• Bounce created a canal towards Echo’s mouth. “Gurgle it in your throat. Then spit out. Any sand or extra water stuck in your throat will come out.”

    • Echo did as the tom told him, coughing the rest of the water out of his system. “Thanks” he meowed weakly, “I might have died if you hadn’t helped.”

  • Mothy-
    She stared back at the cats, now turning into sirens. Alarmed, she backed away, almost pushing herself into the other side of the island. “Wha…?” Her mom and father always told her about how she should always keep her ground… but these were SIRENS! was She supposed to not shiver away from sirens?
    Suddenly, a wave engulfed her, and she felt a burst of panic. ‘I’m gonna DIE here! I thought i would make it….’
    She fought against the waves, doing her best not to get caught. Whipping around, she spotted a siren, And she thrusted herself onto a small rock, slippery and hardly above water. Gasping for precious air, she bounded to a higher spot, finally safe from the dangerous current.
    Hardly conscious, she felt sick to her stomach.

    • Claim!
      This is my fanfic posting page!
      Others are welcome!
      In the name box, put the title of your fanfic, like this:
      Qwertyuiop by _______

      • Appleleaf purred as she licked her kits one by one, smoothing her tongue over each of her precious kits.
        “What will you name them?” Palecloud asked his mate.
        “I…I don’t know…..” She responded.
        After some time, she finally chose names.
        “This one is Emberkit,” she said, licking the little brown tom-kit.
        “This one Hollykit,” she gestured to the tortoiseshell and brown she-kit.
        “And this one Cloudkit, named after you.” she looked at her mate with love in her eyes.
        “And this one?” Palecloud asked, gesturing to the only remaining kit.
        “Brightkit.” Appleleaf decided.
        “Appleleaf? Were is she?” Hollykit asked, pacing the nursery.
        “Yeah! Palecloud, were is she?” Cloudkit said.
        “I…I’m so sorry, kits. She’s gone…” Palecloud answered.
        “Gone were?” Brightkit asked.
        “Gone to StarClan, Brightkit! I’m so sorry! Its all my fault!”
        “its all your fault? You mean… YOU KILLED HER!?!?!”
        “No, no, no! Brightkit, sometimes its not-”

  • ☃️ Shrubpaw/song is waiting for December ☃️ || ❄️ She/her ❄️ || 🧊 “There are tests, and then there are tests.” 🧊 || 💙 Apprentice to the SURPURRIER Olivenose! 💙 says:
