• PeakClan:
    Leader: Adderstar (he/him) – short-furred pale golden brown-and-pale yellow spotted cat
    Deputy: Woollywing (he/him) – curly-furred pale golden brown-and-red patched tabby she-cat with copper eyes
    Medicine cat: Raggedflake (she/her) – curly-furred golden-and-dark golden spotted tom
    Fogsky (he/him) – tawny tom
    Warriors: Fangheart (xe/xem) – curly-furred gray cat with green eyes
    Marshfall (ae/aer) – curly-furred light yellow spotted cat
    Apprentice, Pikepaw (they/fae, gray-and-pale yellow spotted tabby she-cat)
    Gulltalon (ne/nem) – dark golden dappled tabby cat
    Primrose-ear (she/her) – short-furred pale golden-and-golden spotted tabby tom with amber eyes
    Clearbird (he/him) – curly-furred pale gray-and-pale golden patched tom
    Apprentice, Hazelpaw (she/her, tortoiseshell-and-dark brown tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes)
    Thistlefish (je/xe) – long-furred white patched cat
    Seedpool (they/them) – short-furred yellow-and-pale tortoiseshell dappled cat
    Thrushspirit (it/ae) – dark golden-and-reddish brown tom
    Silverspirit (it/its) – long-furred pale yellow-and-pale brown spotted tabby she-cat with blue eyes
    Sandybush (it/ze) – dark red patched she-cat
    Queens: Sparrowwatcher (she/her) – short-furred black-and-calico spotted tabby she-cat with blue eyes
    Elders: Whistlestorm (they/them) – long-furred dark tortoiseshell tabby she-cat
    Squirreljaw (she/her) – reddish brown patched tabby she-cat with green eyes

    – Before doing anything, you must possess one of the cats. Choose carefully, as you can only possess one cat per round and you cannot move onto the next cat if your cat ends up dying.
    – Once you possess your cat, you will receive encrypted information regarding all of the relationship statuses of your cat, and most importantly, whether your cat is a murderer or not.
    – Every night/post, you will be asked to perform an action regarding the murderer. You can only do one action per night (make sure to encrypt your comment, though)
    – If you happen to possess one of the selected murderers, every post, you are also allowed to kill someone. You don’t have to, though.
    – The game ends when either all active traitors (i.e. the starting murderer and possessed selected traitors) are exiled or when there are the same amount of active murderers as cats. You do not have to exile the non-possessed selected traitors to gain a win for the innocents.
    – Selected traitors do nothing until they are possessed, but the starting murderer can act on their own.
    – If you choose to ask questions during the night, you can only ask up to three questions, and they can’t be directed towards the same cat. The cat also cannot be dead, unless you have moonshards.
    – If your cat is asked a question, you are allowed to lie. Including about communicating with StarClan.
    – If you opt for the other two options, then you may or may not always receive information.
    – All information you receive will be encrypted.
    – Beware that the murderer can kill multiple times.

    – Moonshards can be used to communicate with StarClan.
    – If the clan wins, then all possessors will receive 2 moonshards each, but if the traitors win, all possessors receive 1 entire mooncrystal each, all for the next round.
    – 1 Moonshard – Ask StarClan any question, but the best you can get is some weird prophetic response.
    – 2 Moonshards – Select five cats and StarClan will tell you if one of them is a traitor or murderer (although you don’t get to know which of the five is the traitor)
    – 4 Moonshards – Select one cat. StarClan will inform you if they are a traitor or not.
    – 6 Moonshards / 1 Mooncrystal – Ask StarClan any question, and you will get a clearer answer. However, if you ask StarClan questions directly referencing the murder, expect to get an offhand slightly related piece of information.
    – 5 Mooncrystals / 30 Moonshards – Directly find out who the murderer and selected traitors are. Don’t use this as your only proof, though, as people CAN lie about this >:)
    – In all cases, when asking StarClan about who the murderer and traitors are, StarClan will count selected traitors that are not possessed as traitors, so be aware that the cat that StarClan says is a traitor may be an innocent who COULD be a traitor if possessed.
    – Do not worry about trading moonshards into mooncrystals. The moonshards will merge themselves for you when you need it.

    • Since you haven’t used this page since May, I’m gonna assume you don’t plan to use this page anymore so I’m gonna claim it.

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