• In the Reis, you have to be extra careful, you are already hated by the Monarchy, so you have to try extra hard to entertain them and help them the best you can. Even before the visit a few cats flee the rebellion out of few, but not before they form a whole story over their demise. Art scatters the camp, and cats sit around, carefully crafting it

  • Glowingrose –

    As they sauntered around camp, head held high, they couldn’t help but glance jealously at the wonderful colours that spread across the other cats artwork. His always seemed so DULL. Maybe it was because those goody four paws in Dahon didn’t deem his flirting appropriate, and only handed him meagre amounts of flowers.

  • Broken Glass glanced at his artwork and turned in disgust, it was ruined. He was thinking about the Monarchy which made him flex his claws angrily and that only lead to his piece of art getting…….. well demolished. He looked around camp and saw the only other cat besides him that had looked away from their art was Glowingrose. Broken Glass walked up to the golden-brown she-cat and sat down. “Struggling with your artwork too huh?” He asked.

    • Glowingrose –

      As the apprentice approached, Glowingrose sat down, and began to groom herself.
      “Oh you have no idea, darling !” They ruffled the apprentices head fur, rolling his eyes.
      “I don’t think all those Dahon warriors like me very much , they all ways hand me the dullest flowers !”
      Sighing, she licked her long golden fur, pinkisheyes glowing in the sunlight. Glancing over Broken Glass’s shoulder, she sighed as she spotted the claw rips going through the art.
      “You see all you need is not to take your anger out on the art !”
      Laughing, Glowingrose turned back to Broken Glass
      “Let me guess, you have fallen madly in love with a she cat from another clan, yet you know she’ll never love you, so your mad !”
      Glowingrose laughed at his accusation, but at the same time, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen it happen before.

      (By the way, when she called Broken Glass darling, she wasn’t trying to flirt, she just calls everyone that.)

      • Light Shining On Snow-

        Light turned to face the golden-brown she-cat. “Glowingrose. Stop flirting with Broken Glass and do some art. We need to impress the Monarchy.” She barely hid the hiss in her voice at the mention of the Monarchy.

        Her tone softened. “Broken Glass, I will get you a new canvas. I’d advise you to cleanse your mind and focus on your artwork. And I will get high-quality flowers for both if you.”

        She stared at Glowingrose one more time. “Don’t try anything funny.”

        • Glowingrose –

          Putting on the most offended look he could muster, Glowingrose batted his eyelids at the leader.
          “I wasn’t flirtling ! I call practically everyone darling, and I have no idea what you mean about trying anything funny. I’d never dare try win over someone so beautiful .”
          He winked at the she cat, running his paw through his pelt. Light Shining on Snow was possibly his favourite she cat to annoy.

  • Night Flower-
    “No, this is how you do it.”

    The young apprentice next to him dipped his paw in the paint, swirling on the canvas. Night Flower sighed. Why couldn’t this stupid young cat do it right? He was trying to help, but this was getting ridiculous.

    “Hurry up,” he snapped, scaring the apprentice. “I don’t want to show you again.”

  • Broken Glass looked behind him and saw an apprentice Purple Sky glancing at both Ivymoon and himself. “Purple Sky, come join us!” He called as he motioned his tail for her to come sit with him. He gazed at the apprentices’ painting in astonishment. Purple Sky had a talent for painting unlike him, the art pieces he didn’t destroy were just too simple compared to hers.

  • Treeblossom-
    Treeblossom angrily scratched at his painting. He had accidentally messed that whole thing up and now he couldn’t keep his rage out of his mind. He hated always making art, just because his eyes were different colors. He hated that any cat could order him around. He then remembered Silverice and his heart softened. Treeblossom shook his head. ‘She’s from another clan. She’ll never love you back.’ he thought and returned to his now almost destroyed painting. With a sigh he started grooming himself hoping no one will see his destroyed ‘masterpiece’.

    • Glowingrose –

      Padding over next to the tom, she let out exasperated sigh as she saw his ripped up worked. She wasn’t the only one struggling to focus today.
      “Darling, calm down. The art hasn’t done anything to deserve that.”
      She laughed softly, then noticed that desolate look in the toms eyes
      “Oh Treeblossom, is there some heart ache at play over here ? Come on, tell me all about her. Or him, you never know.”

      • Treeblossom-

        He stared at Glowingrose for a second unsure about what he should say. He was unsure whether the she-cat would be supportive or would laugh at his feelings. He let out a long sigh then decided on telling Glowrose the truth. “There’s this Kaukau she-cat, Silverice who I really like. We have talked a lot before but I’m scared that she doesn’t want a Reis cat as her mate. I don’t want to actually ask her, because I’m scared I’ll scare her away. The funny thing is, at the beginning I was going to be put into Kaukau but one of the Monarchy cats stated that my eyes weren’t blue but turquoise. So I could be with Silverice right now, in the same clan without having to bother about things like this.” he said and only after did he realize he hadn’t taken a breeath through his small monologue. He took in a deep breath and waited for Glowingrose to say something. He straightened up and scraped the remains of his painting into a small heap.

        • Glowingrose –

          Wow. For once the other cat actually was heartbroken. That had never happened before. He always just spoke to annoy the other.
          Sitting next to Treeblossom, he pushed away the remains of his ruined painting. Placing his paw on the toms, Glowingrose looked him in the eye.
          “I know what you mean. With other clan cats, their fine to have a quick flirt, maybe even a relationship. But never, never ever has anyone I loved wanted to settle down with me.”
          His mind drifted back to the first cat he had a real, proper crush on. Honeymoon of Kaukau. The moment he had left, she seemed to flip, there were rumours about a murder. He had avoided Kaukau as much as possible after that.
          “But if this cat, if Silverrice really loves you, then maybe, just maybe the two of you can appeal to the Monarchy. Get one of you to switch clans. If you love her, then she may, just may love you back. And who would throw away that chance ?”
          He met Treeblossom’s turquoise gaze, and stared right back at him.

          • Treeblossom-
            He gratefully held Glowingrose’s gaze, happy that for once the tom was serious. “Thank you Glowingrose, I’m happy I got to tell someone. I think I will tell Silverice about my feelings.” he meowed and let out a purr thinking, of meeting Silverice again.

  • The Monarchy Visit went…… as well as it could have gone. The cat says still hate the Reis for some reason, but a little less now.
    Something seems to be ripping up art ! Your cats can either go to the Monarchy or try to find out who is the culprit on their own

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