• Here are the story and the rules for Divided Countries! Please read, not skim. I don’t think it’s too long 😛


    In a time far, far from the present, centuries into the future where humans have become extinct, cats rule over the world.

    Each cat is loyal to his or her own country, since each of them are divided.

    The trades have stopped. Some of the weaker and poorer ones have almost collapsed. The richer ones thrive.
    It’s an unfair system.

    There is a cat. A shadow whom no one knows the name of, who wants to bring the countries together again. Everyone knows he is real, though. As real as the earth itself. He is collecting cats from different countries into a group who will rebel against the ruler of the world.

    The ruler is the opposite if the Shadow Cat. He is a bright white, snobby and stuck up. He has control over each and every country.

    The Shadow Cat and The Light Cat made a deal – if The Shadow Cat’s group grew enough, and beat The Light Cat’s army in battle, he could rule the world and do whatever he wanted with it.

    However, The Light Cat did not keep his end of the deal. He placed the group of cats in an arena, with a series of challenges along the way.

    If they completed all of them, then beat him in battle, then, and only then, would he give them his position as the ruler of the world.

    — — —

    After the first challenge, your cats will get powers. (At first I thought I’d better not do it, because Maple’s roleplays and Froto’s old one had powers, but I think there’s a lot of power roleplays around now, so I think that’s fine?) Here is the list of the possible powers:

    During the second challenge, you can start a small spark, enough to burn a cat’s paws

    During the second challenge, you can shoot a small blast of water from your forepaw, enough to soak a cat

    During the second challenge, you can shoot some ice, enough to freeze a cat’s paw – it will wear off, but it’s a good headstart to a race or something 😛

    During the second challenge, you can grow small vine, enough to hold your enemy’s paws down

    During the second challenge, you can hover in the air for a bit

    During the second challenge, you can make a couple of tall-ish rocks shoot up from the ground

    During the second challenge, you can make some lightning bolts fizzle from your forepaw

    That’s it! Your powers will get stronger with each challenge, so don’t worry about how weak that are at the start 😂

    — — —

    Fun facts :
    ~ Cats from richer countries tend to be pushier – they don’t have to, but it’s just common at this time.
    ~ You’ll need allies, but best not to team up with cats from countries that have had . . . let’s call them fights 😛 . . . in history. (Serbia and Bosnia, China and Vietnam (I think they fought? :L 😛 ), you know what I mean 😛 ) It might make it harder for you to start a food relationship from the tension . . .
    ~ Yeet


    Right! Here are the rules!
    1. Don’t be rude – Your characters can be, if that’s their personality, but please, just don’t :’)
    2. You can’t control other people’s characters! Only your ones 🙂
    3. Keep it PG please :L having kits and blood and stuff is fine buuuuut
    4. Most importantly, have fun! Please try to enjoy this roleplay as boring as it is 😛 It’s my second one, but the first one only had about eight people in it sooooo it wasn’t very successful :L 😛

    Aaaaand I think that’s it! I really hope you enjoy this roleplay as much as I enjoyed creating it. You can advertise it if you want, and you can also tell people how terrible it is 😛

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