Top 10 Best Warrior Names by Otterpaw

Otterpaw shares a list of some of the best warrior names. Do any of them catch your eye?

Art by Spottedfire23

Hello again! Otterpaw here once again, to talk about Warrior Names. But… last time I wrote about the worst. This time I’ll talk about the best.

10) Lionblaze – I like this name because it reminds me a lot of his personality. Strong? Lion-. Has a bit of a temper?… -blaze. It makes sense, and giving the name Lionblaze to a golden tom? A+

9) Silverstream – The Silver-part makes sense because she’s a silver cat. Stream makes sense because she’s in RiverClan. Silversream makes sense in all! This name is so graceful, so it’s very fitting!

8) Brightheart – This name is very true to Brightheart. She is so kind and bright, so Brightheart is a good name for her because it matches her personality! I love this name.

7) Hawkfrost – Even though Hawkfrost is… well… evil, I really, really like his name! The suffix -frost makes him sound powerful, and Hawk is already a powerful name! His name really describes him, because of his ‘cold’ personality.

6) Hollyleaf – First of all, Hollykit is a good name for a black cat. Hollyleaf is an even better name for a black cat with green eyes. I’m glad Squirrelflight requested to give Hollyleaf her name, because it’s just so beautiful!

5) Cloudmist – I. Love. This. Name. It’s so pretty, and perfectly fitting for a small white she-cat. Her name is so pretty! Good job, Leafstar.

4) Blossomfall – Not only is the she-cat pretty, but her name is great, too. I can imagine blossom petals falling from a tree, it’s just a pretty vision. That’s why I like the name so much.

3) Crowfeather – I always liked bird names that made sense. That’s why I like the name Crowfeather. Like, a crow’s feather. Crows have feathers, so it makes sense. See? I just like the name.

2) Echosong – This name is so great! I always loved the suffix -song, and when you put Echo in front of it, it turns out to become a pretty name. Echosong is so great, I had to put it on my list.

Honorable Mentions)
Lilyheart – Beautiful name! I love it.

Lionheart – Like Lionblaze, that name makes sense for a golden tom!

And for #1…

1) Spottedleaf – As much as I hate Spottedleaf, I love the name. It’s so pretty! I can see a leaf drifting through the sky, dappled spots all over it. It just gives me a good picture, so that’s why I love it so much!

Anyways, thank you for reading! I’d love to hear you opinions!

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