Happy Clanniversary, Emberpaw!

Today is Emberpaw/shine’s Clanniversary!

Salaam, Emmy! You joined the Blog June 29th, 2023 – so this is your first ever Clanniversary! Oh my gosh, it feels like I’ve known you forever <33 You’re the best apprentice anyone could ask for and I absolutely love our chats on Roblox!! I really enjoy our conversations about Islam and books and everything in between. 💜 You are such a thoughtful, kind person (and also the biggest bookworm I know 😛 ) You are such a joy to be around and I hope you understand the extra warmth and love you bring to BlogClan. <3

two cats, one pale ginger and the other dark ginger, hug each other

If you’d like to, here’s some questions to answer!!

  1. What’s your favourite display name(s) that you’ve ever had on the Blog?
  2. If you could invite the entirety of BlogClan out to one place (the beach, New York, a trampoline park, etc) where would you choose to go?
  3. What’s your favourite Blog memory?

Happy Clanniversary, Emms!! 💖

white cake with a frosted open book on top and colourful book spines along the side with different attributes written along them
Cake off Classy Girl Cupcakes

🌑🫧 silverdusk (she/her) I knew you in another life, you had that same look in your eyes 🪐🌷

It’s beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me


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