• Welcome to the BrightClan camp! This is where anything that happens on BrightClan territory will take place. (For reference, this spans WindClan and ThunderClan territory).

  • Faithstar reared up on her hind legs, swiping at the air. Should be faster. Can’t give them time to use their powers. She tried again, and again.

    Battle training was one of the most essential parts of her life. She’d already lost four of her nine lives; she couldn’t lose any more or she’d put her Clan in jeopardy.

  • Cloudfeather raced through the forest, going as fast as his limbs would allow him. The white tom had witnessed a dark grey tabby on their territory, trying to catch a hawk. Weirdly enough, the cat seemed to have turned itself into a dark shadow of sorts once they saw him.
    Typical Darkclan cat, stealing prey and slinking in the dark. I bet their name is something like Evilshadow or Immoralfur.

    Cloudfeather pressed onward

    Nightstep ran away from the White tom, tired and afraid. He didn´t want imagine his leader´s scowling face when they heard he was taken hostage by Brightclanners for doing something so dumb, let alone the punishment. However, exhaustion gave way as he felt himself leave his shadow form, only a river he could have escaped from within eye distance. Soon after, Nightstep collapsed, panting.

  • -Dazzlepaw-

    “Gleampaw? Where is she?” Dazzlepaw grumbled. She followed her sister’s scent and realised that she had gone into the tunnels.
    “Don’t tell me I have to get dirty…” Dazzlepaw sighed.
    She carefully treaded down the tunnel.
    “Gleampaw?” Dazzlepaw called sweetly. “You’ve been down here ever since Blazepaw left.”
    “I thought I trusted him.” Gleampaw said quietly. It was clear she was trying to make light.
    “Your powers will come.” Dazzlepaw reassured her.

    • “Dazzlepaw, Gleampaw.” Faithstar padded up. “How are you doing?”

  • Flashpaw waltzed into camp, carrying 2 plump mice and a vole from their tails. he had his chin held high and sparks flew from his pelt.

      • Cloudfeather entered camp, with an exhausted Nightstep beside him, panting heavily. Cloudfeather allowed the Darkclanner to collapse to the ground before allowing his wings to grow from his back, just in case the cat attempted to flee or fight. He looked up to Faithstar (assuming shes in the camp; If not, pretend he asked to get Faithstar),
        ¨I found this Darkclan tom trying to catch a hawk on our territory.¨

        • Faithstar growled. “I see,” she said. “Prey-stealing, isn’t he?” Narrowing her eyes, she said, “It’d be wrong to kill him, but we can’t let him walk free. Let’s keep him prisoner.”

          • 🌿Sagepaw|Dust Thats Sprinkled On Sage Leaf|I'm so bored!!!!|Sage|Dusty Sage|Dusty🌿 says:

            Lightfern stalked around in the undergrowth, ears pricked for more prey. Just one more! Perhaps I should grow and pick some herbs, it would be useful, as we are running low. After she made her catch, she headed to the camp.

            -Few moments later-
            As she trotted to the entrance to the camp, she scented an unusual but familiar scent lingering in the air. DarkClan! she realized. The scent was new, though faint. She padded into camp and soon saw an unfamiliar cat. His pelt reeked with the scent of DarkClan. She put down her prey and set of herbs. “What did I miss? Why is a DarkClan cat here?”

            • Icewillow growled. “He was prey-stealing. Cloudfeather caught him.”

              He glanced at Lightfern. “Nice catch, though.”

              • 🌿Sagepaw|Dust Thats Sprinkled On Sage Leaf|I'm so bored!!!!|Sage|Dusty Sage|Dusty🌿 says:

                “Thanks.” She meowed with a nod. “He’ll have fun here.” In more of a whisper she said, “What is Faithstar going to do with him? he’s not going paws-free. Right?”

                • ~Flashpaw~
                  the young tom eagerly darted around the darkclan tom. electricity flew through hi pelt, puffing it up making it twice it’s size. sparks flew from his pelt.
                  “What are we going to do with him?” he squeaked exitedly.

  • Faithstar nodded at (insert cat here). “We’ll guard him over there,” she said, nodding at a depression in the earth. “From there-we can use him as a bargaining chip, or maybe something else.” She looked around. “Any ideas?”

    • ~Flashpaw~
      “we can teach him to be good, and let him join our clan, new warriors are never a bad thing” he meowed, his pelt still sparking from excitement

    • 🌿Sagepaw|Dust Thats Sprinkled On Sage Leaf|I'm so bored!!!!|Sage|Dusty Sage|Dusty🌿 says:

      -Lightfern- The light brown she-cat meowed, “Perhaps we can invite him on hunting patrols, but with other cats to make sure he doesn’t escape.” She suggested. “Or keep him prisoner and wait for DarkClan to act, that way he can do simple apprentice tasks or hunting.” She added. {I’ll guard if ya want}

      • ~Flashpaw~
        “if he tries to escape i can just use my power on him, then we’ll have 30 seconds to get him back under control” he meowed, calming down slightly

    • “Good idea!” Faithstar said. “Lightfern, will you guard him?”

      • 🌿Sagepaw|Dust Thats Sprinkled On Sage Leaf|I'm so bored!!!!|Sage|Dusty Sage|Dusty🌿 says:

        “Yes of course.”

    • -Mistbreeze-

      “What if we just send a patrol over to DarkClan telling them about (I think the cat is Nightstep because in DarkClan that’s what it says… Idk tho?) trespassing, and we can demand extra prey or more territory?”

      • Faithstar nodded. “That’s a good idea. Shall we do it now?” she looked around.

        • -Skytail-
          “Could I go on this patrol?” Mistbreeze nodded beside him. “I want to as well.”

          • “Okay,” Faithstar said. “Let’s leave-wait a minute.” She sniffed the air. “DarkClan!”

      • 🌿Sagepaw|Dust Thats Sprinkled On Sage Leaf|I'm so bored!!!!|Sage|Dusty Sage|Dusty🌿 says:

        “No Lightkit,” Lightfern purred. “The warriors will do it.”

  • Faithstar yowled to gather the Clan. “Lightkit, you have reached six moons of age and it is time for you to begin your training. From this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Lightpaw. [anyone wanna mentor?], I know you will pass down your skills and knowledge to her.” She stepped back. “You will make our Clan proud.”

  • Stormstar waved to the patrol, crouching outside the BrightClan camp. “Are we ready?”

    • 🌿Sagepaw|Dust Thats Sprinkled On Sage Leaf|I'm so bored!!!!|Sage|Dusty Sage|Dusty🌿 says:

      “Wait.” She paused, letting her apprentice follow. “I smell DarkClan scent! Come!” She hissed. She broke into a run and headed towards the BrightClan camp. She paused near a tree close to the BrightClan camp. “Looks like someones looking for their clanmate..” she’d whisper, pointing her tail to the invading patrol. “Don’t move.”

      • -Rainlight-
        “Wait! I hear someone. It might be BrightClan! Can Fogpaw hide us well enough?”

      • 🌿Sagepaw|Dust Thats Sprinkled On Sage Leaf|I'm so bored!!!!|Sage|Dusty Sage|Dusty🌿 says:

        She dashed a bramble bush under [Insert cat] [insert cat].

      • Icewillow froze. DarkClan cats on our territory! “What should we do?” he hissed.

    • -Fogpaw-
      She slowly moved a fog into the camp. Making sure no-one could see except the patrol. “Come on we need to do this quickly,” she whispered.

      • -Rainlight-
        Whispering quietly so that only the patrol can hear, she said, “I think we should just go and grab him. Everyone can see well enough right?”

        • Stormstar gave a sharp nod. “Let’s go,” she said.

          She darted down into the camp. Where is he?

          • 🌿Sagepaw|Dust Thats Sprinkled On Sage Leaf|I'm so bored!!!!|Sage|Dusty Sage|Dusty🌿 says:

            Lightfern dashed in and covered brambles and thorns at the depression where the DarkClan cat was.

            • Icewillow gasped as the DarkClan leader dashed by him. “Intruder! Stormstar’s coming!”

    • Stormstar shoved past the guards into the camp. She glanced around, grateful for the fog. Where is he? Did Faithstar have someone who could turn cats invisible?

      No, that was impossible. Stormstar was good at keeping an eye on these things.

      But where was he?

  • 😮 the page of the role play I used to be in ahah

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