Art by WeHaveCandy
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Fini thought on how she once was close to the brink of death when she almost fell down the splitting ground. Would a thing like that happen again, but this time she died? A shiver ran down her spine, giving her an uneasy feeling.
Feather picked Dune’s cheek where Sunny had scratched him. “They’ll forgive her eventually,just let them sort it out with Wren. Let her talk and tell the reason”
Thunder saw the fight end and sighed with relief “so Fini, how’d you find the tests?”
Modding? I sent a comment HOURS ago . . . It still hasn’t shown up 🙁 moddity mods . . . I’m sorry 🙁 I just had to point out.
Most of us are still asleep “hours ago” 😛
Lol, I kow
It was going to have a video and a bit of a longer wait but I have just suffered a great loss
My beautiful first image in the video didn’t save properly 😭
So I kind of gave up on making a video and am starting this
Harnor –
Harnor dived towards the ground, and landed in the sand, sending it up into the air in a sandstorm.
He scanned the cats, looking for a certain cat.
He saw the white and brown she cat with strange odd eyes and walked over to her, sitting down right infront of her.
“Thank you, Wren,” He mewed, “ you have been very helpful.”
The she catbristled and hissed at him “IM DONE HARNOR, I AM NOT HELPING YOU ANY MORE !”
Harnor, laughed at the she cat and all the other cats stepped back apart from a grey and white tom and a black she cat.
“Oh don’t worry,” He meowed, “I won’t ask you to help me anymore, I just want to say thank you.”
He lifted his black gem from round his neck, and placed the gem briefly on Wren’s head.
“Thank you.” He quietly mewed to her
Then he put the gem back round his neck and took off into the sky.
Wren suddenly felt unbalanced and dozy,
“Guys I don’t feel so good,” she cried out, before she collapsed to the ground.
“WREN !” Dune and Luana screamed before the world turned black for them as well and they collapsed.
Slowly one by one, all the cats fainted.
Alright now click this link for the next test
Harnor –
Harnor appeared infront of the cats, and flicked his tail at Wren’s limp body, making it disappear in a puff of purple smoke. Luana screamed in shock, and Dune simply looked away, trying to hide the tears in his eyes.
Some cats looked unbothered, others were badly injured. One cat had lost an eye and another had a massive burn on his face
This time Harnor did not speak, he simply flicked his tail, and the cats were in a destroyed city, spilt in half with a river. Some plants could be seen between the buildings and puddles littered the cracks under the collapsed structures, rainwater dripping slowly into them. The sky was stormy and the cats could see many hiding places in the rocks. As quickly as he had appeared, Harnor was gone.
Something new that I have added recently is that when your cat uses their powers, there is a small chance that they might have some sort of change in there body. For example Wren’s pupils narrowed and turned fired and Dune glows purple and has some purple in his eyes. Not all cats have these things happen, and it can add glowing markings on there pelt and lots of other things.
Not all cats have this, but there is always one colour theme through the whole thing and it is usually a colour your cat feels linked to in some way. Cats who are related usually either both change when using their powers or both don’t. REMEBER THIS DOESNT HAPPEN TO ALL CATS
here is a drawing example of what can happen https://mapleleafsunset.deviantart.com/art/Oc-Drawing-The-Power-of-Water-746759072?ga_submit_new=10%3A1527362647&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1
Ok now onto what powers you can actually get.
I’ve combined some powers so they now are Fire, Water and Poison, Ice, Telekinesis and Air, Electric and Healing and finally Shadow and Invisibility
Here is what each power level looks like
Fire –
Level 1 – Small flames appear around you and you can control how they move but not grow them
Level 2 – You can summon more flame now and you can grow it to twice it’s original size but it will only burn a cats fur, it won’t be able to damage flesh
Level 3 – Your flames are now much bigger and will leave mild – normal sized burns on a cats flesh
Level 4 – You can now make flames much bigger and form a whip out of fire and there is a low chance that the flames can seriously burn a cat
Level 5 – Your flames are only slightly bigger than before but you have more control over the flames and can now create a ring of fire around you, your flames will often seriously burn a cat but cats WILL NOT immediately die of your flames. You will only get mild burns if you have brief contact with even the hottest fire
Water and Poison –
Level 1 – You can hold small bubble of water in the air and make ripples appear around you. You can only drawing water from puddles, ponds, lakes or rivers. You can spit this horrible tasting liquid, it would give you a bit of a stomach upset if you ate it
Level 2 – You can make cat sized waves in water and hold larger bubbles of water that you can now throw at cats causing them to splutter. You now find that you can breath out a gas that makes cats feel sleepy as well as your foul tasting liquid
Level 3 – You can now draw water from rain and make weapons out of water. Your spit is now a bit acidic and would hurt if it touched another cat. Your gas is a bit stronger and now some cats may actually fall asleep
Level 4 – You can draw water from clouds, make larger waves and your water bubbles will now hold their shape unless you want them to collapse. You have lost your sleepy gas ability but you spit is now much stronger and will leave cats with a burn and you seem to be able to make the poison come from you claws as well. You can spit you poison out a tail length in front of you
Level 5 – You can draw water from the air around you and suspend a cat in a bubble of water, but they can break free. You can make any thing out of water that you want but it can not be absolutely massive. You can breath under water for a bit longer than most cats and have more stamina while swimming. Your poison can now leave serious burns and you can lay it on the ground as a trap for other cats. You have got your sleepy gas ability back but cats will very rarely fall asleep from it, it might just make them feel a bit drowsy
Ice –
Level 1 – You can make small patches of ice appear around your paws and you seem to be able to cope with colder temperatures
Level 2 – You can make a small ice rink appear around your paws and small harmless ice spikes appear near you, you can cope with colder temperatures
Level 3 – You can slow down smaller mammals with ice, and can now make slightly bigger sized ice spikes, that may now slightly scratch a cats fur. You can make a bigger ice rink than before.
Level 4 – You can make large ice spikes that you can break off and use as a weapon, you can slow down other cats, who lack fire powers and your ice rink is even bigger. You can survive temperatures above -40.
Level 5 – You can make large ice spikes which you can grow in any place you want as long as they start from the ground. You can slow down cats with fire powers as well as cats without.
Telekinesis and Air –
Level 1 – Small, light objects like leaves seem to move slightly when you focus on them. You can float a couple of inches off the ground and make small breezes drift around you
Level 2 – You can lift small objects like leaves, small pebbles and sand. You can float a bit higher now and you can make stronger winds that would slightly slow a cat down
Level 3 – You can lift slightly heavier things like heavier stones and you can now throw them short distances. You can float above cats now but only for 1 minute and you can make strong winds act like a shield around you
Level 4 – You can now lift much heavier objects, throw them and make a shield out of them for a short amount of time. You can float for 30 seconds longer and can now make even stronger winds that are very hard for a cat to push through
Level 5 – You can push a cat backwards very forcefully and hold a shield for longer. You can throw things further. You can now make your wind hot or cold but it can’t be over 100oC or under -20 oC
Electric and Healing –
Level 1 – You get static shocks easily and sometimes little sparks of electricity appear around your paws. Small scratches heal slightly faster and you notice you are no longer catching common colds
Level 2 – You can harmlessly shock another cat but the sparks seem to be getting bigger. Small scratches barely bother you can heal within a few minutes. You think that some cuts are healing nearly twice as fast!
Level 3 – Your electricity now hurts when it shocks another cat but only for a few seconds, you can make it appear and disappear on will and it will now surround you like a shield. Normal sized cuts heal within a day and you have begun to be able to heal small cuts on other cats
Level 4 – Your electricity is now pretty painful and may leave you opponent weakened which is a good opportunity for attack. You can make weapons out of it and your shield can now last for slightly longer. You barely catch any illness and more serious scratch heal within a couple of days, you can heal many types of injuries on other cats. You seem to be able cope with more blood loss than other cats and you can make a protective shield around you or others
Level 5 – You can summon lightning from storms but this takes a lot of energy. You now have pretty good control over you electricity and it is painful to be shocked but it. You can heal most injuries or yourself within a day and, if a cat isn’t going to die from their wound, you can heal it. You still catch serious diseases. You notice that if you want to you can make cats feel pain by just lightly touching them
Shadow and Invisibility-
Level 1 – You can slightly move the shadows and sometimes your body flickers
Level 2 – You can make shadows disappear and make your body slightly fade for a few seconds
Level 3 – You can fill a place with darkness and make you self invisible for a few seconds. The invisibility only works in complete darkness
Level 4 – You can make some solid things out of shadows but they will stand still. You can be invisible in slightly lighter areas but if it gets very bright you can be seen
Level 5 – You can make a decoy version of yourself and move it within your line of sight. You can become invisible in day light but if a light is shined directly at you you can be seen
So what’s going to happen is I’m going to go around the blog to try and find you and then I will tell you PRIVATELY PLEASE OTHER PEEPS what your power is. After that point you can let your character discover their power in their own time, they could take all of this wait to find it out if you wanted !
Then after that you will be able to level up your power ONCE if you WANT to. You do NOT have to. But you can only level up once.
Here is how to level up
Level 1 -2 :
Draw,write or Roleplay about your characters initial thoughts on their power
(Minimum for Drawing is a line art, no colouring required, for writing its 100 words, and for Roleplay it’s 5 posts on the theme)
Level 2-3 :
Show you charcter testing the limits of their power or being reluctant to do so.
(Minimum for Drawing is a coloured picture with no shading, for writing it’s 200 words and for Roleplay it’s 7 posts)
Level 3-4 :
Show your discovering the bad side of their power if they were positive to start with or the good side if they were being negative about it
(Minimum for Drawing is a good attempt at a shaded picture with some attempt at a back ground, for writing its 250 words and for Roleplay its 10 posts)
Level 4-5 :
Show your character mastering their power, coming to terms with their previous feeling on it, how their past effected their use of the power or their relationship with another character in the Roleplay
(Minimum for Drawing is a picture with as good a back ground and shading as you can do, for writing its 300 words or for Roleplay you can do 15 posts , level 5 is buff ok it needs to be challenging to get there )
Ok I think that’s all I need to say. This wait will last about 2 weeks so you can have some fun with your power
Wait, can we choose if our cat can glow when using their powers?
Also, everyone else look away now
Chao has Fire Powers and Mist has Telekinesis and Air Powers
Great, could you let me know my power? If you remember, Marina wanted healing or water or invisibility and Storm wanted healing or water.
Alright everyone else look away, as it would be quite cool for everyone else not to know who has what powers
Storm has Telekinesis and Air Powers and Marina has Water and Poison Powers
i still don’t know what my power is…
Eclipse, though sad herself, felt even worse for the other she-cat…who was she? Luna? Or was it… It was Luana. She knew that Luana had loved Wren, and watching her die was horrible. So she let down her games, and padded up to Luana.
“Hey…I…I’m sorry…About Wren…and really, anything…I’ve ever done…I’m sorry…” She reached to brush her shoulder with her tail, but unsure about how she would react, she held back.
Pebble relaxed. She looked at her paws, hoping nothing had happened to the scars. Good. Nothing. She lay down, ignoring her urge to go drink from the lake.
Black Bird glanced at his burnt, aching paws. He watched Eclipse, making sure Luana didn’t so much as lash her tail at her.
Luana glanced at the She-Cat next to her. “Hah, it… it’s fine. I mean, I don’t think anyone really wanted to hurt her. It’s not your fault.” She smiled weakly.
Luana looked down at her paws and noticed what felt like a small breeze only at her paws.
(Do I have to wait a bit to figure out powers?)
(Yeah 😛 I did for Rattlesnake at least 😛 and Maple said you could figure out when ever you’d like)
Eclipse nodded, though still sad. She walked away to find Black Bird, and collapsed.
Autocorrect. Really. Games? I meant guard
Frost was still laying down after the fight with this cat known as Wren. She did wake up, due to incredible pain. She wanted to move, so she tried, if laying down already hurt beyond what she thought was possible without dying then standing up couldnt hurt anymore than laying down. “Hello?” Frost managed to squeak (does that make sense?) “who are you?” she asked to the person who dragged her the rest of the way out of the fire. “I’m Frost” she added. “Also is there a med cat around” she asked
Pebble glanced at Frost. “My name is Pebble. And I’m not sure. What’s your name?” She asked politely, smiling.
“hi Pebble, I’m Frost. maybe I will go looking for one later” Frost answered, sitting up next to Pebble
Snowswirl, I’m kind of not bothered to go scanning the blog for you so I will just tell you your powers here
Frost has Electric and Healing Powers
ok cool 🙂
Quintessa felt…. sorrow. She felt extreme sadness, felt it in the air, felt it vibrating off the cats surrounding her. Her tail dropped, her ears drooped, her eyes felt tears forming. Or maybe that was just the rain. She didn’t know. She padded over to Dune and Luana. “I-I’m sorry,” she said sincerely. She walked away quickly before Dune could retaliate and make her angry. Not that she wasn’t angry. Her anger was deep down, and directed at the demon who started it all. Her body felt limp as she looked around, trying to find a place to get out of the rain.
Dune –
Dune was shocked by Quintessa’s sudden display of affection. They had hated each other for ages now and he had thought that the mysterious and snarky she cat had no good side.
He ran up to her.
“Thanks, “ He mewed, “ it’s hard losing her a second time, and if it’s wasn’t for that TRAITOR Feather, she would still be standing here right now.”
He spat his former lovers name like foul poison on his tongue, and he ran away from Quintessa, still finding it slightly awkward to talk to her.
Wondering what had happened to him earlier, he tried to do the same as he had in the desert.
Grabbing a leaf off one of the plants, he payed it one the floor and focused hard on it.
He let all the anger from what had happened to his sister and what feather had done boil over and into his strength. All of a sudden, a purple glow appeared around him, and shocked, Dune lost his concentration. He huffed and tried again, this time ignoring the glow that covered his body. Staring at the leaf until his eyes hurt, it began to quiver and glow purple. Suddenly, it lifted a few centimetres off the ground, and just hovered there, moving slightly. Gently as he could, Dune tilted his head to one side, and the leaf drifted over to his left, still glowing.
Excitement and wonder flooded through Dune, a feeling he had not felt for ages. Then, remembering what else he had been able to do, Dune tried to make his body feel as light as possible, and relaxed his mind. Winds picked up around him, and his paws seemed suddenly light and airy. His eyes closed, Dune felt breezes touch the underside of his feet. That’s weird he thought, before he opened his eyes and found that the breezes had lifted him an inch off the ground.
In a flash, he was on the ground again and calling to the only cat he really trusted at the moment.
“Luana !!! Come and look what I can do !” He cried out to her, half panicked, half excited. What if he turned into a slave of Harnor like…. like…. Wren had. But this power could help his friends, not that he had any right now.
Luana trotted over purring.
“You sound as excited as a kit!” Watching his… power? Luana purred louder. “That’s so cool!” Her happiness bubbled over and suddenly her eyes had an aqua glint and her speckles sparkled light blue. Small patches of… ice?! Had formed at her feet. In shock she squealed and jumped backwards only to have more patches follow her.
(In the beginning I wanna have her powers be more controlled by emotions rather than her 😛)
“Quintessa…. do you mind if I sit next to you? We can shelter under that boulder. Storm’s still recovering from shock and wounds, and I wanted to talk to you.” Marina mewed.
Storm looked around the now-barren landscape.
Frostsong collapsed helplessly on the ground. Harnor, you evil monster! Why did this have to happen? Why? Wren is dead. Dune and Feather broke up. Luana is heartbroken. Everyone’s feeling miserable and depressed. Harnor, is this what you wanted?
Wildflower stood under an old building, where the rain had leaked through. Absent-mindedly, they lapped at a puddle on the ground and washed their burnt paws. They also licked at a burn wound they hadn’t noticed before on their hind leg. They couldn’t stand how Dune and Luana’s auras were cloaked with sadness. And how Dune and Feather’s relationship was ruined. They had heard that Dune had died in the first test. And now Wren was dead? They stared into the stormy sky, wishing for their family. Wishing that Starshine, Sunflower, and them had never been split up in that storm. Then maybe they wouldn’t have to be going through this pain, and they wouldn’t have to watch the others go through theirs.
(Yes! I can’t wait to try my powers out, maybe soon or maybe in a while . . .)
Tawny spat.
Already her fur was soaked to its roots. She shook it. But it didn’t do any use. She gave a hiss of disgust as a big drop of water landed on one of her re-opened scratches. This was probably her least favourite place yet. Maybe after the desert.
The desert. After that place, she would think that she would be happy in a place of purely rain. But no, it had to be a city. Where was Thunder anyway? She had to find some cat.
Tawny wasn’t one for helping, but . . .
She saw Dune and Feather standing together. (I think they’re together?) She had to go and help them. But it would be great to have Thunder with her . . .
(No, they aren’t together, as Dune now hates Feather, it’s kind of complicated)