Jackdawpaw and Icefoot have a debate over Raggedstar and Yellowfang’s relationship.
![[headshots of Yellowfang and Raggedstar looking into each other's eyes fondly]](https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/yellowfang_x_raggedstar_by_foxtheredcat_daoirqo-fullview-300x169.jpg)
[headshots of Yellowfang and Raggedstar looking into each other’s eyes fondly]
Hello and welcome to a Ragged x Yellow debate by Jacki and Icecream! 😛
We’ll start right away :3
I like the Ragged x Yellow ship because I think they really loved each other, and I like both characters. I don’t understand why Raggedstar gets so much hate. They made a great team before Yellowfang became a medicine cat and I think they deserved to be together, though Yellowfang had a different destiny. The bad thing about their relationship was Brokenstar’s birth, but I don’t really think that has to do with the ship as much as it has to do with bad luck. Sure, Brokenkit had a rough childhood, but it’s stated that he was born with a weird kind of hatred and he looked outrageous when he’d just been born. Now, to leave Brokenstar, I feel like there isn’t really a reason to dislike the ship, and since I love their combined stories, I totally support it.
I disagree, I think their ship was a recipe for disaster, Raggedstar had always cared more about ambition than he cared about Yellowfang. And then when she became a medicine cat it all changed, but they still saw each other. I think it would have been better for them to just stop, but no, the didn’t and Brokenkit was born. Brokenkit was teased by the other kits, and pampered by his father, turning him bitter and mean. On top of this, Raggedstar is mean, and tries to pressure her into becoming his mate, here is a quote from the books: “Is it because you’re a coward?” he snarled. “Did the fight with WindClan scare you too much?”
“Never!” Yellowfang flashed back at him. “I just cannot inflict pain on other cats, not anymore. Sagewhisker says this is my destiny.”
“You’ll lose me as well as your life as a warrior,” Raggedpelt reminded her. “I thought you cared! I thought you wanted to spend your life with me. I-I even thought we might have kits one day.
“I thought the same,” Yellowfang mewed, feeling her heart break. “I care for you so much! But I don’t have a choice.”
“You always have a choice,” Raggedpelt growled, turning his back on her. “And I thought you had chosen me.”
Yellowfang’s Secret, page 238
You see? He makes it all about him and doesn’t care for Yellowfang! And when she got pregnant and tried to talk to him, he still acted cold and angry. Then his apprentice at the time, Cloudpaw couldn’t find him, and he almost died!
“He…he couldn’t find you,” Rowanberry admitted. “So he asked if he could come on the border patrol to practice his scenting skills before his final assessment.” She hesitated, then added reluctantly, “I let him take the lead. He didn’t pick up the scent of the intruders until it was too late.”
Yellowfang’s Secret, page 284
So as you can see, his apprentice almost died because of his relationship with Yellowfang, and there’s so much more wrong with this ship, but I didn’t want it to be too long.
I actually think Raggedstar’s coldness was justified. He said “You always have a choice”, and I agree with him. Yellowfang broke his heart by choosing medicine duty over him. In fact, Yellowfang is the one who angers me in that scene; becoming a medicine cat messed up her life and it felt like it was never what she truly wanted. What she truly wanted was a normal life with Raggedstar and their kits, and that’s what he wanted, too. That’s why I support their ship.
Alr peoples that was all from us, see ya later! 😀
Jackdawpaw and Icefoot out!
Great article!
I HATE Yellowfang!
Great article! I agree with Icefoot though, Raggedstar’s meanness was not justified at all. Yellowfang doesn’t HAVE to choose him and Raggedstar doesn’t have the right to pressure her into being his mate.
Great article! Both of you make good points although I agree with Icefoot!
Sorry jacki, but I have to agree with Icecream on this one- Raggedstar is narcissistic and careless with Yellowfang, and he lets that anger out on his clanmates, making situations worse. I’ve never read Yellowfangs Secret but Its on my list- Great article, either way!
great article! I do agree with Icefoot but maybe it would’ve turned out better if Yellowfang didn’t become a medicine cat
you guys did such a great job! Sorry Jacki, but I mostly agree with Icecream here. But great work!
Great article! Sorry Jacki, but I have to agree with Icefoot. Raggedyellow always made me SUPER uncomfortable to read about, and Yellowfang’s Secret is one of my least favorite books because of that. He was very manipulating to Yellowfang and had some pretty bad anger issues. I don’t understand why they had to make Raggedyellow so unhealthy, because it added literally nothing to the story.
I totally agree with Icefoot- Raggedstar was mean to Yellowfang. Yellowfang wasn’t scared in battle- just had a different destiny, also a true friend would never say that. And to add, Yellowfang never meant to hurt Raggedstar- Raggedstar seems to have meant to hurt Yellowfang.
Anddd here it is, my most controversial article 😛
I actually find Yellow x Ragged one of the most interesting and underrated topics in Warriors. I’ve never agreed with the people saying Raggedstar was being mean. In the scenes where people hated Raggedstar, I was instead annoyed by Yellowfang. Which I find intriguing since I don’t have a lot of controversial opinions in general 😛
So yeah I respect yall’s opinions haha
Great article!! Personally I don’t like the Yellow x Ragged ship 😛
I always considered them one of the most tragic couples in Warriors. Yellowfang with her powers couldn’t be anything other than a medicine cat, and Raggedstar was too messed up by his kithood to not see this as her betraying him and their kit (especialy since, you know, she didn’t TELL HIM the reason why she was doing it).
I know a lot of people say he is being abusive and toxic towards her, but honestly, and to his credit, he doesn’t really become like this until she tells him she’s having kits and they can’t know she’s their mother. THAT is what makes him become so awful towards her, to know his kits will have to go through the same awful kithood he had to (always found it funny how Yellowfang completely forgets about it when she goes to talk to him xD)
Before he got angry at her, sure, but imagine your loved one would one day say “Sorry I have to break up with you and become a nun/priest” out of nowhere, you would be upset and hurt too. If she didn’t end up having kits, I would imagine he would eventually get over it and they’d become cordial towards another; Erins did mention at some point that they made up in StarClan, although they didn’t become mates again, so that seems very likely.
Great article! I personally agree with Icefoot but both of you made good points!