• This is the information about my first RP, Pokémon, Lost in the Forest!
    So, the basic story is that a bunch of Pokémon trainers (you) will be lost in a big forest, and with your Pokémon and friends, have to find a way out before your lost forever! The forest guide (me) will give one clue per day (1 RP day=3 IRL days) about how to get out, and they will hopefully be pretty vague. You can also ask me for the previous clues, and I will give you the one before my most recent one, no more, as the guide is getting old and her memory is worsening. (Plus it’s easier for me🙃) btw Pokémon and trainers can die, if one of your characters dies, they become a ghost and hinder those who are still alive, making fake noises or blocking their view. If a Pokémon dies or is stolen, you can ask me for another, but it’ll cost you either your only other Pokémon’s life, or 100 golden coins, which I give out to trainers who help others out, 10 per kind act. Every player starts out with two Pokémon of their choice, I start with 3. You can steal Pokémon while they’re alone or they’re trainers aren’t watching, but it’ll cost 10 gold coins, and you cannot steal my Pokémon. You can make up to 5 characters, and plz don’t make them OP! If you have a strong relationship with your Pokémon, give a reason why in your character form. No shiny Pokémon! You can buy keystones, megastones, Z rings and Z crystals from me, each 120 gold coins. Plz keep everything PG, and if you have any questions, ask as a response to this comment!
    (Oh and if an action can kill you, I’ll give an onimus warning cause I’m creepy🙃)

  • here, we shall…ummmm……. here we shall……. er. ARGUE. here we shall argue and defend WC characters. lemme start:

    Breezepelt is a mouse-brain but i feel sorry for him and defend him. (and i haven’t even read crowfeather’s trial)
    Finleap ISN’T the worst. i like him.
    Ashfur was a great mentor to lionblaze. He pushed him and fought him when he asked to be fought.

    also: warrior cat confessions.
    when i first read the books i thought yellowfang was yellow.

    • um sooooo i dont really no where to start

      1. i wont even talk to you about breezepelt until you read crowfeathers trial
      2. ew ashfur

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