• Brightstar sat in the center of the camp. The night dark and alone gave him a bad feeling. “Where’s Rufflenose and Tallflight? I told them to meet here.” 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝐼 𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒸𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓂. 𝒲𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎?

      • “Tallsight! Where were you? Have you seen Rufflenose? I haven’t seen her.” Brightstar looked behind Tallflight, then, he looked up at the sky, and into the stars.

    • ”Brightstar?“ Rufflenose gasped as she crashed through the trees next to the warrior’s den. “What did you want to talk to us about?”
      “Sorry I’m late though,” she added quickly. “I was with Fritosplash,” she meowed, looking down quickly.

      • “No worries Rufflenose,”Brightstar said,”As you may have noticed, prey’s running out, rivers are drying, and plants dying.” Brightstar told with a leadership voice,”And it looks like we’re not the only ones…also HotchocolateClan, LollipopClan and MarshmallowClan, have been suffering of this strange time.”

  • Moonpaw, as usual was along, walking in the forest of PatatochipClan.
    None of the other apprentices want to be friends with me, just cause I’m half loner. She thought bitterly.
    I hope I get some friends soon, even if they are not from my clan.
    The trees waved in the breeze, like they were greeting her.
    She glanced around in the forest, pressing herself to jump into her hideout, but heard a loud mew, “ What are you doing?!”
    ( That can be anyone )

    • He looked down at his dark, cloudy blue paws, he looked back at his back, auburn stripes interrupted the nightly pelt. Sigh , he looked back up at Silverpelt, then back towards his Clan… HotchocolateClan is in danger…

      • “Loststar…” Wolfsong walked up to his leader “We don’t think Wishheart will make it” he choked, Loststar put his head on Wolfsong’s chest, “You’ll be alright…” he whispered, Wolfsong’s heart felt light, he blushed, then remembered his dying mate, “I gotta go” he whispered to Loststar, and Loststar moved his head and nodded.

        • Loststar walked back to his Clan as Wolfsong sat miserably at the entrance of the medicine cat den, as he was told that she had died. Wolfsong went to the leader’s den, as Loststar had said he could. Loststar went to his den to comfort the silver tom, “Loststar…” Wolfsong whispered, “Why’d she have to go..?” “It was StarClan’s desicion…” Loststar purred in attempt to calm the sorrowful tom.

  • Claim!

    (Actually, can I claim this? It hasn’t been a year yet since the last cat used it)

      • Hello Fawnleg! Great idea! I was thinking the same thing!
        I’ve written an article why FeatherXCrow is my favorite ship already, but that’s ok, right? 😛
        Would you like to start, or should I? 🙂

          • Ok! So here we go:

            Hello! I’m Mountainpaw, and I’m writing an article with Fawnleg. We will be debating these two ships; FeatherXCrow and LeafXCrow.
            My favorite ship is FeatherXCrow, and Fawnleg’s is LeafXCrow, so this should get interesting!
            My favorite character is Feathertail, so that is a big part of why I prefer this ship. But that isn’t the only reason. Not only do I think they were really sweet together, we could see them slowly develop over the span of a book. It’s not rushed- it’s slow and steady, giving you time to digest the fact that Feathertail and Crowpaw love each other. It doesn’t make it seem like Crowpaw saw how pretty Feathertail was and feel head over heals, it made it seem like the more Crowpaw knew Feathertail and her caring personality, the more his love grew. For the LeafXCrow ship, it seems way too rushed. Crowpaw and Leafpool didn’t know each other at all, and suddenly, they are in love. This definitely made it seem to me like Leafpool liked Crowfeather because he was handsome. They didn’t even have time to know each other’s personality’s before they feel in love!
            This is my first reason FeatherXCrow is my favorite ship. On to you, Fawnleg!

    • Hi, Mountainpaw, I hope I’m not intruding, but I think if it hasn’t been over a year since the past claimer didn’t use it, you can’t claim it?

      • Yeah, I was worried about that. But since a bunch of pages were claimed on the role-playing page before a whole year passed, I thought it was ok! But thanks for telling me. 🙂
        Should I abandon the page then? 😛

            • Sure!
              Now this is my turn.
              First, I disagree with Mountainpaw. Like Mountainpaw, many people think that the ship had come nowhere, as it was developed when Leafpool was hanging on a cliff. To clarify, the relationship did not come anywhere, it was just that they admitted their affections for each other at that time. In the Secrets Of the Clans, the passage indicates that they both show hints of affections.

              “I thought that when we reached the lake and went our separate ways I’d be able to forget her. But first she came to our camp to bring watermint to our sick cats, Morningflower and Darkfoot. And the way I felt when I saw her—it made me angry to realize how little I could control my feelings.”- Crowfeather talking about his relationship with Leafpool.

              When Crowfeather and Leafpool were traveling to find their new territory, Crowfeather had some affections for her and tried to avoid it. However, due to her coming to his camp to treat their sick cats, Crowfeather’s feelings grew attached to her. Leafpool first pitted Crowfeather of losing Feathertail while slowly having a crush on her. Also, people simply put 2.0 on every mate a cat gets after they lose their first mate. For example, people say Poppyfrost is Honeyfern 2.0 and Berrynose became mates with her because his former mate was her sister. No, this is not true for Leafpool because Crowfeather admits the reason he liked her was different from Feathertail. In Crowfeather’s trial, Crowfeather remarked that she was dedicated and loyal while being compassionate to others. Very similar aspects to Feathertail, but her loyalty stands above everything else. That is why he loved her. 
              Back to you, Mountainpaw

              • Great rebut Fawnleg!
                Your reason was convincing, and amazing, but Crowfeather didn’t know Leafpool’s personality before he fell in love, and neither did Leafpool. That still gives me the feeling that they fell in love because Crowfeather thought Leafpool was pretty, and Leafpool thought Crowfeather was handsome. Maybe not later, but at first, it really felt like that. I hope you can clear this up for me.
                I’ll move onto the second reason this is my favorite ship.
                Feathertail’s unending influence on Crowfeather. Crowpaw was a snappy, ungrateful, angry apprentice, who reluctantly agreed to accompany the journeying cats to the sun-drown place. He felt unwanted in the group of cats, and only Feathertail saw past his angry outer personality. She brought him out of his shell, and not only helped him open up toward the journeying cats, but also cats from other Clans, so when they get back home, he helps not just his Clan, but felines from other Clans too. It seems like Feathertail did all the work and Leafpool just took him from there. But what exactly did Leafpool do for Crowfeather?
                Your turn, Fawnleg!

              • Also, I don’t really think of Millie as Silverstream 2.0
                Silverstream is said to be outgoing and bossy, while Millie is more calm and wise. Anyway, sorry, your turn!

                • You made some good points there, but I had to disagree with you. First, you have no evidence on if Crowfeather thought Leafpool was pretty. There were no signs of Leafpool admiring the looks of Crowfeather in the book. Second, Leafpool did not steal Feathertail from Crowfeather. I agree that Feathertail helped him get out of his shell, and she was a good friend to him. Because Feathertail cared about Crowfeather, she wanted him to get out of grief. Then do you mean that he should grieve for the rest of his life? No. In addition, Crowfeather was the one who liked Leafpool first and Feathertail encouraged him to confess about his affections. Leafpool did many things for Crowfeather. She helped him to get out of the grief and later advised him on his family problems. Crowfeather admitted she was the only one to understand him about his hardships. Even though it didn’t work out, they truly understood and loved each other.

  • (Fawnleg, I’m going to post it like this because it was very annoying for me to write in such a thin box! 😛 Sorry, we can edit it together in the end. Anyways, this is the reply for your last comment! 😀 )

    Thank you!
    True, there was no evidence that they liked each other because they were pretty, but the there was no evidence that what Feathertail and Crowpaw had between them was a crush. So even though it’s not said openly, it could still seem like it to some people.
    I wasn’t really saying Leafpool “stole” Crowfeather, but you made a really good rebut for that!
    And I definitely did not mean Crowfeather should grieve for the rest of his life! Which brings me to the third reason FeatherXCrow is my favorite ship. Feathertail loved Crowpaw so much she was willing to put his needs past her own. Even though it must have really hurt, she encouraged Crowfeather to move on, because she didn’t want him to be sad. She watched over Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Breezepelt, like they were her own. So the intensity and love of this ship really touches my heart! But then, true, Leafpool didn’t really want to leave her medicine cat post, but she left because she loved Crowfeather, not because Crowfeather would be happy. Also, keep in mind that Cinderpelt loved Firestar, and she knew him a lot more then Leafpool knew Crowfeather, yet she never left her medicine cat duties to run away to him, or admit her feelings to him. Leafpool met Crowfeather five times, and decided to abandon her medicine cat duties and run away.
    Personally, the LeafXCrow ship seems more like a crush to me then the FeatherXCrow ship. Here are my reasons:
    1. It was still too quick for my taste. Could you please name a ship that happened faster the LeafXCrow?
    2. Their love for each other faded, while Crowfeather’s love for Feathertail remained.
    Leafpool hadn’t loved him for seasons, and if he was honest, his love for her had faded, too.
    – Crowfeather, thinking, Crowfeather’s trail page 244
    Crowfeather stood still, stunned by shock, while Feathertail padded forward, twined her tail with his, and nuzzled him affectionately. He could feel the warmth of her pelt and taste her sweet scent as it wreathed around him. He could hardly believe that this was only a dream.
    “I’ve missed you,” he choked out.
    “I’ve missed you, too.”
    -Crowfeather, and Feathertail, in a dream, Crowfeather’s trail page 197
    These two clips are in the same book, Crowfeather’s trail. Crowfeather even choose his warrior name after Feathertail, which is very heart-warming and sad at the same time, showing how much he loved her, and how unwilling he was to let go. Crowfeather also concidered suicide after Feathertail’s death, but after Leafpools…
    “Stop! You’ll be killed!” Squirrelpaw leaped onto Crowpaw’s back and dragged him to the ground, digging in her claws. He collapsed beneath her, hissing with fury.
    “Get off me!”
    Brambleclaw raced over to them. “Don’t be such a fool, Crowpaw!”
    “He’s gone mad!” Squirrelpaw shrieked. “I’m not going to let him kill himself!”
    “I’m not frightened of joining StarClan,” Crowpaw spat back. “The forest is dying anyway. At least in StarClan, Feathertail will be waiting for me!”
    -Crowpaw, Squirrelpaw, Brambleclaw, Dawn page 180
    And Leafpool helping Crowfeather with his family problems just seemed to me like what she would do for any cat, nothing really special. I hope I didn’t offend you too much! I can’t wait to hear your great rebuts!

    • Leafpool and Crowfeather love isn’t faded and it only looks like it because their clans will be suspicious of their loyalty if they express their love in public. Crowfeather is now deputy, so he shouldn’t have a bad reputation for the clan. The only reason Crowfeather can express love for Feathertail now is because she is dead. Cats don’t look at Starclan as traitors, so Crowfeather can freely show his love for Feathertail. Don’t say that this ship was bad because it was very shortly developed, as FeatherXCrow developed over 3 books. It is not who developed the longest, it is who loved each other the most. SorrelXBracken, one of the most populous ships in the fandom, was developed for 1 book. Yet they still loved each other deeply, and that is why so many people liked this ship. The point I am trying to make here is that the importance of a ship depends on how much the cats’ loved each other. Keep in mind that Crowfeather couldn’t show his feelings to Leafpool anymore because cats doubted his loyalty. I think Leafpool loved Crowfeather, and he too loved back. Whenever he was with Leafpool, he kind of flirted and showed affections to her. He also fixed his relationships with the kits. When Leafpool died, Crowfeather was devastated in the gathering. He loved her all her heart, and that is the truth.

    • Also the author confirmed that Crowfeather loved Leafpool just as much as Feathertail. They stated Feathertail is a high school crush, and even if she lived, it wouldn’t work out

      • Please don’t say Crowfeather can only express his love because Feathertail is dead. On the journey, he expressed his love just as much as when Feathertail died, even though Squirrelpaw, Stormfur, Tawnypelt or Brambleclaw could have told the Clans when they got back to the forest. True, SorrelXBracken did develop over one book, but LeafXCrow developed over half a book, which is quite less. But never mind, you defended that accusation well! It would do us no good to keep debating that part.
        As for the other parts, Crowfeather did everything he did with Leafpool, except have kits. They would have had kits for sure if Feathertail had survived, it’s stated in the books that they decided that. It’s only said once, so it’s easy to miss, but it’s there! And yes, Crowfeather was devastated at Leafpool’s death, but he was also devastated at Feathertails. Crowfeather loved Feathertail with all his heart, and that’s the truth.
        The author’s confirmed that Crowfeather loved Leafpool same as Feathertail, but then it’s true the other way around too. He loved Feathertail as much as he loved Leafpool.
        Feathertail and Crowpaw were not a high school crush. First of all, there is no proof in the books that what they had between them was just a “crush”. Remember what Stormfur felt for Squirrelpaw? That was a crush. Remember what Stormfur felt for Brook? That was love, and it was the same as Feathertail and Crowfeather’s love. And then, Feathertail actually sacrificed herself for Crowpaw, so Crowpaw could live, so Crowpaw could survive. Because she truly loved him, and Crowfeather truly loved her. It was not a crush.
        As for this ship never would have worked out….
        He thought about the future he had dreamed of, where they found a way to be together even though they were from different Clan.
        -Crowpaw, Crowfeather’s trial page 3
        We’ll never be mates or have kits together. I’ll never see her again. Never…
        -Crowpaw, Crowfeather’s trial page 5
        Her eyes focused on Crowpaw, and Stormfur saw in them a lifetime of love for the difficult young apprentice, enough to sweep their Clans’ rivalry away forever.
        -Crowpaw and Stormfur at Feathertail’s death, Moonrise page 271
        Doesn’t sound much like a crush to me! And it really looks like they would have done anything to be together if Feathertail would have survived!
        And I found this on Wiki fandom:
        Kate has said that in StarClan, she believes that Crowfeather would most likely pick Feathertail over Leafpool, stating that “first love always wins.”
        Also, then could you please explain to me why Crowfeather said that his love for Leafpool had faded? Thank you!
        Back to you, Fawnleg!

        • Oh, and your first statment would be correct if Crowfeather had said it out loud. But he thought it, in his head, where he is free to think what he likes without anyone knowing. 🙂

          • hey sorry Mountainpaw I have midterm exam. Need to prep. Just give me 3 days.
            Also, I am editing the article. I will try to put evidence but I need to cut some, okay? Anyway, lets do a another debate about ship. Maybe Honeyfern vs. Poppyfrost?

            • Ok Fawnleg!
              I wish you luck on your midterm exam! 🙂 I can edit the our article if your busy! Also, should I wrap this up, or are we going to finish it after your exams? Good idea! Who do you prefer, Honeyfern and Berrynose, or Poppyfrost and Berrynose? 🙂
              Good luck on your exams again! 😀

            • You don’t have to cut out anything. I know it’s a bit long (especially my parts! 😛 ) but articles have no maximum of written words. We can submit an article as long as we like to! 🙂

          • Also, another reason FeatherXCrow is not a crush- if Crowfeather loved Leafpool just as much as he loved Feathertail- then LeafXCrow would be a crush too. And I hardly think people think of this ship as a crush.

  • (I’m writing here again because the boxes were getting too thin once more! 😛 )
    So we are going to start wrapping things up! In conclusion, this is how I see the LeafXCrow ship:
    Crowfeather is still grieving for Feathertail, and starts noticing Leafpool, and how caring and kind she is, just like Feathertail. He seeks comfort, something to ease his pain. I know you said Feathertail and Leafpool aren’t alike. But they are.
    Feathertail: Kind, caring, intelligent
    Leafpool: Kind, caring, intelligent
    I think he was seeking comfort, and saw how gentle Leafpaw was. So he started to develop feelings for her. But what about Leafpool? She didn’t notice Crowfeather, or feel any love for him, only pity when he was depressed. Well, Leafpaw, in the past few chapters, started to notice mates, and how happy they are together. I think she started to regret that she gave up never having a love or kits. I think she wanted someone to care for her the way a tom cared for his mate. So when Crowfeather told her about his feelings, she happily accepted. I don’t think Leafpool loved Crowfeather in the beginning. After the meet, she started developing feelings too, but before that I never sensed any love. And then, Crowfeather has PTSD, or Post traumatic syndrome. When you go through something scary, or dangerous, you might have vivid flashbacks of the event, making it feel like you are reliving it. Crowpaw lived through the death of Feathertail, and when he saw Leafpool falling, I think he flashed back to the terrible moment, but now he knew; that he could actually do something this time. When he pulled Leafpool up, he realized who he had saved, and, after coming so close to losing another Feathertail, he confessed his feelings. And Leafpool threw away her promise, and accepted. They meet five times, and then ran away, resulting in the death of Cinderpelt. When Leafpool comes back, nobody questions her, or punishes her, while Crowfeather…didn’t have it that good.
    Leafpool realizes she is carrying Crowfeather’s kits. She is so mad at him she yells at him and pushes him away. It is not Crowfeather’s fault, yet he pays. When Leafpool gives birth, she gives her kits to Squirrelflight. Now, this part is very annoying for me. When everyone finds out what Leafpool did, she punishes herself, becomes a warrior for a while, then goes back to being a medicine cat. While Squirrelflight pays a much bigger price, even though it wasn’t really her fault! This ship ruined so many lives. Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, Breezepelt, Nightcloud, Crowfeather, etc.
    Not to mention Leafpool and Crowfeather fight a lot.
    And after that, this ship kinda fades.
    This ship is not good. For young readers, it tells them that you can turn away from your problems, and you won’t even pay. That you can hide, but don’t face your problems head on like you should. You’ll make it through, but you can ruin other people. This discourages empathy in later life. It tells them that important promises aren’t important, and even if you break them there are hardly any consequences. And trust, or the ability to keep a secret or promise is a very good quality. For young people who read about this ship, they will have less empathy and sympathy. For older readers, who can realize these, might make it through, but young readers…not so much. The ship might seem harmless- but it isn’t. I think this ship is a pretty bad influence for smaller kids.
    Now this is how I see the FeatherXCrow ship:
    Crowpaw never really felt at home, even though he was nearing the end of his apprenticeship. His father, Deadfoot, was deputy, and could never spend much time with him. His mother wasn’t always nice with him, and he didn’t have many friends. His mentor was Mudclaw, which probably didn’t help much with his already snappy personality. Then he had a sign from StarClan, and cats from enemy Clans came to him, telling him to leave the forest with them. Crowpaw didn’t know these cats. These cats constantly argued with him. And he was just about to become a warrior of WindClan…
    But he decided to go. And when the rest of the cats turned their back on him, there was one cat who did the opposite. Quite wise, kind, and gentle, Feathertail brought Crowpaw out of his shell, taught him to fish, stood by his side. And her kindness repaid. They soon fell in love with each other. When Feathertail taught Crowpaw to fish- that melted my heart it was so sweet! Their obvious affection, (they weren’t afraid to hide it!) and their deep love was so heart-warming. Crowpaw started to argue with Feathertail lots of times, but he always stopped fast, deciding his relationship with Feathertail was worth more to him. (Unlike with Leafpool, who he always argued with) Their relationship grew constantly stronger. And their relationship made Crowfeather a loyal, hardworking warrior. And when Feathertail died, it was for Crowpaw. She gave her life so he could go on living. And Crowpaw named himself after her!
    This ship is a very good influence on young readers. It shows them that if you are kind, it will always bring good results. Feathertail was kind to Crowfeather. She got his love in return. It shows them that arguing is not the answer. If you truly love someone, you should stop yourself before the argument gets too heated, because the person you love is not someone you want to push away. Not only is FeatherXCrow heart-warming, sweet, and a very good influence on young readers, it shows you what true love is. One where you stop yourself before you argue, one where you are selfless, and kind, and tells you to stand by and defend those you love, family, friends, or loves. FeatherXCrow is a very underrated ship. It shouldn’t be. Make FeatherXCrow sail again! Whose with me?!? 😀
    Thank you. On to you, Fawnleg! Let’s finish our article! 😁

    • A relationship that develops slowly is a much better one that develops fast, because it means you love the other for their personality, and probably will forever.
      -Quote from unknown person
      Falling out of love is an excuse for those who woke up, and realized they never really loved
      -Ana Luciana

  • Oh, and another reason the LeafXCrow ship isn’t good for young readers is that it gives them the image that only kin of good can be good, and only kin of evil is evil. If Crowfeather would have had Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather with Feathertail, that would have broken the line. But no- Crowfeather had to have the kits with the daughter of Firestar. I’m bad at ecxplaining, so here is an example if you don’t get it.
    Main protagonist: Firestar Main antagonist: Tigerstar
    Main protagonist: Leafpool Main antagonist: Hawkfrost
    Main protagonist: Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze. Main antagonist: Tigerstar and Hawkfrost.
    This is a really bad moral. All kin of evil are evil; all kin of good are good.
    And that is what LeafXCrow ship says.

    • I get it, but Mountainpaw, i want to take out Oh, and another reason the LeafXCrow ship isn’t good for young readers is that it gives them the image that only kin of good can be good, and only kin of evil is evil. If Crowfeather would have had Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather with Feathertail, that would have broken the line. But no- Crowfeather had to have the kits with the daughter of Firestar. I’m bad at ecxplaining, so here is an example if you don’t get it.
      Main protagonist: Firestar Main antagonist: Tigerstar
      Main protagonist: Leafpool Main antagonist: Hawkfrost
      Main protagonist: Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze. Main antagonist: Tigerstar and Hawkfrost.
      This is a really bad moral. All kin of evil are evil; all kin of good are good.
      And that is what LeafXCrow ship says.

      Because most of the ships are like that. And it is not even related.

        • You can cut this out too:
          Also, I don’t really think of Millie as Silverstream 2.0
          Silverstream is said to be outgoing and bossy, while Millie is more calm and wise. Anyway, sorry, your turn!

  • Fawnleg? I have a few questions!
    1. What picture are we going to choose for our article?
    2. Do you like PoppyXBerry or HoneyXBerry? If we like the same ship we can discus it, if not we can debate it! Here are a few more ideas: MillieXGrey or SilverXGrey? HeatherXLion or HeatherXBreeze? SwiftXBright or CloudXBright?
    3. Is your opinion still the same on LeafXCrow and FeatherXCrow?
    4. Is one of us going to give in? Like admit we are right about the ship? Or are we just debating it?
    Thank you very much! It’s really fun writing articles with you! You’re a very smart bright cat! 😀

    • 1. I have a perfect one.
      2. Idc, I like both. You can choose what ever you want.
      3. Yes, it is still.
      4. Nope. Lets just ask the audience if they want to decide?
      5. Lets write more articles togther! Anyway, do you want to do about defending Millie? Or lets just make a whole big series of articles called: Debating about ships. I will ask Sparktooth if she wants to join and talk about GrayXMillie.

      • Okay!
        1. Yay! Could you send me the link so I can see it too?
        2. Yeah, I like both of those ships too. 😛
        3. Nuts. Guess I didn’t prove my point well enough!
        4. Good idea! If you’d like, you can defend my last accusation, or you can just wrap it up and ask the audience the question!
        5. Okay! Who’s Sparktooth? And a defending Millie article sounds good!

  • Also, another reason FeatherXCrow is not a crush- if Crowfeather loved Leafpool just as much as he loved Feathertail- then LeafXCrow would be a crush too. And I hardly think people think of this ship as a crush.
    Please remember to add this part to the article, Fawnleg! Thank you! 😀
    (I wrote it on April 4th! 🙂 )

      • This is what we had gone so far.

        Millie was overprotective of Briarlight after she broke her spine. Many people say she was too overprotective, not letting Briarlight go out of camp. We think that it was the right thing to do because a broken spine is a serious injury. You cannot walk if you have a broken spine. If you can’t walk, you can’t be a proper warrior. It was very dangerous for Briarlight to go out of camp. This doesn’t mean Millie only loves Briarlight. She is just worried about her, and if her other kits were in the same situation she will be overprotective of them too. Remember Millie was a former kittypet, and she’d never seen something like this. When she was traveling with Graystripe, Graystirpe told stories about his adventures but left out the suffering of living in the wild. Of course she thought that wild life would be wonderful, but the shocking truth came after her dear daughter got injured. How shocking, right? This experience traumatized Millie, and she responded to this by spending most of her time taking care of Briarlight. Okay, but some of you guys might mention Firestar and Daisy. They were both kittypets, and they suffered from loss. However, they did not over exaggerate like Millie and be very calm in the situation. First, Daisy is not a kittypet and she did exaggerate after Berrykit lost his tail. The only reason that she went back is because her kits want to go back to their clans. Millie tries to be calm as well, but knowing that her kit will die soon or later deeply hurt her. Any parent will react the same way if their child has a broken spine! Why do you blame her? Briarlight’s life was threatened 3 times; one with greencough, one with an adder, and one with the tree. People say that it was Millie’s fault that Briarlight got injured because she was supposed to take care of her. Millie didn’t know about greencough, and she was taking care of Blossomkit and Bumblekit when Briarkit went outside of the nursery. Millie tried to catch her, but the adder was on the cliff biting her. If she moves, the adder will bite Briarkit so Millie couldn’t do anything but to worry. Again, this same applies to Briarpaw’s tree accident. Briarpaw was an apprentice, and she needed to have her responsibility to take care of her, not Millie. It wasn’t Millie’s fault that Briarpaw got injured. Being overprotective about your child doesn’t mean you always show favoritism to that child. You just care for her more, not because you think he or she is better than the other. While being overprotective to Briarlight, she did not neglect her two other kits. They were old enough to take care of themselves, and it was not Millie’s responsibility to take care of them anymore.They were nearly warriors at that time, which means equivalent to an adult in human age. They should be able to take care of themselves! Also, people think she was a bad mother because she yelled at Blossomfall. First, why does it make a difference? Squirrelflight and Daisy yelled at her kits, but they don’t get that much hate as Millie. She just yelled at her kit Blossompaw because she was afraid that she would die as well. Remember, she was already traumatized about seeing one of her kits near death. It would be hard to see your kit suffering everyday with immense pain, wondering if he or she will die soon. I know you migt say that Ferncloud and Cloudtail got over Brindleface’s death, and Millie would accept it too. First, it is a different scenario because Brindleface’s death was very short. Yes, it is sad as well but it does not have a much impact on your mind than seeing a person slowly dying. If you see a person slowly dying, you will be deeply traumatized and your mental health can be affected negatively. You first see someone that is dying in front of you slowly, and it shocks you that death can mean great pain and suffering. Millie was likely traumatized by Briarlgiht’s injury, and she probably thought that Blossomfall would die as well. Even if she didn’t think Blossomfall would die as well, she will still act the same. There’s this thing I’ve heard since I was three years old: When a child is almost hit by a car, regular passengers simply worry about the kid and feel relieved, but the mother will most likely be angry and say, “Why did you-”. This applies the same thing. A typical mom will likely be angry at the child, because they are worried about them and be shocked by the experience of near death. Besides, Firestar had already told ThunderClan not to go into the tunnels. And when Ivypool and Blossomfall fall in, Ivypool wants to go back, but Blossomfall is excited about this and wants to explore. This is exactly what is called a unwise choice. The tunnel almost killed Hollyleaf! What were you thinking, Blossomfall? Millie’s right about Blossomfall wandering off and wasting a whole lot of time when she wasn’t even supposed to explore the tunnels by her own free will. She just said Briarlight would have given anything to hunt and fight for her Clan because she was upset about Blossomfall’s choice. She didn’t mean it, it was just she was angry that Blossomfall did not hunt or do a duty for the clan while Briarlight is working to do it. She was right about Blossomfall, and how she provided a bad example to the clan. Millie wants Blossomfall to help her clan, but she doesn’t listen and rather decides to ignore her mpm. This is not favoritism, most of the parents do it every time. If one sibling is providing a bad example and the other sibling doesn’t, they will compare to show that you should do a better job. Not because they only like their siblings. People defend this case saying that Blossomfall suffered from depression. However, this wasn’t confirmed and if it is, it was her misunderstanding. Blossomfall admits that she knew this when she told Ivypool that she hates her injured sister’s attention and that is why she was training in Dark Forest. She knew this, and she admitted that she knows that she is hating her injured sister. This means it is not depression, because depression means you are always sad and telling nobody about that stress they are having. Blossomfall clearly does not show symptoms of it, like skipping lunch or staying in the den for all night. Just because you don’t get attention doesn’t mean you are neglected. I mean, attention that you get when you’re injured is not an unusual thing. If you get injured and you go to school, you will be the most populous kid in the school. But if you are all okay, the popularity is gone. But Briarlight is permanently injured, it is natural that she gets more attention. This was the same case to the clanmates, and Blossomfall that she has to get more attention. People argue that this is why Blossomfall trained DF. She believes that the cats in the DF can help her, and it probably helps the DF cats that Blossomfall wants attention, so it’s a package deal for her – training and attention together! Yes and no. Just because Blossomfall is jealous doesn’t mean she can join The Dark Forest with a good reason. Unlike most Dark Forest Trainees, Blossomfall knew the Dark Forest was evil. She had a choice to train there, and she did! It wasn’t because she wanted attention-that is a lame excuse. She considered herself as evil and trained there. Also, she was a warrior. She could make decisions- she is not a kit! Following the same logic means that Breezepelt trained also in the DF for attention. AND HE GETS A LOT OF HATE? What? I mean I get he tried to kill a queen and a medicine cat but hey Blossomfall almost killed the entire population of Thunderclan before Ivypool stopped her and asked her to change sides. Also, Millie was in much burden and stress. Why? Most of you guys don’t know this. Graystripe was a bad father. I said it, yes Graystripe is a bad father. He also didn’t even talk sense into Millie for yelling at her kit and always worrying about Briarlight. Graystripe always tended to bond over Silverstream more and her kits while he did care about Millie. When he met Stormfur, he treated him like a kit. But when Millie’s kits grow up- poof the attention is all gone. Graystripe was a bad father, and still he is loved because he was a good father! Exactly the opposite. He only shows affections to Silverstream’s kits and not for Millie. When Millie was traveling with Graystripe, she did not know about Graystripe’s past history with Silverstream. She later learned that Graystripe used to have a mate and had kits with her after Stormfur visited Thunderclan. Millie did not care deeply about it, because Graystripe is giving his whole attention towards her when she was expecting kits. Millie imagines her new home in Thunderclan; having kits with Graystripe, watching them grow up, and living a peaceful life in the elder den when they become old. Instead, one of her kittens is dying, one is suffering from love problems and other wants attention, as well as her mate not supporting her in the harsh times. What do you expect? She was in so much depression and stress that she decided she can’t do everything at the same time. She focused more on the kit that was dying slowly, because it was her top priority to stop death coming to her. Millie was in depression because of her lover’s lack of interest. Rather than seek advice, Millie comes to believe that it’s the existing relationship that is ruining her. She distances herself from ktis, afraid if she causes suffering for them as well.

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