• Hello!
    I’m going to turn this into a protecting the planet discussion page! <3
    Here are some facts about what people are doing to our earth:
    1. An estimated 17.6 billion pounds of plastic leaks into the marine environment from land-based sources every year—this is roughly equivalent to dumping a garbage truck full of plastic into the oceans every minute.
    2. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals are killed every year due to pollution.
    3. Over 7,000 species are endangered.
    4. This isn't really a fact- but I just wanted to say it's very annoying when people call forests "woods". It's like calling humans flesh instead of people.
    5. 90% of all rubbish in the world’s oceans is plastic which can end up killing or disfiguring animals and plants.
    6. An average of 100 acres’ worth of rainforests are being cut down every single minute.
    7. American businesses alone generate enough paper every day to encircle the globe 20 times.
    8. Between 50 and 100 species of plants and animals go extinct every single day because their habitats are destroyed by humans, often for farming.

    Humans always take but never give back. Global warming won't stop if we don't do nothing. We have to stand up and fight, even if it means loosing some comfort. Our earth is dying because of us, and most people don't even care! But you can care. You can help save our home 🙂

  • Tips to help save the earth! 🌎🩹💖

    -Use less water And I mean by taking less time in the shower, not drinking less! 😛
    -Don’t buy plastic water bottles, or don’t use plastic bags. They are very harmful for the planet. (This will help save the planet and animals most!)
    -Walk or take a bike instead of using a car, when you go somewhere close.

  • Whenever I have a product (like bottles of drinks) connected by plastic rings, I always cut through each ring before throwing them away, so that there is no hole an animal can get stuck in.

    I encourage people to do this before throwing away these plastic rings. It’s pretty easy and it will help save turtles, and other animals who sadly often get trapped this way.

  • Another thing you can do is clean up local parks or by the sides of roads,animals accidentally ingest small bits of trash while trying to find actual food,and that can harm them.

    • You’re right! <3 Thank you so much for suggesting this! 😀
      (I'm going to go do a park clean up now…)

  • we REALLY need to save the earth!!! it sucks that it will eventually be gone because of us!

      • every time i see litter i always go after it depending what it is, than i throw it away. i also plan on recycling more and try to get solar power so we won’t waste coal and fossil fuels.and many more! what about you?

        • Those are some great ideas! <3
          I have to work on using less water. 😛
          And there is a place near where we live, which has a lot of litter. Maybe me and my parents could go do a clean-up there! 🙂

    (and someday recycling will come back to Nacadoches and bring light to the land because EVERY SINGLE TIME im just going by this hill to go to walmart, there it trash everywhere)

  • alright, everyone listen up! i am SICK AND TIRED of the earth being destroyed and animals dying! we ALL NEED to stand up and fight for our home if we care about it! some endangered animals are:
    -sea turtles
    -most wolves
    -red panda’s
    -giant panda
    -Asian elephant
    -snow leopard
    and many more! we NEED to make a change to this world! if we don’t everything in this world will be gone!

  • im making a save the earth google doc, if anyone would like to share facts about the earth now,ways you help the earth,and ways we can help the earth,juts let me know! and it will be credited in the google doc, example:
    “{insert thing here}” ~hollyfrost of blogclan

  • Have any of you heard of the Zero Waste movement?

    It’s composed of people who try to live their lives sustainably while making as less waste as possible.

    Of course, individual changes aren’t the only thing you should do (convincing big companies to go green helps a lot, make them notice by buying the greener option and supporting local sustainable businesses if you can – I’ve seen loads of brands replace their packaging and offer refills of their products now thanks to the voice of the people) but every little thing done helps. 🙂

    • I haven’t heard of it, but it sounds amazing! 🙂
      Thank you so much for telling us about it! <3

  • This is such a cool page! I hope you guys are saving Earth! Here are some ways I’m saving it:
    – Composting
    – Recycling
    – Picking up trash
    – Eating ice cream on cones instead of cups
    – Using reusable cups, plates, bottles, forks, etc.
    – Not wasting paper
    – Not wasting water

    I’d like to hear some ideas you have! 🙂 Thank you, Mountainpaw, for making this a planet-protection discussion page! <3

    • Thank you! <3

      Those are some amazing ideas you listed! 😀

      We don't use plastic bags or plastic water bottles, we save water, and we recycle! That how my family try and save the planet! 🙂

      • One of my ideas would be about helping wildlife because were I live we have lots of deer and
        People kill them

        1. Put birdfeeders out everyday go help birds
        2.try keep to natural Parks clean

        This third idea is a little crazy but I’m serious about it

        3. Free animals from zoo’s before they lose their natural instinct and die of depression
        This is off topic but an anteater was trapped in this really small cage and that’s why idea number three sparked in my head(keep in mind this was a giant anteater)
        Anyways hope you try helping nature

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