• Welcome!

    Fawnpaw had a wonderful idea of making a trivia article, so I thought I’d host one too!

    In this article, you will really be warrior cats, part of RiverClan. There has just been a horrible storm, and the river rose, resulting in a deadly flood ragging through your camp. Your leader was seriously injured, but all the medicine cat’s herbs had been washed away by the water. She need herbs, fast, or your leader will die. She sends three brave cats on a journey to find the herbs she needs, in the fields just beyond the highstones. Though it is not that far, there are difficulties to overcome, like rats, bad weather, lack of prey, etc.
    And you need to hurry. Your leader is running out of time. You quickly say farewell, and you’re already on your way.

    At every round, you’ll meet some sort of obstacle. To get through the obstacle, you’ll have to answer a warriors- related question. If you get a question right, you might either earn a useful herb, or defeat an enemy.

    Here are the questions that will be asked:

    -Guess that character

    -Multiple choice question

    -True or false

    -Guess that quote

    The herbs you need to gather are poppy seeds, cobweb, chervil, dock leaves, and goldenrod.
    It will be shown on this chart if you find a herb:

    Poppy seed:
    Dock leaf:

    Also, note this is a team- playing trivia game, so if one person loses, everyone does, and if one person wins, everyone does.

    Last of all, here are the rules:
    1. No searching up answers
    2. Have fun! It’s competently okay if you miss a question! You’re still smart and wonderful!
    3. Try to answer first! Then you’ll get to the herbs faster. 🙂

    Okay, that’s all, good luck!! 😀

  • The three cats have been chosen!
    Pinestripe, Blazestrike, and Nightpaw! They eat some fish before setting off on their journey.

    First, they have to cross through river, then the thunderpath. But to get to the thunderpath, you have to walk through WindClan territory.
    You run into a hostile dusk patrol.

    If you answer the question right, you convince the dusk patrol to let you through.
    If you answer the question wrong, the dusk patrol attacks you.

    1. Guess that character.

    I’m a minor character who was first seen in the book Midnight.
    I died hunting for my starving Clan.
    Who am I?

  • Congratulations! The answer is correct, it is Shrewpaw!

    With your quick thinking, you got out of trouble with the WindClan patrol.
    You now move on, soon coming to a stop at the thunderpath. It’s starting to get dark, and you want to get off WindClan territory before night falls. Deciding to cross the thunderpath right away instead of head toward Barley and Ravenpaw’s farm, and walk across the thunderpath where it would be safer. You prepare to dash through the roaring monsters.

    If you answer the question correctly, you and your friends will make it through the thunderpath.

    The question will be slightly harder. The questions will get more difficult as you go on.

    2. Multiple choice question
    Who was Lionheart’s mate?

    A. Brindleface
    B. Willowpelt
    C. Frostfur
    D. Goldenflower

  • The answer is correct! Lionheart’s mate was Frostfur!

    First, Blazestrike dashes across the thunderpath, in between two monsters, making it safely across.
    It’s Nightpaw’s turn now. He waits for the right moment, then runs. He also makes it.
    Last, Pinestripe prepares herself- then sprints through the thunderpath.
    All three cats made it through, safe, uninjured. They quickly celebrate their victory, then pad farther into the new territory.

    After a few more minutes of walking, when the roar of the monsters have faded away, you decide to hunt, eat, then get some rest before padding on the next day.

    If you answer this question right, you have a successful hunt
    If you answer this question wrong, then you don’t find any prey.

    3. True or false

    Ravenpaw has amber eyes. True or false?

  • The answer is false. Ravenpaw’s eyes are green.

    The three cats split up.
    Blazestrike and Nightpaw aren’t successful, and they pad back to their shelter, their stomachs empty and rumbling.
    Luckily, Pinestripe has caught a plump rabbit, and she shares her prey with her friends.
    Pinestripe has more good news- while she was hunting, she found a patch of blooming poppies. She picked some of the poppy seeds. You have now found one of the five herbs you are supposed to bring back to RiverClan to heal your leader.
    Well fed, and happy, you go to sleep quickly.
    Pinestripe wakes everyone up early the next morning, at dawn.
    You walk all day, and reach the highstones at noon.
    You are tempted to walk inside and seek guidance from StarClan, but that would seriously delay your journey, and might even result at the death of your leader.

    If you answer this question wrong, you go inside to visit the Moonstone.
    If you answer this question right, you say no to the temptation and walk on.

    4. Guess that quote (who said it and when)

    “Think you have nine lives, do you? I saved you once…. don’t make me save you again.”

    (Herb chart)
    Poppy seed: ✔️
    Dock leaf:




  • The answer is correct! Feathertail said it to Crowpaw in Moonrise.

    You all decide to say no to the temptation. You need to focus on your mission.
    You walk on, over the highstones. In between one of the cracks, you find some cobweb. You gather a bunch. Happy that you have now found two herbs out of five, you continue your journey, and soon arrive at the territory beyond the highstones. You all gasp. It’s beautiful! A long stretch of meadows lay before you, colorful wildflowers blooming in between the long strands of grass. The grass ripples like a river in the soft breeze.
    You journey across the fields all day.

    At night, you notice some storm clouds, gathering on the sky. You are worried that a storm might delay your journey. Quickly finding shelter, you huddle together, and watch the skies split. It’s a really bad storm. You’re only hope is that it will seize by morning, otherwise you might not be able to move on for a very long time.

    Answer the question right, the storm passes by morning.
    Answer the question wrong, and it doesn’t.

    5. Guess that character

    My fur is golden, my eyes are blue, I have a unique suffix, and an odd cause of death too.
    Who am I?
    (Tell me if you need another clue!)

    (Herb chart)
    Poppy seed: ✔️
    Cobweb: ✔️
    Dock leaf:




  • Correct! The answer is Honeyfern!

    Thankfully, the storm passes by morning. Shaking some rain water from your pelts, you plan what to do today. Each one of you is very hungry- you haven’t eaten since the huge rabbit Pinestripe caught. You decide to hunt during the morning, then spend the rest of the day looking for the herbs. You have reached your destination, after all. All you have to do know is to find the right herbs, then you can go home! If you’re still in time to save your leader.

    Again, if you answer the question right, you have a successful hunt.
    If not, you don’t catch anything.

    6. Multiple choice question
    Who are Crowfeather’s siblings?

    A. Eaglekit, Hillkit, and Downkit
    B. Hollykit, Eaglekit, and Leopardkit
    C. Featherkit, Downkit, Hillkit
    D. Crowfeather didn’t have any siblings

    (Herb chart)
    Poppy seed: ✔️
    Cobweb: ✔️
    Dock leaf:




  • The answer is A. Crowfeather’s siblings are Eaglekit, Downkit, and Hillkit!

    Blazestrike and Nightpaw catch a lot of prey. Unfortunately Pinestripe doesn’t find any, but there is more then enough to go around. On the bright side, though Pinestripe didn’t find any prey, she did fine a big patch of chervil by the stream.
    After you eat, you head to the patch of chervil, and collect some.
    Only dock leaf and goldenrod to go, then you can go home and hopefully save your leader!
    After gathering chervil, you spread out, looking for the rest of the herbs.

    If you answer this question correctly, you find dock leaves
    If you answer this question wrong, you don’t

    7. True or false

    Does Greystripe have SkyClan blood?

    (Herb chart)
    Poppy seed: ✔️
    Cobweb: ✔️
    Chervil: ✔️
    Dock leaf:

    0 (I just realized I did the hunger numbers wrong. 😛 Sorry!)



  • The answer is true! Greystripe does have SkyClan blood, through his mother, Willowpelt.

    You find a bunch of dock leaves! You are all very happy! You only need to find goldenrod now, and then you can head home!

    If you answer this question correctly, you find goldenrod.
    If not, you don’t.

    8. Guess that quote

    “Yes, O Great One, I shall do exactly what you say. And when we come back empty-pawed, maybe you’ll admit that I was right.”

    (Herb chart)
    Poppy seed: ✔️
    Cobweb: ✔️
    Chervil: ✔️
    Dock leaf: ✔️




  • Correct answers! Squirrelpaw says this to Brambleclaw in Midnight!

    Pinestripe and Nightpaw quickly find the last herb they need- goldenrod. They collect some, then wrap all the herbs up in a huge maple leaf. Blazestrike volunteers to carry the herbs first.
    Off you go, heading home to RiverClan as fast as you can.
    The sun has already set by the time you reach the Thunderpath, so you decide to wait until tomorrow. All of you are extremely hungry, but there’s no time to hunt, so you curl around each other and go to sleep.

    The next morning you are preparing to cross the Thunderpath. But the Thunderpath is unusually busy this day- there is barely any space to dash between the monsters that are streaking past at full speed. As much as you hate to do so, you have to cross the Thunderpath farther along, near the barn and the cornfield. It’s much more safe there.

    If you answer this question correctly, you get safely across.

    9. Guess that character
    My fur is long and ginger, I’m plump as a mouse and just as soft, I’ve been spotted in only one book, and I’m not a Clan cat. Who am I?

    (Herb chart)
    Poppy seed: ✔️
    Cobweb: ✔️
    Chervil: ✔️
    Dock leaf: ✔️
    Goldenrod: ✔️




  • The answer is Fleck! All of your guesses were super close though!

    You take a deep breath and dash across. The whole moment is a misty blur to all of you. The next thing you know, you are on the other side of the Thunderpath.
    All of you are pretty bruised and battered. But you all made is across and you are alive. The injuries don’t seem serious. You each eat one poppy seed to numb the slight pain. Then you gently pad on. You know there is a barn around here soon, and decide to ask for shelter, food, and rest. From there, it’s only a pawstep to the RiverClan camp, where you can bring the herbs to your medicine cat and save your leader!

    By the time you reach the cornfield, night has fallen. Hungry, tired, and sore, you drag yourselves through the soil, comforting each other that you will be at the barn soon, and than home, taking turns to support each other when one is too tired to go on.
    You can see the barn up ahead! You all cheer. But at that moment, you hear something rustle. A rat peeks out from in between the corn stalks. More and more appear, their red eyes glistening in the moonlight. They attack.

    If you answer this question correctly, you manage to fight off the rats.

    10. Multiple choice question
    Who is Cloudtail’s father?

    A. Oliver
    B. Jake
    C. Yew
    D. Henry

    (Herb chart)
    Poppy seed: ✔️
    Cobweb: ✔️
    Chervil: ✔️
    Dock leaf: ✔️
    Goldenrod: ✔️




  • The answer is Fleck! All of your guesses were super close though!

    You take a deep breath and dash across. The whole moment is a misty blur to all of you. The next thing you know, you are on the other side of the Thunderpath.
    All of you are pretty bruised and battered. But you all made is across and you are alive. The injuries don’t seem serious. You each eat one poppy seed to numb the slight pain. Then you gently pad on. You know there is a barn around here soon, and decide to ask for shelter, food, and rest. From there, it’s only a pawstep to the RiverClan camp, where you can bring the herbs to your medicine cat and save your leader!

    By the time you reach the cornfield, night has fallen. Hungry, tired, and sore, you drag yourselves through the soil, comforting each other that you will be at the barn soon, and than home, taking turns to support each other when one is too tired to go on.
    You can see the barn up ahead! You all cheer. But at that moment, you hear something rustle. A rat peeks out from in between the corn stalks. More and more appear, their red eyes glistening in the moonlight. They attack.

    If you answer this question correctly, you manage to fight off the rats.

    10. Multiple choice question
    Who is Cloudtail’s father?

    A. Oliver
    B. Jake
    C. Yew
    D. Smudge

    (Herb chart)
    Poppy seed: ✔️
    Cobweb: ✔️
    Chervil: ✔️
    Dock leaf: ✔️
    Goldenrod: ✔️




  • The answers are correct! Cloudtail’s father is Oliver!

    You mange to fend off the rats! But you are very exhausted, hungry, and the poppy seeds are starting to wear off- your injuries are starting to hurt again.
    You drag yourselves to the barn, where two dusty brown cats welcome you in and bring you some mice to eat.
    You sleep soundly, and when you wake up, you continue on your journey.

    If you answer this question correctly, you make it to the RiverClan camp by night fall.
    If you don’t answer this question correctly, then you only make it to the RiverClan camp the next day.

    11. True or false
    Sandstorm once played the role of medicine cat

    (Herb chart)
    Poppy seed: ✔️
    Cobweb: ✔️
    Chervil: ✔️
    Dock leaf: ✔️
    Goldenrod: ✔️


