and white she-cat, “Needletail I love you to!” She purred shakily.
“Well, that’s good then.” She purred, nuzzling her head.
~10 moons later~
“Oh Violetshine they’re beautiful, what shall we name them?” She asked, looking down at the small squirming body’s and her mates rather exhausted face.
“Well, this one shall be Needlekit.” She murmured, pointing at a white and Grey she-kit, “You name the other.”
“Hmmmmmmm, maybe Idon’tknowhowtonamekitskit?” She asked, smiling “or maybe Cloudkit, yeah, let’s go with Cloudkit.” She purred as Violetshine looked at her fondly.
Such a happy ending! 🙂
We Know
My entry!
Oh whoa that’s cool :0
We Know
Hollystar sat on the Highrock. She had just been made leader a few moons ago, as she used to be Hollyleaf. She missed Firestar, and her father– wait, not her father, Brambleclaw. Her dream had come true, she’d always had wanted to be leader. Or one of the three. But she didn’t realize how much she had to sacrifice.
“Adderkit.” Hollystar said, and thought, the poor kit, just lost his father… so did Sparkkit…, “Step forward. Adderkit. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and listen to your mentor?”
“I do!” Adderkit said.
“Then by the power of StarClan, you will now be known as Adderpaw. Molewhisker, it is time you have your first apprentice. You will be Adderpaw’s mentor.” Oh, thank StarClan. I did that right..
Sparkpaw got the mentor Cherryfall, and Adderpaw and Sparkpaw looked so proud. Nothing could ruin this moment, the most important moment. I know these two apprentices will be special. I survived the first. Everything will always be fine, because these apprentices will help the clans. I just know it
A few moons later~~
“Hollystar, may I talk to you?” a grey cat asked outside her den.
“Yes, of course, Jayfeather!” Hollystar said, “What’s up?”
“I- um. StarClan has sent me a vision. Adderpaw will be my apprentice.” Jayfeather said.
“Oh! That’s great news! Does Adderpaw know?” Hollystar asked.
“Yes, and he is willing to become my apprentice.” Jayfeather said, sincerely.
“Adderpaw, do you wish to become a medicine apprentice?” Hollystar asked from Highrock.
“I do!” Adderpaw said.
“You are now Jayfeather’s apprentice. Clan dismissed.” Hollystar said.
I did it again. I don’t have to be afraid, I can do anything. And so can everyone else.
(Using the Hawkfrost goes to trial in StarClan prompt)
Part 1 of Cold Blood
Hawkfrost couldn’t believe what had just happened. Had he….died? He could clearly remember Brambleclaw, trapped under his paws, staring pleadingly up at him. Suddenly, he lunged and stabbed him with something. Then, Hawkfrost had said something that he couldn’t remember.
Now, as he stood in a starlit meadow, he could see cats moving among the trees on the other side. He narrowed his eyes. What were they doing? It looked as though they were heading toward him. I don’t like the look on their faces, Hawkfrost decided. StarClan was bad enough. They were just a bunch of weaklings! All talk, no do, who were they to be telling the Clans what to do and not do?
Hawkfrost growled as more cats started to materialize out of the mist. “Welcome, Hawkfrost,” A cool voice sounded behind him. He turned and saw a huge light brown tabby tom with a twisted jaw. “I am Crookedstar,” The tom said. “And I have gathered these cats here to judge you.”
Hawkfrost simply rolled his eyes. “Judge me? For what?” He hissed, flattening his ears. “To see if you can come to StarClan.” The voice made Hawkfrost jump. “T-Tadpole?” He asked, voice cracking. He turned and saw a small black kit standing there, looking at him sorrowfully and accusingly at the same time. “Hi, Hawkfrost,” Tadpole mewed, shuffling his paws. “What are you doing here? You died a rogue!” He stared, astonished, at the kit before him. He had drowned a horrible death, way back when Sasha had taken care of him and his littermates, when they had not yet joined RiverClan.
“I’m not here forever,” Tadpole explained. “Just for your trial.”
“Speaking of which, we should hop to it. Crookedstar, will you start?” A white she-cat with black spots stepped forward. She smelled of herbs and honey. Crookedstar cleared his throat and began.
Part 2 of Cold Blood
“Hawkfrost, you have trained in the Dark Forest, attempted murder, and started a rebellion.” He paused for a moment, allowing the words to sink in. “Is anyone here willing to defend him?” “I will.” Tadpole spoke up, his squeaky voice echoing through the silence. At least there’s somebody to stand for me, Hawkfrost thought wretchedly. “He was only doing those things because he thought they were going to help him and his kin,” Tadpole began. “He started the rebellion because he thought that Tallstar had lost his mind, and that Mudclaw would make a better leader. He tried to kill Firestar to help his half-brother, Brambleclaw, to become leader. He was misguided when he trained in the Dark Forest, and didn’t know better.”
There was a long silence. Then, the white-and-black she-cat spoke up. “Yes, that may be true, but those things are hardly forgivable. I mean, killing a leader just so your brother can be the leader? That’s family dovation, but that is way too far. And starting a rebellion- I think Mudclaw can answer for that.”
The mottled brown tom emerged from the shadows, looking stronger and younger than ever. “Greetings, Mudclaw,” Hawkfrost said, dipping his head. He grunted in response, then said, “You and I made the wrong choices. Yet, I am here because it was you who started the uprising, you who started the civil war, you who supported me and tainted me!” His mew turned into a wail. “I am here because StarClan had mercy on me. I doubt they’ll have the same warmth to you, after everything you’ve done.” Mudclaw turned and padded away, the shadows swallowing him once more.
Part 3 of Cold Blood
Another long, awkward silence. “Well,” Crookedstar’s meow broke the stillness. “That leaves us with nearly killing Firestar.”
This time, a dark gray she-cat with a squashed-looking muzzle came forward. “He’s guilty!” She exclaimed, glaring at Hawkfrost. “Yellowfang, calm down! We haven’t even-” The other she-cat tried to interrupt, but Yellowfang snapped at her. “Be quiet, Brambleberry! Mudclaw’s already condemned him, and you know he was going to the Dark Forest anyway. Let’s just skip this!”
Crookedstar sighed. “I suppose you’re right,” He said slowly. “But I still don’t like completing a full trial.”
“I don’t even want to be here in StarClan! Send me to the Dark Forest already, won’t you?” Hawkfrost hissed. “See?” Yellowfang growled. “He wants to go! So just send him!”
Crookedstar nodded consent. “Very well,” He sighed. “Hawkfrost, we proclaim you guilty of all accusations and crimes. You are sentenced to eternity in the Place of No Stars.” Starry warriors encircled him and led him to a shadowy border. On the other side, the shadows wove more thickly around the trees.
Finally, Hawkfrost thought, glancing at his escort. A place that I belong.
Wow, I was not expecting Tadpole to be in this! :0 great job! 💖
The Reynolds Pamphlet
(My second entry, using the Needletail survives prompt)
Part 1 of Drowning Needles
Needletail was running out of air. If I don’t act soon, she thought desperately, I’ll die. And I’ll never get the chance to redeem myself!
Sleekwhisker was on top of her, pinning her in the lake. Suddenly, the weight lifted. Spluttering, Needletail resurfaced and saw that Violetpaw had struggled free of her captors and attacked Sleekwhisker. They rolled over together in a sea of flailing claws, teeth, and fur. She leaped to help, but Darktail crashed into her, knocking her underwater again. But this time, she easily slipped out from his paws and tackled him.
Claws sliced through her neck fur, tearing a clump off; Needletail bit down on the paw, twisting it. Darktail recoiled sharply, getting himself even more wounds. She came up and lounged at him, biting at his neck as she landed on him. He yowled and tried to fight back, but it was too late: the life was draining from him rapidly. Darktail fumbled and fell into the water, staining it red. I killed him. Just like that, Needletail thought, dazed.
“Needletail! Help me!”
Part 2 of Drowning Needles
She spun around, her waterlogged fur slowing her. The strangled yelp had come from Violetpaw. “I’m coming!” She cried, and crashed into Sleekwhisker who was holding her underwater. Her opponent splashed around like a badger, trying to right herself. Needletail took full advantage of this. At last, a chance to have a fair fight! Violetpaw was also fumbling in the water, but her head was above it and she seemed to be controlling herself. Needletail leaped onto Sleekwhisker, dragging her beneath the small waves of the lake. She pinned her down, but she was strong. Thrashing about wildly, Sleekwhisker tried to bite her, but the only thing that managed to accomplish was a huge bubble escaping her mouth.
Sleekwhisker writhed under Needletail’s paws, bubbles frothing around her; the struggles were becoming weaker, and soon, it would be over.
Suddenly, another body slammed into her. Roach! She thought, spinning in the water. Stronger currents swirled them about, and Needletail realized with a flash of panic they were being dragged farther out into the lake. Batting harder at the silver-gray tom, the water becoming thick with red liquid. Claws met her chest, and agony seared through her. Resisting the urge to yowl with rage, she dug her claws into his belly fur, sending clouds of crimson blood swirling around her.
Roach was becoming weaker, but so was Needletail. With one last claw to the face at him, she swam upward, kicking out with all her remaining strength.
Part 3 of Drowning Needles
As she met the surface, she saw it: Violetpaw was on the beach, motionless. Beside her, Sleekwhisker was staring triumphantly down at her body. Grief and rage and guilt seared through Needletail, so uncontrollable that she didn’t even realize that she was screeching with hatred and rage and was swimming full-speed at her once-best friend. She was going to regret everything she had ever done wrong, and she was going to suffer more than any other cat for killing Violetpaw.
Leaping onto the bank, Needletail charged at Sleekwhisker who looked at her in surprise. “I thought Roach had kill-” She was cut off by the silver she-cat slamming into her and running her claws down her flanks, biting the soft belly flesh with her teeth. Sleekwhisker screeched with pain and slashed her paw over Needletail’s nose, but she didn’t recoil; instead, she bit hard on the attacking paw, tearing out a claw or two. Blood flooded her mouth, making her gag. She spat it out in Sleekwhisker’s face, blinding her for a moment. She took advantage of this and pinned her down, sending fur flying.
Needletail had no notion whatsoever about how many wounds she inflicted upon Sleekwhisker, before she cried out, “Stop, please! I-I’m sorry, please stop!” Her voice was gurgled into a cough, and Needletail realized with shock that Sleekwhisker’s yellow fur was now a deep red. It seeped from her face, her neck, her back, her flanks, every inch of skin and fur was oozing the thick, sticky liquid. She stepped back and hissed, “You deserve a slow, horrible death for what you did to Violetpaw!”
Part 4 of Drowning Needles
Sleekwhisker only looked up with a pained and bloody face, her green eyes simmering with hatred. She tried to get up, but she had lost too much blood already. She crumpled, eyes still blazing, her breath coming in ragged, troubled gasps. “You were a fool!” She spluttered, coughing up blood. Needletail stepped back, relishing the agony of physical pain Sleekwhisker was in. She understood how she felt, except the only difference was that Needletail’s pain would stick with her the rest of her life, and Sleekwhisker’s would fade as soon as she died.
Needletail slowly padded over to her best friend’s side, grief overwhelming her again. She stayed there until dawn, when she heard a splash. She whipped around, scanning the banks of the lake. A silver-gray tom was lying there, gasping for breath. “Get out of here! Tell the Kin that Darktail is dead, and don’t ever show your faces here or you’ll end up like Sleekwhisker!” She yowled at Roach, who had scrambled to his paws. Needletail paused, then hissed, “Take her body with you. Show them what I did to her for killing Violetpaw!” Roach nodded and dashed over to Sleekwhisker’s bloody, bedraggled body and picked up what was left of it.
Needletail, struck with fresh grief, picked up her friend’s body and started off toward ThunderClan territory. Twigpaw deserved to say goodbye to her sister, and so did Alderheart.
(Wait where’s pt 1? Here, I’ll resend it)
I love the title “Drowning Needles!” It’s really creative!
It’s Quiet Uptown
Sorry for the inconvienience, here’s pt 1 of Drowning Needles!
Needletail was running out of air. If I don’t act soon, she thought desperately, I’ll die. And I’ll never get the chance to redeem myself!
Sleekwhisker was on top of her, pinning her in the lake. Suddenly, the weight lifted. Spluttering, Needletail resurfaced and saw that Violetpaw had struggled free of her captors and attacked Sleekwhisker. They rolled over together in a sea of flailing claws, teeth, and fur. She leaped to help, but Darktail crashed into her, knocking her underwater again. But this time, she easily slipped out from his paws and tackled him.
Claws sliced through her neck fur, tearing a clump off; Needletail bit down on the paw, twisting it. Darktail recoiled sharply, getting himself even more wounds. She came up and lounged at him, biting at his neck as she landed on him. He yowled and tried to fight back, but it was too late: the life was draining from him rapidly. Darktail fumbled and fell into the water, staining it red. I killed him. Just like that, Needletail thought, dazed.
“Needletail! Help me!”
(Part Two of Nightcloud’s Justice)
“Er, yes,” Nightcloud lied, nervously shifting her paws. Webfoot slightly dipped his head, and she padded through the bramble tunnel, out of camp. Crowfeather’s scent trail was easy to follow. She crouched in the heather, sniffing the air, and went after her mate. His aroma wove through WindClan territory, streaking past the ThunderClan border and heading downwards, towards the lake. Slowly but surely, the gorse underpaw turned into sand and mud, and she knew that the lakeside was near. She put her nose to the air once more and realized that Crowfeather had stopped at the shore. She crouched behind a nearby shrub, watching, waiting, as she saw her mate staring forlornly at the surface of the water.
Crowfeather opened his mouth, and Nightcloud grimaced, knowing that she was caught. But Crowfeather was not speaking to her. Instead, he stared at the lake, something wistful in his eyes. They looked glassy – he was crying! Nightcloud held her breath as her mate stared at the starry Silverpelt. She followed his gaze and had to silence a gasp – there was a cat up there! Or at least her silhouette. Nightcloud could just barely make out silvery fur and loving blue eyes. Her fur bristled. Another cat Crowfeather was mooning over?! She couldn’t believe it! But Crowfeather was staring past the StarClan cat, and Nightcloud realized that he couldn’t see her.
“Oh, Feathertail,” Crowfeather sighed. “I wish I could be with you… or Leafpool, but she’s too loyal to her Clan. I have a son now, you see, but…” he trailed off. Nightcloud held her breath, waiting for him to continue. “But you know I don’t love her. She just… took it the wrong way.”
(Part Three of Nightcloud’s Justice)
Nightcloud’s crouched lower, snarling. Crowfeather didn’t love her? She’d doubted the amount of the love, sure, but… he didn’t love her at all? Nightcloud unsheathed her claws and dug them deep into the ground, imagining that she was raking them across smoky gray fur…
Memories, once happy, turned painful. She remembered expecting kits, laughing as they talked. It had all been for nothing. Once, Nighcloud had just wanted a family, but no family was better than a broken mate. She had just wanted to see what Crowfeather had been doing, but now… now she yearned for vengeance. She wiggled her haunches, eyes narrowed, prepared to leap, but Crowfeather spoke again. “I wish I could be with you, Feathertail.” She laughed haughtily, not caring if he knew she was there. She was thirsty, bloodthirsty, thirsty for justice. Breezekit will grow up without his bad influence, she thought, and no cat will ever know. Then, her decision made, Nightcloud sprang.
She timed it perfectly, landing right on Crowfeather’s back. The smoke-colored tom yowled with pain as she raked her claws over his fur, over, and over again. He was unprepared, and she was easily winning the fight. She fought with passion, fighting for Breezekit, fighting for herself, for her happiness. After a few more moments of clawing, kicking, and biting, Crowfeather fell limp, and she held his neck in her jaw. He stared up at her with those round, blue eyes, pleading, but she wouldn’t show mercy. She bit down, hard, and all the life went out of his eyes. He fell, tumbling, into the lake, as the water welled red.
“I guess you got your wish, Crowfeather. You got to be with the cat you wanted. And you will never harm a hair on Breezekit’s pelt.” She laughed, her voice vibrating into the wind, and she stared, proud, as the body sank into the lapping water.
“Goodbye, Crowfeather.”
Oh my gosh this is really good! You’re very talented! 😀
Thank you!
Claimed cause this hasn’t been used in a while
I’m not Turtle, but this page is actually actively in use right now for a writing contest!
Oop- Ok! Sorry.
Just for future reference, a secret page is usually claimable if it meets one of the requirements:
1. There are no comments on it.
2. The last comment was a year ago or longer.
3. Somebody gave it to you.
One Last Time
Sorry for the multiple times this is happening. I kinda went on a secret page finding hunt and was very blind to dates while doing so. Sorry again.
Needletail writhed beneath the yellow she-cats claws, biting hard at the she-cats paw, a warm red liquid floated around her, sticking to her pelt, making her shiver then, she realized just whose blood this was, and was thirsty more. Sleekwhisker who had pulled up her injured paw had become easier to fight now, lungs screaming for air Needletail snapped at another yellow paw, scratching and tearing at it, suddenly, there was no paw. Nothing. A stub. She heard a shriek and a splash as the weight on tip of her faded, she threw herself up, coughing up what seemed to be the whole lake.
Her once Grey and white pelt was now pure red, her vision blurry and her body shaking but, she felt oddly……happy? Yes, happy. Then, she realized why, she had just ripped off a cats paw, that’s why she felt happy bu- her thoughts where quite rudely cut off by Darktail dragging her to the land, pouncing on her and glaring, “Nowif you’dbe so kind as to tell me what you just did and what’s going to happen now I’d like to hear it.”
She stayed silent, an amused smirk growing on her face.
“You expect me to be kind to a cat who tortured me and manipulated by best-friend-kit? Well, you’d be wrong.” She snarled rage flaring in her gaze.
“Well, I guess I wouldn’t would I? But, if you weren’t so gullible then you wouldn’t be manipulated in the first place, now would you?”
She growled, “I think I just ripped off your crushes paw, that’s what I think I did and I can’t predict the future so how would I know what happens know?” She asked cheekily.
“Rep-” the white tom was cut off by Needletail throwing him off and sprinting, “Coward,” he hissed.