• (Yeah, you’re right, I meant whatever you said! XD) “I-I’m sorry! I just don’t want to die, I have to look after my brother, who is only 2 moons old,” As he said that, a tiny kit stumbled from out behind him, “This is my brother, Curlkit!”(This is a real cat!) “S-so please d-don’t kill me! I would like it if y-you and I could work together, and try to win! My mom was killed, and my dad abandoned us, so Curlkit and I have no one except each other.”

    • Leopardfang started him down and hissed, “If you trust me with Curlkit, I’ll let you go. If not, I’ll take you with me.”

  • “Thunderblaze”, Curlkit piped.


    “Will this cat help us? I’m really hungry!”

    “I don’t know. Will you help us Leopardfang?” Thunderblaze asked.

    • Leopardfang rolled her eyes. “Leave Curlkit here, and I promise I’ll give you food. If you don’t you better leave.”

  • “No!” Thunderblaze snarled “He’s my brother!” He bristled his fur and drew back his teeth. He realized fighting wouldn’t help. “I just want to have someone to look after me. My mom, is gone. My dad abandoned us. Wait! How about we team to win this! Then we can go to victory clan!” He heard bushes rustling. He turned and saw a black and white body peek out. “Badger!” he caterwauled.

    • Leopardfang froze before picking up Curlkit by the scruff and running. I need to run away from my kits, but now enough to get lost…

  • Thunderblaze bristled as the badger moved in. He Leaped upon its back and drove his claws into its back. He felt something hard as the badger hissed and threw him off. He saw it run the way Curlkit had went and he followed, pelting after his brother.

  • Curlkit bounced up and down as Leopardfang carried him away. He saw Thunderblaze slowly getting smaller. He hissed and scratched at Leopardfang, and wiggled free. He ran to Thunderblaze, but was blocked by the same badger. He saw its teeth, its eyes as dark as a moonless night. He curled, waiting to see his ancestors in StarClan, but his death was stopped by a flash of black fur. Thunderblaze saved him!
    “Go Thunderblaze!” he mewed, as his brother drove the badger away. He saw Leopardfangs kits padding behind Thunderblaze. Thunderblaze marched up to Leopardfang.
    “What do you think your doing, leaving your kits!” He screeched.

    • (Please don’t control the kits, also they’re only a day old and wouldn’t be able to do that)
      Leopardfang hissed. She realized that Thunderblaze and Curlkit were with the badger, but she rolled her eyes and disguising her scent, ran back to her kits. Maplekit was mewing, hungry. Leopardfang laid down, letting her kits nurse.
      Maplekit was grateful for her mother’s milk, and drank.

  • (Im so sry)
    Thunderblaze calmed down, and then said, “Look, I am sorry. I just am so stressed.” Thunderblaze mewed. “You know what, I am just going to ask. Can you please take care of me an Curlkit. it is a lot to ask, but I am 10 moons and Curlkit is two moons. So could you please adopt us.”

    • Leopardfang growled. “You look old enough to eat prey. I have my actual kits to feed.” She pushed him away and asked Darkfang, “Do you have anything for them?”

      • Darkfang shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. I can go catch something if you’d like, though.” She gave Twistkit a lick on the head before bounding off quietly to find some prey.

  • Darkfang was shaken by the events that had just happened, but she fluffed out her fur and picked up Twistkit, bringing him over to Leopardfang. “Sorry I wasn’t able to help,” she murmured. Then she looked over the new cat, Thunderblaze, and his brother Curlkit. They were young, but it was clear that Thunderblaze was invested in winning, and that wouldn’t help for Leopardfang and the kits.

    • Leopardfang sighed. “Well five cats have died, so that leaves nineteen cats including us, and twenty one if you include those two,” pointing to her kits

    • Leopardfang hissed. “I just had these two today! And you don’t need to care about me as if I’m just fat and lazy now! I can still take you on.”

  • Thunderblaze crouched in shame. “I-I just want whats best for you all. I can’t fail again like I failed my parents. I can’t fail Curlkit!” Thunder meowed. He padded forlornly over to Darkfang. “Want to hunt?” he mewed sadly.

    • Darkfang nodded. “Sure. And… sorry about Leopardfang. She can get like this sometimes, and she did just give birth the other night.”

    • Leopardfang yelled to them, “I didn’t adopt you, I just took you two in! And you better pull your weight or you don’t want to know what’ll happen!”

  • Thunderblaze exchanged an amused look with Darkfang and he mewed, “Now, lets hunt!” As he said that, he saw a huge crow land. Silently, he dropped into the crouch his mother had taught him. He leaped, and batted the bird down as it squawked with alarm and tried to escape. He nip it on its spine, killing it. He padded back to Leopardfang and dropped it beside her. “I am pulling my weight!”

    • Leopardfang nodded. She couldn’t deny that the young tom had done a good job. “Well done,” she told him as she started eating and the kits started nursing.
      Maplekit was hungry so she found her mother and started nursing quietly.

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