• ~After Talking With Crystalspirit… (See Other Pages)~
    When Crystalspirit didn’t answer, Crimsonstar sighed.
    “Let me call a Clan meeting,” she decided, leaping on top of Largerock. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather together in front of Largerock for a Clan meeting!

    • Rainingbreeze walked over and settled under the largerock. ‘I wonder why Crimsonstar called a clan meeting’ she thought sleepily.

    • Hawkpaw looked up at interest. He was scared. This obviously had something to do with his mentor, Crystalspirit, or else he wouldnt have been talking to her. He saw other cats silently walking up. He sat down and wondered what the leader would say.

    • Cloudpaw stood up, interrupted from her one-way conversation with Thunderkit. You know, I bet this announcement is about Crystalspirit and the situation with SlateClan, she thought. Or, perhaps, if I’m lucky, it could be my warrior ceremony. But, that’s probably a moon away. She trotted off towards the Largerock and sat down beside Rainingbreeze, and silently hoped that she would only have to be an apprentice for mere moments longer.

      • Rainingbreeze smiled at Cloudpaw. “Hi” she meowed, “I bet this has something to do with Crystalsight and slateclan”. She turned her attention back on Crimsonstar.

    • Darkpaw walked over to Largerock drowsily. She was still chilled to the bone.

    • [Hey, Crimsonclaw… since Goldenberry hasn’t responded to this when we’ve given Goldenberry a long time, may we move on, with the idea that Crystalspirit accepted the idea of going to SlateClan and swapping with TumericClan and all of that? If Goldenberry ever gets back on, Goldenberry can make changes accordingly or even tell us to start over this section, if that works for you, since we’re not giving Goldenberry a choice in the matter this way so it isn’t exactly fair. We won’t mess with her character or anything, simply pretend that she’s doing that. Plus, I don’t see much reason why Goldenberry would decline this, as it opens up so many possibilities for the roleplay. I just want to move the roleplay forward, because it is very fun. :D]

  • (Rainingbreeze, if you don’t mind, I’m going to have you be Cloudpaw’s mentor, since I’m pretty sure Cloudpaw doesn’t have an assigned mentor yet!)
    “First of all,” Crimsonstar said, “I would like to start off with a warrior ceremony, since I think after today’s events, we could use some!“
    She paused for a second, then said, “Cloudpaw and Rainingbreeze, please come forward!”

    • (Ok thatś fine if thatś okay with you Cloudpaw)

      Rainingbreeze stepped forward with Cloudpaw at her side. She wondered what her apprentice Cloudpawś warrior name would be.

      • [ yeah it’s okay with me ]

        Oh my StarClan, is this really happening? Cloudpaw thought with as much excitement as when she first became an apprentice. She felt sort of childish (kittish?) for thinking, I’m really going to be a warrior! Trying to be as calm as possible, and with a shiver of happiness running down her spine, she walked over to the Largerock.

        • [wait not walked over; I’m already there. Change that to ‘stepped forward’]

  • ˜”*°•.˜”*°•Bee That Rests Near Golden Fire(Goldenbee) •°*”˜.•°*”˜ says:

    (it’s fine someone can take over as Crystalspirit since i’ve been pretty inactive)

  • [Since I might be changing my purrsona, for the sake of the roleplay, I will probably still roleplay as Stormsong. Just a heads-up, and saying that you don’t need to worry.]

  • Moon crept close to the clan camp. You know what you came here to do She peeked into the camp to see a bunch of cats gathered in one place, they seemed to be listening to someone. Moon took a deep breath, and sighed. You can’t bail out now, she thought as she strided into the camp without a second’s hesitation. No one seemed to take notice of her, so she took a step torward the crowd. “Hello, my name’s Moon. I’ve been watching your group for a while, and I’ve decided I want to join.”
    (Panthie, I made an offer to you that still stands on the page in the link in your name)

    • Cloudpaw looked back at the loner, and wondered if this announcement would turn into three things at once; her warrior ceremony, the new cat’s introduction, and a discussion about the situation with SlateClan.

        • “It’s a C-“ Cloudpaw started to explain, but then realized that the loner probably wouldn’t know what a Clan meeting was. She thought for a while, then answered. “It’s a Clan meeting, which is a meeting the leader holds to talk to his or her Clan, and it’s usually about something serious,” she said, jerking her head at Crimsonstar. “And it’s also my warrior ceremony,” Cloudpaw added, holding her head high and forgetting that the loner also probably didn’t know what a warrior ceremony was. “What’s your name?”

          • Moon studied the young cat. “Moon. My name is Moon. You look a bit young to be a warrior. Whatever that is. ” Moon took a couple of steps forward so that she was almost nose-to-nose with the young cat. “From what I’ve heard about warriors, is that they aren’t supposed to be scared of some rogue. Seems like you are. So why are you getting your warrior name so soon?” Moon taunted the little cat.

            • (Rainingbreeze)-
              Rainingbreeze spun around to glare at the new cat, the cat who had just marched into her camp and just said Can I join? She bristled, how dare this cat just march in here and insult her apprentice. No, Cloudpaw was gonna be a warrior and she was a nice age to become a warrior and she was definatly ready to be a warrior. She decided to give this Moon a cunning retort instead of fighting Moon. Although she would of much better injured Moon she finnaly managed to take a step forward and speak to Moon instead of slashing out at her. “Cloudpaw will make a nice warrior. She IS the correct age and she will make great warrior. You will NEVER be welcome here insulting our warriors not that I want you any way. But, it is Crimsonstar´s decison if you stay or not. Crimsonstar is our leader and she will deal with you soon. Meanwhile we can get on with our clan meeting and youcan just step aside untill were ready to discuss what happens to you. You disgrace for a cat,” she spat out through narrowed eyes. Then stalked away with satisfaction. She sat back down where she was next to Cloudpaw away from Moon and waited for Moon´s response. How dare she say those things to Cloudpaw. Rainingbreeeze groweled at Moon through clenched teeth. She turned back to Crimsonstar still waiting for Moon to respond and waiting for Crimsonstar to Cloudpaw the warrior name she deserved.

              (Sorry Iv´e been inactive on the roleplay. I just forgot about it.) (Wow that was super long.)

            • aaaaaa I’ve been inactive for so long
              I wanted to reply to crookedmoon but Rainingbreeze has that covered so-

              Cloudpaw whispered to Rainingbreeze, “You think Crimsonstar is gonna let Moon join the Clan? I feel like she’d be a useful addition to our warriors. Even though she seemed kind of mean, lots of cats are snarky.” She sat, waiting for a response.

              (Is anyone still roleplaying?)

              • Rainingbreeze turned around to speak to Cloudpaw. “I personally do not want Moon to join the clan. Yes, she would be a nice addition to the warriors but I think she will have to start off as an apprentice. She seems mean and I am not sure she would be a great addition to our clan. Also, she has not told us about where she is from. What if she is just prying on us? Is she really loyal to us?” Rainingbreeze wrapped her tail around her paws. She looked at the new comer again. She did not find Moon snarky, instead she fund Moon annoying. When Cloudpaw did not respond she added, “She should not be able to get into the clan this easily. We are warriors and she is an outsider. Outsiders are NOT warriors and if she wants to prove she can be a warrior then she better prove it. Of course, I will respect Crimsonstar´s decision but I am not going to treat her with kindness if she is not loyal to us. Plus, if she wants to join us and says I’ve been watching your group for a while, and I’ve decided I want to join. That means she has been spying on us, well she might mean it kindly she was still spying.”

                (I also asked that but as you can see I am still active)

                • As Moon listened to what Rainingbreeze had to say about her to Cloudpaw, she registered the words carefully. She suspected that she wasn’t supposed to hear anything, but from what she had learned, just because it wasn’t supposed to happen, doesn’t mean it won’t happen. She itched to say something, but for once in her life she was speechless. She spoke anyways, knowing the words would come to her in the moment. “I find it quite interesting that you think that I would be loyal to a Clan that I have just asked to join. I don’t know any of you, and nor do you know me. So, tell me why I must be loyal to this Clan right at this moment?” Moon paused, but wasn’t speaking yet. She let those wise words she had spoken sink in to those around her. “So, no, I’m not loyal to this Clan, I’m loyal to myself. When I know exactly who you all are, maybe I’ll be loyal to this clan. You act as if I’m so desperate to join this clan, when I am not. I have lived just fine as a loner, look at me, I’m alive aren’t I? I’m just curious, why you live the way you do.” Moon knew that she was risking a lot by saying she wasn’t loyal to this group of cats- or Clans, yet but it was the truth. Moon didn’t say what others wanted to hear, she just stated the truth, and didn’t sugar-coat it. Of course she wasn’t desperate to join this clan, but she did want to be apart of it.

  • 🌧️🐍 𝕊𝕟𝕒𝕜𝕖; 𝕊𝕟𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕤 𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕦𝕟 || 𝕊𝕟𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕡𝕒𝕨 🐍🌧️ says:


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