• Hey Drizzlepaw, I’m figuring out the kickoff game. I have many many ideas
    Name that Apprentice
    Apprentice +Mentor vs Apprentice +Mentor (some game)
    Name that Purrsona
    Write a story line by line
    Mossball (Warriors Trivia)
    Who did it: Warriors Mystery
    Roleplay contest (I give them a prompt, they split into teams and go and roleplay it on a secret page, I judge who had the most creative roleplay off of the prompt.)
    Guess that canon cat
    Guess that WaffleClan cat
    What team can make the most chaos in 5 min (they go on a secret page and make chaos. After 5 min I judge who made the most)
    Who drew it?
    Two truths and a lie

    I want to play all of these at some point but I don’t know which one the kickoff game should be. Any ideas?

    • Hello sorry it was late! My condo was in a full power shutdown yesterday and I couldn’t use my laptop!
      How about NTA? A lot of cats are familiar with it and I can draw the final winner’s purrsona! The second cat can draw a headshot of their one too!
      How about creating randomness: you just create a random sentence like this:
      a goldfish suddenly flew out of the trash and slapped my face so I danced with sadness. 😛

    • and how about for the NTA: u can get some of the apprentices names in WaffleClan and name them!
      For example:
      1st round!

      something like that. And the peeps give warriors names for those! like Doerose, Doeskip, Doerain, like that!

  • Hey, Doestar! If you have any writing/drawing requests that has to be made, (eg: WaffleClan logo(done), Full picture shot of WaffleClanners, fan fiction for WaffleClan, etc) then you can always ask me, and I will post it onto the WaffleClan page! Thank you!

  • Hey Drizzlepaw!
    Two things:
    One: You’ve been an amazing deputy and I couldn’t keep WaffleClan going without you. So thank you a LOT.
    Two: I just want to say that maybe you could run the WaffleClan art page and the WaffleClan fanfiction and stuff like that by me first? You ARE an amazing deputy and I’ll probably approve everything anyways but idk I mean that’s what this page is for right?
    Three: Refer back to number one. YOU’RE AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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