• This is the page for the paradise roleplay !!! Now have a little set up post

    In a blur of confusion and desperation, you have ended up here. The grass is soft and green, the air fresh and cool, free of the scorching heat or sickly tang. You can finally breathe. In the distance great peaks jut out against the sky line, and not far away from you a forest blossoms. A river runs through the plains, and not too great a distance away, you hear the ocean splashing against the shore line.

    You have turned down Pilates second offer, and now you are free. Free to do whatever you want, fall in love, start a new group of cats, make your own rules, it is a blank slate for everyone. And here, the threats of life are more mundane, more like the world before the fall out, before the three seasons.

    You are at peace.

  • Rainbow stood the plains, the wind ruffling her fur. She had never seen so much green!

  • ~Snowflake (formerly Wraith Killer)~

    Snowflake blinked up at the sunny sky. Paradise. He’d never dreamed such a place could exist! The wind ruffling his fur wasn’t ice-cold, and the grass under his feet held no frost. This was not the land of Iseti, but it felt more like home than the icy tunnels ever had. No more was he Wraith Killer of the Iseti. He was now Snowflake of Paradise. “This is amazing, isn’t it Crys?” He turned to where he thought his sister, Blue Crystal, must be standing. But she wasn’t there. “Crys?” Looking around, he realized that she was nowhere in the field he’d landed in. “Crys!” Panic began to set in. Where could she be? Was it possible that she’d chosen the Tests over Paradise?
    Or– Snowflake shuddered to consider it– had she not been selected at all?

    • “Hush, your disturbing my thoughts”, snapped Obscurum, irritably, “Crys, whoever they are, obviously isn’t here, this is why I never build up bonds with other cats, they’re just useless.”
      He flicked his tail crossly from side to side.

      (Oof I just realised how horrible he sounds)

        • “I chose it”, Obscurum sniffed, “Being in the tests involved working with other cats, and as you probably noticed, I don’t work with others.”
          “Plus,” he added with a swish of his tail, “Who would chose anything over Paradise? At least you seem smart enough to have chosen here.”
          He drew a paw over his ear and began washing his face, as cats like to do.

          • Snowflake shook his head in disgust. He didn’t want to waste his time with a cat who clearly was too self-centered to hold a conversation. He walked away without bothering to end the conversation.

            • “Good riddance.”, Obscurum yowled after him.
              He felt something prick at his mind, maybe he shouldn’t have been so horrible?
              Silently he thought I’m sorry but his pride kept him from saying it aloud.
              Anyway, other cats always led to trouble, it would just hurt him even more if they left him, better not have friendships in the first place.
              He lifted his head up high and sat on his own, pride undamaged.

  • Obscurum shuddered. So many cats.
    He wrapped his tail tighter around himself, hoping no one would interact with him.
    Interaction. Ugh, that was one of many things he didn’t do.

  • Hayden(currently female, she/her)-
    For the first time in a long time, Hayden felt at peace.

    She breathed in the fresh warm air of paradise, taking some time to see her surroundings. The forest nearby seemed ideal, maybe even the mountains. She decided that she’d try to get there someday.

    “This is Day 129,” she spoke to herself, her voice soft. “I just got the most glorious offer today. I’m in paradise. Am I dead? Is this an afterlife? If there is, then I hope Madge is here. It’s so peaceful here. I might go settle down here for today, and then tomorrow I’ll go for that forest.” She didn’t really want any other cat to hear her, though she didn’t mind anyone asking.

    • Snowflake wandered around, looking for a nicer cat to talk to. He saw someone else, and called out “Hello there! My name’s Snowflake, what’s yours?”

  • -Shane(Shay)

    Shane looked around him, amazed at all the green. After looking around him once more, he realized that Mina wasn’t with him!why in the world would she choose the tests or the crumbling world over this place? He decided that at least his sister might not still be in the crumbling world, and looked around for some cats to talk to. “Hello? I’m Shane, but you can call me Shay. How are you?” He asked, walking up to a cat near him.

  • Rainbow glanced away from Akhal and Zeus for a moment, looking at the other cats. Most seemed to be getting along.
    “I’m still so surprised. It’s… warm.” She muttered, half to herself.
    (Akhal can still hear her!)

  • Obscurum headed off to hunt, it was more productive than trying to hold a pointless conversation.

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