• Iragaze looked at her kits fondly. It was finally the day they become apprentices. Grief struck her when she realised that Ibiskit and Larkkit should be with Poppykit and Jadekit. The two kits had been killed in the battle with the badgers. Luckily Gingerheart hadn’t kitted yet at the time.
    ”All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the IrisStone!” Irisstar yowled “We have 2 new apprentices to start straining today!” She continued.
    “Poppykit, Jadekit. Come here.” Irisstar beckoned.
    I nudged Poppykit and Jadekit forward with by muzzle. Their eyes glowed in the sunlight with excitement.
    “I, Irisstar, leader of Irisclan call upon my ancestors to look over these kits. They have reached 6 moons of age and it is time for them to be apprenticed. Poppykit, Jadekit, do you promise to pretect you clan with all it takes?
    “I do.” Poppykit squeaked. Her eyes were brighter than the sun.
    “I….” Jadekit stammered. “I do.” He said, his voice shaking.
    “Good. From this day on, Poppykit, you will be Poppypaw, and your mentor will be Willowstripe. She has learnt well from her mentor and will pass on those skills to you. From this day on, Jadekit, you will be Jadepaw, and your mentor will be Mistfeather. She has learnt well from her mentor and will pass on those skills to you.”
    “Jadepaw! Poppypaw! Jadepaw! Poppypaw! Jadepaw! Poppypaw!” The clan chanted.

  • Iragaze padded into the clearing with Poppykit and Jadekit.
    “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the IrisStone for a Clan meeting!” Irisstar yowled. “We have 2 kits who have reached 6 moons of age. They will now be apprentices!”

    Poppykit and Jadekit were bouncing with joy. They were about to become apprentices! Iragaze felt a pang of grief when she realised that Larkkit and Ibiskit should be here too. The two kits had been killed in a badger attack. She shook away her thoughts and nudged her 2 kits forward.

    “Poppykit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Poppypaw. Your mentor will be Willowstripe.” Irisstar said. “Jadekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Jadepaw. Your mentor will be Fawnbriar.”

    “Poppypaw! Jadepaw! Poppypaw! Jadepaw! Poppypaw! Jadepaw! Poppypaw! Jadepaw! Poppypaw! Jadepaw! Poppypaw! Jadepaw! Poppypaw! Jadepaw! Poppypaw! Jadepaw! ” The clan chanted.

    “The meeting is dismissed!” Irisstar yowled.
    The cats began breaking apart to do their duties. Iragaze sighed, it was time to go back to her warrior duties.

  • “The meeting is dismissed!” Irisstar yowled after Poppykit and Jadekit were apprenticed.

    I walked over to the warriors den.

    “Iragaze!” Willowstripe exclaimed. “You’re finally back from the nursery! Heh, now I finally have someone to chat to until dawn again!” She teased.
    I rolled my eyes jokingly.

    “Well, maybe not until dawn, you got to mentor Poppypaw!” I tease back.

    Fawnsplash rolled her eyes as we continued to tease each other. I look over and felt a pang of grief as I gazed over at the spot my mate and I shared. My mate, Thistlepelt died in the war with Seaclan while I was in the nursery. My 2 kits, Ibiskit and Larkkit were splitting images of him. Losing them were like losing Thistlepelt again. Willowstripe had followed where I was looking and her eyes softened.

    “Iragaze? Are you okay?” She meowed with concern in her voice.
    I nodded half-consciously. I gaze up at the sky. The moon had risen.
    “I’m going to bed.” I meow with grief in my voice.
    “Good night.” Willowstripe replied.

    • 🩵✦Creamypaw/mist✦🩵App To the amazing Bloodynight🩵Creams,Creamy🩵🌸♡Mist That Shines Beneath Creamy Dawn Sky 🫧(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡i give my love to you🫧”🍓🍓" ❄️Christmas❄️Click my name for Creamyclan says:

      it was a long day Gingerheart looked up to see the moon appered she sighed and went to the nursery her kits followed behind

      • She curled up into her nest and waited for her kits to come curl up next to her. To her dismay, they were no where to be seen. Gingerheart’s ears perked up, hoping that they would hear her kit’s voices and mewls. She stood up and walked out into the camp. No sign of the 4 little kittens. Her heart thumped and she desperately checked each den.
        “My kits!” Gingerheart shrieked “They’re missing!”
        Every cat in the clearing stopped what they were doing and looked around. Willowstripe looked frantic and fearful for the little furballs.
        “Fawnsplash, Poppypaw, Jadepaw and Iragaze, go on a searching patrol.” Willowstripe demanded. “Gingerstripe, you stay here.”
        “But-” Gingerstripe protested.
        ” No buts, you stay in camp and look for them.” Willowstripe cut off.

  • Iragaze looked at her friend, trying to read her expression. Fawnsplash nudged her.
    “Come, let’s go now.” She murmured.
    Iragaze nodded and they ventured off into the forest. Poppypaw and Jadepaw were searching the trees desperately. The 4 kits had been their friends for a long time. Jadepaw whimpered.
    ” I hope they’re okay….” He whispered.
    Iragaze sighed and nodded in agreement. She continued to smell the clearing.
    “I found it!” Fawnsplash exclaimed. “The scent trail!”
    She began to run, the two siblings and their mother trailing behind. Sure enough, the kit’s scent was there, but to their horror, the horrible smell of fox was mingled with it. Iragaze desperately nudged away the rocks and debris blocking their path. When it broke away, 4 small bodies were unmoving on the forest floor. A big, white furred tom stood there, his fur matted with blood.
    “Cherrykit, Amberkit, Diamondkit, Bearkit!” Poppypaw and Jadepaw shriek in unision.
    “Who are you? Did you do this to them?” Fawnsplash hissed at the tom, a growl rising in her throat.
    “I am Cloud. I am a loner and I saw these kits wandering into the forest. They were attacked by a fox.” He responded calmly. “I fought it off.”
    Fawnsplash’s fur slowly relaxed and lowered.
    “We must take the kits back to camp.” Iragaze said.
    Each of them held one of the kits by their scruff. Cloud hissed in pain.
    “Come back to camp with us.” Poppypaw pleaded. “Look at you! You’re injured! Besides, you rescued them.”
    Cloud flashed us a grateful look and padded after us.

    • 🩵✦Creamypaw/mist✦🩵App To the amazing Bloodynight🩵Creams,Creamy🩵🌸♡Mist That Shines Beneath Creamy Dawn Sky 🫧(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡i give my love to you🫧”🍓🍓" ❄️Christmas❄️Click my name for Creamyclan says:

      Gingerheart walked in circles fear has gotten the best off her
      “what if a badger attacked them?!” or if a enemy cat took them?” she would ask them she could hear the search patrol enter the camp with bundles of fur in each on of their jaws
      “MY KITS” she yowled and took them and then started to lick them frantically.
      “oh thank you thank you” she meowed and looked up to see a stranger.
      her fur roses on the edges and she hissed “who are you?!”
      them the medicen cat came over with Lilypaw

  • “My kits!” Gingerheart shrieked at the sight of her beloved little ones.
    The medicine cat walked forward and picked them up by the scruff to heal their wounds.
    Gingerheart looked up.
    “Who are you?” She hissed, her fur bristling.
    “Gingerheart, this is Cloud. He saved your kits from a fox.” Fawnsplash explained.
    Gingerheart’s fur lay flat slowly.
    “Thank you.” She murmured.
    Cloud nodded. He stood up and began to walk back into the forest.
    “Wait!” Irisstar called.
    The tom turned around. He flicked his tail to show he was listening.
    “You’re hurt. Please, stay with us until you recover.” Iragaze pleaded.
    Cloud flashed a grateful look to the clan leader.
    “Thank you.” He murmured quietly.
    Iragaze padded forward and led him over to the medicine cat den so he could be treated to.
    “All cats old enough to catch their own prey, come to gather beneath the Irisstone for a clan meeting!” Irisstar yowled.
    The cats began to gather.
    “A while ago, Gingerheart’s kits went missing. Luckily, one of our patrols found them and a loner. The kits were attacked by a fox but the loner fought it off.” Irisstar explained. “Treat the loner as a normal clanmate. He is not an enemy of ours.”
    There were some reluctant murmurs in the clearing and one or 2 cats protested.
    “There will be no debate!” Irisstar snapped. “The meeting is dismissed!”

    • Gingerheart nodded and went to the medicen den as she entered the scent of herbs filled in her nose
      How come her sister wanted to be medicen cat? she shrugged and padded towards her kits who were waking up
      “mama” wisphered one of her kits cried “mama where are you? MAMA!” it was Bearkit
      “i here mama here” she smoothed
      when the kit calmed dow Cloverflight walked with a bundled of herbs and walked over to amberkit

      Cloverflight’s POV:
      She grabbed some dock leafs and chewed it up then she spit it out and and applied it to Amberkit’s wounds
      The little she-kit squeaked awake “that hurts!” she squeaked
      “yes but it will save a lot of pain later” she responded
      the little kit winched as she applied more.
      “can i go play nowwwwww” groaned Amberkit
      “not yet ” meowed Lilypaw “we got to check for more wounds”
      Cloverflight nodded in approval.
      Lilypaw’s cheast swelled with prided.
      “Lilypaw pass the cobwebs” she meowed as Lilypaw darted off she saw cherrykit falling asleep.

  • Iragaze padded towards the Medicine Cat Den. She was going to check up on the kits.
    “Coverflight?” Iragaze called.
    Coverflight acknowledged her presence with the flick of her tail.
    “How are the kits?” Iragaze asked.
    Coverflight sighed.
    “Cherrykit and Diamondkit have severe injuries, and Amberkit…” She hesitated. “She couldn’t make it.”
    The words sank in like a heavy rock.
    “W-What?” Iragaze stammered.
    Coverflight nodded.
    “Does Gingerheart know?” Iragaze queried.
    “Know what?” A familiar voice from behind them asked.
    Iragaze’s head turned around. It was Gingerheart.
    “I.. Umm..” Iragaze fumbled over her words.
    “We’re very sorry Gingerheart.” Coverflight murmured.
    Gingerheart flicked her ears.
    “Amberkit…” Coverflight nearly whispered. “She couldn’t make it.”
    “No!” Gingerheart yowled.
    Every cat in the clearing turned to look at her.
    “No! She- She can’t be dead!” Her voice cracked. Her eyes showed nothing but sorrow.
    “Cherrykit and Diamondkit have severe injuries too, we must hope for the best.” Iragaze murmured.
    Gingerheart’s eyes were filled with sorrow and grief.
    “Please,” She whispered. “Please, save them.”

    • Gingerheart POV
      hot tears ran down her cheeks she pushed Cloverflight out if the way and saw Amberkit motionless in a nest she grabbed her between her jaws and wrapped her cold body around her
      “oh amberkit” she cried don’t leave me like your father she moved closer to her dead kit and cried “don’t leave me please” she cried then a voice whisper to her
      “leave he i take care of her
      “BEARCLAW” she turned to see a shining figer
      “Let her go” he meowed then she saw a little figer the size of a kit then she nodded and said through tears take care of her” then the two shapes faded
      she looked at her three emaining kits and nuzle them all she waped her body around them and fell asleep

      Clverflight followed her sister and saw her asleep
      (to lazy on cloverflight’s pov)

    • Gingerheart walked out of the medicine cat den, her face was dulled with grief. Iragaze felt concerned for her friend. She wasn’t acting like the same happy, cheerful, carefree cat she was. It made sense. Iragaze felt the same when she lost her loved ones. Big waves of grief washed over Iragaze as she remembered her kits and mate. She sighed and padded over to the medicine cat den, hoping for good news.
      “Iragaze?” Lilypaw called.
      “Yes Lilypaw?” Iragaze answered.
      “Is it okay if you come with me to get some healing herbs? Cloverheart needs to take care of the kits and Cloud.” She flicked her tail towards the injured cats.
      “Of course. And speaking of the kits and cloud, how are they?” Iragze queried
      Lilypaw sighed. “Not good. Cloud is getting better and Bearkit will go back to the nursery in a while but…” She paused. “Cherrykit and Diamondkit are struggling. Cherrykit’s wounds aren’t as bad anymore, but they’re still severe.”
      Iragaze’s head sank. She hoped they would be okay…

      Cloverheart’s POV:
      “Cloverheart.” a voice echoed.
      The pretty she-cat spun around and her ears flicked.
      “Greetings Hazelstripe.” Cloverheart dipped her head at the tom.
      “We have another prophecy for you.” He declared. “A cloud is formed by water drops and remains silent until one day it showers a heavy rain. A rare gem will guide the cats to end the showers.” The voice echoed.
      The tom then faded away into the mist.

    • Diamondkit’s POV:
      Diamondkit woke up in a forest, the grass was soft and the trees swayed with the wind. A misty figure appeared in front of her. She shrank back in fear.
      “Do not be afraid Diamondkit.” The figure murmured. The voice was unfamiliar, yet it filled Diamondkit with comfort.
      “Are you-?” Diamondkit squeaked.
      “Yes Diamondkit, I am your father, Bearclaw.” Bearclaw nodded.
      “Why am I here? Where am I?” Diamondkit queried.
      “Ah,” Bearclaw sighed. “This is the gate of Starclan.”
      “What!?” yelled Diamondkit. “I’m dead?”
      Her eyes were wide with shock, confusion and amazement.
      “Yes, you are dead, but…” Bearclaw paused. “You have not fulfilled the prophecy.”
      “Prophecy?” Diamondkit echoed.
      “Yes, prophecy.” Bearclaw purred with amusement. “Since you have not fulfilled it, we grant you another life.”
      Diamondkit couldn’t believe her ears. Another life?
      “What prophecy?” Cherrykit asked curiously.
      “That you will know of another day.” He whispered. “We will put your soul into another kit so you can stop the showers.”
      Bearclaw bent over and nuzzled his kit.
      “Until we meet again.” He called, then he faded into the mist.

      • ❄❄🌸Creamypaw/mist 🌸❄❄🥀app to the amazing Bloddynight🥀❄☃ready for christmas☃❄🩸bestie is bloodynight🩸🎄she/her🎄All i want for christmas is you🎄 says:

        (soo is are they dead and going into a qthor kit`s body or what idk i just countnue)

        Gingerheart lookeed at her 3 kits cherrykit and damoindkit where geting better meanwhille Bearkit was restless
        “can i goooooooooo plaayyyyyyyyy” he`ll complan
        “no not yet just wait a whille longer” she say a licked him on his ear on day she walked into the medicen cat despreatly cheacking Cherrykit and Daimondkit
        “what`s wrong” she asked
        Cloverflight looked at her with sad eyes
        “i am sorry but starclan took them”
        “WHAT NO NONO” she yowled and ran over to their little bodies


        it has been a few days since her sister`s kits died she sighed
        “i ahved dissapontied my sister” she sighed and
        continued to gather herbs then a little mew caught her attition she followed the noise and found 2 little kits for some reson the looked like dimandkit and Cherrykit
        “oh you little ones” she sniffed them
        “both she-cats” she thought
        she grabed them both and took them to camp
        her clanmates came out of their dens to see who the starnge kits where even her sister Gingerheart came out side
        Her eyes where dull but when she saw the 2 kits she gasped in shock caused they looked like her dead kits
        (Gingerheart will nurse them and raise the she will call the one that is Cherrykit Rosekit and the other one you can pick)

  • Hello guys I’m back! You guys are great at roleplaying!!

    Irisstar paced back and forth at the entrance of the Leader’s den, sobbing. “I knew I would never be a better leader than Orchidstar! I knew it, I knew it! First..first Poisondawn and now Gingerheart’s kits! I’m a terrible leader! WHY in the WORLD did Orchidstar make me deputy?!” Willowdawn shook her head, her eyes filled with concern for her leader. “Your not a terrible leader. It’s not your fault Diamondkit and Amberkit died.” Willowdawn glanced over at Cloud. The white tom was licking his scratches. “Now the thing we DO have to worry about… is HIM.” Irisstar followed Willowdawn’s gaze to the tom. “Cloud? But he saved the kits!” Willowdawn narrowed her eyes and hissed. “How do you know? HE could have attacked the kits!” Irisstar hesitated, then shook her head. “There was fox scent though! I don’t know WHATS going on in that brain of yours, but it has to stop. And thats an order… from your leader…I guess.” Irisstar shook out her fur and started walking towards Cloud, blushing as he smiled at her. “Oh,” Willowdawn muttered. “Thats what its all about, eh? Seriously? In love with a murderer?”

    Irisstar’s POV
    He’s looking at me. Smiling at me. I feel…warmer than the sun.
    He’s so handsome. It feels like.. like Poisondawn is here all over again. His smile and love and warmth, filling me up with joy. Willowdawn doesn’t know what she’s saying, I thought. He saved the kits from all of them getting killed. If he was a clan cat, he should have been the deputy. He should be the leader. Maybe I should replace Willowdawn with him.. NO. Willowdawn just doesn’t know what she’s saying. She’ll understand soon enough. I wonder if any of the others saw me looking at Cloud that way..what would they feel?
    Maybe regret. Maybe anger. Maybe humor, to giggle and laugh and snort at me.
    What would Gingerheart think? Would she understand me? We both lost our mates to SeaClan…and we both want them back.

      • (just to let u guys know, Cloud did attack the kits BUT he covered up with a fox smell)
        Iragaze’s POV:
        Iragaze had never seen her friend this troubled. Gingerheart had barely eaten since she had lost her kits. She sighed. It made sense… she as well, had barely spoken since she lost her two kits to greencough and lost her mate while she was in the nursery, standing there doing nothing. She blinked tears away at the memory. Thistlepelt was the kindest tom ever. Ever since they were kits they had become the bestest or best friends… maybe even more…
        Thistlepelt came through the nursery entrance. He went over and curled up near his mate.
        “How are you?” He asked.
        “I’m great!” Iragaze purred. “I’m so excited to see how they grow up and develop personalities!”
        “Maybe they’ll have you pretty green eyes, or your long fur!”
        “Or maybe they’ll have your clingyness.” Iragaze teased
        Thistlepelt batted her gently on the ear.
        “Either way, they’re mine, and I will love them no matter what.” He purred.
        Thistlepelt suddenly jerked up, alarm in his pale green eyes. He poked his head outside the nursery entrance, and his ears flattened.
        “Seaclan is attacking!” He yowled.
        He leaped out of the nursery and into battle. Gingerheart looked at me nervously, she had just moved into the nursery a couple of sunrises ago, she was expecting Bearclaw’s kits. We sat in the nursery in silence as the battle roared outside. A yowl echoed through the clearing, and the noises of battle abruptly stopped. I poked my head outside and saw that Cougarstar, the leader of Seaclan, was speaking to Irisstar.
        “We must get our territory back!” Cougarstar growled.
        “If that stops the battle then take it. Take it.” Irisstar hissed.
        Cougarstar smirked, then called his warriors and walked through the brackens of Irisclan territory.
        Iragaze felt sick. She couldn’t see her mate anywhere, nor did she hear him. She frantically ran around camp and asked her clanmates where he was. The answer she heard was the answer she dreaded. He was dead. She let out a cry and walked around camp, hoping to see her mate once again. But there he was. His body was covered in scratches, blood pooled around his head and his snowy white fur was nearly drenched in blood. She curled up near his body and held his paw for the last time. To her dismay, the clan had lost Bearclaw and Poisondawn as well.
        The clan mourned for the noble warriors.

  • “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey please gather beneath the Irisstone for a clan meeting!” Irisstar yowled.
    Cats began to gather together.
    “A few dawns ago, Gingerheart’s kits went missing.” She (is it she?) paused for a moment as if the memory caused her pain. “But, thankfully our patrol found Cloud, who miraculously saved the kits from a fox. Cloud holds many characteristics a noble warrior cat would have, and therefore he will become a new warrior of this clan.” Irisstar flicked her tail to Cloud. “Cloud, come here.”
    The snowy white tom obeyed.
    ” I, Irisstar, leader of Irisclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this loner. They have understood the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Cloud, do you wish to become a warrior and if so, fight with your clan and protect it at all costs?”
    “Yes.” Cloud meowed confidently.
    “Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Cloud, from this moment on you will be known as Cloudstorm. Starclan honours your courage and loyalty.” Irisstar looked at the tom with pride and something more…
    “Cloudstorm! Cloudstorm! Cloudstorm! Cloudstorm! Cloudstorm!” The clan chanted.
    Willowstripe and Cloverflight were reluctant to cheer, as they knew what was really in the snowy toms head.

    Gingerheart ran up to iris star as she came down from the irisstone
    “IRISSTAR IRISSTAR!* she called
    “yes?” meowed irisstar
    “Cloverflight found a kit in our territory!”
    “what!” she gasped “take me to it.”
    Gingerheart nodded and led her to Cloverflight the little kit was mewing with hunger.
    “poor thing” mummered Gingerheart
    “lets take in the kit” meowed irisstar “will you suckle it Gingerheart?” she asked
    Gingerheart nodded and took the kit to the nursery to suckle it

  • Iragaze walked into the clearing with her jaws filled with a plump mouse and a squirrel. She carefully placed the limp mouse with the other pieces of prey, taking the squirrel for Gingerheart. Iragaze padded over to the nursery to drop off the piece of prey, glancing over at Willowstripe who was chatting with Cherrymist. She quickly dropped off the piece of prey and walked over to the pair.
    “Hey Iragaze!” Cherrymist chirped (she’s a made up character).
    “Hey!” Iragaze purred. “How are you guys?”
    “Oh I’m great!” Willowstripe meowed.
    “I’m good too, but I’m really tired from-” Cherrymist was cut off by a yowl in the clearing.
    “No! Lilypelt is sick! This can’t happen now! She’s going to have kits soon!” Hawkstorm shrieked.
    Cloverflight emerged from the Medicine cat den.
    “Hawkfrost, please relax, I’ll have a look at her.” She meowed calmly.
    She then padded over to the nursery, Lilypaw trailing behind her.
    “Speaking of kits…” Willowstripe whispered. “I think somebody is about to have some soon!” She squealed, flicking her tail towards Cherrymist.
    “I- Wha?” Cherrymist spluttered.
    “Oh come on, everybody can see it now!” Thornbush, a TOM, agreed.
    Cherrymist’s eyes widened.
    “I- wow…” She seemed lost for words. “I should let Irisstar know! She should know that another cat is moving into the nursery! Oh my gosh, how will Bramblesplash react? Oh he’ll be a great father!”
    Willowstripe and I laughed with amusement at her reaction.

  • Gingerheart Pov:
    She was sitting outside eating the squirrel Irazgaze brought her, meanwhile her two kits and her foster kit, who she has named Crystalkit, were playing outside when she overheard that Cherrymist was expecting kits.
    She stood up and walked over to the group of she-cats
    “Congratulations” she purred “you´ll be a great mother and you will be joining me and Lilypelt”
    “Tha-thank you” she stammered “I’m going to be a mom!”
    “A wonderful mom!” purred Willowstripe
    Cherrymist smiled “I can’t wait to tell Bramblesplash!” she exclam!
    Gignerheart licked her paw and drew it over her ear a few times “we all feel the same way when we expect kits” she purred “Right Irazgaze?”
    Irazgaze purred “Yes we all feel excited when we expect kits, it’s a gift from Starclan!”.
    “And on the topic about kits..” teased Gingerheart “when are you going to get a mate Willowstripe, don’t you want to be a mother?”
    Willowstripe’s face turned red and she looked down “OH no i’m not ready for that!”
    Irazgaze and Gingerheart purred in amusement at their deputy, It WAS clear that Thornbush had feelings for Willowstripe, he is always following her!
    After a while of talking Gingerheart stood up, flicking her tail bye, and walked towards her kits.
    “HEY not fair!” protested Bearkit as Crystalkit and Cherrykit surprised attacked him.
    Gingerheart rolled her eyes in amusement, but something caught her eyes.
    She saw Cloudstorm staring hatefully at the three kits.
    The kits he protected from a fox.
    Then Cloudstorm noticed her looking at him and instantly changed his gaze into a soft smile.
    “Weird” thought Gingerheart but forgot about it when she saw Cherrymist walking towards Bramblesplash, Cherrymist looked like a beam of light, meanwhile Bramblesplash looked confused why she was so excited.
    After a while of meowing Bramblesplash purred happily and licked Cherrymist.
    Gingerheart felt happy for them, but couldn’t help feeling sad without her two lost kits, and her lost mate.
    Gingerheart shook her head and decided to go check on Lilypelt, she looked around the clearing and saw Jaypaw.
    “JAYPAW!” she called
    “Yes?” he asked
    “Can you play with the kits meanwhile i check on Lilypelt?”
    “Sure!” he nodded and walked towards the kits meowing “do you guys want to know how to do the hunting crouch?”
    All three kits squealed in excitement as Jaypaw teached them.

  • PART 2
    Cloverflight’s Pov:
    “Okay Lilypaw grab a bit of honey that Lionleap brought, and give it to Lilypelt, and if it’s to hard for her paste some honey on some borage leaf so she can lick it.” instructed Cloverflight “that will help her with her sore trough, and when you finish you can go off and get some prey for Lilypelt and yourself, i will take care of the Fever while you do that”
    Lilypaw nodded and went into the herd storage to find some honey.
    Cloverflight followed and grabbed Borage leaves and Lavender.
    When Lilypaw finished and went to get fresh-kill, she gave the Borage to Lilypelt and made her smell the Lavender.
    “This will calm the fever down” she meowed
    Lilypelt nodded and did what she was told, after a while Lilypaw came back with a plump Rabbit and a wood mouse.
    She gave the mouse to Lilypelt, who took a few bites, and gave the Rabbit to Cloverflight for them to share.
    Cloverflight nodded her thanks and took a bite, then ferns in the entrance rustle, it was Gingerheart
    “Hi Gingerheart” mewed Lilypaw
    “Need anything” meowed Cloverflight through a mouthful of rabbit
    “No not really i just came to check on Lilypelt, where i she?”
    “Over here” rasped Lilypelt
    “Oh Lilypelt, how are you feeling?” asked Gingerheart
    “I feel way better thanks to Cloverflight and Lilypaw” she meowed
    “Of course” purred Gingerheart then looked at Cloverflight and asked “is she going to be okay?”
    Cloverflight nodded and gulped a bit of rabbit “Of course she will\, just got a cough and fever, it’ll go away in a few days, but i keep her in my den just so it doesn’t become Whitecough.”
    Then she stood up and pushed the rest to the rabbit to Lilypaw
    “You can have the rest i’ll go collect herbs.” she meowed heading for the exit “also take care of Lilypelt if anything goes wrong, send a warrior to get me around Sky stump”
    Lilypaw nodded and mewed an ”okay”.
    As Cloverflight left, Gingerheart left too “bye Lilypaw” she meowed and left.
    Cloverflight headed for Sky Stump.
    (WOW that was long, I hope that it doesn’t cause the moddos problems. Also, it took me THREE DAYS! To type)

    • Wowza- your writing has really improved :0000 THATS AWESOMEEE- sorry, anyway…
      Iragaze’s POV:
      Iragaze held the plump mouse in her jaws and padded over to Willowstripe, who was sitting next to Thornbush…. Iragaze smirked, she knew this was bound to happen soon. It was undeniable that they were meant for each other!
      “Hello you two lovebirds!” She purred.
      “Oh Iragaze it’s not like that!” Willowstripe spluttered with a red face.
      “Are you trying to convince Iragaze or yourself?” Cherrymist laughed.
      “Guys I-” Willowstripe started.
      “Nah, you can’t convince us. It’s borderline impossible to.” Iragaze smirked.
      “You know what? I’ll just go and visit my sister Lilypelt…” Thornbush squeaked.
      “Willowstripe, you’re blinder than Jayfeather! How can you not see that he loves you, and you obviously love him!” Cherrymist snorted after Thornbush was out of sight.
      “Oh fine, I’ll admit it.” Willowstripe purred. “I do love him, but I don’t know if I’m ready for a mate yet…”
      “Have you at least told him you love him?” Iragaze queried.
      “I….” Willowstripe stammered. “No.” She sighed.
      Cherrymist let out an exaggerated gasp.
      “Ma’am, you need to tell him!” She squealed. “Go on!”
      Willowstripe sighed.
      “You know, sometimes I hate you guys.” She muttered, batting us playfully on the ear.
      “Hate you too!” Iragaze purred as she walked over to Thornbush.

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