‘Gather around, apprentices.’ Skyteller said. The four kits settled around the Teller’s murky cave. Dawnpaw shuffled closer.
    ‘For six moons we have been training you to defend the Elemental stone, using your claws and teeth. Today you will get your elemental gift, and train to control it to become the strength of SpiritClan.”
    “What’s the gifts?” Dawnpaw wondered.
    “Many moons ago, four cats received a sign from StarClan. They were told to hike very far until they found the Elemental stone, and make a Clan. They were blessed with the spirits of nature: Fire, Earth, Water and Air. The Clan was thriving. Protecters were given the gift of nature to save nature from those who will abuse it. Tonight, it is your turn to get your gift, and learn to control it like those before you.”
    “What happens if it breaks?”
    “Then Fire, Earth, Water and Air will unite and tear the world to its roots.
    “Dawnpaw, first. Touch your nose against the elemental stone.”
    Dawnpaw obeyed. As she touched the Stone, her paws blazed red. She shrieked, but it extinguished.
    “Until this warrior earns her Protector name, she will be known as Dawnfire.” Skyteller announced.

    Dawnstar is now leader of SpiritClan. She must lead her Clan through the darkest time; a group of rouges called the Shadows are stronger than ever, and they’re close to succeeding. Can SpiritClan save the Elemental Stone?


    Kit: Suffix -Kit, it’s a kit, you know what a kit is.
    Apprentice: Suffix -Paw, These cats are learning to be warriors but have no gift yet.
    Warrior: Suffix -Fire/Water/Earth/Air, these cats do warrior duties but are still training to use their gift.
    Protector: Suffix: Warriors suffixes, these cats do warrior duties and can control and use their powers im battle.
    Deputy: Suffix: warriors suffixes, organises patrols and supports the leader.
    Leader: Suffix-Star, does what a leader is supposed to do, had 9 lives
    Elder: Suffix -warriors suffixes, these are retired cats.
    Teller: Suffix -Teller, this cat is basically an elder but they do Appreciate/ warriors/ protectors ceremonies. Tellers must have a successor always named.
    Queens: Suffix -warriors suffixes: They’re queens
    Medicine cat: Suffix -leaf, the cat/s who chose not to get a gift, but instead heal their Clan and read the signs from StarClan.

    ( By the way, Shadows essentially want to steal the Elemental Stone because they believe it will give them strength, but if they succeed they will unleash the forces and destroy the world.)
    KitClaws: Kits
    ShadeClaws: Apprentices
    ShadowClaws: Warriors
    EchoClaw: deputy
    StormClaw: Leader
    OldClaws: Elders
    HerbClaw: medicine cat (ShadowHerbClaw is the medicine cat apprentice)
    LifeClaws: queens
    NoClaws: Exiled cats


    Defend your the elemental stone with your life.
    Your loyalty should be to your Clan only.
    Respect your borders. Do not push them.
    Elders, the teller, queens, sick or injured cats and kits must be fed before apprentices, warriors and protectors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders.
    Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.
    A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice, twelve moons to become a warrior, and eighteen moons to become a protector.
    Newly appointed protectors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their protector name.
    A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
    The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies, retires, or is exiled.
    After the death, retirement, promotion (to a leader status), or exile of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen as soon as possible.
    A teller must always have a successor named.
    Each full moon every cat old enough to be fed fresh-kill must spend the night in vigil for the elemental stone, unless a cat is nursing young kits.
    Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.
    No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from an enemy.
    The word of the Clan leader or the Teller is the warrior code.
    An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for defence of the elemental stone.
    A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
    No SpiritClan cat should take pity on a Shadow or Rouge, unless they’re a kit.
    Warriors should not use their gift in battle.


    Lay down your life to reach the elemental stone.
    OldClaws, LifeClaws, sick or injured cats and kitClaws must be fed before ShadeClaws and ShadowClaws. Unless they have permission, ShadeClaws may not eat until they have hunted to feed the OldClaws.
    Prey is killed only to be eaten.
    A kitClaw must be at least four moons old to become an ShadeClaw, but the mother and StormClaw can decide when to make one a ShadeClaw.
    Newly appointed ShadowClaws mustn’t eat until Moonhigh.
    The EchoClaw will become StormClaw when the StormClaw dies, retires, or is exiled.
    After the death, retirement, promotion (to a StormClaw status), or exile of the deputy, the new EchoClaw must be chosen at sunset.
    Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.
    StormClaws have the right to take any cat hostage, even a KitClaw.
    Do whatever it takes to win battles.
    A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
    Take pity on no-one


    I will be Dawnstar
    Ask to be deputy, medicine cat or Teller. Keep suffixes as requested.
    Ask to be StormClaw, EchoClaw, or HerbClaw
    You can roleplay from SpiritClan or The Shadows
    The warrior suffix is the same as your gift.
    Don’t create any new gifts
    Only one gift, please!
    Don’t control other cats or kill them. You can kill your own.
    Most importantly, Have fun!!!

  • CLAIMED!! It’s been a year. Hunting sucess!!!

  • 🌿♏ Blackpaw 🌿 | aka Blackfern 🌿 | or Black | (she, her) || I'm a gummy bear | Looking for a mentor ||(●'◡'●)(⓿_⓿)♏🐱🐻 says:


    • Hello!! When would you like to fill out the form? 😛🙂

      • 🌿♏ Blackpaw 🌿 | aka Blackfern 🌿 | or Black | (she, her) || I'm a gummy bear | Looking for a mentor ||(●'◡'●)(⓿_⓿)♏🐱🐻 says:

        Should I fill it out right now?

        • Sure! So will I! But what I’m most excited for… Writing “Blackpaw” in my name!!!

          • 🌿♏ Blackpaw/fern 🌿 | Black | (she, her) || I'm a gummy bear | Amazing Sunflight's Apprentice ||(●'◡'●)(⓿_⓿)♏🐱 says:

            Hehe, nice! Same with your name!

  • /paw 🌿 | Black | (she, her) || I'm a gummy bear | Amazing Sunflight's Apprentice ||(●'◡'●)(⓿_⓿)♏🐱 says:

    Yay! I filled out the form!

    • Sunflight || Sun Flying Across the Sky || Sunni, Sunno || She/They || Mentor to the Incredible Blackpaw! says:

      Same! Hoping it updates by June!!!! :)))))

  • 🌿♏ Blackpaw/fern 🌿 | Black | (she, her) || gummy bear | Amazing Sunflight's Apprentice ||(●'◡'●)♏🐱 says:

    Hey, so you know how I’m doing my own games rotation and there is the “Guess the theme for a bonus point”? Do I give the bonus point to the people that win the round or whoever gets the bonus point question correct? I kinda clueless, so yeah. 😛

    • Sunflight || Sun Flying Across the Sky || Sunni, Sunno || She/They || Mentor to the Incredible Blackpaw! says:

      I think you give the point to whoever guessed the theme!

      Also, id like to get to know you better! So what are your favorite:
      Modes of Transportation

      Mine are orange, She Wants Me (To Be Loved) by The Happy Fits, plane or bus, Halloween, and foxes, leopards, and tigers!

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