[Mapleshade lays on a tree branch with a insidious smile]

Why Mapleshade was ABSOLUTELY NOT justified by Fallowpaw

Fallowpaw takes a look at Mapleshade’s actions.

[Mapleshade lays on a tree branch with a insidious smile]
Artwork by Lunarkisa
[Mapleshade lays on a tree branch with a insidious smile]

Hi! Today, I will be talking about my opinion on Mapleshade. Also, this article is made of parts from comments I made before, so if you recognize them, that’s why!

Now, she murdered three cats, of course Mapleshade deserved Dark Forest. Imagine she went to StarClan and met, for example, Reedshine. She’d do something to her, and it wouldn’t be safe to have her around there. Yes, it’s sad she can’t be with her kits, but she definitely deserved her fate, she was even happy to be in the Dark Forest! If she’s happy to be there, of course she shouldn’t go to StarClan! Her victims also totally deserved SatrClan, and didn’t deserve to die AT ALL! Here’s a short explanation on all of them:

Ravenwing: I think he should’ve stopped Oakstar from exiling Larchkit, Petalkit and Patchkit. But I do get he was afraid to speak up to his leader, and cowardness is not a crime, so he absolutely deserves to go to StarClan.

Frecklewish: It was misty, it was raining, she could probably not even see three little kits, and she thought a RiverClan patrol was saving them. What did she ever do wrong? It’s her word against a psychopath’s, so I think you get my point. Frecklewish was annoying, but never did anything really bad.

Appledusk: Oh boy, I hate this guy. BUT he did not deserve the Dark Forest. Some people say he and Mapleshade should swap afterlives, but come on, rejecting your mate isn’t as bad as commiting three murders. I do feel bad for Larchkit, Petalkit and Patchkit tho. Now they’re alone in StarClan without a mother and with a father who doesn’t want them. I wonder who takes care of them now. (Hmm… maybe a good topic for another article?)

And if you still don’t believe me, imagine this:

There is a serial killer in your village, and she has just been arrested (lifelong). You can choose if you want to help her escape or keep her in jail. She tells you her children died, her parents didn’t let her live with them anymore cuz they didn’t approve of her boyfriend, and that boyfriend dumped her. She killed her parents, her sister (who didn’t try to go to her children when they died, cuz she knew she couldn’t help), and wanted to kill her boyfriend’s new girlfriend but accidentally killed him. Now, would you free her? If not, you shouldn’t think Mapleshade is justified.

I think that’s all I can say about whether she’s justified or not, and if I didn’t convince you with this, I think nothing can. Anyway, there’s something else I want to talk about: How Mapleshade is written poorly and a stereotype. This is why I think so:

So, most villains become evil because of bullying, problems with their parents, or just for no known reason. But the only female villain we had until AVOS, she became evil because of her MATE and KITS. It simply implies that women are hopeless on their own. WHICH THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT. It’s just so stereotype and I wish Warriors was more feministic. Also, about how she’s badly written, I just think the Erins made some weird decisions in her novella. Like her wanting to kill poor Ravenwing and Frecklewish, who did little to nothing wrong, but not Oakstar, the guy who exiled her and even a bunch of innocent kits, which where hers! That’s crazy, right? And she also wanted to kill Reedshine instead of Appledusk, also weird, isn’t it? It’s like she killed the three cats that were the most innocent! I think that’s bad writing, because they should know it’d be a lot more logical if she wanted to murder Oakstar and Appledusk, which is still not okay, but less strange than Ravenwing, Frecklewish and Reedshine!

So yeah, I think that’s it for today! Please remember I don’t mean to offend anyone with this! Fallowsy outttttt!

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