Lynxpaw interviews BlogClanners on their thoughts about the sisters from Omen of the Stars, Dovewing and Ivypool.
![[Dovewing sits in a bright grassy field while Ivypool sits in a shadowy forest with bloodstained paws]](
[Dovewing sits in a bright grassy field while Ivypool sits in a shadowy forest with bloodstained paws]
Hello! It’s Lynxpaw/claw with another article in my “Lynxpaw interviews” series. In my previous articles in this series I’ve been interviewing BlogClanners on who they think is best, Leafpool or Squirrelflight, and their opinion on SkyClan. But today it’s Dovewing vs Ivypool!
Let’s start!
I’ll interview:
And myself: Lynxpaw/claw
1. What do you think of Ivypool?
Darkkit: I think she’s amazing! I love how she can be really fierce, but kind and gentle as well.
Hazelpaw: I love her! One of my favourite characters. 🙂
Stripepaw: She’s cool and a good character, but she was a little bit whiny about the whole Dovewing thing. She and Fernsong are really cute!
Sandpaw: I love her, I think she’s really strong and determined, she still gets back up even when someone pushes her down. I like Dovewing a bit more than her, just because I’m a little sensitive to violence and her killing Antpelt for no reason kinda put a bad taste in my mouth.
Lynxpaw: Love her! She is my second most favourite character (after Hollyleaf).
2. What do you think of Dovewing?
Darkkit: To be honest, I’m kind of neutral on her. I never really cared much for her.
Hazelpaw: I don’t really have an opinion on her, but I’m leaning towards dislike. Something about her just throws me off.
Stripepaw: She’s great! I love her and I really relate to her.
Sandpaw: I love her! There are a lot of people who hate her and complain that she’s whiny, a Mary Sue, tries to steal all the attention, stuff like that. I would write long paragraphs of her, but I already have in an article I wrote, so I won’t write it all here. But I would say that she is kind, a wonderful mother, too hated and a cat with a mix of good and bad traits, but all of them fit nicely together that she isn’t an overly good cat or an overly bad cat.
Lynxpaw: I dislike her very much. She is my least favourite character; so whiny and I just don’t like her at all.
3. What do you think of IvyXFern, DoveXBumble and DoveXTiger? Is there another cat you ship one of them with?
Darkkit: I LOVE IvyXFern, it’s such a cute, healthy ship! I really hate DoveXBumble, I think Bumblestripe was an abusive mate. DoveXTiger, in my opinion, is slightly better than DoveXBumble, but it’s certainly not my favorite ship.
Hazelpaw: I love Ivyfern, it’s such a cute ship! I’m neutral on both BumbleDove and TigerDove.
Stripepaw: IvyXFern is really cute! DoveXBumble and DoveXTiger are overall really bad. Tigerstarheart is over protective of Dovewing, and doesn’t let her have time to herself, and Bumblestripe is Brumblestripe.
Sandpaw: I ship Ivy x Fern together, and I’m a little on neutral with Dove x Tiger! I will never ship Dove x Bumble in a million years, but I feel like Tigerheart was a good mate for her until he became leader. There’s probably the perfect tom out there for her somewhere…
Lynxpaw: I love IvyFern, but TigerDove is my least favourite ship. I actually like DoveBumble a tiny bit more, but I hate both. In the beginning of OotS, I liked IvyXTiger…
4. What’s your opinion of Dovewing joining ShadowClan?
Darkkit: I don’t like how she left her family and friends behind. But I guess she followed her heart *shrugs*
Hazelpaw: Could not care less. 😛
Stripepaw: It’s kinda sudden lol, but overall it was for the best.
Sandpaw: I think her joining ShadowClan is totally valid and okay! I mean, if you just had kits and your mate just became leader with his Clan about to crumble, wouldn’t you want to go join ShadowClan to help support him as he builds it back up? And think about the kits, too! It would be pretty hard to split them or have them all with just one parent in one Clan.
Lynxpaw: I think it was good. I don’t like how she left her family, but when she left, we didn’t have to see her in ThunderClan anymore. But, then we got a ShadowClan POV in Sunbeam…
5. Ivypool vs Dovewing, who is the best? Why?
Darkkit: Ivypool definitely. She’s such a complex, likeable character. I find her more interesting than Dovewing. (I don’t mean to offend anyone!)
Hazelpaw: I think Ivypool is better, it was so interesting reading about when she trained in the dark forest, I just like her and her personality overall much more than Dovewing
Stripepaw: Dovewing, though I like Ivypool as well.
Sandpaw: Dovewing! I explained a little bit about that above^^
Lynxpaw100% Ivypool! Dovewing is just no. Ivypool spied on the Dark Forest when her sister hang out with a ShadowClan tom. Ivypool should’ve been in the prophecy!
Thank you so much Darkie, Haxel, Stripe and Sand!
The results, Ivypool or Dovewing?:
Darkkit chose Ivypool.
Hazelpaw chose Ivypool.
Stripepaw chose Dovewing.
Sandpaw chose Dovewing.
Lynxpaw chose Ivypool.
So Ivypool won! Thanks for reading! If you want to be in one of my interview articles, check the Tavern! I usually post a link every two weeks or so.
Have a good day/night/morning/evening/afternoon!
Lynxpaw out! (4th October)
I did kinda expect IvyPool winning, considering she’s the favorite. She used to be my favorite, until I realized she was a Anti-hero… Although I think they forgot to edit the image link out- great article, btw. (Mine comes out tomorrow, but I’m still tired lol)
Great article! Ivypool is my favourite too
Great article! Ivypool is also my favourite
Very fun article! I agree, Ivypool’s having real life death battles in her sleep while Dovewing is dreaming of, Tigerheart probably
love this article! 😀
I agree.I like Ivypool better
I honestly like both Dovewing and Ivypool, in my opinion you can’t really compare them they have completely different personalities. Dovewing is a little softer and thinks before she leaps type thing. Ivypool is a little more fierce and battle ready.
But overall, this is a very good article. And if you end up seeing this comment I would love to be in an interview!
Great article! In my opinion, Ivypool is better, but Dovewing is also great! Also can I be in the next interview article? It looks fun!
Sure! I usually use the first four replies, but this time I’ll prioritize BlogClanners who haven’t been in one before.
Here’s the link!
Great article! And, yes i do feel the need to pop up in every single one of your interview articles 😛
I love your interview articles Lynxpaw! Great Job! I personally favor Dovewing a lot more than Ivypool and I also love the TigerXDove ship!
I agree! I love Ivypool, and feel her character depth was more complex and not so sudden, making her both relatable with a feirce side many respect her for.
Good article!
Great article! Ivy pool is definitely better! Dovewing is ok though.
Great article! I personally like Ivypool a lot and think Dovewing is annoying