• (Beepaw)
    Beepaw stalked a mouse, but let it escape. Rushstream glared at her. “S-sorry,” Beepaw stammered. “Well, ‘sorry’ isn’t going to fill our stash. At least try hunting, and maybe we’ll be able to take something back to the camp as well as the tree.” Rushstream walked away, clearly annoyed. Beepaw continued hunting a bird, which she caught.

  • Swiftpelt stalked through the branches, hoping to find something to feed the clan. Spotting a vole scrabbling around the root of a tree about a tail-length away, she pounced, only to find the vole had gone. “Mouse-dung!” She angrily swore under her breath. If she went back now, Larkstar would probably have her tail off for ‘slacking’. Although she continued to hunt, all she caught was a small chaffinch which she identified as good enough.

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