• This will be a Medicine cat page. If you know a lot about herbs, share your knowledge. If you want to know more, learn here. Now share with your friends and soon this will be packed with knowledge.

  • Cobwebs for bleeding, marigold for infected scratches, goldenrod for scratches, borage for more milk and to bring down fever, parsley to dry up milk. Yarrow for poison, and adder bark for toothache. Cedaline for eyes, daisy for aching joints, and catmint for greencough.

    • Marigold is for infection in any physical damage. Thank you for all this, I had only memorized marigold, cobwebs, poppyseeds and honey (for cough). Also, does anyone know what are feverfew, heather nectar and horsetail used for?

  • Sparrowflight gets up, yawning. Just another day. She decides to go out early to hunt before everyone wakes up. For some reason she can’t go back to sleep.

    • “Sparrowflight!“ Flowerthistle called, Poking her head through the warriors den.
      “Sparrowflight, are you okay? You look disturbed.”

      • “I think” Sparrowflight replied. “I can’t sleep…. something’s wrong”

        • “I can’t sleep either.”
          Ivylight told them.
          “But Sparrowflight, it fine.
          Your just nervous!
          Everything alright!
          Mabye it’s just, hopefully it’s just, because the birds have been keeping us awake.” Ivlight said uncertainty.
          The truth was, they all knew that something was wrong. Very very wrong.

          • Sparrowflight frowned, unconvinced. “Yes.. it’s probably the birds…” She wished it could be the birds. But weird things were happening in NightClan.

            • “Yeah…..”
              Flowerthistle said.
              “The birds….”
              She stopped, thrashing her tail, and then continued.
              “I don’t think it’s the birds…” she whispered.
              “Somethings wrong with Nightclan…..”

                • Ivylight shook his head.
                  “It’s probably nothing. C’mon!
                  We better start the day before the others wake up!”

                • “Okay then! Let’s go!” Sparrowflight agreed with Ivylight and Flowerthistle

                • Flowerthistle hoped outside the warriors den and glanced around at her clanmates.

          • “Sparrowflight, Ivylight, Flowerthistle?” Primrosepaw rose from a bush “What’s all the noise about?” she then seemed to realize that she shouldn’t be there “I was- uh- gathering herbs” she mewed quickly, giving her pelt a quick lick. Then she approached Ivylight, her eyes revealing worry for her friend “Will NightClan be okay?” she seemed to be talking to herself “Why hasn’t StarClan spoke to me?”

            • “We all randomly woke up” Sparrowflight explained worriedly. “We were just about to ask (insert Medicine cat name) about if StarClan said anything. Do you know?”

    • Sparrowflight shook out her fur. “Hmm. I wonder what is happening. Maybe we should ask (insert medicine cat name) if StarClan has said anything.”

      • “Let’s.” Agreed Flowerthistle.
        “I don’t think it’s serious, though,”
        She added, swiping a paw over her fur.
        “We better check though…”

        • “I’ll ask her, then.” replied Primrosepaw, thinking that she should be back to the medicine den as soon as possible. “But warn me if you hear any noises!”, she rushed to the medicine den. Then, she started to recite the herbs she had been learning: “Marigold for infection, cobwebs for bleeding, poppy seeds for pain…StarClan for prophecies…”, she smirked “That one seems not to be working.” She shot a look at the other cats, looking disconcerted. Then she dashed to the medicine den, ready to ask her mentor.
          (Also, can any of your characters be her kin? I’m kind of in a blank list of kinship. Thnx!)

            • (Thank you Mistykit!) Primrosepaw shivered, closing her eyes for a moment, but no visions came. She remembered how she had felt helpless when her mentor could not reassure her. ‘If StarClan hasn’t talked to (medicine cat name), then that’s because it’s nothing to worry about’. She wished she could believe it. But she ended up on the warriors den. She touched her muzzle to Flowerthistle. “StarClan hasn’t spoken to (medicine cat name).” She trembled. “D-Do you think StarClan has turned their back on us?”. Her glaze quickly fell to Sparrowflight and Ivylight. ‘What will I do? What is a medicine cat without StarClan?’

              • “It will be fine. You’ll be busy healing everyone and before you know it, StarClan will send a prophecy” Sparrowflight reassured her. She wasn’t sure how she could comfort Primrosepaw when she had her own doubts about what was happening.

              • “You could talk to the other medicine cats on the next gathering.” Flowerthistle said.
                “Primrosepaw, StarClan might not have a prophecy for you. All is well in nightclan…we’ll…most of it…”

                • “We know nothing.” completed Primrosepaw “But you are right, Sparrowflight. I’ll talk to the medicine cats and ask if they’ve sensed anything strange.”

                • “Okay, then let’s start the day before we wake up the whole Clan” Sparrowflight agreed.

                • “Ok….” Ivylight said.
                  “Anyways, does anyone want to join my patrol?”

      • “HMMPH! It is likely that StarClan doesn’t care… things have been happening. What does this have to do with FireClan. They’re evil.” Owlstar argued.

        “We still need to tell them. They are the only Clan not here yet.” Sparrowflight replied grimly “If StarClan is gone then we are ALL in danger.”

    • “I do!” Primrosepaw replied imeadiately, anxious to be among friends…”I need herbs” she added after a while “After all we’re not that away from leaf-bare. I have to always gather herbs when possible and we’re running low on marigold and-” she stopped “And a lot of nonsense is coming from my mouth. Let’s go!”

      • “I also would like to join your patrol Ivylight!” Sparrowflight agreed.

      • “Why is everyone awake?” asked Owlstar, appearing out of nowhere.

        “AH! Oh it’s just Owlstar. Everyone woke up and soon will do stuff.”
        Sparrowflight replied.

        • “Yeah….” Ivylight agreed.
          “Umm… lets go, Sparrowflight, Skypaw.” The nightclan deputy said.
          (Can any of you be his mate?)

          • (My character’s name is Primrosepaw. And sorry she’s a medicine cat, but perhaps I’ll open some other character soon if you don’t find a mate for him ;D)
            Primrosepaw mumbled her apologies to the Clan leader and walked alongside the patrol. Her thoughts drifted to the herbs and she forgot about StarClan’s silence. “Marigold!” she mumbled to herself, picking the flowers.

      • Suddenly she saw a leaf and everything became stormy. ‘This makes no sense!’ Primrosepaw thought. Then, the moon seemed to cover the sun, and both became one. Darkness froze her as she felt herself go cold and hot at the same time. And then everything was dark.
        Primrosepaw opened her eyes to find herself on a shadowed forest. The trees seemed to cover the sky, and she saw no stars. ‘I’m in the Place Of No Stars!’ she tought in panic. No stars were in the skies. No stars watched over her. What could it mean? And suddenly she was back at the patrol, fallen on the ground. Only one moment seemed to have passed. She breathed heavily. “It wasn’t a vision form StarClan!” she mewed even though the others didn’t know what she was talking about (that’s what she thinks if any of your characters had visions, she didn’t know). “It was a vision form the Place Of No Stars!”

        • (What’s the Place of No Stars?)
          “WHAT!!! I don’t think you’re supposed to get visions from there… WHAT COULD THIS MEAN!!!” Sparrowflight panicked.

          “HMMMPPHH” Owlstar hmmphed. “What was in the vision?”

        • “hmmphh… EVERYONE CALM DOWN. It is time to rationally discuss this. Were all the visions the same? Do the other medicine cats think that StarClan is trying to tell us something bad is happening?” Owlstar asked everyone.


          Owlstar sighed.

      • “For StarClan’s sake, she’s giving BIRTH!” Primrosepaw snapped, showing some of her sharp tongue that had been hidden between her fear. Then she lowered her voice and mewed, more gently “It’s alright, Frostedstar. Your kits will be born soon. Pull. Pull hard. And lick this.” She put poppyseeds on Frostedstar’s mouth. The first kit was born. (How many kits?) “Yes, keep going. Pull again.” encouraged Primrosepaw.

        • “kitting,” Flowerthistle whispered “is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And now I see my kit, helping a clan leader to give birth…”

          • Primrosepaw looked at Flowerthistle for a moment, eyes filled with love. Then she turned to Frostedstar. “See. It’s the last kit. Pull one last time.” All five kits were there. “Good.” She looked at Frostedstar apologically. “I can’t give you more poppy seeds because your kits need you awake.” She told her. “When you’re stronger, we cn take you to the nursery. With luck you’ll be able to come back to your camp.” Then she started to lcik the ktis strogly, rlieved they all were alive. ‘StarClan can wait.’ She moved the she-cat to the nursery and came back. “Now we can discuss this.” She looked at Owlstar.

              • “Maybe StarClan doesn’t care?” She retorted. “NightClan has no medicine cat except for an apprentice (I made this up like her mentor retired or something so that we don’t have to pretend the medicine cat is away every scene) and they haven’t made such an effort to comunicate with me.” She looked at the nursery. “And Frostedstar mumbled ‘StarClan is fading’. That might mean something, don’t you think?”

                • “Huh?” Flowerthistle asked, confused.
                  “Are you suggesting we talk to Fireclan? Because if you are, I’m not coming with you! Do you remember what happened To Clearkit?” She asked, her voice shaking with grief.
                  “At least Primrosepaw, Honeysucklepaw, and Brackenpaw, live…” she shuddered as she remembered the loss of her kit, Clearkit, who had died when Fireclan had attacked Nightclan.
                  A Fireclan warrior killed Sweetfur, who was guarding the nursery, and managed to kill One kit: Clearkit

        • “HMMPH! It is likely that StarClan doesn’t care… things have been happening. What does this have to do with FireClan. They’re evil.” Owlstar argued. “We still need to tell them. They are the only Clan not here yet.” Sparrowflight replied grimly “If StarClan is gone then we are ALL in danger.”

  • Owlstar called for all of NightClan to gather so he could tell them about the startling things that had been found out. “Everyone, the Dark Forest has taken root in IceClan territory and is spreading fast! We need to make sure everyone knows this”

    Meanwhile Sparrowflight was freaking out.

    • Fernkit/blossom? Mintkit/blossom? Valleykit/stream? Snowkit/Flower? Riverkit/heart? OR SHOULD I KEEP MY NAME????? (Mistykit/moon) says:

      “So what we gonna do?” Asked Brackenpaw
      “What does it look like?” Lilywater asked

      • “IT”S A GIANT PATCH OF EVIL SPREADING DOOOOOMMM” Sparrowflight panicked. “Umm… I don’t know the leaders have to talk I guess” Owlstar replied, giving his sister a ‘stop freaking out’ look.

        • “Yes, I realize, Owlstar.” Primrosepaw retorted. “I believe we all need to sleep and eat. It’s night. The Dark Forest can wait until morning.” She yawned tiredly.

          • “WHAT IF IT COMES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!!!!!!!” Sparrowflight panicked.

            “”SPARROWFLIGHT!!!” Owlstar yelled.

            Sparrowflight, still looking freaked out padded into the warriors den, and Owlstar wandered off randomly.

            • “What….what do we do exactly?” Honeysucklepaw asked.
              “Travel to highstones? Asked Brackenpaw.
              “You know what?” Flowerthistle said.
              “That might really be a good idea!”

              • “I don’t think I can make it to highstones,” Rowanheart worried.
                “You see…ever since Maplekit and Lepordkit died…“ her voice trailed off, her eyes clouding with loss.
                She shook her head to clear her thoughts.
                “I’ve mated with Purplefangs brother, Tigerdawn, and I’m expecting kits.” She closed her eyes, bracing herself for their response.

                • “That’s…That’s great.” Primrosepaw answered after all. Leopardkit had been her nursery friend…”You deserve it. You deserve a chance to watch your kits grow.” Then she raised to her paws. “I am not asking any of you to come with me. I’ll be fine. But if any of you wish to see
                  someone important…” She glanced at Rowanheart. “This is your chance.”

                • “Ok then.” Rowanheart said at last. “I’ll go with you.” She shot a look at Primrosepaw. “Who exactly do we meet?”

                • “I will come” Owlstar said.

                  Sparrowflight was still freaking out.

                • Primrosepaw looked at them all. “Then let’s go.” She walked to her den, prepared the traveling herbs, came back and fed them to the cats. “Follow me.” She began her way to the High Stones.

    • (I will be gone for all of august, so anyone can control Owlstar and Sparrowflight till if the roleplay continues)

  • Rowanheart took a deep breath.
    “Ok…I’m ready. For the sake of the kits.” She began to march confidently towards highstones, When suddenly she stoped.
    “Hold on…this might be the last time we ever see our beloved home again….”

    • “No.” Primrosepaw meowed confidently. “No Dark Forest warrior will ever put a paw on NightClan if I am alive.” She raised her chin high and kept on walking.

      • “Okay…..anyway, what’s the worst that can happen? We touch it??? So????” Rowanheart bounded forward until exhaustion won her over. She looked around for the others. Why couldn’t she see them?
        ‘Well,’ she thought. ‘I do remember passing by this big rock on my way over….I’ll just retrace my steps!’
        She padded in that direction, but there was no sign of the others.
        Suddenly, she became extremely hungry.
        She looked around desperately for any sign of prey.
        Finally, she spotted a mouse in a nearby bush.
        ‘Now what?’ She asked herself.
        She was horrible at hunting!
        Rowanheart lowered herself to the ground, eyeing the mouse.
        When she felt the time was right, she pounced.
        She tumbled into the bush, but managed to pin the mouse by its tail. Rowanheart reaches with her other arm (leg?) to try to kill the mouse with a swift swipe, but as she did, a thorn snagged her fur and she recoiled in pain, setting the mouse free.
        She sighed heavily, and then stood up and shook her fur out.
        ‘Agh! I was to focused on hunting to remember the others! There getting farther and farther ahead right now!’
        She tried to walk, but she was too tired.
        💤 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤 💤 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤 💤 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤 💤 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤 💤 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤

        • “Ummmm….guys…” Flowertgistle said.
          “I think we left Rowanheart behind…”
          Flowerthistle stoped for a moment, but then began to freak out.
          “She’s expecting kits! Oh StarClan she’s expecting kits! What if the kitting starts while she’s out there? What if she gets in a fight with a fox? What if…”
          “For StarClans sake, calm down, Flowerthistle.
          Come on, let’s go find her.” Whitefur said.

        • Primrosepaw ordered the others to stop…Rowanheart was missing! She dashed along the forest in search, and could finally see a she-cat fainted. “ROWANHEART!!” She meowed. Quickly placing marigold and bitting off the thorn, Primrosepaw licked Rowanheart until she’d wake. “COME HERE!!” She called the others.

          • “What? Wait….PRIMROSEPAW!?!”
            Rowanheart stared at Primrosepaw with a questioning look in her eyes.
            “Oh! It’s you! We’re are the others…I’m hungry.”

          • “What? Wait….PRIMROSEPAW!?!”
            Rowanheart stared at Primrosepaw with a questioning look in her eyes.
            “Oh! It’s you! We’re are the others.
            I’m hungry.”

  • (Hey, so I just got accepted to Roleplay, and I said I wanted to be the medicine cat, but Warrior was fine, and I’m assuming that by accepting me, the person who owns this Roleplay was fine with me being medicine cat, but I just read the Roleplay and someone said that there wasn’t an older medicine cat, just primrosepaw. So, do I change my role to warrior, or can I still be the medicine cat?)

    • Sorry, I forgot about the medicine cat thing….I guess you could be warrior!
      Or medican cat of Fireclan or Dayclan!
      Or a different rank that i am not thinking of right now!

      • (We never specified what happened to Primrosepaw’s mentor. She could be lost and we found her on the way. Are you okay with that?)

          • Primrosepaw lost all her air. A scent…That familiar scent. ‘It can’t be…’ She thought. ‘She’s GONE.’ But the scent disagreed.
            “Icemeadow (I couldn’t find your character name, what is it?)!” Primrosepaw called.

          • Primrosepaw lost all her air. A scent…That familiar scent. ‘It can’t be…’ She thought. ‘She’s GONE.’ But the scent disagreed.
            “Icemeadow (I couldn’t find your character name, what is it?)!” Primrosepaw called.

            • “Icemeadow???? Is that you???” Ivylight asked.
              “But Icemeadow is gone! Gone for good, I tell you! Those nasty rouges ate her alive!”

              • “Are you sure?” Flowerthistle asked him.
                “Because look: no other cat I’ve met has fur like this.” She prodded a peace of fur that was stuck on a thorny bush.

                “Who’s Icemeadow?” Whitefur asked

                “Oh yeah! You don’t know because your fireclan!
                Icemeadow was our medicine cat. One day, he went on patrol and never came back….”

  • “Because those nasty rougs ate him!
    They sunk there vicious fangs into him, and they feasted on his BONES!”
    Ivylight Turned away sheepishly, and then turned back again.
    “I remember those imbeciles well!”