[a full-body design of Violetshine from the side]

My favourite warrior cats and why. OFFICIAL LIST! by Sharklight

Sharklight lists their favourite characters from the series.

[a full-body design of Violetshine from the side]
Art by Songsteps-Designs
[a full-body design of Violetshine from the side]

WARNING, some of this content includes things that happened in The Broken Code and A Vision of Shadows. If you havent read those series, turn back. If you want spoilers, stay here!

This is a list of my favorite warrior cats and why. I used to pick out warrior cats as my favorites based on gender, color and clan.(when i first started reading the books). But now I’m re-thinking my methods. This is my official list of my top 4 favorite warrior cats. Comment below if you agree with any of these!

4. Twigbranch

Twigbranch is a slender gray she-cat with green eyes and slightly darker gray speckles running along her body. She is the sister of Violetshine, and the daughter of Pebbleshine and Hawkwing. Her mate is Finleap, despite not having kits. Her mentors were Ivypool, Sandynose, and Sparkpelt. Twigbranch led Skyclan to the lake as an apprentice, where she encountered her father. After this, she had trouble deciding where she belonged. She was also a mentor to Flywhisker.

The reason Twigbranch is lowest on the list is because I feel like she wasn’t particularly kind to everyone around her. While she was a good cat and played a significant role in AVoS, she was somewhat rude to her apprentice and was easily frustrated about small things. I’m not going to give any examples because some of you might say in the comments, “Oh WeLl ShArKy, iF ShE WaS rUdE whY Is ShE iN yOuR tOp FyVe?” She GUIDED Skyclan to the lake BY HERSELF, BROUGHT back a MASSIVE pile of prey back to the false bramblestar, trying to prove her loyalty AGAIN, went through THREE apprenticeships because she was trying to FIT IN? Twigbranch was a LOYAL, HEADSTRONG she-cat who was just trying to find where she belonged! You can’t blame her because she felt excluded and ignored? Jayfeather was rude to her, her foster siblings were rude to her, Sparkpelt was rude to her, and a lot of other cats from other clans looked at her strangely because she was born outside of the lake. Not cool, guys! You shouldn’t assume a cat to be selfish and rogue-like just because they were born outside of clan territory. As they say, Don’t judge a book by its background! Wait… It was that, right?

3. Hollyleaf.

Hollyleaf is a thick-furred black she-cat from Thunderclan with green eyes. She is the sister of Lionblaze and Jayfeather, and the daughter of Leafpool and Crowfeather. She vanished in the sixth book of Power of Three and was close to Fallen Leaves until she revealed herself to Ivypool and Dovewing in The Forgotten Warrior. Her mentor was Brackenfur.

OH MY GOSH HOLLYLEAF IS AAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Sorry, I just had to get that out before I say… She was DEVOTED, she RESCUED Ivypool THREE TIMES, once with Blossomfall, once with Dovewing, and once from Hawkfrost. SHE PERISHED FOR HER CLANMATE! AND She truly wanted to ASSIST her clanmates when she started as a medicine cat! THAT is pure fidelity. (Sorry for screaming!)
I know some of you might bring up, “Oh wElL sHaRkY, ShE kIlLeD aShFuR aNd-” NO, stop right there. ASHFUR CORNERED her and her brothers in a FIRE, attempting to KILL them because of SQUIRRELFLIGHTS mistake. Ashfur should have gone to the dark forest for what he did to them. ASHFUR is the reason ASHFUR got KILLED. Hollyleaf was doing it to protect her and her brothers from a lot of bad things: Exile, disloyalty accusations, threats, taunting, exclusion, depression, and a lot more! Even though Hollyleaf ended up disclosing the truth about Leafpool and Crowfeather to the clans herself, she fought in the great battle after reappearing and FORGAVE Squirrelflight and Leafpool right before she died!
Yes, Hollyleaf did make a dumb decision as an apprentice to go into a barn infested with dogs on a journey to the tribe cats, and yes, Hollyleaf did RAGE and RANT at the gathering about the truth of their kin, but Hollyleaf also came back from ”the dead” to help SAVE the clans in The Great Battle! I feel like if anyone deserved to be in Starclan, it’s Hollyleaf.

2. Ivypool

Ivypool is a gray and white tabby she-cat with blue eyes from Thunderclan. She is the sister of Dovewing, and the daughter of Whitewing and Birchfall. Her kits are Bristlefrost, Thriftear and Flipclaw. Her mate is Fernsong and her mentor was Cinderheart. She also mentored Twigbranch in AVoS She trained in the Dark Forest alongside her father, but ended up switching and spying on them instead of training with them. She also fought in the Great Battle in The Last Hope.

Alright now that we’ve got the basic information, lets do personality.
Ivypool is a headstrong but loving cat. Her loyalty to her clan is one of her strongest traits and what drives her to be the best she can be. However, since she trained in the Dark Forest, she is quite guilt-ridden, this often clouds her judgement in OotS and causes her to be a bit self-destructive. Despite the burden she carries, she is quite independent. Yes, this can lead to trouble, but it can also allow her to think outside the box during a situation like The Great Battle. Ivypool also killed Antpelt in the Dark Forest, hoping to prove her ”Loyalty” to them and make them believe she was on their side. This guilt hung heavily on her shoulders all throughout the fifth and sixth book of OotS.
Alright, kin! As I mentioned earlier, Ivypool is the mother of Bristlefrost, Flipclaw, and Thriftear. Ivypool was a very good mother in my personal opinion. She was loving toward them, encouraged them throughout training, and talked to Bristlefrost when she was feeling lonely. She did the same with Twigbranch when she mentored her. Ivypool was heartbroken and grieved strongely for moons over Bristlefrost’s death. We can see this evidently in Ivypool’s Heart, and the last few chapters of A Light in the Mist. I love Bristlefrost strongly, (she’s nm. 6) but I do feel like Ivypool was overly grieving over Bristlefrost. Yes, I know, Bristlefrost was not going to become a Starclan spirit after death, But as we can see In Ivypool’s Heart, Bristlefrost becomes the earth, the tree’s and the sky, and also a STAG??? Despite her slight over-grieving, Ivypool is a huge asset to her clan and is a loving mother, making her spot in my top 5.

1. Violetshine

Violetshine is a sleek black and white she-cat with amber eyes. She is the sister of Twigbranch, and the daughter of Pebbleshine and Hawkwing. Her mentor was Dawnpelt, and her mate was Tree. Her kits were Rootspring and Needleclaw, and she ventured into the dark forest to defeat Ashfur, and was named A Light In The Mist for her part in saving the clans.

Can I just say that- Violetshine… Risked her life.. for SHADOWCLAN AND RIVERCLAN ELDERS AND QUEENS- SHE WOULD HAVE RATHER HERSELF DIED THAN NEEDLETAIL AT THE LAKE WHEN DARKTAIL TRIED DROWNING HER- If you are more afraid for someone else’s death than your own, that is.. So.. I don’t even know what to say- Okay lets start over- That was very sudden and now im kind of unsure where to go-

Okay so Violetshine is the third main protagonist in AVoS.
Her selflessness is one of her most defining characteristics. She’s always willing to put herself in harms way for the sake of others.. This is evident in her decision to go to the Dark Forest to defeat Ashfur, even though she knew it was a dangerous mission.The reason for this is because she knew her kit, Rootspring, would have to, or wouldn’t say otherwise, go with the others, because he knew that the one he loved, Bristlefrost, would go as well. Violetshine’s selflessness is particularly impressive In the earlier parts of AVoS, when she witnessed Darktail, the antagonist of AVoS, Attempt to drown Needletail, Sleekwhisker by his side. While raven and roach held Violetshine, then called Violetpaw, back, Violetshine was determined to save her friend. Eventually Darktail stopped trying to drown Needletail if she did something for him.. If she killed Violetpaw herself. Needletail leaped onto Violetpaw, claws sheathed, and gave her a chance that she wouldn’t be able to be redeemed if lost. Her sister, Twigbranch, was a brave and wayward cat who loved Violetshine deeply, but was often frustrated by her and her father’s reluctance to change clans to be closer to her. Despite this, Violetshine remained commited to her chosen path, demonstrating her unwavering loyalty to her clan, while still loving her sister by staying in contact through gatherings and possible meets on border patrols. Despite Violetshine switching to Skyclan in AVoS, she had a good reason. As a kit, She never felt needed or wanted, this is evident when Pinenose, her foster mother, often answered her questions in an annoyed and frustrated tone, then immediately going back to sleep. The only friend she felt like she really had was Needlepaw/tail, who took her to meet her sister, Twigkit, between the Thunderclan and Shadowclan borders when they were little. Violetkit didnt realize that this was a bad thing, her still being a kit.
Violetshine is overall an amazing character who was loving, loyal and an absolutely golden-hearted cat! I love her so much, and I believe she deserved to be on my top 4 favourite. I know your probably thinking, “Oh ShArKy, wHy Is IT tOp 4 iNsTeAD oF 5, iTs A-” just- stop- I dont know ;-;

Well that’s all from me today! Let me know in the comments if you agree with my ranking. Oh, also, i need you guys’ opinion! Im thinking of buying Codes of the Clans, should i? Lmk! Until next time, viewers! Sharky out! 🦈

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