• When Flakepatch awoke he knew he was in the medicine den. He heard it outside. The yowls of fear and surprise and the power-hungry and cruel growls from the exiled cats.
    “Mudstar! How lovely to see you again!” Hardflake chuckled.
    “Go away Hardflake! You used to be so loyal! You were exiled.” Mudstar snarled.
    “Oh, but I will soon. Once Timberclan falls I will be leader! You Mudstar. You will be dead.” He snarled.
    “Mama! Mama! What’s going on? I’m scared!” Crustkit came pouncing out of the Nursery.
    “Oh? And who might this be?” Hardflake purred and snatched the small kit up.
    “Crustkit! Put my daughter down!” Mudstar screeched.
    Flakepatch burst out of the medicine den ignoring the pain.
    “PUT MY DAUGHTER DOWN!” he roared.
    “Oh? So you and Mudstar are mates now I see. And this small creature is your daughter? Then she will be the first to die.” Hardflake grinned maniacally and placed the kit down and scrapping the kit.
    “No! Mudstar yowled and bowled into Hardflake. Flakepatch bounded over grabbing the kit and bringing her to the med den. He ran back out and stopped in horror at what he saw. Hardflake had her pinned.
    “This is goodbye!” He yowled and bit Mudstars neck.
    “No!” Flakepatch yowled and started running to stop them before they could take her last life away. Two of the exiled cats pinned him down and all he could do was watch helplessly.
    “Any last words Mudstar?” Hardflake asked.
    “F-flakepatch. Take care of Crustkit. You’ll b-be a great leader. G-goodbye.” She croaked a loud crack and Mudstar was dead.
    “No!” Flakepatch cryed, “N-no.” As wails broke out throughout the clearing as the clan grieved for their lost leader Flakepatch grew angry and broke free of the cats on him and flung at his brother.
    “Fight with all your might Timberclan! We will win! In memory and honor of Mudstar!” He yowled as he fought with Hardflake.

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      “I had mercy on you before”, Willowmist hissed. “Now YOU. DIE.” She sprung at Hardflake’s back and tried to slash his throat (would you like him to die now or should we let him get away so we have more action later?)

      • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

        Willowmist gasped, then let go of Hardflake.

  • (let him go, there will be final battle near the end if Crustpaws apprenticeship)
    Flakepatch collapsed with pain from now and before. Blood dripped into his eyes as he struggled up and fought both pain and exiled cats. He felt like passing out but he fought that to and continued fighting.
    We’re doing this for you Mudstar. We’ll miss you. Flakepatch thought.
    I am always with you Flakepatch. Always.

  • 🌿☁️Fern☁️🌿Mintcloud/kit she/her🌿☁️scorchlight I forgot the tribe name you suggested..☁️🌿 says:

    Ivyfeather gasped in horror, MUDSTAR IS DEAD! She reared as an attacker pounced in front of her, then she did the front-flip move and snapped at the attacker’s tail, hissing they came to meet her. As they tried to lash at her, she went down, making her attacker stumble.
    “Your hopeless,” she growled. Then she remembered the warrior code,
    “a warrior does not need to kill to win a battle,” she muttered under her breath.

  • 🌿☁️Fern☁️🌿Mintcloud/kit she/her🌿☁️scorchlight I forgot the tribe name you suggested..☁️🌿 says:


    The cat below her was a small she-cat with ruffled black fur and brilliant blue eyes. She had blotches of orange across her pelt, to.
    “Please! I don’t want to die..” the she cat pleaded.
    “You deserve to, you tried to kill me!” Ivyfeather hissed back.
    “I am not to blame,” she insisted.
    Ivyfeather breathed in deeply keeping her paw pinned down. “No. You are to blame, you manipulated me until you insisted I betray everything I love.”
    “Actually, y-“ the she cat started.
    “NO! You will not manipulate me with your words again, Riverblaze,” Ivyfeather choked out the name.
    “I’m not trying t-“ Riverblaze tried,
    Paws swiftly landed on Riverblaze’s neck. “I said, GIVE UP!” Ivyfeather growled. She quickly put her claws deep into Riverblaze’s neck, killing her.

    • The battle is here Crustkit is in med den Mudstar is dead.

  • Flakepatch panted as he fought and started to push them back with his clan and soon many started running. Finally it was only Hardflake remaining, Flakepatch pinned him down.
    “It’s over Hardflake. You lost, again.” Flakepatch snarled.
    “Kill me then.” Hardflake snarled.
    “No. Your my brother, run away. Run and don’t think of attacking us again. You’ve lost cats, Riverblaze,” he flicked his tail to the dead she-cat, then to others, “If you return, more may die.” He let his brother go and he immediately lunged at Flakepatch scratching his neck but not deep as Flakepatch knocked him away. Hardflake made one last glare and ran.
    “I will return. And I will win.” After he was gone Flakepatch turned to his clan,
    “Timberclan! W-We won!” Flakeoatch yowled.

  • “Yay!” Ivyfeather exclaimed as Flakepatch yowled the win. But then Ivyfeather remembered, “Flakepatch, you still need your nine lives and name though.”

  • “I-I know. But before I do, I must appoint a deputy.” Flakepatch scanned the surrounding cats until his gaze rested on one, “I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Timberclan is Silvernose.” The clan started chanting Silvernose’s name, “I will now get my lives.”
    (Silvernose asked to become deputy if anything happened so now she is)

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      “Flakestar! Silvernose!” Willowmist chanted.
      Lily joined her, a bit awkwardly. “Flakepatc-star, I know I’m a…Loner“, that’s the word, isn’t it?“And all, but…Can I join your Clan? TimberClan?” She glanced at him with hopeful eyes.

        • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

          Lily looked at him, relaxing instantly and sighing in relief. “I’m Lily. My name’s Lily. I’m seven moons old. And yes, I would like a Clan name – Clan names rae names like Silvernose or Flurrypaw, right?”

  • ~Vulturethorn~
    He sat there without a word, his eyes distant as he lay down. Everything happened so quickly and he didn’t know how to react.

  • 🌿☁️Fern☁️🌿Mintcloud/kit she/her🌿☁️I think the only, TEAM SKYYYYYYCLAAAN☁️🌿 says:

    Ivyfeather moved toward silvernose and purred in congrats “congratulations on becoming deputy silvernose.”

  • “Today we have won a great battle. Mudstar is dead, but we will move on. We will survive and Timberclan will thrive many, many more seasons. Not only that win and loss, but also we wlcome Lily. From this day, until made warrior you shall be known as Lilypaw. Your mentor shall be Willowmist. I know she will pass all she knows to you.” Flakepatch dipped his head to the new member, “Welcome to Timberclan! Now for my lives and name.” He sprinted out of camp and toward the Blindingrock.


    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      “Thank you”, Lilypaw murmured, dipping her head.

  • Flakestar walked into the camp and was glad everyone was calmed at least a little bit. He walked to the leader den and looked into it with a saddened gaze. Even when I know your still with me, Mudstar, it feels like I lost a part of my heart. He thought and layed just outside the entrance scanning the clan. His eyes landed on Lilypaw, “She’ll hopefully get along well in the clan. I can see her becoming a great asset to Timberclan.” he muttered.

    • “Tonight we will sit vigil for Mudstar,” Ivyfeather started, “she was an excellent leader and she died for her clan. We will miss her much, but we now have a new leader to guide us.” She nodded towards Flakestar.