• Hi! Time to repost the allegiances. We have no new members this week, hopefully more will join next week!

    Leader: Lynxstar, Apprentice: Hazelpaw
    Deputy: Addersong, Apprentice: Mistpaw
    Medicine Cats: Stormtuft, Willowdawn, Apprentice: Skyshimmer
    Mediators: Solarflare, Flamespirit, Apprentice: Skypaw

    Flickerflame, Apprentice: Shiverpaw
    Fawnsplash, Apprentice: Rainpaw
    Owlsight, Apprentice: Sandpaw
    Smokedusk, Apprentice: Mallowpaw
    Meadowheart, Apprentice: Viperpaw
    Cloudsong, Apprentice: Nightpaw


    Queens: None
    Kits: Darkkit, Rapidkit
    Elder: Oliveshard

    For new members:
    Become a member by answering my questions:
    What do you like to do on your spare time?
    Who is your favourite warrior cat?
    Which is your favourite Clan?
    Which are your prounouns?
    Rate Ivypool 1-10
    Rate Dovewing 1-10
    How long have you read Warriors?
    If you want you can tell me which Clan (country) you are from 🙂
    Which rank do you want?

    • What do you like to do on your spare time- read Warriors 😀
      Who is your favourite warrior cat- Leafpool/Squrrielflight
      Which is your favourite Clan- TC or SC
      Which are your prounouns? she/her
      Rate Ivypool 1-10- 8/10
      Rate Dovewing 1-10- 4/10
      How long have you read Warriors? about 5 or six years
      If you want you can tell me which Clan (country) you are from 🙂 UK
      Which rank do you want? Med cat or meditator

  • The Winners!

    Bluefur- Shadelight, by Flamespirit
    Briarlight- Stormshine, by Cloudsong
    Jayfeather- Ripplegaze, by Smokedusk
    Hollyleaf- Lightningstrike, by Nightpaw
    Ivypool- Birchshade, by Flamespirit
    Twigbranch- Pebblefern, by Smokedusk
    Squirrelflight- Swanflame, by Nightpaw
    Bristlefrost- Frostshine, by Smokedusk

    Another point to Nightpaw for being first!

    12 points: Smokedusk
    11 points:
    10 points:
    9 points:
    8 points:
    7 points:
    6 points:
    5 points: Addersong
    4 points: Silverkit, Flamespirit, Nightpaw
    3 points: Darkkit, Meadowheart, Cloudsong
    2 points:
    1 point: Owlsight

    Hall of fame
    Game 1: Hazelpaw (16 points)

  • Round 6!

    Name that initial!

    Theme: Guess!

    You must be a LynxClan member to play, answer the questions above the game

    Current games in LynxClan’s rotation

    1. Name that Emoji
    2. Tribe Name that Warrior Name
    3. Song That Warrior
    4. Reverse NTA
    5. Re-name that Warrior
    6. Name that Initial
    7. How much do you know about Lynxstar?
    8. Give That Warrior A Purrsona
    9. Who is behind that emoji?
    10. Give That Purrsona a warrior name

  • Hi! Time to repost the allegiances. We have no new members this week, hopefully more will join next week!

    Leader: Lynxstar, Apprentice: Hazelpaw
    Deputy: Addersong, Apprentice: Mistpaw
    Medicine Cats: Stormtuft, Willowdawn, Apprentice: Skyshimmer
    Mediators: Solarflare, Flamespirit, Apprentice: Skypaw

    Flickerflame, Apprentice: Shiverpaw
    Fawnsplash, Apprentice: Rainpaw
    Owlsight, Apprentice: Sandpaw
    Smokedusk, Apprentice: Mallowpaw
    Meadowheart, Apprentice: Viperpaw
    Cloudsong, Apprentice: Nightpaw


    Queens: None
    Kits: Darkkit, Rapidkit
    Elder: Oliveshard

    For new members:
    Become a member by answering my questions:
    What do you like to do on your spare time?
    Who is your favourite warrior cat?
    Which is your favourite Clan?
    Which are your prounouns?
    Rate Ivypool 1-10
    Rate Dovewing 1-10
    How long have you read Warriors?
    If you want you can tell me which Clan (country) you are from 🙂
    Which rank do you want?

  • The Winners!

    Jayflight, by Smokedusk
    Amberhaze, by Viperpaw
    Petalsong, by Smokedusk
    Scorchshimmer, by Addersong
    Frostwillow, by Cloudsong
    Featherfrost, by Addersong
    Kestrelfeather, by Viperpaw
    Willowpool, by Viperpaw
    Morningwish, by Viperpaw

    Addersong gets two more points- for the theme and for being first!

    14 points: Smokedusk
    13 points:
    12 points:
    11 points:
    10 points:
    9 points: Addersong
    8 points:
    7 points:
    6 points:
    5 points:
    4 points: Silverkit, Flamespirit, Nightpaw, Viperpaw, Cloudsong
    3 points: Darkkit, Meadowheart,
    2 points:
    1 point: Owlsight

    Hall of fame
    Game 1: Hazelpaw (16 points)

  • Round 7- What do you know about Lynxstar?

    You get a point for each right answer.
    You can only guess one thing per question.
    No searching up the answers! That’s cheating. No google, or checking the calendar on BlogClan, or looking up my old introduce-myself comments on the introduction page.

    Which are Lynxstar’s favourite colours?
    Which country does Lynxstar live in?
    Which country is Lynxstar’s dad from?
    Which is Lynxstar’s favourite school subject?
    How old is Lynxstar?
    When is Lynxstar’s birthday? (closest gets point)
    When is Lynxstar’s clanniversary? (closest gets point)
    Which is Lynxstar’s favourite sport?
    Who drew Lynxstar’s profile picture?
    What pet does Lynxstar have?
    Who is Lynxstar’s favourite Warrior cat?
    Who is Lynxstar’s least favourite Warrior cat?
    Which is Lynxstar’s favourite Clan?
    Where is the lyrics in Lynxstar’s name from?

    You must be a LynxClan member to play, answer the questions above the game

    Current games in LynxClan’s rotation

    1. Name that Emoji
    2. Tribe Name that Warrior Name
    3. Song That Warrior
    4. Reverse NTA
    5. Re-name that Warrior
    6. Name that Initial
    7. How much do you know about Lynxstar?
    8. Give That Warrior A Purrsona
    9. Who is behind that emoji?
    10. Give That Purrsona a warrior name

    • I barely know anything about you…
      Which are Lynxstar’s favourite colours? Green and blue?
      Which country does Lynxstar live in? US?
      Which country is Lynxstar’s dad from? Ummmm China?
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite school subject? English?
      How old is Lynxstar? 13?
      When is Lynxstar’s birthday? (closest gets point) Ummmmm February 20
      When is Lynxstar’s clanniversary? (closest gets point) Ummmmmmmmmmm May 12
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite sport? Soccer?
      Who drew Lynxstar’s profile picture? I don’t recognize the style…Nettlespring?
      What pet does Lynxstar have? Cat?
      Who is Lynxstar’s favourite Warrior cat? Ivypool?
      Who is Lynxstar’s least favourite Warrior cat? Darktail?
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite Clan? Ummmm RiverClan?
      Where is the lyrics in Lynxstar’s name from? No idea at all

    • 1. I think blue and yellow?
      2. Sweden or Canada?
      3. I think you said Poland or Canada??
      4. …Science??
      5. Uhh 13 I believe?
      6. I think sometime in May?
      7. I wanna say sometime in March?
      8. I’m gonna go with swimming 😭
      9. Mounty/Mountainstorm!
      10. I believe a fish or a bird?? Or a cat…?
      11. Ivypool or Gray Wing??
      12. Oh gosh… Darkstripe?? Or Dovewing?
      13. ShadowClan or RiverClan, I think 😀
      14. I have no idea 😭 I’m just going to say a Taylor Swift song because that seems like lyrics from a Taylor Swift song 😛 😛

      …Clearly, I struggled 😛

    • Which are Lynxstar’s favourite colours? blue/aquamarine
      Which country does Lynxstar live in? hmmm… UK
      Which country is Lynxstar’s dad from? oh gawd uh… maybe UK?
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite school subject? Math
      How old is Lynxstar? oh ummm 12
      When is Lynxstar’s birthday? (closest gets point) oh uhhh May.. uh.. 10? (i doubt myself 😛)
      When is Lynxstar’s clanniversary? (closest gets point) Febuary uh 7?
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite sport? soccer
      Who drew Lynxstar’s profile picture? Spri?
      What pet does Lynxstar have? Dog
      Who is Lynxstar’s favourite Warrior cat? Lynxkit
      Who is Lynxstar’s least favourite Warrior cat? Tigerstar
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite Clan? Thunderclan
      Where is the lyrics in Lynxstar’s name from? Left outside alone by Anastaica, I love this song!

    • CloudPaw/Song. "Only a horrible mother would name their kit ButtKit," - Warrior cats comic on scratch I don't remember name of says:

      O.o (I have not been looking forward to this)

      Which are Lynxstar’s favourite colours? Um – Blue and Red (maybe black) and the only reason I’m guessing that because of your response to my book name gen. (Yes, I check them for responses, and yes, I do remember the responses)
      Which country does Lynxstar live in? Europe??
      Which country is Lynxstar’s dad from? Uhhh – Great Britain?
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite school subject? Math????
      How old is Lynxstar? Urm – Uh, 12 and a half??
      When is Lynxstar’s birthday? (closest gets point) hmmm (thinks very hard) um… maybe sometime in August???
      When is Lynxstar’s clanniversary? (closest gets point) hmm….. in uh, September?!?
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite sport? FUTBALL (just joking, real response is um soccer)
      Who drew Lynxstar’s profile picture? Uhhhh…. is it SpiritWalker??? (Haha, only person I associate with the art page for some reason)
      What pet does Lynxstar have? Ummmm…. (Suffers inside) cat????
      Who is Lynxstar’s favourite Warrior cat? IvyPool??
      Who is Lynxstar’s least favourite Warrior cat? AshFur???
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite Clan? hmm… uh, ShadowClan (I can sense I probably got that wrong)
      Where is the lyrics in Lynxstar’s name from? I have ZERO idea.

    • Which are Lynxstar’s favourite colours? Idk, green?
      Which country does Lynxstar live in? Sweden!
      Which country is Lynxstar’s dad from? Sweden?
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite school subject? ?
      How old is Lynxstar? 12
      When is Lynxstar’s birthday? (closest gets point) May 12th?
      When is Lynxstar’s clanniversary? (closest gets point) idk
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite sport? Idk
      Who drew Lynxstar’s profile picture? Idk
      What pet does Lynxstar have? Idk
      Who is Lynxstar’s favourite Warrior cat? Ivypool?
      Who is Lynxstar’s least favourite Warrior cat? Tigerstar?
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite Clan? SkyClan?
      Where is the lyrics in Lynxstar’s name from? Idk

    • Which are Lynxstar’s favourite colours? Dark blue and black
      Which country does Lynxstar live in? Sweden
      Which country is Lynxstar’s dad from? Canada.
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite school subject? History!
      How old is Lynxstar? 13, I think.
      When is Lynxstar’s birthday? June 8th?
      When is Lynxstar’s clanniversary? June 14th?
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite sport? Idk, I thought you didn’t like PE 😛
      Who drew Lynxstar’s profile picture? Echoheart
      What pet does Lynxstar have? A cat??
      Who is Lynxstar’s favourite Warrior cat? Ivypool
      Who is Lynxstar’s least favourite Warrior cat? Dovewing or Tigerstar 2, I think.
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite Clan? Uhh, Skyclan? Or Riverclan?
      Where is the lyrics in Lynxstar’s name from? I have no idea 😛

    • Hello hello I’m back!

      Which are Lynxstar’s favourite colours? Yellow and green maybe?
      Which country does Lynxstar live in? Uppland, Sverige
      Which country is Lynxstar’s dad from? Canada
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite school subject? English? Maybe?
      How old is Lynxstar? 13
      When is Lynxstar’s birthday? (closest gets point) 20th of May
      When is Lynxstar’s clanniversary? (closest gets point)
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite sport?
      Who drew Lynxstar’s profile picture? Mountainstorm
      What pet does Lynxstar have? Idk 🙁
      Who is Lynxstar’s favourite Warrior cat? Squilf or Ivypool maybe?
      Who is Lynxstar’s least favourite Warrior cat? Tigerstar II?
      Which is Lynxstar’s favourite Clan? SkyClan, I’m pretty sure!
      Where is the lyrics in Lynxstar’s name from? Sadly I don’t know 🙁

  • Hi! Time to repost the allegiances. We have no new members this week, hopefully more will join next week!

    Leader: Lynxstar, Apprentice: Hazelpaw
    Deputy: Addersong, Apprentice: Mistpaw
    Medicine Cats: Stormtuft, Willowdawn, Apprentice: Skyshimmer
    Mediators: Solarflare, Flamespirit, Apprentice: Skypaw

    Flickerflame, Apprentice: Shiverpaw
    Fawnsplash, Apprentice: Rainpaw
    Owlsight, Apprentice: Sandpaw
    Smokedusk, Apprentice: Mallowpaw
    Meadowheart, Apprentice: Hollypaw
    Cloudsong, Apprentice: Nightpaw


    Queens: None
    Kits: Darkkit, Rapidkit
    Elder: Oliveshard

    For new members:
    Become a member by answering my questions:
    What do you like to do on your spare time?
    Who is your favourite warrior cat?
    Which is your favourite Clan?
    Which are your prounouns?
    Rate Ivypool 1-10
    Rate Dovewing 1-10
    How long have you read Warriors?
    If you want you can tell me which Clan (country) you are from 🙂
    Which rank do you want?

  • The Winners!

    1. Which are Lynxstar’s favourite colours?
    (Dark) blue and black, guessed by Addersong
    2. Which country does Lynxstar live in?
    Sweden, guessed by Flamespirit, who gets half a point for guessing Canada as well.
    3. Which country is Lynxstar’s dad from?
    Canada, guessed by Flamespirit, who gets half a point for guessing Poland as well.
    4. Which is Lynxstar’s favourite school subject?
    History, guessed by Addersong
    5. How old is Lynxstar?
    13, guessed by Hollypaw
    6. When is Lynxstar’s birthday? (closest gets point)
    8th May, Smokedusk was closest (May 12th)
    7. When is Lynxstar’s clanniversary? (closest gets point)
    14th June, guessed by Addersong
    8. Which is Lynxstar’s favourite sport?
    Downhill skiing, guessed by nobody
    9. Who drew Lynxstar’s profile picture?
    Mountainstorm, guessed by Flamespirit
    10. What pet does Lynxstar have?
    A gerbil called Chips, guessed by nobody
    11. Who is Lynxstar’s favourite Warrior cat?
    Hollyleaf, guessed by nobody
    12. Who is Lynxstar’s least favourite Warrior cat?
    Dovewing, guessed by Flamespirit, who gets half a point for guessing Darkstripe as well.
    13. Which is Lynxstar’s favourite Clan?
    ShadowClan, guessed by Flamespirit, who gets half a point for guessing RiverClan as well.
    14. Where is the lyrics in Lynxstar’s name from?
    Left outside alone, by Anastaica, guessed by nobody.

    Hollypaw gets another point for being first!

    15 points: Smokedusk
    14 points:
    13 points:
    12 points: Addersong
    11 points:
    10 points:
    9 points:
    8 points:
    7 points: Flamespirit
    6 points: Hollypaw
    5 points:
    4 points: Silverkit, Nightpaw, Cloudsong
    3 points: Darkkit, Meadowheart,
    2 points:
    1 point: Owlsight

    Hall of fame
    Game 1: Hazelpaw (16 points)

  • Round 8

    Give that warrior a purrsona!
    Rules: These are oc:s from my fanfic (that isn’t published yet) The ones who get closest to their real purrsonas win.


    You must be a LynxClan member to play, answer the questions above the game

    Current games in LynxClan’s rotation

    1. Name that Emoji
    2. Tribe Name that Warrior Name
    3. Song That Warrior
    4. Reverse NTA
    5. Re-name that Warrior
    6. Name that Initial
    7. How much do you know about Lynxstar?
    8. Give That Warrior A Purrsona
    9. Who is behind that emoji?
    10. Give That Purrsona a warrior name

  • Hi! Time to repost the allegiances. We have three new members!
    Let’s welcome:

    Leader: Lynxstar, Apprentice: Hazelpaw
    Deputy: Addersong, Apprentice: Mistpaw
    Medicine Cats: Stormtuft, Willowdawn, Apprentice: Skyshimmer
    Mediators: Solarflare, Flamespirit, Apprentice: Skypaw

    Flickerflame, Apprentice: Shiverpaw
    Fawnsplash, Apprentice: Rainpaw
    Owlsight, Apprentice: Sandpaw
    Snailtail, Apprentice: Ivypaw
    Smokedusk, Apprentice: Mallowpaw
    Meadowheart, Apprentice: Hollypaw
    Cloudsong, Apprentice: Nightpaw


    Queens: None
    Kits: Darkkit, Rapidkit, Stickkit
    Elder: Oliveshard

    For new members:
    Become a member by answering my questions:
    What do you like to do on your spare time?
    Who is your favourite warrior cat?
    Which is your favourite Clan?
    Which are your prounouns?
    Rate Ivypool 1-10
    Rate Dovewing 1-10
    How long have you read Warriors?
    If you want you can tell me which Clan (country) you are from 🙂
    Which rank do you want?

  • The Winners!

    Brown tabby she-cat with a few ginger spots here and there, a white chest, a white muzzle, and pale yellow eyes.
    Closest: Smokedusk (Black with ginger splotches and amber eyes)

    Dark brown tabby she-cat with green eyes.
    Closest: Hollypaw (Dark brown tabby with blue eyes)

    Black and white she-cat with green eyes.
    Closest: Hollypaw (White with black dapples and amber eyes)

    Ginger,-brown-and-white tabby tom with green eyes.
    Closest: Smokedusk (Mottled tortoiseshell with green eyes)

    Dark grey tabby tom with amber eyes.
    Closest: Smokedusk (Dark grey with amber eyes)

    Skinny, short-furred, pale brown she-cat with yellow eyes.
    Closest: Hollypaw (Light brown tabby with yellow eyes)

    Hollypaw gets another point for being first

    17 points: Smokedusk
    16 points:
    15 points:
    14 points:
    13 points:
    12 points: Addersong
    11 points:
    10 points: Hollypaw
    9 points:
    8 points:
    7 points: Flamespirit
    6 points:
    5 points:
    4 points: Silverkit, Nightpaw, Cloudsong
    3 points: Darkkit, Meadowheart,
    2 points: Irisflower
    1 point: Owlsight,

    Hall of fame
    Game 1: Hazelpaw (16 points)

  • Round 9

    I changed the plan. We were going to have who is behind that emoji, but I changed it to warrior that tribe name.

    Silver Duck Flying In Silent Night
    White Snow Sparkling In Moonlight
    Quick Flight Of Little Bee
    River Lapping Against Golden Sand
    Moose Leaping Over High Hedge
    Splash Of Large Boulder

  • Hi! Time to repost the allegiances. We have one new member!
    Let’s welcome:

    Leader: Lynxstar, Apprentice: Hazelpaw
    Deputy: Addersong, Apprentice: Mistpaw
    Medicine Cats: Stormtuft, Willowdawn, Apprentice: Skyshimmer
    Mediators: Solarflare, Flamespirit, Apprentice: Skypaw

    Flickerflame, Apprentice: Shiverpaw
    Fawnsplash, Apprentice: Rainpaw
    Owlsight, Apprentice: Sandpaw
    Snailtail, Apprentice: Ivypaw
    Smokedusk, Apprentice: Mallowpaw
    Meadowheart, Apprentice: Hollypaw
    Cloudsong, Apprentice: Nightpaw


    Queens: None
    Kits: Darkkit, Rapidkit, Stickkit
    Elder: Oliveshard

    For new members:
    Become a member by answering my questions:
    What do you like to do on your spare time?
    Who is your favourite warrior cat?
    Which is your favourite Clan?
    Which are your prounouns?
    Rate Ivypool 1-10
    Rate Dovewing 1-10
    How long have you read Warriors?
    If you want you can tell me which Clan (country) you are from 🙂
    Which rank do you want?

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