Official art by Wayne McLoughlin
[image description: a tortoiseshell cat peeks out from behind ferns and grass]
Official art by Wayne McLoughlin
[image description: a tortoiseshell cat peeks out from behind ferns and grass]
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Spiritflight and Coralpaw discuss ships from the series.
Fallowpaw defends Appledusk.
Name: Shaded maple
Gender: She-cat
Pronouns: (She/her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: a black and slightly red she cat with a red eye and a black.
Age they died: 40 moons
Rank when they died: Warrior
Personality: Smart,snappy,bloodthirsty,hates the clans more than any cat and can be sweet when she wants.
Reason they’re in the dark forest: She killed multiple kits,her leader,her dep and her med.
Other: is VERY VERY respected.
Tomorrow There’ll Be More Of Us
Repost because we accidentally got to a new page. Please reply to this comment!
This is the character creation page for Light And Dark!
This is the character form for StarClan cats!
Age when they died:
Rank when they died:
The form for Dark Forest cats!
Age when they died:
Rank when they died:
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest:
And remember, no role playing until I accept your character! And please, reply to this comment.
Tomorrow There’ll Be More Of Us
Name: Dawnspring
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: Very beautiful flaming orange tabby she-cat with cream white paws and tail. She also has sky blue eyes with light green and amber flecks.
Age when they died: Approximately 6.5 yrs.
Rank when they died: Med. Cat
Personality: A cunning she-cat who will take any opportunity for power. She has no remorse or guilt for anything she does.
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: As a kit, Dawnspring’s mother was killed in battle, leaving Dawnkit in her father, Mistywillow’s care. Although he took relatively good care of his daughter, he was very overbearing and strict. To try to escape this, when Dawnkit became an apprentice, she decided to be a medicine cat. Dawnpaw was apprenticed to Gullbriar, the very old medicine cat. He and Dawnpaw did not get along very well. The day after giving Dawnpaw, now Dawnspring, her warrior name, he mysteriously showed up dead the day after, having being poisoned by deathberries. (Dawnspring tooootally didn’t have anything to do with this 😉 ) A few moons later, after getting into a huge fight with her father, he got very, very sick, and ‘sadly’ joined StarClan. Dawnspring continued using her herb knowledge to murder cats who she thought wronged her in some way. Eventually, she was caught in the act of giving a cat deathberries in their herbs. She was banished from the clan, but snuck back into the territory and killed the leader, Beestar, before fleeing and being fatally wounded by a fox, dying a rogues death.
Other: A lot of cats tried to convince her to break the code, as other than being a secret murderer, a lot of cats thought she was very beautiful and had a good personality. Although she would play with their feelings and use them to her advantage, she never took a secret mate.
The Room Where It Happens
Also, Dawnspring has a crush on Shimmerwillow (my character), and Shimmerwillow has borderline feelings for her, but soon after Shimmerwillow has fond thoughts of the she-cat, she pushes them away because she is too far deep in her resentment of Ashstar to feel anything nice about any other cat.
Name: Fabricpaw
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: idk
Appearance: A elegant she-cat, short-furred cream colored pelt with black paws.
Age when they died: 15 moons
Rank when they died: Apprentice
Personality: energetic, quick learner.
Other: She loves to be with her mentor, hopes to get her Warrior name, Fabricleap. She died of rockfall.
In starclan
She isn’t accepted- cats don’t know what fabric is, and I’d prefer to have realistic names for this role play.
The Room Where It Happens
Them, Whitestream. starclan
Sounds good!
Cabinet Battle 2
StarClan cat-
Name: Pebblestream
Gender: She-cat
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi
Appearance: Sliver she-cat with dark gray stripes and amber eyes
Age when they died: Around 8 years
Rank when they died: Queen (older)
Personality: Kind, trusting, smart, stands up for herself, loves her family dearly, after Events tm, becomes more withdrawn and is prone to nightmares
Other: I’ll explain the story down below!
Dark Forest cat-
Name: Roseheart
Gender: Tom
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bi
Appearance: Handsome white tom with amber, almost red eyes, and a gray mark on his nose.
Age when they died: Around 6 years
Rank when they died: Warrior
Personality: Incredibly smart, charismatic, great liar, prone to snapping if he doesn’t like you, a, well, murderer, loves his family though!
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: *cracks knuckles* Lemme explain-
The clans went through this big famine. There’s almost no prey and cats are starving. Daily deaths are common and expected. Roseheart is mates with Pebblestream, and she is heavily pregnant with his kits. Roseheart comes across a kittypet that had been hit and killed by a car, and in his desperation, eats it. He then brings the “mystery meat” back to Pebblestream. He continues this to provide for the clan, claiming that he’s finding strange meat in the twolegplace. In reality, he’s luring kittypets in and killing them. Blah blah blah, he keeps killing even after the famine passes, but everyone (unaware) praises him for saving ThunderClan.
The only reason he is caught is because after an argument with Pebblestream’s father, Roseheart lures him into the woods and kills him. However, Pebblestream sees and yada yada 😛 Pebblestream ends up clawing out Roseheart’s left eye, which he dies from.
Both are accepted!
The Room Where It Happens
Name: Bloodwhisper (me– yayy~)
Gender: She/her
Pronouns: She/her or They/them
Sexuality: Asexual//Bi-romantic
Appearance: Very dark ginger (basically blood-coloured), with a white diamond mark on her chest, white toes, black legs until forearm/shoulder(?) and a broken heart on her chest as well (very emo I know-) She has Lilac eyes, and a scar on her throat.
Age when they died: 38 moons (about 3.2 years)
Rank when they died: Exiled (med cat gone rogue)
Personality: Good: Focused, Logical, calm// Bad: Sore-loser, destructive, vindictive, disorganized
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: Poisoned young kits, and *almost* poisoned the leader on their last life
Other: Actually likes kits, the ones she killed were mistakenly thought to be a bad omen to her… like a goosefeather kind of deal y’know
The Room Where It Happens
Name Thorntail
Gender tom
Pronouns he/him
Sexuality idk
Appearance a brown cat with black paws and tail and green eyes
Age when died 37 moons
Rank when they died warrior
Personality fierce but fair and nice
Other died fighting four his clan
The Room Where It Happens
Name: Ravenblood
Gender: genderfluid
Pronouns: xe\them
Sexuality: bi
Appearance: a jet black cat with piercing amber eyes
Age when they died: 4 years
Rank when they died: deputy
Personality: sharp, quick-minded, smart, swift, talk-first-fight-later kind of cat
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: Ravenblood always wanted to be leader. Xe had big ambitions and dreams, but one goal: to kill Moorstar. After awhile, they got impatient and tried to bring down the leader’s lives faster. Xer first attempt was a fail, they tried to lure him across the thunderpath but no monster came across. Later, Aspenfawnn later taught xer the art of complex murder. Like fox traps, herb identification, deathberries, how to sense when a monster is coming and getting badgers on your side. But on Moorstar’s last life, when Ravenblood brought him to the thunderpath, they were ran over the monster along with Moorstar and xe went to the dark forest.
Other: she is veeeeery respected in the DF
Name: Aspenfawn
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: they\them
Sexuality: asexual
Appearance: a light brown cat with brown stripes, an even lighter muzzle, tail tip and paws and heather blue eyes with darker flecks
Age when they died: 7 years
Rank when they died: medicine cat
Personality: cunning, ambitious, you can’t predict what’s she’s gonna do, big brain
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: Aspenswan taught Ravenblood the killing strats and didn’t treat Moorstar when he was ran over by the monster. She fed herself deathberries to leave the clan for dead, she had no apprentice and so nobody could treat the sicknesses, and killing herself wasn’t a dumb move. It was also her fault Ravenblood died, she told her that the monsters would be coming, but they came too fast for Ravenblood to run
Other: is more respected then Ravenblood! (so she’s very very very very very respected)
The Room Where It Happens
Name: Brighteye
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: strait
Appearance: black she-cat with light peach cheetah markings
Age when they died: 15 moons
Rank when they died: warrior
Personality: bouncy
Other: mother is cheetahstar
The Room Where It Happens
Name: Blackclaw
Gender and Pronouns: Male- He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Apperence: Dark black pelt with deep neck wound, Deep stomach wounds, Blood red eyes with orginal Icy blue ring around red eye, for his orginal eye color, blue, and a dark black/gray pupil long back scar, torn left ear and a clawed right ear.
Age when they died: 46 moons old
Rank when they died: Deputy
Personality: Imagine Darkstripe, Tigerstar and Scourge put together, thats Blackclaw.
Reason they are in the Dark Forest: Killing 4 kits, 2 Deputies, a Leader, 2 Med cats, and his own mate.
Other: When Starclan reasoned him Gulity, he claimed that he killed his mate to save him… from himself. His mate’s name is Oakfang, Oakfang is a Starclan cat.
He’s not accepted, because Blackclaw is a canon name, and I’d prefer to not have canon names in this role play.
The Room Where It Happens
This is the character form for StarClan cats!
Name: Stemheart/star
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Appearance: A long-furred large, sturdy, dark grey and cream tom with blue eyes
Age when they died: 70 moons
Rank when they died: Leader
Personality: He’s very confident and stubborn, and is extremely proud of his former Clan, and he is very prone to getting into arguments. He still enjoys getting into arguments with other leaders, especially about who’s Clan was the best.
Other: His mate is Shrewleaf
Cabinet Battle 2
Name:Flareheart Gender:female Pronouns:she/her Sexuality:straight Appearance:long furred black cat with orange splotches that look like Flares . she has a white belly and paws, large ears, and a very fluffy tail, and lavender eyes. most describe her as the most breathtaking. Age when they died:24 moons Rank when they died:rouge Personality:Cunning and beautiful, she is very ambitious. she believes she is the only one with sense in the world and often acts off of that belief, she has a way with words and can convince anyone to do what she wants, she never feels the need to prove herself to anyone and if anyone asks her to she refuses and just leaves the cat to regret their words, she never regrets things and even though cats think she is beautiful, those who know her know that she is ugly on the inside, which she always admits is true. The reason they’re in the Dark Forest:Flareheart always thought that she was better than everyone else, and that belief came from her mother, all throughout Flarekit’s childhood her mother would treat all the cats in her clan like garbage. and the bad part is Flareheart looked up to her mother and starting to act exactly like her. when her mother was exiled for disobeying the leader and causing a cat’s death, little Flarekit was heartbroken, soon she and her two sisters were orphaned, their adoptive mother was abusive and soon Flarekits grief turned into anger. after her apprentice ceremony she started to shine, but her attitude or her mother’s attitude lived on. and when cats realized how good Flarepaw was, cats started falling for her, and she would turn them down, and using their grief, made them do her evil work, slowly, she started taking down every cat that EVER wronged her or her mother, using the cats that she turned down, soon she reduced her clan to 5 cats but she didn’t know what was left of her clan allied with the rest of the clans to kill her and they did it, her story was told and her name lived on.
Cabinet Battle 2
a white she-cat with grey paws and aqua eyes
18 moons, senior warrior
kind but has a mate in dark forest
I’m sorry, she’s not accepted. We already have a character named Whitestream- I don’t want to create confusion.
Cabinet Battle 2
Name: Blackstream.
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: fluffy jet-black tom with icy blue eyes, long legs, and a stump for a tail (He was born that way don’t judge)
Age when they died: 26
Rank when they died: Warrior
Personality: Kind and cheerful to those he likes, But fierce and harsh to those he doesn’t. He always loved Goldensong and when he was forced to send her to the dark forest he was heartbroken. He doesn’t know what to do with his life and is often bored. he always looks for excitement in the wrong places which ultimately lands him in Life threatning trouble, and he was killed by this behavior.
Other: Killed by Coralstar (A different character of mine), held a crush on Goldensong for ages (Another character of mine). He finds a way to go to the dark Forrest in search of Goldensong. He ends up liking the dark forest and joining Lynxshade’s Empire.
Cabinet Battle 2
Name: Crystalfawn
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: VERY fluffy siamese she-cat with, with Blue crystal-like eyes. she has a scar coming across her left eye
Age when they died: 26 moons
Rank when they died: Warrior
Personality: Fierce and most cats don’t like to get in her way. She hates most cats and always thinks she is right. She is not afraid to state her opinion and if someone challenges her she won’t be afraid to kill them.
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: She twisted her leg at the age of 14 moons and many teased her for that. so in an act of revenge, when the apprentices that teased her were going to the moonstone, She rigged their traveling herbs adding death berries to all of them, including the leader. the Medicine cat was framed and exiled, giving the medicine cat role to the apprentice, which wasn’t very experienced. she went on killing cats here and there and getting away with it. she always walked away from the dying cat with a crooked smile. When she was finally caught she was chased by 3 experienced fighters. she managed to kill one of them, Deeply injured one (later killed from the wound) and the 3rd drove her towards the gorge. She fought him until she killed him and then proceeded to run away, (Or at least she tried). before she could run and disappear she was chased by a 4th cat, when she tripped on a rock, twisting her leg and tumbling into the gorge.
Other: Legend has it you can still hear her screams as if she was falling to her death right infront of you, no one ever had the courage to find out.
One Last Time
Name: Blackstorm
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Gay
Appearance: A black tom with dark brown stripes, and patches. His eyes are an amber color, and he has multiple scars across his flank, and one on his eye.
Age when they died: 72 moons
Rank when they died: Senior Warrior
Personality: A very distant cat, often keeping to himself. He does love to talk to kits, and cats who seem nice enough.
Other: He can get attached easily, so that’s why he doesn’t talk to others often. His sister is in shadowclan, too.
Name: Fawnwillow
Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Asexual Bi
Appearance: A brown cat, patches with light brown areas with their paws being a darker shade of brown, the tip of their ears are black.
Age when they died: 89 moons
Rank when they died: Senior Warrior
Personality: A very manipulative and toxic cat. Often relying on catnip to get them through the day. They may come off as kind at first, so they can gain your trust and use your secrets against you.
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: They poisoned their apprentice with deathberries after a small argument with him, poisoned 2 kits, and had tried to kill another warrior.
Other: Their apprentice’s name was Glitchpaw, a former rouge who refused to give their name up.
Both are accepted!
One Last Time
(StarClan cats)
Name: Eaglekit
Gender: tom
Pronouns: he/him/himself
Sexuality: too young to know
Appearance: brown-and-white tom with yellow eyes, fluffy tail
Age when they died: 5 moons
Rank when they died: kit
Personality: bashful, shy, but also extremely loyal to his siblings and loving
Other: he was (accidentally) killed by his sister, Fawnkit but he still loves her. Fawnkit, Nutkit (his other sibling), and his mother, Daffodilheart, were killed by greencough.
Name: Nutkit
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: xe/xem
Sexuality: too young to know
Appearance: golden-brown, long-furred cat (mostly brown) with blue eyes, white belly.
Age when they died: 5.5 moons
Rank when they died: kit
Personality: bubbly, sweet, energetic
Other: Fawnkit and Eaglekit’s sibling, Daffodilheart’s kit
and lastly
Name: Daffodilheart
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: beautiful white-and-ginger she-cat with plumy tail, purple eyes.
Age when they died: 43 moons
Rank when they died: queen
Personality: very protective, kind, brave
Other: wants to find her kit, Fawnkit, loves her kits Fawnkit, Nutkit, and Eaglekit.
They’re all accepted!
Name: Featherfall
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Appearance: A white bushy cat, fur seems to cover his eyes, underneath his eyes are green. His fur is usually kept clean, his tail is also abnormally long.Age when they died:
Rank when they died: Med. Cat
Personality: A very social and kind cat, often worrying about his brother, and others. He tries to treat everyone with kindness, he often doesn’t stick up for himself, and won’t say anything. Although he can and will get violent if it comes to his brother.
Other: He was once a rouge named Jack, and had wandered around with his little brother Alex (Willowstrike now) and his Mate DP (Lostshadow now)
Name: Plumepaw
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: They/she/xe, regardless of gender.
Sexuality – Bi
Appearance: A tall, muscular, blue-grey cat with grey eyes and black paws
Age when they died: 8 moons
Rank when they died: Medicine Cat Apprentice
Personality: Strict, not the most fun cat to be around, but is pretty talkative nonetheless. A pretty good hunter and fighter as medicine cats go
Other: They trained as a warrior for about a moon, before xe switched to being a medicine cat because they didn’t feel as if they were enjoying training. Died during a Greenough outbreak, where they insisted treating all infected cats, since she thought Shrewleaf (their mentor) was too old.
Name: Flakeswirl
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Aroace
Appearance: A white Tom with green eyes. Very short fur, with a fluffy tail
Age when they died: 4 years
Rank when they died: Warrior
Personality: Very strong-willed, battle-ready, naïve, has very good morals.
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: The leader at the time kind of sucked, and was endangering the Clan, with needless battles, so Flakeswirl devised a plan to kill him, with the intentions to save the Clan. The plan backfired, however, and ended up with Flakeswirl killed by the leader, and in the Dark Forest.
Other: No!
Name: Drizzledrop
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: lesbian
Appearance: a bluish-grey she-cat with a light grey tail tip, and half of her face is split purrfectly in half, one half grey, the other bluish-grey. Her ears are bluish-grey and she had on dark blue eye and one light blue eye.
Age when they died: 4 yrs
Rank when they died: deputy
Personality: rude, hates the clans, including starclan, good fighter
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: they started killing cats for fun when she was in rc, she’s been dead for around 90 yrs. Eventually, a cat killed her after she killed the med, med app, leader (all lives the lead had left). Even though she was dep, someone else became leader bc she was to murderous. She was exiled, and came back for revenge, where another cat managed to kill her
Other: she has a sister in starclan, Bearsnout (I may not or may make her a cat)
is she accepted?
Name: Nightfrost
Gender: She-cat
Pronouns: She/her/they/them
Sexuality: IDK but I’m not gay
Appearance: Pure black she-cat with piercing yellow eyes that seem to cut through you skin
Age when they died: 30 moons
Rank when they died: Senior warrior
Personality: Cunning, swift, cruel, ruthless, and ambitious (in the bad way)
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: They murdered their Clans leader and deputy, in hopes of becoming leader, but Clanmates found out and killed her
Other: None
This is the character form for Starclan cats!
Name: Pearlkit
Gender: Female
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: small white kit with black paws and bright green eyes
Age when they died: 3 moons
Rank when they died: kit
Personality: kind, jumpy, energetic and secretive
Other: she drowned in a river trying to get a very small fish
The Reynolds Pamphlet
This is the character form for StarClan cats!
Name: Quietkit
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: lesbian
Appearance: she is a small snow white she-cat with icy blue eyes
Age when they died: 3 1/2 moons
Rank when they died: kit
Personality: she’s sweet, quiet, smart, swift
Other: she died when her sister pushed her into a fox. Her mother was Splashpool, and her sister was Hollykit, who is now in dark forest, and her brother is Puddlepounce, the only surviving kit. She hasn’t seen splashpool or hollykit or puddlrpounce since she died.
This is the character form for StarClan cats!
Name: Quietkit
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: lesbian
Appearance: she is a small snow white she-cat with icy blue eyes
Age when they died: 3 1/2 moons
Rank when they died: kit
Personality: she’s sweet, quiet, smart, swift
Other: she died when her sister pushed her into a fox. Her mother was Splashpool, and her sister was Hollykit, who is now in dark forest, and her brother is Puddlepounce, the only surviving kit. She hasn’t seen splashpool or hollykit or puddlepounce since she died.
(sorry, the other form for this didn’t moderate…)
nvm, oops srry
The Reynolds Pamphlet
Name: Flurrysnow
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: lesbian
Appearance: a pure white she-cat with icy blue eyes
Age when they died: 37 moons
Rank when they died: warrior
Personality: soft, caring, wise, shy, empathetic
Other: currently Carolbright’s mate
Name: Flarepaw
Gender: gender-fluid
Pronouns: he/she/they
Sexuality: bisexual
Appearance: bright orange tom with white muzzle and belly
Age when they died: 11 moons
Rank when they died: apprentice
Personality: secretive, spooked, paranoid
Other: was killed by Shadowlily
Both are accepted!
The Reynolds Pamphlet
Name: Mintglade
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: asexual
Appearance: soft-furred white cat with darker flecks, lithe, concerned purple eyes
Age when they died: around 33 moons
Rank when they died: medicine cat
Personality: cheery, optimistic, perfectionist, but a concerned worrier that cares a lot about other cats, empathetic
Other: a legend in the Clans. She stopped a pandemic (not around the world, just the territories but you get it) of greencough and was a hero unil she was killed by a fox.
Name: Darkstep
Gender: male, a tom
Pronouns: he/him/his
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: a long-furred, bulky, broad-shouldered, muscular tom with black fur and narrowed green eyes, silver belly.
Age when they died: 32 moons
Rank when they died: warrior
Personality: gullible, strong, mostly dull-minded, and not that smart, but very loyal to his sister Shadowlily and willing to do anything for her.
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: helped Shadowlily with her malevolent plan. Wasn’t killed by the apprentices until (out of revenge) he killed one of their own and then was killed by the leader.
Other: lots of apprentices are scared of him
Name: Carolbright
Gender: female, she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual
Appearance: a very small pale gray she-cat with bright blue eyes and a white-flecked back, lithe and slender
Age when they died: 23 moons
Rank when they died: queen
Personality: gentle, protective, brave, loyal, intelligent, kind
Other: has two little kits (Meadowkit and Rainbowkit)
They’re all accepted, though I have one question: Under ‘pronouns’, you mentioned that Mintglade used they/them pronouns, but under ‘other’ you used she/her pronouns for them. Which pronouns do they use?
The Reynolds Pamphlet
Oops, sorry! Mintglade uses they/them pronouns, I was thinking about another medicine cat OC I have and mixed them up.🙂
It’s ok! No worries 🙂
Name: Streamhop
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: very fluffy Bluish gray she-cat with white paws and muzzle. various scars are found across her body, including a shredded ear, a scar across her flank, and one on her leg.
Age when they died: 12 moons
Rank when they died: Apprentice
Personality: she is fair and honest, fighting for justice literally her whole life. she doesn’t trust cats easily but is willing to fight for what she thinks is right, even if the other people fighting for the same are untrustworthy. she tries to see the good in cats, and gives everyone more than 1 chance to prove themselves, she’s quite wise for her age and delivers great advice.
Other: she was made a warrior after the great battle for fighting bravely. she did do some questionable things when she was alive, making people think that she is in the dark forest, using that belief she can hop between Starclan and the dark forest, gaining her the suffix “Hop”.
Blow Us All Away
Name: Dropletpaw
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bi
Appearance: a bluish grey she-cat with bluish black, dark bluish grey, and light bluish grey dapples and blue eyes.
Age when they died: 9 moons
Rank when they died: apprentice
Personality: she’s in between good and bad, and she’s in dark forest because no one ever saw her reasoning, she’s also a sarcastic and funny, and extremely loyal, once she finds what she wants to be loyal to
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: she killed an apprentice who was bullying her, she killed her leader who was endangering her clan, and she killed her deputy who was siding with the leader. She was killed by her clan because they thought she was doing it for no reason, because they didn’t notice how endangered their clan was
Other: she has been in dark forest for years, lurking in the shadows hiding from truly evil cats
Stay Alive (Reprise)
Name: Sunmist
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Golden speckled she-cat with bright amber eyes, long fur, a long tail, long legs, long curved claws, torn ears, and sharp yellow teeth.
Age when they died: 40 moons
Rank when they died: rogue
Personality: She used to be a kind cat, but when everyone learned her secret, she became completely different. She became jealous, mean and vengeful, and she loved to attack. After she went to the Dark Forest, she wanted nothing but revenge.
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: She fell in love with a cat from another clan. They often met in secret. But after her clan deputy learned their secret, she was exiled. Sunmist wanted revenge. She came back to her clan and killed the deputy, and the next day, the leader. One day, she was resting, when she thought about her secret relationship. She went to her former lover’s clan, and killed him. But when she started to leave, she was attacked by three apprentices and was killed. After her death, she found herself in the Dark Forest and became proud of it.
Other: Her former lover tried to convince her that meeting in secret was a very bad idea.
Stay Alive (Reprise)
Name: Needlebrook
Gender: female, she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: tortoiseshell she-cat with a white chest and toes; has tufted ears, a plumy tail, and pale blue eyes, and a long scar on her back
Age when they died: 45 moons
Rank when they died: senior warrior
Personality: cold, heartless, cunning, smart, and ambitious
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: she tried to kill her Clan’s deputy to aquire that position for herself; but she was discovered before she murdered the deputy, so she was banished. While she was gone, she fell off a cliff and died.
Other: was once a warrior of ShadowClan
It’s Quiet Uptown
StarClan cat:
Straight, males
Gray with petite white paws and milky blue eyes
24 moons
Strange, sweet, gentle, kind, disloyal, dishonest
Died from a hawk attack
Your Obedient Servant
Name: Moonmeadow
Gender: She-cat
Pronouns: She/her
Appearance: Sleek Silver tabby she-cat with bright-green eyes
Age when they die: 42 moons
Rank when they die: Queen
Personality: Sweet, caring, loving, patient and friendly
Other: Her sister is in Dark Forest
Accepted ^^
The World Was Wide Enough
Name: Finchdawn
Gender: She-cat
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes and scars on her shoulders
Age when they die: 50 moons
Rank when they die: Medicine Cat
Personality: Cunning, blood-loving, moody, impatient, rude, fierce
Reason they’re in Dark Forest: She and her sister, Moonmeadow were very close at the time of their Apprenticeship until a prophecy told Finchpaw that a kit will end and burn down her reputation. That day she became harsh and cold towards everyone.
She cured a rogue of greencough who needed to get better to feed his family. Her leader exiled her, saying she wasted herbs on something useless! The leader regretted his decision after the Deputy caught greencough and died. When Moonmeadow told her, she became even more angry. She planned to sabotage her own clan.
Moons later, Moonmeadow gave birth to three wonderful kits until the biggest kit in the litter revealed to be the kit who will end her life!
She drowned her own sister in hope that the kits will die without her. But she was wrong.
The kits were big enough to start their apprenticeship! Their names were: Brookpaw, Parsleypaw and Rootpaw, the holder of the prophecy.
When they got their mentors, Grassstar(leader) made Rootpaw Finchdawn’s Apprentice! Finchdawn was so angry that she took Grassstar’s lives in one strike!
Many, many moons after, Rootpaw, Parsleypaw and Brookpaw blamed Finchdawn for killing Moonmeadow Grassstar, Hailspot(Riverclan Deputy), two kits(Owlkit and Lightkit), Mossstar(another leader) and an elder, Dustymallow! She was killed by the brothers(Root, Brook and Parsley) in the middle of a storm!
Now, Finchdawn lurks in the shadows waiting to attack!
The World Was Wide Enough
Name: Splashpool
Gender: She-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: A silver tabby she-cat with bright blue eyes
Age when they died: 24 moons (2 years)
Rank when they died: deputy
Personality: battle-thirsty, loyal, outgoing, stubborn, sometimes snappy
Other: Splashpool has 2 kits, (Puddlepounce, a well respected warrior of ThunderClan and Hollykit, died from greencough) she was deputy, and her leader died when she had greencough, and she died before becoming leader
Name: Hollykit
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: a black tabby with gray stripes, green eyes
Age when they died: 5 moons
Rank when they died: kit
Personality: rude to everyone, snappy, mischievous, manipulative
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: she was rude to kits, killed a nursery kit by shoving them into a fox when there was a fox attack in the camp (on purpose)
Other: Her mother (Splashpool) almost died when Hollykit got greencough and went to her mother to get her sick. She ended up dying and her mother survived
Name applefur
Gender tom
Pronouns he/him
Sexuality Idk
Appearance an orange tabby tom with darker red stripes,
green eyes
Age when they died 48 moons 4 years
Rank when they died warrior
Personality nice to everyone and a battle-thirsty cat
Reason they are in starclan died saving thunderclan from a fox
Other almost became a deputy died of his wounds
The Room Where It Happens
Both are accepted!
The Room Where It Happens
Both are accepted!
Cabinet Battle 2
Both are accepted!
hi! (:
Name: Riverstep
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She\her
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: All black with brown sploshes all over her body and white splattered everywhere. She has one blue eye, and one green. And she has tuffy ears and a bobtail.
Age when they died: 48 moons(2 years)
Rank when they died: Warrior
Personality: Shy, and snappy at first and slow to trust but when you get to know her she is bubbly and sweet, but she is still feisty.
Other: She was abandoned when she was a kit because she was a runt, she was very angry but she kept her heart pure for the love of her friend Littlefeather, a brown tom, who trained with her and then they left for the clans. Soon after Littlefeather was killed in a fight against rouges, Riverstep was filled with rage and sorrow, she was also killed a few moons after she miss-stepped and fell down a gorge. She now wanders the fields of Starclan searching for her lost friend.
The Room Where It Happens
Name: Shardclaw
Gender: Tom
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: Has a murky coat, brown with black patches and a dual scar over his eye
Age when they died: 60 moons
Rank when they died: Senior Warrior
Personality: Snarky, has been known to snap quite often
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: Allied himself with another clan and stole kits from his nursery. Helped to kill the leader’s mate, Spottedfur but was killed by Oaksky in a battle near the gorge.
Other: If you say one wrong thing to him he’ll claw your eyes and ears out but is respected because of this
The Room Where It Happens
I lost the link to the other pages, think you could give it to me????
Sure 🙂
Cabinet Battle 2
Backstory: Born in rc, parents are unknown (or I’m to lazy to make names for em, u’ll never know!) And was taken over by a unknown dark forest cat when she was 1 moon. As a kit she was teased for having no parents, the df cat controlling her said to kill them so, one day she asked them to meet them in the med den, when they came she shoved deathberries down their throats.
When she was a app the med confessed he knew that she killed the two kits, then of course she killed them.
One day she was just bored and decided to kill her lead and dep.
Starclan oc:
Name: Bubbling’morrow
Pronouns: she/her
Appearance: a black she with splashes of with around her body that look like bubbles, she has a grey ear,snout,tail,paw. Green eyes.
Age they died:37 moons
Rank they died:Med
Personality: sweet and cheerful but can be deceiving and evil at times.
Other: mate is secretly Shadedmaple (adding that to shadeds form to.)
Name: Crimsonflare
Gender: She-cat
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi
Appearance: Long-furred russet she-cat with amber eyes, white paws, scar across flank.
Age when they died: 43 moons
Rank when they died: warrior
Personality: vicious, fierce, sarcastic, holds grudges, hates romance and any kind of relationship, cunning, smart
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: Murdered her mate after she chose another cat, attempted to kill her Clan’s medicine cat but was killed trying.
Other: known to be independent, hard to talk to, manipulative.
Cabinet Battle 2
Cabinet Battle 2
Name: Fawnkit
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: she’s too young to know
Appearance: cinnamon she-cat with white spots on back, green eyes, and one white paw
Age when they died: 5 and a half moons
Rank when they died: kit
Personality: fun, squeaky, looks up to older cats, scared
The reason they’re in the Dark Forest: accidentally poisoned an elder (gave them deathberries instead of juniper berries) and killed them and accidentally killed her brother while fake-training.
Other: wants a mentor but is scared of the DF
One Last Time
I have an announcement to make involving this role play.
This role play has been around since September 9th, 2020- my longest running role play here on BlogClan!
Even when I decided to stop my role plays due to stress, I kept this one. It was fun, and didn’t stress me out the way my others did.
And this role play will continue to stay.
But from now on, I won’t be role playing in this role play.
Don’t worry, this role play isn’t ending! I’ll still be accepting characters.
But the thing is, this role play is more popular than I thought it’d ever be, and it’s gotten to the point where every time I check the role play pages, I have to read through so many comments, it’s overwhelming, and makes role playing a lot less enjoyable for me.
You can all continue role playing if you want to- just because I’m stopping doesn’t mean you have to.
I might still include a RussetRain thing sometimes, but aside from that, I won’t be role playing anymore.
I’ll let you guys know if I change my mind and decide to start role playing again. I might give it another try in a few months.
As always, have fun role playing! <3
– Turtle
Name: Shadowlily
Gender: Demi she-cat
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: lesbian
Appearance: jet-black, slender, short-furred t with indigo eyes and multiple claw-mark scars across her back, legs, and tail.
Age when they died: 30ish moons
Rank when they died: medicine cat
Personality: cold, calculating, very cunning and smart, ambitious, independent
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: Shadowlily was once the medicine cat of a Clan, because they wanted power over her leader. They killed multiple cats with deathberry-infused herbs and she murdered the deputy of their Clan with her own claws. Unfortunately for them, she was stopped by a few pesky apprentices and vowed to get their revenge.
Other: Darkstep’s sister. Not known well by other cats, sinks into the shadows and manipulates to get what they want.
Name: Rosepaw
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: dark cream she-cat with white stripes and blue eyes
Age when they died: 11 moons
Rank when they died: apprentice
Personality: bubbly, gossiper, excitable, optimistic, a great hunter
Other: has a crush on Flarepaw, killed by Shadowlily
Name: Briartwitch
Gender: tom
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bi
Appearance: dark brown tabby tom with green eyes
Age when they died: 56 moons
Rank when they died: deputy
Personality: solemn, forlorn, secretive, bashful, quiet, thoughtful
Other: was killed by Shadowlily
Both are accepted!
Name: Ivythorn
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: asexual
Appearance: black she-cat with white belly, lithe and slender
Age when they died: 34 moons
Rank when they died: warrior
Personality: gullible but knows she’s being manipulated, indecisive, loyal
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: helped her mother Shadowlily (who WAS a medicine cat but regisgned and broke the code) with her evil plots.
Other: a very skilled fighter, very fast and can defeat any cat.
Name: Ebonysmoke
Gender: tom
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: asexual
Appearance: gray tom with darker stripes, long-furred, very skinny
Age when they died: 67 moons
Rank when they died: medicine cat
Personality: secretive, sly, haughty, cold, calculating
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: was a medicine cat (Shadowlily’s apprentice) and was poisoned by Shadowlily’s teachings. He was sent dreams from the Dark Forest and they gave him the power to slip in and out of others’ dreams and create illusions.
Other: He is a bit of a dealer and does business with other Dark Forest cats.
Name: Boneblood
Gender: Demi tom
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: bi
Appearance: brown cat with dead leg and lots of scars
Age when they died: 23 moons
Rank when they died: warrior
Personality: evil, gullible, dumb but very good at battle
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: helped Shadowlily with their schemes
Other: Shadowlily’s servant, basically
Name: Skulltooth
Gender: tom
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bi
Appearance: gray mottled tom
Age when they died: 32 moons
Rank when they died: warrior
Personality: gullible, evil, dumb
Reason they’re in the Dark Forest: helped Shadowlily
Other: Shadowlily’s servant
All accepted!
Blow Us All Away
Name: Gentlesea
Gender: She-cat
Pronouns: (She/her)
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: A fluffy calico with amber eyes
Age they died: 30 moons
Rank when they died: Med cat
Personality: Smart, kind, sweet, a little to trusting
Other: She died when she was trapped in a fire