• Hazelkit lifted his head sleepily, “Featherfall?” He glanced around, looking for the medicine cat. “Featherfall, where are you?” He cried. He stared at the death berries, terror filling his eyes. “Featherfall!” He cried, there was no response. “Help me! Featherfall, where are you?”
    Hazelkit woke with a start and swiveled his head around, desperately searching for Featherfall. “Featherfall?” He called, stepping out of the nest, “Where are you?” His dream came back to him and he started to panic. “Featherfall?! Where did you go?” He cried, voice panicked

  • “Leafkit! Marshkit!” Blackkit yelled, “Let’s play!!”
    Blackkit passed them a mossball

    • Marshkit nodded excitedly and ran over, pouncing on the moss. “I got it!” She yowled triumphantly.
      Leafkit darted over, “Not for long!” He headbutted her away from the moss and passed it to Blackkit. “Keep it away from Marshkit!” He called, ducking his sister’s playful hits.
      Marshkit started running over to Blackkit. All of a sudden she slipped on the leaves, tripped on her own paws, and hit her head on a rock.
      “Marshkit!” Leafkit cried, darting over to her.
      Marshkit groaned, “I’m fine,” she meowed, shakily standing up. “Let’s keep playing.” She shook her head to clear the dizziness and walked over to Blackkit, still unsteady on her feet. “Let’s play something else,” she suggested, head hurting from the fall

      • “Okay, what do you want to play?” Blackkit asked then mewed hopefully, “Catch the warrior’s tail?”

        • Marshkit smiled mischievously, “Yeah! That’s the best!” She meowed excitedly. Without another word she creeped over to where Emberstream was sitting, her back turned from the kits. Marshkit got ready to pounce.
          “Don’t even think about it,” Emberstream meowed without turning her head.
          Marshkit jumped in surprise and darted back toward Blackkit, partially limping. “How’d she know?” She asked, confused.

          • “I don’t know…” Blackkit said, “OH WAIT! I DO! SHE HAS SUPERSENSES! Like the legend about Dovewing? In her story, didn’t she have super senses?”
            After Blackkit asked that, he quietly crept off, and pounced on Featherfall’s tail. Then he ran back to Marshkit as fast as he could, then he burst out laughing, “That was so funny! And your brother keeps hanging out in there… weird.”

            • ~Featherfall~
              He turned his head, looking at the kits, he smiled a bit. Before turning his attention back to Hazelkit

              • “I didn’t say that!” Blackkit protested, “I said it’s weird he hangs out there!”
                Blackkit crept off to Moonfall and pounced on her tail and rolled around, started laughing. Then he crept up on Emberstream, and even though she told him not to, he pounced on her tail and batted it around for a sec, then ran back to Marshkit.
                “Hey, Marshkit, where’s Leafkit?” Blackkit asked, “Also, I pounced on Moonfall’s tail, and I pounced and batted your mom’s tail!” Blackkit started laughing

  • (Responding to Emberstream)
    “Those are beech leaves, they let me carry other herbs.”
    He then nosed a leaf with a tangy smell
    “This is dock, this can soothe scratches and sore pads.”

  • (Replying to Emberstream)
    “Marshkit?” Blackkit asked, his eyes clouded with worry, “Are you okay?”
    Blackkit ducked under the holly bush, and laid next to Marshkit.
    “Don’t listen to Leafkit! Your so awesome! Not weird…” Blackkit waited for an answer, but when he didn’t hear one, he said, “Come back to camp with me.”

  • ~Featherfall~
    The tom approached Hollystar.
    “Hollystar, may we talk?”

      • ~Featherfall~
        “I was wondering, if, by any chance, I could mentor Hazelkit? He seemed so interested in herbs and I would love to teach him! But please make sure he wants to be my apprentice..”
        He didn’t know why he asked, but he did.
        His tail swished with a bit of nervousness

  • ~Featherfall~
    He pitied the troubled queen…
    “That can wait. I understand that you are nervous, wrecked. If you think clan life isn’t for you, then it might not be. But I believe it is. You fit in just easily, you made a mistake, Yes. But that does not mean you have to give up, perhaps you could talk to them?”

  • Hollystar leaped onto the Shineleaf.
    “I have decided on a deputy!” Hollystar declared, “Willowstrike, do you accept the role of deputy?”

  • Blackkit quickly saved Marshkit from seeing her brother, “Come on, let’s go find something good to eat!”

    • Marshkit nodded, casting a relieved and grateful look at Blackkit. “Thank you,” she whispered.
      Emberstream tipped her head at the kits and watched them go. She turned to Wavepool and Seakit, “How are you feeling?” She asked Seakit. “Why don’t you go with Blackkit and Marshkit and get something to eat?” She vaguely remember Seakit saying something about being hungry.
      Marshkit reached the fresh kill pile and glanced at Blackkit mischievously. She waited until he wasn’t looking and quickly hid, putting a dead rat in her place. Just wait till he realizes, she thought with a suppressed giggle of excitement

      • Blackkit looked around, and realized Marshkit was playing. He sniffed her out, and after a little, he found her and pounced on her.
        “Lovebirds!” Seakit exclaimed while eating a mouse.

          • “Okay!” Blackkit said, and ran and ate with Seakit.

            • Marshkit started running over to Hazelkit, but stopped when she saw Leafkit sitting in the shadows of camp, head bowed sadly. She slowly walked over to him and sat next to him. “Are you ok?” She asked worriedly
              Leafkit sniffled and turned his back to her, “I’m fine,” he whispered hoarsely.
              Marshkit shifted closer and started to clean his fur, content to sit in silence.
              “Marshkit, I’m so sorry,” Leafkit whimpered quietly, body now shaking. “I-I shouldn’t have said what I did.” He glanced up at her with wide, anxious eyes. “Do you think you can forgive me?” He asked, voice barely more than a whisper.
              Marshkit purred, “Of course, Leafkit,” she flicked her tail happily. “But,” She got a mischievous glint in her eyes. “You have to stand up and tell everyone that you’re a annoying furrball.”
              Leafkit squirmed uncomfortably, “But, Marshkit-”
              “No ‘but’,” Marshkit inturupted. “Now say it.”
              Leafkit sighed dramatically and stood up. He glanced at all the cats, “I am a annoying furrball!” He yelled, voice getting slightly higher at the end.

                • Marshkit’s eyes were sparkling as she trotted back over to Blackkit and Seakit, head held high happily.
                  Leafkit followed, rolling his eyes at his sister’s confident walk. “I am never doing that again,” he hissed, annoyed.
                  Marshkit shrugged, “Ok!” She meowed. She turned her back on him and went over to Blackkit.
                  Leafkit stuck his tounge out at her before walking over to Seakit, “Welcome back,” he grumbled, still embarrassed about what Marshkit made him do

  • ~Featherfall~
    He smiled, licking the kit’s head.
    “Alright, I’ll let Holylstar know your choice. How about you go play while you still cn, before you’re suck with me”
    He gently nudged Hazelkit towards his siblings

      • “What’s wrong?” Seakit asked, “I sense something is wrong…”

        • Hazelkit sighed, “No, nothing’s wrong,” he mumbled.
          “Why are you being so grumpy?” Leafkit asked, “and why don’t you play with us anymore?” He tipped his head and waited for an answer.
          “I don’t need to play. I’m going to be a medicine cat like Featherfall.” He retorted, taking leafkits question personal.
          Leafkit winced and ducked his head, “I was only asking,” he whispered.
          Hazelkit flicked his tail apologetically, “Sorry for snapping at you…”
          Leafkit squirmed and stood, “I’m gonna go find mummy,” he mumbled incoherently.
          Hazelkit hung his head and went to find Featherfall. I can’t do anything right, he thougut sadly, everything I do I do wrong. He sniffled and glanced around, looking for Featherfall.

          • ~Featherfall~
            He was busy checking the herb stock.. He was a bit paranoid so he kept checking it, fearing that he wouldn’t have enough herbs for a surprise attack.
            “Marigold.. Catmint.. Dock leaves..”
            (snappy hazelkit gives me Jayfeather vibes-)

            • Hazelkit plodded into the medicine den, “Featherfall?” He called. He followed Featherfall’s scent, trying to track like his siblings, but ended up at the corner of the den. He sniffled and curled up, “why can’t I just be normal?” He whimpered, not realizing that Featherfall was in the den.
              ( He kinda reminds me of Brightheart and Jayfeather mixed. Mainly Brightheart though 😝)

              • Ǥłɨŧȼħɇđsŧ๘ɍm.. Ƀ๘๘ŧɨnǥ ᵾᵽ.. (who also likes halloween better then christmas >:(() (Xɇ/Xɇm) says:

                He stopped, looking up and towards where he heard Hazelkit.. He slowly and quietly approached the corner, laying down beside Hazelkit.
                He began softly.
                “You’re normal. You’re amazing. You may not think you are, but you’re amazing, and normal. What makes you think you aren’t?”

  • ~Willowstrike~
    He looked at the prey pile, low.
    “Splashpool, Redfern, and.. Oakpaw, are you up to hunt, or do you still wish to rest for a bit longer?”

      • ~Redfern~
        “I won’t be gone long, Blackstorm.”
        She padded up to the other three, looking back to her brother, before turning her attention back to the other cats.

        “Good.. Is Oakpaw fit to go?”

        • “Let’s let him rest.” Splashpool said. (I think he is inactive)

          • ~Willowstrike~
            “Very well. Let’s go”
            He led the patrol out of the camp

              • Ǥłɨŧȼħɇđsŧ๘ɍm.. Ƀ๘๘ŧɨnǥ ᵾᵽ.. (who also likes halloween better then christmas >:(() (Xɇ/Xɇm) says:

                “While we’re hunting, we might as well check the borders, just incase. Do any of you appose to this?”
                She stayed silent, agreeing with Willowstrike.

                • Splashpool shook her head. MothCLan needed to be taught a lesson.

                • Ǥłɨŧȼħɇđsŧ๘ɍm.. Ƀ๘๘ŧɨnǥ ᵾᵽ.. (who also likes halloween better then christmas >:(() (Xɇ/Xɇm) says:

                  “We’ll check the border first. It’s best, lets go”
                  He flicked his tail and started leading the small patrol to the border

    • Wavepool walked over to Emberstream and gave her a reassuring lick, “It’ll be okay. Times are hard, expecially in a leaf-bare, so cold. They are probably not used to things right now.”

      • Emberstream smiled at Marshkit and Blackkit. “At least they seem to be getting along,” she meowed hopefully, “Marshkit needs a friend. She doesn’t exactly get along with her siblings all of the time,” she chuckled, “then again, she is the one who always gets them into trouble.” She watched Leafkit and sighed, “I’ll be right back,” she meowed, walking over to Leafkit.

        • “Marshkit and Blackkit have a special bond.” Wavepool said to Emberstream before she left.

          • Emberstream nodded in agreement and went over to Leafkit, “Come on, hon,” she meowed gently, “Why don’t you sit with me?”
            Leafkit nodded, but still looked distracted and upset.
            Emberstream walked back over to Wavepool and picked up the conversation again, “Honestly, you’d think they were siblings,” she meowed with a small smile, still talking about Marshkit and Blackkit.
            “Who?” Leafkit inturupted. He followed his mother’s gaze and burst out laughing, “Blackkit and Marshkit?!”
            Emberstream flicked her tail over his ears and licked his head, “Don’t make fun of your sister,” she chided. “It never ends well.”

            • “Yeah…” Wavepool said, “It doesn’t make you the better cat.”

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