• Okay! Who is ready for another contest? 🙂
    Since I don’t have much more time here, and I won’t be here for a month, I will be hosting two contests at the same time! It might sound wild, but hopefully it will work!
    Here is how it will work:
    I will give you two choices, an art contest, and a story contest. After you heard the prompt, you can chose which one you’d like to do! At the end of the contest, I will chose three winners from the art contest, and three from the short story one. 🙂 You can do both, if you’d like, but you’d only win one prompt. If this is confusing, please tell me in the comments and I will try to explain better! 😛
    So, here are the rules/things to know for the art contest! 😀
    -I’d like you to draw my favorite character, Feathertail!
    -It can be a paper drawing, or digital, whichever one you prefer.
    -It doesn’t have to be perfect! Just have fun! <3
    And here are the rules/things to know for the short story contest!
    -Do you have a favorite quote? Then write a short story around it! For example, if your favorite quote is actions speak louder then words, then write a story proving that it is right!
    -I'd prefer for it to be warrior cats! You can use your own Clans and OCs, though.
    Here are some ideas for quotes!
    -The bamboo that bends is stronger then the oak that resits
    -The only thing to fear is fear itself
    -Treat others how you wish to be treated
    -Slow and steady wins the race
    -Those who dare fail miserably, can achieve greatly

    And here are rules/things to know, for both!
    -You have eight days to complete your stories! I can extend the deadline, if you need more time, but I can only extend it for a few days. I will be leaving May 31st.
    -This is the most important rule… have fun!!! 😀

    (Also, if you see this, Nightwish, you won first place in my preivious contest. Your prizes are on page 14. 😉 )

      “The devil is in the details”

      A breeze swept over the pale green grass springing up from the valley. Flowers bloomed, nestled in the shade offered by tall trees. Sun spilled across the ground and somewhere, a bird began to sing. Dewpaw wasn’t quite sure what she was expecting of the fabled valley warned about in so many elder’s stories, certainly not this. She crept closer, blue eyes wide in surprise, a hint of pride lingering there as well. She’d bet her brother, Finchpaw, that she’d get there before him, everything she’d seen seemed to point to her winning the competition. The grass under her paws crunched softly with each step and she tilted her brown head up to drink in the light.

      The elder’s said that this place had driven cats crazy but to her, it seemed like a hidden haven. A happy giggle bubbled out of her and she broke into a run, a smile wide with delight playing across her features. An odd feeling crept up her spine though, chilling her even in the sun’s warm light. The sun…where had it gone? She froze. As she glanced back at the few pawsteps she’d taken, the color began to leech from her face and her fur poofed in fear. The grass that had seemed so alive just a moment ago lay shriveled and brown across the valley. The blooming flowers had wilted, seemingly long before she ever came. The trees shadow’s seemed ominous, creeping across the ground to her scrambling paw and a hush overtook the calm setting, not even a leaf blew in the once playful breeze.

      “Finchpaw?” Came her whispered question before darkness overtook her mind. For a bird sang somewhere, just not there.

    • Here’s my art entry!
      I had a lot of fun with her design!
      For Feathertail’s markings, I included hearts to represent her kind heart and waves to represent that she’s from RiverClan, and I added some silvery shine to her fur because the Tribe’s prophecy calls her a silver cat.
      The sparkles in the water were really fun to draw, too. It’s the first time I tried that technique.
      And Feathertail is holding a crow’s feather because it reminds her of Crowpaw/feather! <3

    • Short story! The only thing to fear is fear itself

      Noonflower looked up at the sky. The leaf-bare’s breeze blew in her silver fur. She padded into he medicine den, to see the patients. Leafcloud was treating Specklebelly who had just returned from battle. Just then Marigoldmeadow came rushing in. “Gorsepelt’s dead!” she cried. Gorsepelt? Gorsepelt and Noonflower were best friends as apprentices but Gorsepelt was a single kit. A bad omen. Thunder crashed and rain fell from the sky, but Noonflower felt like the leaf-bare breeze would turn it to hail. Noonflower dragged her paws to see the others. Blazestar was as still as the sands on StreamClan’s beach. Her kit, Dewkit, wasn’t getting better. Splashkit and Minnowkit seemed to be healing, though. She headed to the back of the den where Bronzestep was treating another warrior. He’s not there She rushed out of the den where Waterheart was coming in, a trail of blood trailing behind him. His neck torn open, his side wildly scarred. Waterheart fell to the ground. “Please, Waterheart” Noonflower mewed rushing to him. “I’m sorry” Waterheart mewed, “But looks like this leaf-bare has taken to much from your grasp, goodbye my love” Then Waterheart’s eyes drifted to a close. “No” Noonflower cried, “No no no no no!” Noonflower looked up to the sky, tears flowing down her face. She could just see two stars form. Wait. Two “Dewkit?” she could hear Splashkit mew. No. “Leafcloud why won’t Dewkit wake up?” Noonflower dashed into the forest, hoping to escape this nightmare. She ran into Rainfrost, her brother.

        • Here!

          What you can’t see, can’t hurt you.

          Featherheart was a curious, and naive cat, with dark brown fur and amber eyes, often doing things for other cats, even if they were from another clan, and often got into trouble for it. One day, they left camp during leaf-bare because of the lack of prey, and they were the only one fit to hunt. The snow falling onto their fur, it was cold but they’d have to make due.. The snow came crashing down on them, burying them, they wailed and cried, but nobody came. After what felt like moons, they dug themself out, they were cold, and hungry, and thanks to the snow fall, they didn’t know where to go, they felt tired, so they laid down and drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep, when they awoke, they weren’t in the snowy area they fell asleep in, No. They awoke in the dark forest, or what remained of it, the remaining dark forest cats prowled around, they closed their eyes tightly in fear, they could hear angry hissing, growling, voices surrounding them, there was one voice that seemed to taunt them with threats or harming loved ones, still keeping their eyes closed, they heard an angry screech, and prepared themself for the pain.. But none came. They opened their eyes to slits, the dark forest cat phased through them! They scrambled up, keeping their eyes closed, and started walking, more dark forest cats tried to attack them, but all failed and phased through them. They continued to walk farther and farther, they’d find a way out soon, they couldn’t see anything, anything couldn’t hurt them.

    • Here’s my short story entry! 😀 I rewrote a scene from Dark River, but from Honeypaw’s perspective.

      Here’s Part 1:
      “Don’t worry,” Honeypaw murmured quietly, sympathy for Lionpaw -who had missed a catch- tugging at her golden fur as she walked up beside him. “I missed a sparrow yesterday,” she confessed in attempt to ease the pain of his embarrassment.
      A snort came from Lionpaw and his fur bristled along his back as he rushed ahead of her.
      Perhaps he needed some help rather than comfort, Honeypaw thought- after all, what better way to feel better after missing a catch than getting the next one.
      Pricking her ears, she listened for sounds of prey, and soon picked up a small chewing noise.
      “Look,” Honeypaw turned her head to the sound to see a mouse busily eating a seed-pod, then blinked towards Lionpaw, “That’ll be easy to catch- it doesn’t even know we’re here.”
      “Why don’t you catch it, then?” Lionpaw’s retort stung like thistle.

    • Part 2:

      “I thought you might want the chance,” Honeypaw stammered, then glanced at the ground, disappointed that she’d failed to make him feel better- and probably ended up doing the opposite. She’d just wanted to be nice!
      Lionpaw’s eyes clouded with a new emotion- regret? Gratitude? – but Honeypaw didn’t see.
      She had her head down and was already padding across the grass to catch up with her mentor Sandstorm. “I just wanted to help him,” she sighed as Sandstorm glanced down at her.
      “Of course you were,” Sandstorm’s voice was sympathetic as she touched her tail-tip gently to her apprentice’s flank, “And I’m sure that deep inside, Lionpaw appreciates this. Many might not show this, but everyone wants to be cared for. You made Lionpaw feel valued, even if he’s too proud to admit it,” she let out a purr, “And I’m proud, too- proud to have such a caring apprentice!”
      Honeypaw flicked her tail, feeling a little better.
      Her green eyes shining, Sandstorm leaned down, and Honeypaw’s sky-blue gaze brightened at the words her mentor murmured into her ear…
      “Remember, Honeypaw- No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

    • im just gonna do a re-do because i thought of a much better one
      PART ONE
      Never judge a book by it’s cover

      Swankit wondered around camp, looking around. The bright Greenleaf sun hurt her young eyes as she looked at the ground. “Ew, what’s that?” she heard a voice say. She looked up. It was Darkpaw and Goldpaw, two cats who hated her. They were followed by Hazepaw, a silver tabby who never talked. “Well it’s one of those ugly things” Goldpaw hissed. “Can’t believe beautiful Slatemist had that kit, just look at that shade of cream!” Swankit looked at her fur. It wasn’t even cream, just that one paw. Swankit tried to stand tall and faced the bullies. “Well, I-I can’t do anything about it!” she squeaked, “You can b-blame my mother for having me!” Darkpaw grabbed Swankit and tossed her over when nobody was looking. “I’ll gladly”
      “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under highrock for a meeting!” The voice rung loud and clear. It was time for Swankit and her littermates to become apprentices.

    • PART TWO

      Larkstar was standing at the top of Highrock. Her amer eyes looking down on the clan. “It is time for three apprentices to become warriors” she announced. “Goldpaw, Darkpaw, Hazepaw, are you willing to protect your clan with your lives and defend it to the death” “We do” Goldpaw and Darkpaw mewed. Hazepaw whispered it, nobody could hear it, but Larkstar knew she said it. “I bestow upon you three new warriors: Goldwhisker, Darkheart, and Hazespring”
      “Goldwhisker! Darkheart! Hazespring!” Larkstar’s gaze shifted to Swankit and her littermates. “It’s also time for new apprentices”
      “No no” hissed Darkheart, “These things don’t deserve to be apprentices”

  • part two

    “Noonflower, are you ok?” Rainfrost asked. “No! Everyone I love is dying! Gorsepelt, Dewkit, Waterheart, all thanks to stupid redcough and battles they’re all gone!” Noonflower sobbed, “And I’m worried you’re next, I’m worried I’m next!” Noonflower broke down into a sob and Rainfrost sighed gently and pressed his flank against hers. “Stop worrying” mewed Rainfrost, “The only thing to fear is fear itself” Noonflower looked up, her eyes red from crying. “Your kits need you, now go” Noonflower watched as her brother headed to the battlefield. The words echoed over and over in her head. She turned her back to him and padded back to the medicine den. “Noonflower” Leafcloud mewed. “I know, I know, Dewkit’s dead” Leafcloud looked at her paws, sadly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save him” she mewed. “But Minnowkit and Splashkit are cured! They no longer have redcough, and its safe to take them back to the nursery!” Noonflower’s heart felt relieved. It was the first time in a long time she felt happy. A long time. She headed to both of her kits, who were sleeping peacefully, Splashkit murmuring stuff in her sleep. Noonflower carried Minnowkit and scooped up Splashkit with her tail. She gently curled up in the nursery, and drifted to a dreamless sleep.

    • Today! 😀
      I’ll type it up right away and post the link when it’s moderated! 😀

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