[picture of a drawing of Gray WIng done on paper that lists his character traits and the various groups he had been a part of]

Gray Wing’s Heart ❤️🐦‍⬛ by EGL

EGL shares their thoughts on Gray Wing’s love interests.

[picture of a drawing of Gray WIng done on paper that lists his character traits and the various groups he had been a part of]
Art by EGL
[picture of a drawing of Gray WIng done on paper that lists his character traits and the various groups he had been a part of]

Hello! Today I will be expressing my opinions on each of Gray Wing’s love interests and overall which one I think best.

Bright Stream!
Lovely gal, truly. She was sweet, pretty, smart, pretty much any guys dream girl! Gray Wing’s crush on her was understandable, but honestly I don’t think Bright Stream felt like that at all towards Gray Wing. I just think she thought of him as a friend. Plus, I really think her and Clear Sky are cute. So, I don’t really think much of GrayXBright
So, when Gray Wing and Storm first met, it was hostile not that much romantic. Storm is extremely pretty, sassy, but has a great heart. Honestly I think GrayXStorm is one of Gray Wing’s best relationships, even though they weren’t really together. His love for her was so sweet, and unlike Bright Stream, he didn’t get over her after Clear Sky took her, he kept thinking about her and went to find her when she left Clear Sky’s camp! And OH MY GOSH when she died it was so sad 😢, poor Gray Wing was so heart broken!
Turtle Tail!
Alright, Turtle Tail, IS JUST AWESOME! I love her so much. So she was like totally crushing on Gray Wing on the journey to the new land, and Gray Wing was being a total mouse-brain cuz he didn’t realize!!! And then when they got to the land Turtle Tail was still crushing on him, but he just ignored her and was head over heels for Storm the mouse-brain! And then, POOR TURTLE TAIL 😢, she was so sad, she went to go live with twolegs! AND THEN she just HAD to get pregnant! (BTW I do NOT like Tom) But like, WHAT THE HECK TURTLE TAIL WHY DID YOU EVEN LIKE HIM?!?!?! Tom was an ABSOLUTE JERK!!! 😡 But oh my gosh I love how Gray Wing just like absolutely ran to Turtle Tail’s side when the kits came! And then they became mates and sweet Gray Wing like became the kits dad and loved them even though they were pretty crappy to him! So sweet, I love GrayXTurtle
Uhhhh. So Turtle Tail died and then Gray Wing meets a cat and was just like, “oh I love you now!” 😐😐😐 I don’t have anything against Slate, I just think their relationship is a little weird and random, but it’s cute. And their kits are sweet. Yeah I have mixed feelings about GrayXSlate

So, there ya go! Overall GrayXTurtle is my fave, GrayXStorm second, GrayXSlate third, and GrayXBright last!

Thank you so much for reading this article! EGL, OUT!!

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