• ☃️ Shrubpaw/song is waiting for December ☃️ || ❄️ She/her ❄️ || 🧊 “There are tests, and then there are tests.” 🧊 || 💙 Apprentice to the SURPURRIER Olivenose! 💙 says:

    (Commenting here since we reached the thread limit)
    Tysm Spark! I changed a couple of things, though it’s still a work in progress:


    In the meantime, what did you think of my answers to your questions about Quailsnow?

    Edit: Page flip!

    • I agree that Quailsnow’s corruption would make more since if its gradual! I’ve been thinking that if we were going with the ghost mystery plot than maybe Softcloud’s schemes could be tied with Moonpetal’s death, something that Softcloud is unaware she was the cause of. Softcloud’s relationship with Quailsnow would become more compliated, as Quailsnow sees Softcloud as the only cat in the Clan who wasn’t holding him back (at least in Quailsnow’s head). Softcloud could also find a redemption arc for herself if Smokebreeze lays out the facts to her.

      • ☃️ Shrubpaw/song is waiting for December ☃️ || ❄️ She/her ❄️ || 🧊 “There are tests, and then there are tests.” 🧊 || 💙 Apprentice to the SURPURRIER Olivenose! 💙 says:

        That’s a great idea! Now, how does Softcloud cause Moonpetal’s death? Of course it should be indirect if she isn’t aware she did it herself, but in what way? She could have been manipulated by other cats to make the wrong decision leading to Moonpetal’s demise, or she could have let curiosity get the better of her leading to something happening that she dismissed as nothing? And I believe that Smokebreeze should lay out a redemption arc for Softcloud to follow, but will Moonpetal be forgiving of Softcloud’s actions or will she be in suspicion of allowing a second chance?

        • Sorry for the late reply, I was on vacation! I believe Moonpetal would at first be hesitant to forgive Softcloud but learing to forgive her would be a big part of her arc! Softcloud’s littermate Shimmerstream might be more reluctant to forgive her sister though, as she was close to both Softcloud and Moonpetal. Other ideas that I’ve had since our last talk was that Moonpetal would privately teach Smokebreeze some medicine cat skills so that Featherflight could still have a replacement in wait if needed, Lightshine is the only other cat beside Smokebreeze that could see Moonpetal and he gets involved in the case, and possibly Lightshine being temporary possessed by a Dark Forest cat? Let me know what you think!

  • I imagine that Lightshine’s personality doesn’t significantly change. The other med cats already have a negative view of him, and he’s not really that close to his Clanmates for them to notice any changes – other than his mother Tansyshine of course. Moonpetal’s doesn’t let anyone in either, and she thought she liked it that way until she died and was forced to watch the world move on without and she realized that she didn’t make a significant impact on anyone. Moonpetal and Lightshine end up having an understanding of each other as they learn more about each other. Moonpetal is somewhat aware of Lightshine’s alliance with the DF, so she’s on the look out for signs.

  • Apologies for the late reply! I’ll really like to expand on Flickerstar, leader of WindClan. Despite being a pain to deal with at gatherings, I don’t see him as a villain. I’ld love to hear your thoughts on how we can bring him to life!