Art by WeHaveCandy
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Wildflower stopped practising their fire powers for a while, deciding instead to work on their nature powers. So far, they’ve figured that they can grow and wither plants at will. As they were training and hunting, they ran into the cat they saved in the second test. (Umm Pebble or Eclipse there are too many)
“Hello,” they mewed politely. “How are you?”
(Alsooo Maple can I make another character? It’s on the lionblaze x cinderheart page I think it’s a reply to your how to one thankss)
“Hello.” Pebble smiled, whispering. “Frost’s asleep, but we can still talk.” She said, pointing to the opposite side of her that Frost did not occupy.
Wildflower sat down on the side of Pebble pointed to. “How’re you? It’s good to see you when you’re, you know, hanging for dear life. They nodded towards Frost. “Are you two friends? Or…?”
“I’m good, thanks.” Frost smiled more.
Flustered, Pebble looked around.
“Is it that obvious? I…I haven’t asked her but we’re pretty close…”
As the kits were distracted,Feather whispered to Sky”Sky! Here’s a treat for you!” Sky opened her mouth with interest. Feather fed Sky a few of the catmint. She flicked her tail slightly at Dune,signaling to him that she was done.
while Frost was sleeping. Unknown to her, and without her doing it herself, her swirl started faintly glowing greenish
Flame- who is this other cat (Wildflower) who is now near my sister? he thought. Well, if that Pebble cat isnt attacking this cat, they must be ok, I have to trust them to not hurt her. Then Flame went to sleep
Eclipse, motivated to get up now, padded over to Dune.
“Hey, you’re kits are beautiful. Congrats…” She muttered, glancing at the kits. The truth was, she loved the kits, and she loved any kits, but it was Dune she was talking to.
this would be a great time to make friends with Eclipse before the next test where ahahahha spoilers(*thinks about previous comments* no….
Brace for Luana impact)
Fini decided to pad over to her cave, realizing that it would probably be for the best to be alone. She did not want to get out of paw, and accidentally kill a cat. The others better not go near me.
Lantern sat under the shelter of an old house, freezing the ground around him, again and again. He simply observing everything, choosing to not be social, not yet, not until he knows that they’re trustworthy. He watched the couple, Dune and Feather, and their kits. They still have feelings for each other, so soon after the break up, Lantern could tell. Perhaps he should congratulate them, just so he can gain some trust in these cats. As he was walking over, jet black she-cat padded over and started talking to Dune. Nope, he decided. I’m going back and going to be moody some more.
Jaoien ran into a tom, laughing.
“‘Hi! My name’s Jaoien, how are you? Who are you? Have you seen a mottled grey she-cat with different colored eyes? She’s my friend. I followed her here but can’t seem to find her now…”
Lantern was surprised by the friendly, bouncy young she-cat. He had always envied personalities like that. “Hello,” he meowed. “Do you mean, uh, Pebble, was it? The one with stones on her tail? She was with the other she-cat, Frost. Or Snow. Something like that. But, uhm, you might not want to bother them right now, they’re having a, ah, moment.”
Jaoien nodded vigorously, then scampered to a nearby bush to spy on the two.
(I’m sad. Nobody knows me anymore.)
Ambi padded away from the kits. He settled into a small nest, closing his eyes, wanting to drift into sleep. But he couldn’t. He sat up, thinking about how much had changed. While he was thinking, he had grown a small plant under his paws. “This is wonderful! Not only would this make a great bed, it can also convince people about magic!” Ambi said. Then he drifted off to sleep.
Moon was alone. Alone, always alone. She missed Panther. No body was going to help her. Why would they? Her parents always favored Panther. She slunk into a small house, sinking deep into misery. She had done this before, when Panther first disappeared. She would go into a blank state, her eyes blank, her words meaningless. What’s the point? Nobody was going to help. Nobody. She thought about how many people paid attention to her. None. she thought bitterly. Tears rolled down her cheeks, soaking into her fur. Moon’s consciousnesses was lost deep inside of her. She got up, determined to stay strong, even though she would be alone. All alone. Moon started to focus her energy into her paws, and static sparked all around her.
(I’m leveling up Ambi and Moon in one chain)
Ami –
Ami saw plants grow extremely fast at a tom’s paws and walked up to him. They nudged him awake and mewed at him
“Those plants around you are growing extremely fast, I think that there might be some undiscovered compounds and elements here, as some places seem to be flammable and other areas act as fertiliser, and some places even make ice appear, “ they hoped that the tom would understand.
But then they remembered how he was the cat that had said that it was magic, and she huffed
“Oh you’re that cat who believes in magic aren’t you, my father is like that as well.”
Suddenly, they saw the birth of the she cat’s kits all over again. That’s weird they thought, the memory must be in the front part of my brain, some circumstance probably triggered a flashback. They would have to do further studies later, to discover the trigger.
Not as soon as they had left that flashback, they saw a locked door, like the ones in the lab.
Then on the floor of that room, she saw a body, a white tom with one leg and a short tail, laying on the floor, dead.
Ami screamed and the vision was gone.
Ice had appeared at their paws, it was that strange compound again.
“It’s not magic, it’s not magic.” Ami closed their eyes and gritted their teeth,
“Father, “ they cried out, “ I have a problem, I seem to be getting regular strange halluncinations, and they won’t go away.”
(Poor Ami, they just saw their dad die in a vision)
“Woah! Are you all right?” Ambi asked. ” this is magic, whether you believe it or not. Magic is real. Science is real too, but science can’t always be trusted.”
Ami and Iciclefur –
“Magic isn’t real !!!” Ami huffed, “why can’t anyone see that ! There is a scientific explanation for everything, apart from the thoughts and feelings of other cats, which you can sometimes predict, but will often stray from your prediction. All these things that are happening, can be explained by science, otherwise how would they happen !”
Iciclefur heard his daughters cry and padded over
“Look Ami, calm down, you will learn one day that magic is real, look I can move shadows !” Iciclefur made one of the shadows into a bunny, and made it hop around, Ami glared at him.
“And about those hallucinations, they might be visions of the future, you never know !”
Ami’s eyes widened, what if they were vision, then Iciclefur would di…..
No they wouldn’t think about that.
“IT IS NOT A VISION. I WON’T LET IT BE A VISION !” They cried before calming down, “ Anyway, you can’t control shadows, they are the absence of light, what you are seeing is a trick of light.”
Ambi experimented with his new plant power, wondering if he could anything else. “Maybe I could wilt the plants, or grow bigger ones, or….” He got up noticing he was alone, and sat back down, memories flashing through him. His paws heated up, his fur glowing dark red, and created a couple of small flames. “Cool!”
Moon still sat in the house, wondering what else she could do. She heard a loud bang and stood straight up. Since she was in a small torn down house, the roof boards left small gashes in her fur. To her amazement, the wounds glowed a faint aqua, and healed in about 5 minutes, which was way shorte than it should have been.
Wildflower gave Pebble an amused glance. “Well, I’ll leave you two be. And congratulations.” Wildflower licked Pebble’s ear (this is not weird k) and grew the two a rose, then got up to leave.
(also I realized I forgot to put a ‘not’ in front of ‘hanging for dear life’ so that was awkward)
Luana looked around at the other cats. She spotted Black Bird and Eclipse. Ahh perfect! The two seemed kind of cold, but that really only seemed to be with Dune, she thought,,chuckling softly. She should probably get to know them more, seeing as they were in this together! Trotting over, she purred loudly.
“Hey guys!”
Black Bird ignored the she-cat. Because, of course, he’s Black Bird. What else would he do?
Eclipse flicked him and smiled at Luana.
“Hi.” She said, licking her paw and drawing it up to her ear.
Luana chuckled at Black Bird.
“Oh, he’s just like my sister’s mate. Never wanting to talk to anyone!” She purred loudly. “How’s your power going? I think I just have ice, but randomly I’ll see flashbacks…”
“Water, and I think poison, because every once in a while I can spit out this horrible gooey thing.” Eclipse mewed. “But I swear, BLACK BIRD IS TURNING INVISIBLE.”
Luana laughed loudly at that.
“What?! Like he, haha! He just disappears??!”
Eclipse nodded.
Just then, Black Bird looked at the shadows at his paws, and imahgined them moving.
They did.
“Oh, look, I am. Shadow and invisibility, I think.”
Eclipse looked at everyone.
(I think that Eclipse is talking to Dune right now so I’ll comment over here as we are both talking to them
Dune and Mieginck –
Dune looked up at Eclipse, surprised that she had approached him.
“Uhh hi, “ He mewed, “ come to see the kits, I guess ? This one here’s Wren, this ones Blizzard and that little sweet thing is Sky.”
He gestured to each of the kits in turn, making sure it was clear which was which.
Mieginck saw Eclipse and padded over to her, half wanting to meet the kits and half wanting to check how the she cat was doing, she had looked very freaked out earlier.
“Hey Eclipse, “ He mewed, “ Hows your power going, and don’t worry about me flipping out again, unless someone pushes me into the water I should be fine for now.” He smiled at her, before a hacking cough took over him again and he spat out the horrible liquid, making sure it didn’t go anywhere near the kits.
“Why are you here, “ he asked Eclipse, “ you don’t have to tell me but I’m interested, I ended up here because I was starving in a desert after running from my group. I don’t know why Harnor picked me, what about you?”
Eclipse smiled. “It’s going good…I haven’t really done much with it, but I’m ok with it as long as it doesn’t hurt me or anyone else.” But then Eclipse was startled at Meiginck’s second question. Even if this was Dune she was talking in front of, she answer truthfully.
“Our little brother Ash…He was the nicest kit you’ve ever seen, but when he was only seven moons old we went out for a walk by a rushing river. It was getting dark so we started heading back, when he told a joke, and when we weren’t expecting it, he slipped and fell into the water…Ash had no idea how to swim so he drowned and we didn’t do anything to save him…It’s comepletly my fault Ash died, and I was a dumb, ignorant cat back then Then Harnor came to me, and he told me I didn’t jave to wach anyone else die.” She said, pressing into Black Bird. Tears once again rolled down her cheeks, but instead of holding her like he did before, Black Bird rose.
He was a small cat, but he rose.
“Look what you’ve done. I don’t understand why she came over here, I tried to tell her not to, but she did. If you had come to her to ask her this, I’d kill you but since you didn’t I’ll just make sure you don’t do something like this ever again. I’m warning you, one wrong move and-” He was cut off by Eclipse.
“Black Bird, shut your trap or you’ll get us both killed!” Eclipse hissed. She had really been crying, but it had stopped. She pushed him away, and stayed there.
Mieginck –
Mieginck felt so guilty for asking Eclipse about her past, but her brother was being horrid ! How was Mieginck to know !
“I’m so so sorry, “ Mieginck quietly meowed, “ Ash sounds like a great cat, and I’m sure it wasn’t your fault, these things happen and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Mieginck laid his tail on Eclipses side and nuzzled her neck, before pulling away, a bit embarrassed.
“In the desert, where I met Palm, I hurt one of my best friends, Harminbal, it was an accident obviously but it meant he couldn’t hunt. When me and Kinkaroy, she was another one of my friends, tried to hunt for him, we were caught and HArminbal starved. Me and Kinkaroy were told we would be killed, but we ran, Kinkaroy didn’t get away, but I did.”
Tears started to roll down his cheeks but he shook them away.
“Then this cult picked me up, they made me kill cats, including my friends, it was horrible, “ Mieginck shook his head to get the thoughts out.
“I was a coward one time, and the leader noticed, he planned to have me killed, but I over heard his plans and ran. I nearly starved in that desert, that’s when Harnor found me.”
Tears ran freely down his cheeks now.
Eclipse nodded. It felt nice to know she wasn’t the only cat who had someone die. But she wish she were. No one should have to go through that.
Okoye padded along the city and watched the cats, suspicious. Weren’t they here to win? But then again, they had been here for a long time, so of course they would have made friends. She watched a tom and a she-cat curled around some…kits? Wasn’t it dangerous to have kits at this time? She went to look at the kits.
(I so want a rivalry between Dune and Okoye right now.)
(I’m a fan of Mad Dune(tm) I so support this rivalry)
Dune –
“Get away !” Dune hissed at the approaching cat, “can’t you see one of these kits is sick !”
“Go ! Now !” He spat rising to his paws. “All the other cats who are here are my friends, who I at least vaguely trust. You are neither of those things !”
(I’d really like Clover to be best friends or make friends with Quintessa (with the same personality as her) or Ami (who is quite different from her 😛 ))
Clover –
She sighed and supposed that she would have to find someone to talk to. She walked over to a Brown tabby she-cat (Ami). “Uh, hi. I’m guessing you know this place. Not that I really need help,” she snapped. “But, ummm, yeah. I’m Clover. Who are you, and how did you end up here?”
Ami –
Ami saw Clover approach them, and turned to face her ,smiling.
“Hi ! I’m Ami, I don’t know exactly how I got HERE but I left my lab because they were going to kill my father, he’s here as well.”
She gestured to Iciclefur
(Did you see my reply to tawny?)
(No, where? Sorry, I might have, but idk)
I looked back almost every page and I couldn’t find anything except from the it when hey both glow.
Flame woke up, noticing that his bush was being shook by something, he looked up and saw another cat in his bush “hey! what are you doing here?” Flame whisper-yelled “cant you find another bush?” he asked then he looked around realising that there are no other bushes around “you can stay, make sure that nobody can see you outside of the bush” he said not explaining why he was in a bush
Jaoien smiled.
“I won’t. That’s my friend over thereandimreallyhappyforherwhyareyouhere?” She whispered
“oh, right I’m here because thats my sister over” Flame said gesturing towards the she-cat laying on the ground with his tail “and I’m just making sure that she is safe and that the other cat wont hurt her” Flame explained
“Oh, Pebble would not hurt anyone. Without being provoked that is.” Jaoien whispered. “And I don’t think a sleeping cat can provoke her that much.”
“ok, but I want to make sure anyways. So how is your life going?” Flame attempted conversation, even though he was bad at it
(he is talking to Jaoien by the way)
Okoye hissed. Who did this tom think he was? The necklace around Okoye’s neck flew off and a second later in was a gleaming spear. By Okoye’s command, it shot to the tom’s throat. “Do you see this spear?” she snarled. ” I’ve killed with it. You threaten me again, and I won’t hesitate to kill you. ” The spear turned into a necklace and Okoye put it back on, and then walked away.
(Guys, I can’t have a character named Okoye without her having a vibranium spear. I just can’t.)