Happy Birthday, Breezeflame!

Let’s all sing Happy Birthday to today’s Birthday Star… Breezeflame! Happy Birthday Breezo! You are a kind and active member of the Blog and we all happily would like to unveil the curtain on what we have prepared for today, but firstly, Jaz’s birthday broadcast!

Today it is also SteakBurger day! Go to your local restaurant to give it a shot! Fast food or meat not your thing? How about cranes? Get your dancing shoes ready and listen to the melodic beat of the whooping crane, on the whooping crane day! Wow what a noisy bird! Atleast now it’s cake time!

Looks amazing! And it seems like enough for everyone to share! With exhilaration still pumping through our veins, continue the birthday party, as the curtain falls. Happy Birthday Breezeflame! – Jasminepaw out

⨺⃝🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️Jasminepaw/song the Pirate Queen🏴‍☠️ Jaz, Jazzy, Sienna⨺⃝