• (So it looks like two cats want to be Leopardpaw’s mentor. Should Eaglemane be her mentor or should Tigerprowl? Emberstream will decide this. 😉)
    -Orchidstar- Orchidstar glanced at Venomseer. That cat had to control ver temper! But all the cats in her Clan were fiercesome, great warriors. Some were just a bit more… difficult. “Yes, you may go,” she said calmly. Then she looked at Tigerprowl. “Thanks for checking. You are a great deputy. The cats who’re going are…” she stared down. “Boaflower, Vinepelt, Leopardpaw, Ocelotpaw, Sundewgleam, Dropletpaw, Tigerprowl, and Venomseer. That’s eight cats, a bit too much. Vinepelt, will you stay behind to guard camp? Everyone else can go.”

    -Vinepelt- Vinepelt broke away from Boaflower and nodded, dipping xir head. “Of course. I’ll defend every cat here.”

    -Macawpoppy- Macawpoppy stood with her three kits, Junglekit, Coffeekit, and Stonekit. She hushed them. She was glad her Clan was going to find a new home; she had just saved Junglekit from being hurt by an army ant colony. “Ssh, little ones,” she murmured quietly to them.

    • 💥ᠻꪶꪖ᥅ꫀꫝꫀꪖ᥅ꪻ❤𝕗Lᗩя𝒆𝕡άW💥𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊❤𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪💥Belugasong💦 Oreo's are cool says:

      Ocelotpaw smiled happily, then walked to the patrol leader making sure to step on leopardpaws tail and kick dirt on her. it wasn’t his fault his father hated him. but he tried not to let it affect him. Leopardpaw can call him a coward and tell him to shut up all she wants. she doesn’t know him as well as she thinks, and somehow that sat right with him.

        • 💥ᠻꪶꪖ᥅ꫀꫝꫀꪖ᥅ꪻ❤𝕗Lᗩя𝒆𝕡άW💥𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊❤𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪💥Belugasong💦 Who is eating Oreo icecream cake, YUM says:

          he turned around and smiled at Leopardpaw,
          “take your own advice” was the only thing he said. before speeding ahead, a smile still plastered on his face.

          (Is it ok with you if Minkpaw and Leopardpaw are sisters?)
          The she-cat was surprised by how smoothly Ocelotpaw handled the situation, though him hiding behind a medicine cat was cowardly, Alliumpatch was practically his Acting mother, she was going to protect him from anyone who even thought of laying a claw on Ocelotpaw. she walked over to Ocelotpaw, making sure Leopardpaw can see her bright and clear.
          “Good job handling that, Leopardpaw can be a Flea-brain at times” She meowed Loud enough or the other she-cat could here

      • 💥ᠻꪶꪖ᥅ꫀꫝꫀꪖ᥅ꪻ❤𝕗Lᗩя𝒆𝕡άW💥𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊❤𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪💥Belugasong💦 Who is eating Oreo icecream cake, YUM says:

        She turned to Leopardpaw, noticing the looks she gave Ocelotpaw. she gave the apprentice a Menacing look.
        “Watch your words Leopardpaw, or you’ll be disappointed, you don’t know Ocelotpaw as well as you think, maybe put in the effort to learn something about someone before setting a false image about them next time” she meowed. the turned and headed for her den to set up some traveling herbs for the traveling group.

        (Also can Minkpaw and Ocelotpaw get mentors?)

  • -Orchidstar- “Okay, the cats I have announced are the ONLY ones going, and that is final.” She had to stop this before it DID turn into a Clan field trip. “Everyone else will stay here and protect our territory.” She flicked her tail at Tigerprowl, signaling for her deputy to go ahead and lead the patrol.

    • 💙🌊✨Stream's Lark (Ancient)/Frosted Stream that Shines at Dawn (Tribe of Rushing Water), Stream (Sisters), Streamer (kittypet), Streamy (loner),\Streamstar (leader), Streamlark (warrior, she/her)💙🌊✨ says:

      (So the VenomClan cats are going to scout the lakeside since they want to invade CloudClan territory to find a better home)😊

  • Leopardpaw drew to the edge of the clearing, separating herself from the rest of the cats, and started smoothing her ruffled fur. Alliumpatch’s words rang in her ears and she flicked her tail. She thinks she knows so much, she thought angerly, well she doesn’t know me. No one does. She sat with her tail curled neatly around her paws and waited for orders.

  • 💙🌊✨Stream's Lark (Ancient)/Frosted Stream that Shines at Dawn (Tribe of Rushing Water), Stream (Sisters), Streamer (kittypet), Streamy (loner),\Streamstar (leader), Streamlark (warrior, she/her)💙🌊✨ says:

    -Boaflower- Boaflower walked out of the rainforest, behind Tigerprowl with the rest of the patrol. The dense, roofed trees faded into a beautiful blue sky. They walked for a long time, possibly three days, and then saw a crystal clear lake and an amazing, prey-filled forest around it. Her breath caught in her throat and she wished that Vinepelt was there to see this. This will be our home soon, she reminded herself and called to the others. “Come on, let’s see the territory!”

  • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:


    To everyone playing this:


    I’m sorry, but there are only two people RP-ing this that are active on this roleplay right now: Drizz and I. And this wasn’t meant for just 2 players. Thanks for doing the roleplay, Drizz, but there just aren’t enough people to continue it. It was really fun to play with you all! This also means that Character Creation is closed and nobody can comment anymore.

    I’m really sorry! It was fun to play with you all!

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