• Ignore the stuff below- that was a failed RP!!

      This is for Sundered Whole!

      Form for your character!

      Character Name:
      Character Pelt color:
      Clan or character from Fantasy world?:
      Only if you picked Fantasy World for the previous qeustion! – What fantasy world? (examples are WoF and KOTLC (hehe, haven’t read it before!)):
      If you picked Clan, which Fantasy world will your character go to?:
      Anything else? (example: does your character have a power?):

      Alr, yeah! wait to be accepted!)

  • This will be the CC page 4 A Different Dawn!!

    Here is the form to join!!

    Character name:
    Character Pelt color:
    Character gender:
    Clan or Pride?:

    Wait 4 approval to join!!’

    • nvm, don’t use that one, use this instead!! (this was before I got the complete idea of what I was going to do!)

      Character name:
      Character pelt:
      Clan Cat or Bandits?:
      Personality & traits:

      thxs if you do this, btw, I appreciate it!

      • Character name: Sunblaze
        Character pelt: golden she cat with dark blue eyes
        Clan Cat or Bandits?: clan cat
        Rank: queen (nurseing) tornkit amberkit and mintkit
        Personality & traits: soft kind bossy sometimes
        Extra: nope thx

          • 🩵✦Creamypaw/mist✦🩵App To the amazing Bloodynight🩵Creams,Creamy🩵🌸♡Mist That Shines Beneath Creamy Dawn Sky 🫧(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡i give my love to you🫧”🍓🍓" ❄️Christmas❄️Click my name for Creamyclan says:


  • Here are mine!!

    Character name: SwiftSplash
    Character Pelt color: white she with darker rosettes and green eyes
    Character gender: She-Cat
    Clan or Bandits?: Clan
    Rank: Medicine Cat
    Personality: A quiet, loving she who sometimes has outbursts of frustration

    Character name: FeverStar
    Character Pelt color: Cream with darker stripes and olive green eyes
    Character gender: Tom
    Clan or Bandits?: Clan
    Rank: Leader
    Personality: Aggressive, Bad-tempered tom with Sun-Fever


    Character name: RussetDawn
    Character Pelt color: Russet with darker rosettes and amber eyes
    Character gender: She-Cat
    Clan or Bandits?: Clan
    Rank: Deputy
    Personality: Forgettable, Tiny She-Cat who is easy to give up


    Character name: FinchRose
    Character Pelt color: Rose-Cream She with darker flecks and mask-like face, blue eyes
    Character gender: She-Cat
    Clan or Bandits?: Clan
    Rank: Warrior
    Personality: A sweet, calm she with a winning smile


    Character name: Racoon
    Character Pelt color: grey with black and white stripes on his tail, and amber eyes
    Character gender: Tom
    Clan or Bandits?: Bandit
    Rank: Leader
    Personality: Strict, Thrifty tom who is Swift and Sneaky


    Character name: Lemon
    Character Pelt color: light yellow she with white freckles and green eyes
    Character gender: She-Cat
    Clan or Bandits?: Bandits
    Rank: Follower
    Personality: Crazy, Fun-loving, and doesn’t feel sorry EVER

  • Character Name: Fernstar
    Character Pelt color: gray
    Clan or character from Fantasy world?: clan
    Only if you picked Fantasy World for the previous qeustion! – What fantasy world? (examples are WoF and KOTLC (hehe, haven’t read it before!)):n/a
    If you picked Clan, which Fantasy world will your character go to?:
    Rank?: leader
    Anything else? (example: does your character have a power?): he can read mids

  • In case the previous comment is in spam or something, I’m reposting the link for the DoNTA thingy – https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2uYX8h7Q/WN1N6YN02j06_Q49mpsaFQ/watchutm_content=DAF2uYX8h7Q&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=GMXiiQpb-Q

    Just paste your ART link or reply with the name to one of them below. The one with the scarf will just be known as Scarf for now, and the smores one is Smores for now until they get their name (if they do)

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  • ❄️Winter Edition Shades❄️☃️ ||~Happy New Year!~|| ☃️🎶You’re still the light, I just wanna watch you glow🎵Mentor to the amazing⚡Lightningstrike!⚡🎵So if you care to find me, look to the western sky!🎶 on BlogClan Tavern
  • ❄️Winter Edition Shades❄️☃️ ||~Happy New Year!~|| ☃️🎶You’re still the light, I just wanna watch you glow🎵Mentor to the amazing⚡Lightningstrike!⚡🎵So if you care to find me, look to the western sky!🎶 on The Deputy’s Den

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