Art by XemiDraws
[Mapleshade in a fighting stance on an orange background]
Art by XemiDraws
[Mapleshade in a fighting stance on an orange background]
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Bristleflight shares their thoughts on their favourite character.
Let’s all sing Happy Birthday to today’s Birthday Star… Breezeflame! Happy Birthday Breezo! You are a kind and active member of the Blog and we all happily would like to unveil the curtain on what we...
Claimed !
Ukulwa, as the strongest and most loyal of all the clans is unable to show their pure anger for the murder of Amber, and loss of Hare in Spring Grasses, maybe not the strongest cats in the clan, but the best fighters non the less. Across their whole territory the cats are practicing battle displays, with teams preparing to play moss ball and spar, there is little time to hunt, so it seems like it is up to the younger cats to provide food
Jumping Adder –
The massive tom sneered at the other cats as he passed, they were putting effort into training and that he could not understand. Nothing could represent the anger he felt when he was assigned to a team that was obviously inferior, at least before he had joined it. Soon he’d make his move. Soon he’d be gone, join the rebellion. He just had to earn the Monarchy’s trust again, just a little, before he made his move. Which meant he had to sit through the badger brained visit.
Amber Dusk ~
She flicked her tail and sat down. I shouldn’t be resting. Amber Dusk closed her eyes. I’ll just embarrass my Clan (It is a Clan right? 😛 ) because of my eyes. Maybe the Monarchy will take me away?
She stood up again. Never.
Amber Dusk licked her cut paw then started practicing again.
(Yeah it’s a clan)
Jumping Adder –
The large tom walked past the she cat, fur prickling. Then he turned around to face her, teeth bared.
“Hey you ! Kit ! You think you can just lay back and rest ? You think that your clan will both to provide food to a cat who just lays back all day ? I certainly wouldn’t !”
Turning away, he held his head high as he walked off.
“We wouldn’t want a little time accident to happen to you. I may be on a trial period, but that doesn’t mean I can’t weave a few tales. Honeypaw of Kaukau did it. “
Amber Dusk ~
Still not good enough.
Jumping Adder –
The tom hisssed down at the apprentice
“I don’t care that I’m meant to be nice, get off your back, and practice sparring with me.”
Amber Dusk ~
She stared up, confused. “You’re not meant to be nice.” She stated. “It’s because of my eyes, right?” Amber Dusk sighed. “Yeah, it always was.” She muttered.
“And for your information, I had just got up to start practicing again.”
Jumping Adder –
“I don’t care what colour your eyes are, Buttercup.”
He hissed at her, using the insult he’d heard whispered among other cats many times before.
“All that I care about is that my eye colour should allow me to be back in the Monarchy ! And standing around like a moron isn’t going to help you practice !”
Lifting up a sheathed paw to hit a blow over the other cats head, he didn’t even care if she responded in time.
(Oh my gosh it’s a grumpy mean character who actually stays that way it’s like Dune 2.0)
Adderthorn whipped her head around, her fur bristling. Of course. It was that dumb big Monarchy tom screeching at yet another cat.
“Maybe instead of attacking your clan mates, you should be practicing!” Under her breath she growled, “Freak.”
(Yeah for grumpy jerks 👌👌)
Jumping Adder –
Hissing, he mewed
“I was trying to practice ! Claws sheathed ! Look”
He lifted up his paw, twisting it around in the air to show his sheathed claws.
“No one will practice with me anyway ! They all refuse to !”
Hackles lifting and fur standing on end, the toms ears drew back without him noticing, his lips curled back in a snarl.
“All the cats here want me to fail, no one will even try to practice with me.”
Lifting his head high again, so he could look down on Adderthorn, he forced his voice and body to be clam
“You’d practice with me wouldn’t you ?”
He mewed
“Unless you’re chicken ?”
Amber Dusk ~
She quickly swerved to the side and leaped onto his flank, bowling him over. “Is that enough?”
Adderthorn smirked, her intervention leaving the tom open to Amber Dusk’s attack.
“Of course I’ll train with you. You seem like you need the extra practice.”
Flower Bird-
Flower Bird ducked, avoiding the moss ball. She turned around, staring at the group of apprentices who did that. They snickered, talking and laughing. Flower Bird walked away, lonely and sad.
She hated her stupid small size and her stupid sleek pelt and her stupid gracefulness. She had the body of a Kaukau cat, not the muscular and stocky build of an Ukukwa cat. She was useless.
Darkspots snorted as she watched her daughter walk away. She deserved it. She was weak and pitiful, hardly an Ukulwa cat. Her brother had more potential, but he was a star-forsaken, nasty Reis cat.
She wished she hadn’t fallen in love with that Kaukau tom. He was like the others, lazy and relaxed, who did nothing but lie in the sun all day.
Ukulwa was the only worthy Clan besides the Monarchy. They were strong, and they could fight. Even the Monarchy feared and respected them for their talents.
It was a Clan to die for.
Flame that fires at Dawn (new leader!) (call her Dawn :))~
Dawn sat on the highrock (is there a highrock 😛?). She stared at the fresh-kill pile. There wasn’t enough prey. She stood up and padded out of camp.
Pantherstrike looked around the camp hoping to find someone he could battle train with. He slid his claws in and out impatient because he wasn’t doing anything that helped the clan.
Amber Dusk ~
Snorting, she walked away, looking for someone else to train with. “Hey! You practicing anything?” Amber Dusk mewed.
Suddenly she regretted it and shut her eyes.
But that was also stupid, so she opened them again.
He bit his lips to keep from sneering. “Since when do apprentices order around warriors?” he asked and noticed Amber Dusk close her eyes. “Want to battle train?” he asked and impatiently flicked his tail. He wondered why the apprentice had closed her eyes, then remembered. ‘Is it still because she think her eye color isn’t amber?’
Amber Dusk ~
“Yeah. I was trying to over there but this jerk started lecturing me.”
The Monarchy Visit is beginning !
The Ukulwa cats need to be on their best behaviour, and practice their routines to perfection. One of the cats has been spreading a romour they saw Hare in Spring Grasses just over the border……
Lily ~ Monarchy ~
Great. All of the Ukulwa cats will think that I’m some snotty Monarchy idiot. Lily grimaced. I belong to no one.
She padded around, unsure what to do, really.
Jumping Adder –
As he saw another cat who’s eyes held the same strange mix matched colours like his. Putting on his fake clan cat strutt, he swished his tail, and bowed his head to her, being careful not to show his eyes.
“Oh my great overlords have visited me. How I respect you so.”
He lifted his head to tower over her, tilting his head so that his eyes obviously stood out from each other. One like fire and the orher a strange purple. The few white spots scattered across his thick pelt were broken with scars as he stared down the other cat, lip curled back in a grimace of disapproval.
Putting his head to her ear, he whispered
“Just because I’ve been shoved into this stink hole, doesn’t mean I bow down to loyal Monarchy pests like you. All worshipping Screech’shi.”
He spat her name, and lifted his head higher. She wouldn’t dare challenge him.
Lily ~ Monarchy ~
She sniffed. I’m a trainee. You’re a warrior . . . thing. I hate how you respect me even though I’m much younger than you.
Lily ~ Monarchy ~
She sniffed. I’m a trainee. You’re a warrior . . . thing. I hate how you respect me even though I’m much younger than you.
Screech’shi – Monarchy –
Smirking, she gazed around, as all the cats rushed to please the others. Domination was too easy.
Sammy – Loner –
Sammy surveyed his former clan, fear glowing in his eyes. The sun beat down behind him, hiding his face from all cats apart from the few who remembered the form of their former leader. Gulping in fear, his pelt shook. Eyes wide, he saw a massive tom, with mismatched eyes, gazing up at him. Jumping Adder. Pelt prickling with discomfort, Sammy turned and ran, squinting his eyes against the sun. He could never return, and he was happy to be gone with the rules. He couldn’t forget that.
He looked around camp and he remembered Grasswolf, his mate from Arbulu. They had arranged a meeting by the next full moon, but Pantherstrike was already impatient for it to come. He noticed that the Monarchy cats were still there. His gaze hovered over Screech’shi but he quickly looked away. It was one thing to be inspected by a simple Monarchy cat, but he didn’t want to get on the wrong side of the leader of the Monarchy. He knew that Grasswolf would laugh at his worries, but the she-cat didn’t realize what it meant if Screech’shi found out what they had talked about. ‘I don’t know if it will be our best decision, but I know I would follow Grasswolf to the moon and back if it made her happy.’ he thought.
Lily ~ Monarchy ~
Instead, she just smiled. “So you like the Monarchy, huh?” Lily sat down.
This meeting was….. less well organised. As Monarchy cats begin to leave, Ukulwa struggles over the problem of Jumping Adder. He refused to take part during the events, and is at risk of being kicked out. As well as this, many more cats reported sighting Hare in Spring Grasses, and panic has arisen . With Ukulwa with out leader or deputy is he trying to reclaim his position ? And will a cat be found willing to step up to the task, before this clan becomes the first to separate from the monarchy ?
Lily ~ Monarchy ~
She blinked as her Clan began to leave. “Bye . . . I guess . . .”