• Yeah sure, they will get there powers immediately as everyone gets powers at the end of this test

  • Wildflower saw Quintessa run out of the cave, and dropped the cactus they were carrying to follow. Was she trying to get herself killed? Then they noticed that Wren seemed a little overwhelmed, with so many cats attacking. Glancing at Dune and Frostsong, they chased after Quintessa.

  • (I realized that I haven’t done anything with Mist in a long time) Mist was furious. That poor excuse of a cat had knocked him unconscious, if wren was still a cat at all. well, he was here now, and Wren’s shield was down. He ran to the large group of cat’s aid, though it didn’t seem like they needed it. He was glad to be a part of the final stand, wether he was useless or not.

  • (Sorry for the inactivity) Marina gasped. Killing was a test? She couldn’t – wouldn’t do it.

    She looked up at Storm, only to find Quintessa where Storm had once been. “Help!” She cried desperately as smoke clouded her sight. She began choking as it made its way into her lungs.

    • Quintessa spun around to face Marina. “Hang on!” she called out. She ran over. “Come with me, I know where there’s not any smoke,” she said, coughing a bit. Her mind thought back to the cavern. It’ll be safe, right?

      • Tears streamed from Marine’s face. “T-tell Storm where I am… tell her to keep fighting in my place…”

  • Wren –

    Wren yowled, pain coming from all sides
    She lashed out with fire and claws, but she was surrounded by claws, and teeth, never stopping for a break.
    She began to stumble, her bloood dripping onto the sands.
    Why am I fighting ? she thought quietly, then the fire took back over her mind and it was clear again. She had to fight, they wanted to take her fire. They wanted to end her life, she was just protecting her self

    Every couple of seconds, her legs seemed to give way,and she fell to the floor only to pick her self up again. Then she collapsed, hit by a blow from a white tom. Her back was covered in scars but she still sent out a massive blast of fire across lots of the desert (Jayleap nows your time to kill Bird if you want)

    • Dune –

      “Wren !” Dune screamed, his claws digging to the ground as he watched his sister stumble around. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He couldn’t see Luana anywhere, he couldn’t see Feather, he could only see Wren, and the blood on the ground. He felt guilty, he had no scars from the battle yet he had seen cats be knocked out and loose an eye, becuase of his sister.
      Yet still he could not attack her, the love he felt was too strong.
      He hated this desert. He hated the wind, he hated the rocks flung through the air, he hated the blood.
      So much blood. He could cope with blood, but seeing it running down his sisters side was nearly impossible.

      • Chao-

        Chao felt wren collapse after a hit to her flank. He ran back to the edge of the fighting. He didn’t want to be the one to subdue wren for Feather, he was not a killer. But… if he wasn’t a killer, then why was he helping to kill a cat? Harnor was clever… He hated that. He saw Dune standing in the distance, watching cats he knew fight his sister to the death. Watching cats he knew do so without a second thought. He felt badly for him. This was a terrible thing to undergo. He had heard how Dune had jumped off of a cliff in the first test to be with his sister, and now she was dying again. He felt rage course through him. How could a cat be so evil? To throw a group of cats into life-threatening situations and telling them to not die, then then make them to kill one of those cats to gain powers. Then he felt ice snuff out the rage that had been building up inside of him as he realized that they had not been forced to kill wren, they had chosen. “No…” He realized that he had been walking away from wren, and stopped. He turned just in time to see a giant blast of fire envelope the space around wren. Chao’s eye grew bigger as he realized that there had been cats there. “Oh no…” He ran back into the battle, but this time, he was not going to fight, he was going to help. (Sorry this was so long 😛)

      • Storm gasped. She couldn’t imagine what Dune was feeling right now. She couldn’t imagine Marina like that… and if Feather was the one to kill Wren, how would Dune cope?

        “Dune!” she called, “Over here!”

        • Dune –

          Dune saw Storm calling him over.
          “Leave me alone !,” he cried, “this is bad enough already, my sister is lying on the floor in pain, just waiting for a cat to kill her and there is nothing I can do !”
          He turned away and ignored all the other cats around him

      • “WREN!” Luana shrieked, her heart breaking. Luana felt like throwing up. There was so much blood falling down her sides. “Wren…” Luana sobbed as her voice cracked.

  • I saw a cat in the action, plagued by jealousy of everyone else, I stumbled towards her. I think her name was Bird. I leapt onto her and found that we were fighting near the edge of a cliff. (Tell me if I’m doing this wrong.) I accidentally threw her off the cliff. I knew it was wrong and tried to save her.

  • (Ahh I did something wrong I forgot Bird was my character) I needed to get out of this stupid place. Should I really do this? I thought to myself. If I was to ever be with Owl, I would have to. I jumped down the cliff. Immediately regretting my decision, I grasping onto a near branch. I found that one of my legs got scraped against a sharp rock and was yowling in pain. I tried to climb back up and -somehow- got to the top. (So! I decided not to kill him because I really liked his character arc and wanted wanted to explore his past.)

  • Black Bird and Eclipse fought, Eclipse following a few cats through the back. Her paws were burning, her tail-tip was starting to go ashy grey, but she didn’t care. The fur would grow back. She swiped at Wren, hoping to knock her over.
    Black Bird was fighting from the front, or at least trying to. He didn’t mind that his lungs were killing him, or that the pain in his paws was unbearable. He kept fighting, clawing at Wren, hoping to weaken her.
    “Don’t worry about it.” Pebble said the the she-cat she had dragged away from the fire. She stood protectively in front of her, hopefully as far away from Wren as possible.
    Rattlesnake didn’t know what to do. Fight? He couldn’t. He can’t. Protect the others? No. He was too small to protect a kit (He’s about the size of an apprentice). Coward? He was not afraid to admit it, he was. So he stood far from Wren, hoping she didn’t see him.

  • Fringe’s claws dug into the dirt as she blocked out the screams. “This is for Sparrow,” she reminded herself. “And Perch.”

  • Quintessa nodded. She helped Marina get to the cave. Then, she heard a boom! She spun around, and saw the fire envelope other cats. Oh no, she thought. oh no no no no. “You stay here,” she said to Marina quietly without looking at her. “I have to go.” Without another word, she ran out of the cavern. She passed dead bodies and injured cats without a second glance. Then, she skidded to a stop. The heat, she thought. It’s agonizing. I…. can’t…. She stepped back, back, back, until she was close to a tiny tom (Rattlesnake). She felt hopeless.