• CLAIMED FOR KITTYPETCLAN!!! You have the prefix of a kittypet, then you slap a suffix at the end!

    I am Eeveestar (my cousin’s cat!)

    Leader: Eeveestar – brown tabby she-cat with a cream belly, and glowing amber eyes

    Deputy: I will choose

    Medicine Cat: I will also choose
    MCA: Medicine Cat will choose

    Warriors: ALWAYS OPEN

    Apprentices: ALWAYS OPEN

    Queens: TWO SPOTS OPEN

    Elders: TWO SPOTS OPEN

    To become a senior warrior, you have to have 4 people sponsor you, and I have to approve you. You can run for both deputy and medicine cat! I will be choosing! 😀

  • KITTYPETCLAN – Updated
    Leader: Eeveestar – brown tabby she-cat with a cream belly, and glowing amber eyes (Otterfrost)

    Deputy: Candidates: Fuzzywing, Eeveeshine

    Medicine Cat: Chockyfur
    MCA: Medicine Cat will choose

    Fuzzywing – black and white she-cat with amber eyes (Silverleaf)
    Chockyfur – a bi colour she cat with amber eyes (Loudfern)
    Eeveeshine – pale brown she-cat with fluffy white neck fur, a bushy white tipped tail, and violet eyes (Moonbreeze)

    Apprentices: ALWAYS OPEN

    Buzzwing – yellow-and-black tabby she-cat with honey-coloured eyes (Beckoning Paw)

    Elders: TWO SPOTS OPEN

    To become a senior warrior, you have to have 4 people sponsor you, and I have to approve you. You can run for both deputy and medicine cat! I will be choosing! 😀

  • Reasons as to why I’m running for Medicine Cat ^^

    I is responsible and organised
    I am active on BlogClan
    I love herbs making new friends

    I don’t know 😛

  • Reasons for me as deputy:
    I am very active on BlogClan, probably spending too much time here.
    I am responsible, somewhat usually organized, and love to help other people.
    I would love to be deputy to you Ottie, because we have a lot of fun together (maybe a bit to much) and I would support you.
    I have run many games and will run one here if anyone wants me to.
    Um… I was there when you had the idea for the clan? I dunno……. I’m trying.
    Nice reasoning Moon, nice reasoning.

  • Wait I change my mind I want to run for MC 😛

    Some reasons:
    I am active on the blog and wiki
    I’m responsible and (mostly) organized
    I know most of the herbs in Warriors (though that doesn’t really matter 😛 )
    I join chat whenever I can
    I participate in (some) games
    I am writing a fanfic and am helping with a collab

    I guess that’s it?? 😛

  • Hey I’m joining!
    I’m Chloeheart (’cause I had a kittypet-born-warrior cat named Chloe)
    seriously though my cat has nine lives (had, I mean she’s not dead but we had to give her away)
    a dog went all Scourge VS Tigerstar on her (my grandmother’s dog coincidentally) and she liiiiiived!
    also she was always defending our territory from the neighborhood rogues =D there were a couple of cats out there and I started calling them all KittyClan =) I must’ve been in like third or fourth grade, time flies

  • Could I join as a warrior please? I’d like my name to be Smudgestripe, in honor of my past cats Smudge and Smidge! I am a dark gray tabby with a lighter gray belly and blue eyes.

  • Reason I is running for deputy

    I am very active on the blog, discord, and wiki
    I’ve been on the blog for almost a year (seveeennn dayyyyysss eeeeee)
    I have written and published multiple fanfictions
    I love the game page (valid reason, I know)
    I’m planning on running (no, walking) for senior warrior in eight or so days 😛 (shameless advertising don’t kill me I just want to be a person ™)

  • I’ll run for deputy and medicine cat, whichever is fine ^^

    Emojistripe: dark reddish brown she-cat with a stripe of dark brown fur running down spine, a white muzzle and chest fur, large ears and dark colored paws, a thick bushy tail, and forest green eyes.

    Reasons for choosing me as either deputy or MC:
    – I am VERY active on the Blog and have joined 6 secret Clans/pages including this one (like I’m practically supposed to be inactive at the moment but you can see how that’s working, lol)
    -I love to host games and am creative with them (GYC is pretty fun, am I right? 😉) and I’m usually on time for posting them (usually spot on cause I have an OCD for everything to be on time and perfect 😛)
    -I am very supportive, kind, helpful, loyal, patient, organized, and polite (and funny)
    -I like to talk to you guys 😛 (I’m very social) and make new friends
    -You are my friend as I am yours 🙂 (I hope)
    -I would be perfectly fine if you didn’t choose me for any of these
    -I give good advice
    -I think kittypets are underrated and need more love (*coughs* Daisy)
    -I think this Clan is awesome 😛😀
    -I know a lot about Warriors and many facts and know almost every name of every cat.
    -I know some herbs
    -I am a good security person and always make sure everyone’s safe and in their place
    -I make sure everyone else is fed before me
    -I advertise for some Secret Clans so that they’ll have more people
    -I love writing fanfics (my writing is good) and I give warrior names to almost every cat I see and lots of people too
    -I’ve written a big whoppin’ amount of two articles that have been published 😮😛😂 (I actually have many more but I’m “editing” them and adding on to them so…)
    -I love emojis 😁
    -I have no idea what some of these have to do with running as deputy/MC 😛

      • Okay 😛 Sorry those comments weren’t there when I posted mine above so yeah.

        Also I’m changing my name to Zoe(y) something after the fact that that would have been my name (it’s not, don’t worry). But idk what suffix I should put with it so…..help? 😛

  • Hi! can I be an apprentice? my name’s Olliepaw (Oliver is my 7 year old bestthingever cat! 😛 )

  • Am I able to run for Meddy Apprentice? I alredy submitted as Anastasiafire (See above)

  • KITTYPETCLAN – Updated
    Leader: Eeveestar – brown tabby she-cat with a cream belly, and glowing amber eyes (Otterfrost)

    Deputy: Candidates: Eeveeshine, Zoe____, Nutmegfrost

    Medicine Cat: Candidates: Chockyfur, Fuzzywing, Zoe___
    MCA: Medicine Cat will choose

    Fuzzywing – black and white she-cat with amber eyes (Silverleaf)
    Chockyfur – a bi colour she cat with amber eyes (Loudfern)
    Eeveeshine – pale brown she-cat with fluffy white neck fur, a bushy white tipped tail, and violet eyes (Moonbreeze)
    Lunasong – dark smoky-gray she-cat with white paws and dark blue eyes
    Smudgestripe – dark gray tabby with a lighter gray belly and blue eyes (Fireleap)
    Anastasiafire – grey tabby she-cat with tortoiseshell patches, green eyes and a cream and black spotted belly (Asterheart)
    Nutmegfrost – tortoiseshell she-cat with a cream paw and tail-tip and amber eyes (Jasminebreeze)
    Zoe____ – dark reddish brown she-cat with a stripe of dark brown fur running down spine, a white muzzle and chest fur, large ears and dark colored paws, a thick bushy tail, and forest green eyes (Foxtail)
    Chloeheart – fursona needed (Bluefire)

    Olliepaw – fursona needed (Owlfeather)

    Buzzwing – yellow-and-black tabby she-cat with honey-coloured eyes (Beckoning Paw)

    Elders: TWO SPOTS OPEN

    I’m changing my mind: We are going to have an election! I’m going to have such a hard time choosing! We have 2 polls, and vote for the kittypet you want for medicine cat and deputy! You can vote for yourself! 🙂


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