• The kitten thinks, “The mouse! I shall catch it and bring it back to my clan!”
    Thunderclan was starving after the huge spiral of wind and scared had killed all of the prey in the area. Few cats had survived either. Redkit’s brother, Gorgekit, was dead, and so was their leader, Snowstar, the medicine cat, Envyshade, eleven warriors, and two apprentices. Redkit crouched, and sprang for the mouse. He had it! Wait, no. Only it’s tail. The mouse struggled to get away, but Redkit bit down on it’s tail harder. He brought his paws on top of the mouse and slashed at it. Finally it stopped struggling. It was dead. He released it and examined it. A messy kill, and the mouse wasn’t particularly meaty, but at least it was something.
    “Thank you Starclan, for this prey,” he said aloud, before picking up the mouse in his jaws and carrying it back to camp.
    Wow, what did I just do there.

  • Ok, I shall claim this since it is unused! Sorry Pine!

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