• Trisblaze! (I’m currently in a Divergent obsession 😛 )- dark brown ans ginger tabby w/ deep purple eyes and a white underbelly/paws
    Btw Ottie, can you post the link to Otterclan on here too? 😀

  • KITTYPETCLAN – Updated
    Leader: Eeveestar – brown tabby she-cat with a cream belly, and glowing amber eyes (Otterfrost)

    Eeveeshine – pale brown she-cat with fluffy white neck fur, a bushy white tipped tail, and violet eyes (Moonbreeze)
    Apprentice, Olliepaw

    Medicine Cat(s):
    Fuzzywing – black and white she-cat with amber eyes (Silverleaf)
    Chockyfur – a bi colour she cat with amber eyes (Loudfern)
    Apprentice, Zoepaw

    Lunasong – dark smoky-gray she-cat with white paws and dark blue eyes (Mistlepaw)
    Smudgestripe – dark gray tabby with a lighter gray belly and blue eyes (Fireleap)
    Anastasiafire – grey tabby she-cat with tortoiseshell patches, green eyes and a cream and black spotted belly (Asterheart)
    Nutmegfrost – tortoiseshell she-cat with a cream paw and tail-tip and amber eyes (Jasminebreeze)
    Chloeheart – calico she-cat with green eyes and a scar on her underbelly running from her neck to her tail (Bluefire)
    Apprentice, Bubblepaw
    Bananaleaf – white she cat with black blotches and brown eyes (Sunnydream)
    Trisblaze – dark brown and ginger tabby w/ deep purple eyes and a white underbelly/paws
    Gracielight – short-furred calico she-cat with a long tail and green eyes
    Ebonyrain – fursona needed

    Zoepaw – dark reddish brown she-cat with a stripe of dark brown fur running down spine, a white muzzle and chest fur, large ears and dark colored paws, a thick bushy tail, and forest green eyes; MCA (Foxtail)
    Olliepaw – fursona needed (Owlfeather)
    Bubblepaw – a grey and white she-cat with green eyes (Robinpaw)

    Buzzwing – yellow-and-black tabby she-cat with honey-coloured eyes (Beckoning Paw)

    Drizzlekit – a lithe gray,white,and silver she-cat with black stripes that look like rain (Wrenkit)

    Elders: TWO SPOTS OPEN

    oooh KittypetClan is growing! 😛

  • I’m just going to do a fun roleplay-type thing 😛

    So in this game, I will write a little chapter of a regular day in KittypetClan, with all you guys in it! You guys will receive a question at the end, to determine what will happen in the next chapter. 🙂

    If you have any questions; ask me! 😀

    You have to fill out a from…

    BlogClan Name:
    KittypetClan Name:
    Kittypet Name:
    Housefolk’s Name:
    What Does Your Collar Look Like:

    That’s it! Pretty easy, eh? 🙂

    BlogClan Name: Otterpaw/frost
    Kittypet Name: Eeveestar
    Kittypet Name: Eevee
    Housefolk’s Name: Riley
    What Does Your Collar Look Like: a light pink collar with purple swirls
    Personality: kind, smart, funny, helpful, stubborn, shy, leader
    Other: none

    • BlogClan Name: Silverleaf/paw
      KittypetClan Name: Fuzzywing
      Kittypet Name: Fuzzy
      Housefolk’s Name: Amanda (9 years old), Cassie (mom), Henry (dad)
      What Does Your Collar Look Like: Light orange with small red flowers
      Personality: smart, silly, optimistic, stubborn, a bit shy, helpful
      Other: nope!!

    • BlogClan Name: Bluefire
      KittypetClan Name: Chloeheart
      Kittypet Name: Chloe
      Housefolk’s Name: Jazzie (Jazmina)
      What Does Your Collar Look Like: dark blue with a silver pendant-thing that has my name, owners name, and address on it
      Personality: loyal, thoughtful, quiet, shy, brave
      Other: in her fursona she has a scar. She got that from when Jazzie’s grandmother’s yellow lab thought she was a chew toy. True story, that happened to my cat. I just made up the owner’s name.

      • BlogClan Name: Foxtail
        KittypetClan Name: Zoepaw
        Kittypet Name: Zoey/Zoe
        Housefolk’s Name: Uh…..Summer (15 years old) and Heather (13) who are sisters, Terence (19 year old brother), Janessa (mom), Matthew (dad)
        What Does Your Collar Look Like: Green with purple butterflies
        Personality: Painfully Honest, Sweet, Kind, Giving/Sharing, Observant, Cautious, Analytical, Logical, Gullible, Literal, Humorous, Shy yet Sociable/Talkative, Soft (yes I am considered that. My personality is pretty light and fluffy), Snarky and make rude comments (rarely around my friends though)
        Other: I get startled very easily and I’m sensitive to touch I guess. I get really attached to the people I love and know (consider as my close friends). Um if I was a kittypet then could I possibly be from an animal shelter (rescued from abandonment on the street) and taken in? I mean that’s pretty much my real past life but ya 😛😄

    • BlogClan name: Robinpaw(sky)
      Kittypet name: Bubblepaw
      Housefolk name: Anna (20 years old, is in college but lives in her own house alone with Bubble)
      What does your collar look like: a light blue with darker blue circles on it
      Personality: fun, friendly, open, happy, funny, trustful, loyal (sometimes snarky)
      Other: Um… not that I can think of…

      • Can I join?
        Blogclan name: Sunnydream(paw)
        Kittypetclan name: Bananaleaf
        Kittypet name: Banana
        Housefolk name: Sarah (19 years old)
        Collar: light blue with black dots
        Personality: smart, stubborn, shy, a bit impulsive, sweet
        Other (true story of Banana): If you could add in then: I was born a stray, my sister got hit by a car and passed away, and that’s when Sarah took me in. I prefer to be outside rather than in, for I was raised outside.

  • KITTYPETCLAN – Updated
    Leader: Heikkistar – speckled light gray tabby tom with sky blue eyes (Otterfrost)

    Eeveeshine – pale brown she-cat with fluffy white neck fur, a bushy white tipped tail, and violet eyes (Moonbreeze)
    Apprentice, Olliepaw

    Medicine Cat(s):
    Fuzzywing – black and white she-cat with amber eyes (Silverleaf)
    Chockyfur – a bi colour she cat with amber eyes (Loudfern)
    Apprentice, Zoepaw

    Lunasong – dark smoky-gray she-cat with white paws and dark blue eyes (Mistlepaw)
    Smudgestripe – dark gray tabby with a lighter gray belly and blue eyes (Fireleap)
    Anastasiafire – grey tabby she-cat with tortoiseshell patches, green eyes and a cream and black spotted belly (Asterheart)
    Nutmegfrost – tortoiseshell she-cat with a cream paw and tail-tip and amber eyes (Jasminebreeze)
    Chloeheart – calico she-cat with green eyes and a scar on her underbelly running from her neck to her tail (Bluefire)
    Apprentice, Bubblepaw
    Bananaleaf – white she cat with black blotches and brown eyes (Sunnydream)
    Trisblaze – dark brown and ginger tabby w/ deep purple eyes and a white underbelly/paws
    Gracielight – short-furred calico she-cat with a long tail and green eyes
    Ebonyrain – fursona needed

    Zoepaw – dark reddish brown she-cat with a stripe of dark brown fur running down spine, a white muzzle and chest fur, large ears and dark colored paws, a thick bushy tail, and forest green eyes; MCA (Foxtail)
    Olliepaw – fursona needed (Owlfeather)
    Bubblepaw – a grey and white she-cat with green eyes (Robinpaw)

    Buzzwing – yellow-and-black tabby she-cat with honey-coloured eyes (Beckoning Paw)

    Drizzlekit – a lithe gray,white,and silver she-cat with black stripes that look like rain (Wrenkit)

    Elders: TWO SPOTS OPEN

  • Chapter One:

    Heikkistar padded out the door as his housefolk, Riley, opened the door for him. “Bye Heikki!” Riley exclaimed.

    Soon, he made his way over to the KittypetClan camp. It wasn’t much, just a small clearing, but it was good enough. He looked around camp, looking for the members. He sighed – the members were supposed to be here as early as possible. He pawed at his light blue collar with blue polka dots.

    “Heikkistar!” A voice exclaimed. He jerked his head to see a calico she-cat running towards him. “Am I late?”

    The gray tabby tom shook his head. “No, actually you are first, Chloeheart.”

    Chloeheart let out a relieved sigh of relief. “Thank goodness! I slept in a bit – and Jazzie wouldn’t wake me up!”

    Heikkistar let out a purr of amusement. His eyes strayed over to two figures coming towards them. “It looks like Zoepaw and Fuzzywing is coming right now.”

    The two cats raced over to the other cats. “What should we do today?” Zoepaw asked.

    “Well, you can collect herbs,” Heikkistar decided.

    Fuzzywing purred. “Sounds good to me!”

    A yowl pierced the air, making the four cats jump. A white she-cat was limping towards them. “My leg,” she hissed, “got cut when I was jumping over the fence! Fuzzywing, Zoepaw; could you help me?”

    Zoepaw grinned. “Of course, Bananaleaf! That’s what we are for!”

    Heikkistar nodded, satisfied. “We just need Eeveeshine and Bubblepaw.”

    “We are right here,” a voice mewed. Heikkistar turned around to look at a pale brown she-cat. Next to her was a gray and white she-cat.

    Chloeheart’s eyes lit up. “My apprentice is here!”

    Bubblepaw purred. “Anna kept me in for a while -sorry about that.”

    “It’s alright,” Heikkistar exclaimed. “We can start with the patrols. Zoepaw and Bananaleaf – you stay in camp.”

    Zoepaw nodded, while Bananaleaf grimaced because of the pain.

    “Chloeheart, Bubblepaw and I will go hunting,” Eeveeshine announced.

    “I will stay in camp to build dens, and Fuzzywing will gather herbs,” Heikkistar decided. “Alright, does everyone know what to do?”

    All the cats nodded. “Yes, Heikkistar.”

    Heikkistar purred. This was a real clan – sort of. “Good.”


    Heikkistar (Otterfrost)
    How do you feel about your clan?

    Bananaleaf (Sunnydream)
    How do you feel that you hurt yourself? What are your thoughts?

    Zoepaw (Foxtail)
    What herbs do you use to help heal Bananaleaf?

    Fuzzywing (Silverleaf)
    What herbs did you gather to help the clan? Do you think Zoepaw be good at helping Bananaleaf?

    Eeveeshine (Moonbreeze)
    You go to the forest first to hunt. What do you catch? Did you miss any catches? Are you proud of your catches?

    Chloeheart (Bluefire)
    You teach Bubblepaw some moves. What do you teach her first? Are you going hard on her?

    Bubblepaw (Robinpaw)
    Are you struggling with what Chloeheart is teaching you?

    Answer these questions! 😀

    Heikkistar: I am proud of this clan. I’ve seen all the clans ways, and I think that we are very close. My deputy, Eeveeshine, is doing great and my medicine cats are healing the clan very well.

    And if you aren’t in this yet…

    BlogClan Name:
    KittypetClan Name:
    Kittypet Name:
    Housefolk’s Name:
    What Does Your Collar Look Like:

    • BlogClan name – Wrenkit
      KittypetClan name – Drizzlepine/Drizzlepaw/Drizzlekit(can I start as a kit and then become an apprentice, and then a warrior?)
      Kittypet name – Drizzle
      Housefolk’s name –
      Adult Male – Brady
      Adult Female – Isabel
      Young female – Ava
      What does your collar look like – a blue collar with red hearts and flat yellow things dangling from the collar
      Personality – kind,smart,and enthusiastic cat that gets distracted easily and also gets annoyed easily
      Other – wants to be medecine cat and spends spare time helping Fuzzywing and Zoepaw or looking at clouds,watching birds,mice,or other animals but doesn’t try to catch them. A very bad hunter.

      • Oh and fursona just in case

        Drizzlepine/Drizzlepaw/Drizzlekit – a gray she-cat with black stripes that look like rain,a silver muzzle that has a hint of red,and ice-blue eyes(I wanted to change my fursona here)

        • 4 and a half moons please

          I forgot to mention Ava is 11 and her younger brother,Aaron,is 4 years old

          You know what,I’ll just re-do it

          BlogClan name – Wrenkit

          KittypetClan name – Drizzlekit/Drizzlepaw/Drizzlepine

          Kittypet name – Drizzle or Drizzet

          Housefolks’ name –

          What does your collar look like – a blue yellow collar with red swirls(itValentine’s Day anymore)and flat yellow things dangling from the collar with address on the biggest one
          Personality – kind,smart,and enthusiastic cat that gets distracted easily and also gets annoyed easily

          Other – see above

          • *does the math to see how old she would actually be*

            Yep,in real life,that would be my real age
            Let me walk you through the steps

            1.I’m in 4 grade and the highest grade before middle school is 5 grade
            2.we are about halfway through the school year
            3.see how much time would be before middle school which is 1 and 1/2
            4.subtract 1 and 1/2 from 6 and get 4 and 1/2

        • 4 and a half moons please(yes I’m very young to be leaving the house every day so a Clanmate comes to my house and takes me to the camp)

          I forgot to mention Ava is 11 and her younger brother,Aaron,is 4 years old

          You know what,I’ll just re-do it

          BlogClan name – Wrenkit

          KittypetClan name – Drizzlekit/Drizzlepaw/Drizzlepine

          Kittypet name – Drizzle or Drizzet

          Housefolks’ name –

          What does your collar look like – a blue yellow collar with red swirls(itValentine’s Day anymore)and flat yellow things dangling from the collar with address on the biggest one

          Personality – kind,smart,and enthusiastic cat that gets distracted easily and also gets annoyed easily

          Other – see above

    • Chloeheart:
      I teach Bubblepaw how to attack a badger. I haven’t trained an apprentice before, but I’m doing my best not to be mean.

    • Question – I gather horsetail, marigold, comfrey, and watermint just to start off. I think Zoepaw will be good at helping Bananaleaf, but she still needs a little guidance 😉 . Still, she can manage these kind of cuts alone 🙂

    • BlogClan Name: Irismist
      KittypetClan Name: Trisblaze
      Kittypet Name: Tris
      Housefolk’s Name: Natalie and Andrew are parents, Caleb is their son (Silv do you notice a pattern 😛 )
      What Does Your Collar Look Like: hmm…. I’d say purple or green but I want to keep up with the whole divergent/tris theme so red 😀 (lol technically if Iwanted to be like Tris for real it would have to be black or grey but red is close enough 😛 )
      Personality: Kind, Feirce when friends or self threatened, good fighter, stubborn, positive, friendly, smart, intelligent, ect. (I think you know me well enough already 😛 )
      Other: Why’s your name Heikkistar? 😛

    • BlogClan Name: Cheetahpaw(spark)
      KittypetClan Name: Oreodrizzle
      Kittypet Name: Oreo
      Housefolk’s Name: Sarah
      What Does Your Collar Look Like: Dark purple
      Personality: cheerful, bubbly, energetic, adventurous
      Other: a small black and white she-cat with yellow eyes

  • ☃️ Shrubpaw/song is waiting for December ☃️ || ❄️ She/her ❄️ || 🧊 “There are tests, and then there are tests.” 🧊 || 💙 Apprentice to the SURPURRIER Olivenose! 💙 says:


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