[Bluestar looks out at the Sunningrocks as the afternoon sun reflects off the water]

The Fate of Sunningrocks by Sandytuft

Sandytuft analyzes the history of the Sunningrocks to determine which Clan truly can lay claim to them.

[Bluestar looks out at the Sunningrocks as the afternoon sun reflects off the water]
Art by duckei
[Bluestar looks out at the Sunningrocks as the afternoon sun reflects off the water]

Ah Sunningrocks, a bunch of rocks beside the river that somehow has the largest kill count in Warriors. From (nearly) the beginning of the Clans, RiverClan and ThunderClan had fought over who could own this strip of the shore, and I’ve decided that I will attempt to end the Sunningrocks debate once and for all, probably only reigniting old wars in the comments below. Spoilers for Code of the Clans up to Dawn.

The first thing we need to know are the origins of Sunningrocks. Long ago, there was a river, and in the middle of the river were some rocks that RiverClan claimed as their own. One day the river flooded, but when it returned to normal, RiverClan found out that the river had changed course and now left the rocks on the ThunderClan bank. ThunderClan took Sunningrocks that very same day, and the two Clans had been at it ever since.

Their ancient feud finally came to an end, not when one of the Clans finally surrendered their claim, not when the two Clans negotiated with each other and split the rocks, not when they agreed the war was stupid and had StarClan destroy the stones, but when the twolegs turned it into a parking lot. Because they didn’t want a truckload of monsters on their doorsteps (get it?), the Clans left and settled down on the lake territories. To this day there is still not a single blade of grass with more blood on it than the oversized pebbles that sit under that parking space.

But enough with the backstory, let’s get into the debate.

Certain factors that are considered for the debate will affect the result. For example, if we go by how long each Clan had taken ownership of the rocks in total, then the rocks should belong to ThunderClan. If we do it by who owned it first it would belong to RiverClan.

However, I will be debating, not with those factors in mind, but with the fact that, since ThunderClan and RiverClan had left their old territories, they had willingly abdicated their rights to the pile of rocks, and now doesn’t belong to either of them.

“But Sandytuft,” you may cry, “I thought you said you would tell us who Sunningrocks belongs to for real?” Well my dear reader, I will give you an answer, for the rocks may never again belong to either RiverClan or ThunderClan, but they are now in the possession of someone else: WarriorClan, a group of kittypets and loners who formed it after being told tales of it by Smudge, Princess and Cody. They took the parking lot, the Clans’ old territory, as their own, and thus giving WarriorClan the rights to Sunningrocks.

Now Warriors fans, young and old, will forever end the debate of who these Star-damned rocks belong to, as it is now in the paws of Monkeystar and all those who join her Clan. Thank you for reading.

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