• Jax-
    Backing away from the beast Jax found himself standing in a puddle of mud. *ding* I light bulb went off in his head he bent down and rolled in the mud covering his body and making him the color of the caves walls…” Pilate said to battle the beast not defeat it….he thought” Jax smiled to himself and started to walk in the shadows of the walls pressing his belly to the cold wall. In the shadows Jax blended in perfectly with the walls. Jax found himself inching past the beast his cat sent masked by the mud. “Come on Jax only 7 more steps and your past this thing he thought ” continuing his slow pace he found himself right behind the monster his body still pressed to the cold wall. Looking back he saw the cats still fighting the monster…he shook his head and continued inching forward wanting to get as far away from the beast as possible….

  • Elos slipped from the monster’s back, unable to hold on with three legs. He pulled himself to his paws, grabbing a small stone as he went, and stumbled under the creature, stopping next to Snowfox. “Here!” He yowled around the rock, “take this!”

  • ~Ravenwing and Wolf’s Shadow~

    Ven and Shay watched the others fight the beast. Ven noticed a tom sneaking around, but he stopped at the rope bridge. “Hey,” they whispered, nudging Shay with a paw. “Check it out.” Shay glanced over at the tom, who was covered in mud.
    “Worth a shot,” Shay replied, though she shuddered at the thought of being so dirty. The two cats crept over to the mud puddles and rolled around until their pelts were dark brown. Then they crept along the wall until they’d joined the other cat by the rope bridge.
    “Hello there,” Ven whispered. “I’m Ravenwing, and this is Wolf’s Shadow– Ven and Shay for short. What’s your name?”

    • ” turning Jax looked the two cats up and down….Oh great cats now-days have no idea what creative is he thought as he looked at the cats muddy pelts ” ….Im Jax “he said slowly….Im not letting some copy cats take my glory he thought Jax then jumps onto the bridge and shouts” HEY MONSTER OVER HERE!!! “he then turned and ran off onto the bridge after running 14 places he then slides out his long claw and slides the bridges rope ” SNAP! ” Jax felt himself falling scared he dug his long claws into the rotting wood of the rope bridge and hung onto the rob bridge with his life…suddenly what felt like a life time the rope bridge stopped falling ” …..wow….It worked ” Jax studied the mess he had made ” He looked at the collapsed rope bridge that was now unusable he looked up at the monster that was now turning to face Ven and Shay” Shaking his head Jax started to climb up the bridge as if it was a latter….after climbing for what seamed like hours Jax found himself scrambling away from the ledge and farther and farther away from the other fighting cats “smiling to himself he waited for the next phase”

      (I dont know if destroying the bridge so i can only get across is against the rules….oh well Maple tell me if im right or wrong)

      • For a moment, all Ven and Shay did was stare at the broken bridge. “Wow. What a–” Shay’s expletive was cut off by a roar from the monster that caused both of them to jump.
        “Any idea how we get across now?” Ven asked.
        “Run and jump?” Shay suggested sarcastically. “Maybe if we can get the creature to fall and catch the other side, we can use it as a bridge.” She glanced back at the hole where the rope bridge was. “Or maybe…”
        Ven stared in horror as Shay began creeping backwards, eyes on the gap. “You aren’t seriously going to jump, are you?”
        Shay turned and gave him a somewhat crazed grin. “Hey, if the Tests were easy, everyone would do it.” Then she took a running leap into the air where the rope bridge used to be. She fell through the air towards the other side, and Ven rushed to the edge to watch. At the last possible second, Shay lashed out, her claws catching on the dangling edge of half of the rope bridge. She hung there for a second, then after scrabbling for a foothold, began to climb the dangling planks. After a few tense minutes, she reached the top. She turned around and grinned at Ven. When she saw what was happening behind them, her expression turned to one of surprise.
        Ven glanced behind them and saw that one of the monster’s limbs wasn’t functional. A cat had lodged a rock between the scales, rendering the limb useless. The remaining cats were attacking the beast with vigor. Ven, however, had no wish to get caught up in it. While the beast was distracted, they crept back a few paces, then ran and jumped. There was a moment of weightlessness, then they began to fall. For a second it looked as if they would miss the edge of the bridge, but their long legs stretched out and their claws caught. The fall came to a jarring stop, and Ven hissed in pain as their claws stretched. They found a foothold and scrambled up the planks as fast as they could manage. They slipped a bit close to the top, but Shay grabbed their scruff and dragged them over the edge before they could fall again.
        “Well, that was fun,” Shay said, still a little breathless. Ven gaped at her. Was she really enjoying this? They supposed it didn’t matter– after all, they never would’ve thought to jump on their own. Shay was proving a useful ally.

  • Jax faced the two tunnels in front of him he then remembered a trick an old friends told him ¨Unknown cat speaking: There is a simple method for finding your way out of a maze or labyrinth Jax: Touch the wall or hedge with the tail nearest to it, left or right. Keep that same tail touching the wall and keep walking. This may take you on a horribly long route, but it will eventually get you out.¨ he shook his head and placed his tail on the right side of the cave and started walking……

    • Walking, walking, walking that’s all I’m doing now!?! Jax murmured as he kept walking his tail still pressing to the right side of the wall. So far all the mud has been washed out of his coat…he was wet, he was tired, and he was bored. As he walked he could feel the tunnel get warmer, stickier and they path seemed to slope down at a 90 degree angel….. I must be getting SOMEWHERE he cried out and that’s when he heard it a roar of a waterfall and a gleam of light ahead of him… He quickened his pace heading for the light

      (OK, I don’t know if it’s up to me to say I found the key so if I’m wrong please ignore the rest of this comment).

      …Jax and found himself in a room full of crocodiles and in the middle of the mess was a golden podium and a gold key floating right above it…. Trying not to cry in joy, in fear of waking the sleeping crocodiles, Jax leaped silently over the crocodiles towards the golden key…but when he was just five paces away, he heard a low growl…turning Jax found a giant crocodile looming over him. Snap the sound of his teeth chomping down at the spot Jax has just been was enough of a warning to wake the rest of the crocodiles. Jax now running in between the crocodiles was faced with claws and jaw like no other. Knowing there hides were far to strong for any cat to slice threw them Jax avoided any claw to claw combat…. Just one leap Jax and you have that key he thought looking up at the gold key. Jumping he landed on one of the crocodiles head and then leaped onto the podium grabbing the key but before he could call out Pilates name a horrid pain came from his tail….or should I say were his tail should be…one crocodile head bitten off his tail completely only a stump remains of his dark pelt…trying not to cry out in pain Jax took the key is his jaws and raced out of the room using the same technique he used to get to the key he started sprinting and he heard the crocodiles racing after him…bursting out of the cave systems he faced the cazam, he raced past Shay wait Shay ?! How did they get over here!!?? He thought He then watched as Ven jumped over the cazam …ohhh he thought he then quickened his sprint and jumped…oh no I’m not gonna make it he thought as he watched him miss the jump by one pace……… No!! I’m not giving up! he thought and he then landed on the wall and dug his claws into the dirt-rock combination and started to climb up to where the edge of the broken rope bridge was and then dug his claws into the wood of the bridge …Breathing heavily he pulled himself up to the ledge of where the fighting cats were…dropping the key he placed on paw on it and called out Pilates name…and waited for Pilate……

  • Cahira and Bloom-
    Cahira jumped back from the beast, her claws unsheathed. She noticed a small she-cat in the corner and stomped over to her.
    “Get up!” She snarled, yanking Bloom up by her scruff. Bloom slashed at Cahira out of fear and hissed.
    “You’re supposed to be fighting that!” Cahira spat, turning towards the creature. “Or don’t, and be a coward!” Cahira left bloom, racing towards the creature.
    Reluctantly, Bloom followed.

    • Not yet. well. If you claim it again, you can.

  • ☃️ Shrubpaw/song is waiting for December ☃️ || ❄️ She/her ❄️ || 🧊 “There are tests, and then there are tests.” 🧊 || 💙 Apprentice to the SURPURRIER Olivenose! 💙 says:

    Claimed for my free secret page shop!

  • 🎄 Shrubpaw/song celebrates Christmas! 🎄 || 🎅 She/her 🎅 || 🎶 “And they say I’m a Francophile, at least they know I know where France is!” 🎶 || 🎁 Apprentice to the SURPURRIER Olivenose! 🎁 says:

    1. I’m going to try and flip the page so people can chat with me 🙂

  • 🎄 Shrubpaw/song celebrates Christmas! 🎄 || 🎅 She/her 🎅 || 🎶 “And they say I’m a Francophile, at least they know I know where France is!” 🎶 || 🎁 Apprentice to the SURPURRIER Olivenose! 🎁 says:

    2. I have a resite link now! Hurray 😀

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