• Hey guys! Welcome to this page, which contains the plot and cast of characters for my roleplay, Honor!

    In every game, there’s always a Trainers’ School. But have you ever wondered what they’re like? In the Pabay region, the Trainers’ School is interesting to say the least, especially the school for teenagers (ages 13-17). They have a social standing, where grades play little to no role. It’s based merely on popularity and skill in battles/contests/performances. There’s the highest tier, for the best students, called the Honor Circle. Down one, the students admire the Honor Circle trainers. They’re called the Second Circle, and are usually respected and sometimes even friends with the Honor Circle. Down another, there’s a large group of trainers called the Third Circle. They’re your average student and trainer, friends within themselves as they are the largest circle. Finally, at the bottom, is the Fourth Circle. It’s a small group, the same size as the Honor Circle. They aren’t necessarily not smart, but merely at the bottom of the social standings.

    As the Honor Circle kids grow meaner, smarter, and stronger, the Fourth Circle kids realize something. Most of the Honor Circle kids aren’t good trainers. They are cruel and ruthless to their Pokemon. If they can prove they are better trainers than the Honor Circle kids, they won’t be bullied, harassed, or embarrassed anymore. They persuade the teachers to hold a battle tournament, contest, and performance for all students to compete in. Their plan? To win. To win every single competition, dethrone the Honor Circle students, and become the greatest trainers.

    Ready to sign up? Visit this page!

  • And here’s the current cast of characters:

    Honor Circle:
    Astrid Willow (Moon): Tall, lithe teenage girl with long, wavy blond hair with coral highlights and hazel eyes. Cruel, popular, leader, queen bee of the Trainers’ School, always gets exactly what she wants. Partner: Florges (Orange). Trainer Type: Battler
    Luna Willow (Moon): Tall, lithe teenage girl with long, wavy black hair with dark blue highlights and dark brown eyes. Smart, silent but deadly, calculating. One of the few Honor Circle kids with exceptional grades. Astrid’s younger sister. Partner: Absol. Trainer Type: Battler

    Second Circle:
    Heather King (Moon): Wavy, medium length black haired teenage girl with dark brown eyes. Her hair is usually in a high ponytail. Jealous of the Honor Circle, very Slytherin, ambitious, people smart, quick thinking, charming. Partner: Sylveon. Trainer Type: Performer

  • CAST:

    Honor Circle:
    Astrid Willow (Moon): Tall, lithe teenage girl with long, wavy blond hair with coral highlights and hazel eyes. Cruel, popular, leader, queen bee of the Trainers’ School, always gets exactly what she wants. Partner: Florges (Orange). Trainer Type: Battler

    Featherie Flyte (Wren): Pale girl with long, messy bleach blond hair, dyed navy tips, and dark brown eyes. Sucker, anti-social, short-tempered, bragger, popular. Member of Astrid’s group. Partner: Pidgeot. Trainer Type: Battler

    Whispligh (Whisp) Neltoi (Shadow): Lean girl with black hair and blue eyes. Cruel, selfish, sometimes feels guilty, usually too cool to feel anything. Partner: Meowstic (female). Trainer Type: Battler

    Luna Willow (Moon): Tall, lithe teenage girl with long, wavy black hair with dark blue highlights and dark brown eyes. Smart, silent but deadly, calculating. One of the few Honor Circle kids with exceptional grades. Astrid’s younger sister. Partner: Absol. Trainer Type: Battler

    Cole James (Maple): Short boy with short, clipped brown hair and a scar up the side of his arm. Mean, prepared to bully to get his way, strong. Partner: Shiny Torracat. Trainer Type: Battler

    Zoey Kakona (Viperpaw): Tall teenage girl with long, straight blond hair and dark blue eyes. Cruel, occasionally sympathetic, stubborn, nicer to Pokémon than to people. Partner: TBD Trainer Type: Battler

    Lily-Rose Alekia (Cherrypaw): Long, bushy snowy white hair usually tied in little braids, dark skin, and blue-green eyes.

    Second Circle:
    Heather King (Moon): Wavy, medium length brown haired teenage girl with dark brown eyes. Her hair is usually in a high ponytail. Jealous of the Honor Circle, very Slytherin, ambitious, people smart, quick thinking, charming. Partner: Sylveon. Trainer Type: Performer

    Alice Swift (Misty): Tall, pale, teenage girl with long, wavy, blond hair with green tips, freckles, and hazel eyes. Very high self-esteem, very ambitious. Hates Astrid, helps the Fourth Circle plan in hopes to see Astrid beaten in battle. Pretends not to care about her sister, Jubilee, but truly does. Partner: Serperior. Trainer Type: Battler

    Augusta Clover (Littlefang): Small, pale boy with wavy brown hair falling to his chin, dappled with blue at the bottom. Brown eyes. Cool headed, rational, smart battler, mean on bad days, loves Pokémon and researching. Partner: Gyarados. Trainer Type: Battler/Researcher

    Raina Ly (Rainie): Short girl with long, thin, straight black hair down or in a ponytail with brown eyes. Determined, hard-working, quiet. Partner: Azumarill. Trainer Type: Battler

    Rose Chandler (Embermoon): Medium height girl with red hair and hazel eyes. Nice, stubborn, creative, fierce, and flirty. Partner: Alolan Ninetales. Trainer Type: Performer

    Third Circle:
    Rosella Camara (Rose): Tall, light skinned girl with dark brown hair and eyes. Personality tbd. Non-binary (they/them pronouns). Partner: Zorua. Trainer Type: Battler

    Shadow Moonara (Shadow): Brown skinned, thin girl with dark brown (almost black) hair, brown eyes. Smart, nice, kind of weird, unpopular, extremely short-tempered.

    Violet Williams (Silverlight): Long, brown hair, blue eyes. Always has a yellow straw hat. Determined, cares deeply for her Pokémon and gives them all the attention they need, very friendly, cares a lot about her appearance. Partner: Espeon. Trainer Type: Performer

    Holly Clews (Sandy): Average-tall girl with pale yellow, slightly curly hair up to her shoulders, blue green eyes, and braces. Shy and quiet, doesn’t talk much around new friends, super talkative around close friends. Partner: TBD. Trainer Type: Battler

    Angelina (Angie) Thunstorm (Willow/Pup): Pale skinned girl with long, wavy black hair fading to purple and dull green-gray eyes. Strong, respectful, stands up for what she believes to be right. Polysexual non binary. Partner: Mimikyu. Trainer Type: TBD

    Fourth Circle:
    Elizabeth Torrez (Bluefire): Tall, skinny, teenage Caucasian girl with short blonde braids and blue-grey eyes. Creative, honest, quiet, friendly, shy. Partner: Lucario. Trainer Type: Battler

    Kylie Starshine (Cherrypaw): Tall girl with short pink hair and brown eyes. Arrogant, smart, cunning. Partner: Clefairy. Trainer Type: Performer

    Jubilee Swift (Misty): Average height pale girl with straight pale blond hair and black eyes. Two triangle clips on the sides of her head (one red and one blue). Kind, loves her Pokémon a lot, slow to realize significant things. Alice’s sister. Partner: Togekiss. Trainer Type: Coordinator

    Rain Molaris (Littlefang): Long, red, curly haired girl with green eyes. Very supportive, would love to travel the world, sometimes shy. Partner: Espurr. Trainer Type: Performer

    IT’S DONE!!! I’m sorry if I missed your character and you aren’t on there, just let me know and you’ll be on next update 🙂 I had to modify appearences (for realism) and personalities (for length) a little bit, but I hope this helps you when we RP 😀 Map and references will be out soon. I currently removed all the outfit stuff (sorry!) and have a plan/reference for the outfits of certain characters, if that is all right!