
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Claimed! 🙂
This for the blogclan map?
ig now it is 😛
Can I join the project pls?
If you want to animate, wait for the MAP call and then claim the part you would like.
Then you can animate/storyboard a scene of you and some people you’re friends with on BlogClan :]
Sounds cool! Can I join?
Can I join?
Will anyone draw my purrsona in the MAP plz?
What’s your purrsona?
It’s a pretty, long furred, silver tabby she-cat with a white belly, paws, muzzle, and a fluffy white chest with sparkling green eyes.
I would like to join!
What can I do?
The call should be up soonish 😀
I’ve been going down the wonderful Art Fight hole recently, so I’ll just try and get the call up in a few hours before I fall down that hole again 😉
Could you please explain how the project works again 🙂? I got confused 😛.
is there anyway a member of the blogclan map can help besides animating and drawing? I’m no good at drawing or animating, but i would like to help.
Are any of you guys handy with editing programs?
Unfortunately, no. I’m sorry I’m not really good at this stuff. I’ve never done this sort of thing before.
If you can draw stick cats (Head circle, Body circle, ear triangles, leg sticks), then you could help someone storyboard for their part?
i could animate my own part – but I will not be here starting tomorrow at 2:00-ish CST and ending the 19. so question: is there a deadline for the project, since i won’t be here for two weeks?
Yeah, I could do that!
Done! I’ll send you something.
This is bad, I know, but maybe you’ll be able to use them. Feel free to edit, and change this as much as you want! It has body parts, such as detailed eyes, ears, and tails, and also has rough, edit-needed poses, or, like you said, stick cats. Here it is!
editing programs?
iMovie, After Effects, Kinemaster, etc.
not great, but i can do what you need, i think.
Hey guys sorry for not helping lately! I was…..Busy.
Drive folder
What parts do you guyses want? Also, anyone else helping out, let me know if I managed to stuff up somehow 🙂
i would love part 4 or 7 – is it possible to do both or should i choose one? 😛
two questions:
i’m not the best with full animation, i usually have one non-changing background and then fully animate the characters. is that fine?
ik you said not tracing but is is fine if we just look at some real-world images of cats to get inspiration? i never manage to get the shape just right, and i wouldn’t be tracing, i’d just like to have them in my mind while animating
4 is yours!
1. That’s 100% fine! That’s probably what I’m going to do, tbh
2. Yup! Referencing is more than fine (I should reference images more because I always manage to stuff up poses)
Could I have part 7 or 10? I can do either.
you can have 7 – i’m kinda set on 4 tbh
Thx Free! I really appreciate it
7 is your’s!
Part 5 or 10 would be great but I’ll be fine with any part! 🙂
5 is yours!
I’d like part 9 😛
9 is your’s
I would like 8, but if someone comments and takes it before me, then 2 will be cool too!
8 is your’s!
May I take One through three? (If I can do multiple)
Sure! Thanks for helping out with the project 😀
Keep in mind that is about 24 secs of stuff, though. Would you rather do 2 of those, or would you still like to take all 3?
I’ll do 2 ^^ so um 2 and 3 plz also YW ^^
I just do Two and Three
Cool! 2 and 3 are your’s!
I’ll take 4 and/or 8
(I’m also game for backups)
c-can i possibly have 4? i feel awkward asking but i already started to animate 4 :p
I would like part 6 :]
6 is your’s!
Thank youuuuuuuuuu
I can also take 2, 9, 10 or 11, or some combo of those 4
Also put you down as a backup
can i claim 2?
Forgot to tell you what part you got (I’m a small brain) 11 is your’s
I’d be fine with any part :]
10 is your’s!
i’d love to do part 13
13 is your’s!
Can I help with editing. I am pretty nifty with Kinemaster and I want to help even though I can’t draw for my life.
Thank you!!
I’m good with iMovie. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do my best.
Actually, forget everything I’ve said so far. I’d like part 14 and that’s it, please.
14 is your’s!
Thanks, Osprey!
And the intro.
And the intro is your’s 😀
Is it all taken now?
No! Intro, 1, 12 and 15-18 are unclaimed 😀
I would like to consider it, but i have to check w my parents if this is an appropriate song for me. But, i can help in any way possible!
it’s all about friendship and happiness, so it should be okay!
If any parts get left and no-one wants then I could animate them :D! (So kinda like a backup)
We have 1, 12 and 15-18 not taken!
i can take any part at all, i don’t mind
Is 12 ok? I’ll put you down for that 😀
yes, it’s fine, thank you!
Could I have 15?
15 is your’s!
Can I take the intro (if it can be taken) or 16?
Please ignore the comment I made above, I would like to take 16 and/or 17 🙂
16 is your’s!
Taking the intro 😀
Hi, can i be a backup?
can i have part 17 please?
Unfortunately, 17 has been taken! The only open part is 18, sorry! Do you want that, or do you want to collaborate with someone/be backup?
Can I have part 18?
All parts are closed! You can still ask to be backup or collaborate with someone!
Backup, please?
I might take part in the Blogclan MAP if I can as I have some animation skills and experience, but I could also be a backup animator and/or someone who helps the animators and gives them tips on animating. 🙂
Also, if you guys need a decent and free animation program, I sometimes use one called OpenToonz and it’s really good and does everything you need, although there is a bit of a learning curve and getting used to the layout at first. 😛
Yup! Do you want a part or backup?
I’ll take a backup, please! 🙂
I can maybe storyboard for someone if they want help. This is my first time though.
same here
Hi! I’m not that great with animating or drawing, but if someone needs help or something, I’m in.
Tell me on my private chat page!
So what’s going on here and can I join? I was really inactive so I don’t know what’s going on really like, what’s the MAP about and stuff.
We’re doing an awesome song, Count on Me, for it. You can look on the next page and look at the song with contains all the parts, then if you’re good an animating and drawing, you can grab an open part and animate it.