[cut-out of Leopardstar from a coloured panel of Graystripe's Adventure, sitting down and looking to her right]

Unpopular thoughts of mine by Frostclaw

Frostclaw shares various opinions they have about the series.

[cut-out of Leopardstar from a coloured panel of Graystripe's Adventure, sitting down and looking to her right]
Official art by James L. Barry (Graystripe’s Adventure)
[cut-out of Leopardstar from a coloured panel of Graystripe’s Adventure, sitting down and looking to her right]

Ok so some of my opinions are highly unpopular. I have decided that for my first article on blogclan, I would like to share my thoughts with you and you can tell me what you think of them.

1. I love Leopardstar
Yeah I do absolutely not understand why people hate her. People are like “oh but she let Stonefur die she sucks” . No. Tigerstar, just being his normal self, manipulated her (just like Hawkfrost manipulated ivypool and of course no one hates her for it). I personally think that if Leopardstar had tried to stop blackfoot and darkstripe from killing stonefur, tigerstar would have just killed her as well as stonefur and anyone who tried to side with them. Not to mention, her clanmates supported tigerclan too (i think), so she must have been under a lot of peer pressure. Also I just can’t help but absolutely love her feisty personality. She isn’t afraid of her own opinions or helping other cats. And she sided with the *almighty* firestar in the end anyway. Also this is just my opinion please don’t hate me for it.

2. Ivypool is overrated *dodges squashy papayas from ivypool fans*
Don’t get me wrong I do like ivypool. Just not in OotS. Everyone thinks that Dovewing was such a brat to her. Like huh? It wasn’t DOVEWINGS fault she had powers. Ivypool got jealous and I get that. But then it was DOVEWING who tried to rebuild their relationship and ivy just completely ignored her. DOVEWING wasn’t even happy when she learned she was different. (I love Dovewing if you can’t tell) Ivypool completely turned her back on Dovewing. Dovewing tried to tell ivypool that tigerstar was bad but ivypool wouldn’t listen, which then backfired on her. Ivypool was in my opinion more bratty as an apprentice than dove. Also, as I mentioned earlier, everyone is mad at Leopardstar for falling for tigerstars tricks but NOT AT IVYPOOL. that just doesn’t make SENSE. Not to mention she wasn’t the beeeeeeeest mother ever. I do actually still like ivypools moody self despite all my grumbling. I just could never imagine her as my favourite character.

3. I also love Hawkfrost
Ok not much on this but the reason I love him is solely because he is evil and he is just…HAWKFROST.

4. I do not particularly like jayfeather that much *ducks below a flying pineapple*
To be honest, he isn’t very interesting in my opinion and I don’t really get what the millions of jayfeather fans see in him. (I love jayxstick tho)

5. I prefer shadowxroot and spotxbristle over bristlexroot
Yes yes I hear the boos. I just……. I don’t know. I feel like it just suits the way my brain works better. I liked it when Rootpaw had a minor crush on bristlefrost but then they took it too far for me. I also don’t really like rootspring that much so yeah. Also I love the relationship between bristle and spot, especially on their journey to find the sisters.

6. Lightning tail is amazing and so underrated
I love lightning tail and his relationship with thunderstar. They need more love. (I haven’t read dotc but I have read thunderstars echo) I love lightning tails personality and how his humour and support compliments thunderstars willing to fight for his clan and best friend. And when lightning dies I was so so so saaaaad. He definitely deserves more love.

Thank you for listening to my rambling. Frosty out!

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