
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
CLAIM because it is mine
Ok, I will finally make use of this page because it has been lying on the dusty corners for more than a month. SOOO
I will move BlossomClan murder mystery here. YAY!.
Leader: Icestar – Fluffy gray and white she-cat with ice blue eyes (Lilaca)
Deputy: Viperdusk – Fluffy gray tom with golden eyes (Flintshard’s brother) ((Ambixie))
Medicine cat: Snowstorm – Pure white she-cat with golden-copper eyes (Flintshard’s apprentice) ((Ambixie))
Sagethorn – Thick-furred light brown tabby tom with green eyes and white paws (Lilaca)
Apprentice, Briarpaw (Brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and cream chest and underbelly) ((Ria))
Thornfrost – Golden brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and white ears (Lilaca)
Apprentice, Riverpaw (Blue-gray tabby and white she-cat with stone-gray eyes) ((Lilaca))
Cottonshard – White she-cat with brown, grey, and golden overlapping flecks and green eyes (Cotton)
Flinthaze – White tom with green eyes and gray and black paws and black eartips (Blackie)
Apprentice, Eaglepaw (Golden tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes) ((Aquila))
Applefrost – Brown tabby she-cat with snowy white paws, chest, and muzzle and ice-blue eyes (Silver)
Sungleam (Spiritshade)
Mistblossom – Pale gray she-cat with green eyes and fluffy white tail (Mother to Sagethorn’s kits: Snowkit, Frostkit) ((Lilaca))
Ivydew – Silver tabby and white she-cat with blue eyes (mother to Viperdusk’s kits: Primrosekit, Jinglekit, Iriskit, Silverkit; fostering Ambxie) ((Flintshard’s friend)) (((Ambixie)))
Snowkit – Fluffy white tom with crystal blue eyes (Lilaca)
Frostkit – Fluffy black she-cat with one white paw and ear (Lilaca)
Primrosekit – Fluffy gray tabby she-cat with unusual gray eyes (Ambixie)
Jinglekit – Silver tabby and white tom with blue eyes (Ambixie)
Iriskit – Fluffy gray she-cat with copper eyes (Ambixie)
Silverkit – Fluffy white she-cat with silver stripes and and yellow eyes (Ambixie)
Ambixie – Black she-cat with silver stripes and white spots and three white paws and sky blue eyes (Ambixie)
Oh no! Flintshard (the medicine cat), has been found dead! Snowstorm claimed she found the body in the medicine den next to a piece of half-eaten fresh-kill.
Before you play, you have to read the rules:
– For those who have already signed up, your name is listed next to your character. If your character is asked, then you have to respond.
– If you haven’t signed up, you can apply to as many characters as you want anytime.
– You can accuse anyone anytime. Once two cats are accused, a vote is held to see who gets the most votes. The one with the most votes is executed. Their position is revealed after they die.
– If you are playing the murderer and you have other characters, pretend they don’t know who the murderer is.
– If you are playing the murderer, you can offer to kill one or two other cats. They will be murdered after voting.
– All of the cats tagged “Lilaca” are innocent.
– If the murderer is executed, the cats who voted for the correct murderer will get a point. If not, the murderer will get a point. The game ends when the murderer has 5 points and the person behind the screen will get a point.
– For the form, this is creating cats, not claiming. (and act like the newly added cats were always there)
– Ask up to two questions to anyone.
– If you ask a question not directed at a specific target, anyone who happens to know the answer can answer it.
Jinglekit, have there been any changes in camp recently? (by Briarpaw)
Uh…I don’t think so…well, the apprentices are avoiding the medicine den. I guess they don’t like the smell of death.
Icestar, do you think a kit could be the killer? (by Briarpaw)
Snowstorm thinks that Flintshard was poisoned by deathberries, so I don’t think kits have anything to do with this.
Snowstorm, were there any unfarmiliar scents in the den? (by Cotton)
You mean the medicine den? Well.. I did smell some catmint left out. And SOMEONE smothered all the juniper! But there weren’t any strange smells, apart from the scent of death.
Snowstorm, were you close to Flintshard?
Yes, I was very close. She was my mentor!
Is there any other in the clan that can use herbs?
Snowstorm: …I could. Some of the apprentices knew how. And I think Flinthaze knew. Also Icestar.
BlogClan name:
BlossomClan name:
Secret area (Must be filled out if you want to be the murderer next round):
And yeah, play.
Blogclan Name: Sunny
Blossomclan name: Freshwish
Rank: Expecting queen
Appearance: a pale grey/silver with blue eyes
Blossomclan Name: Stormeyes
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: a dark grey tom with bright yellow eyes
Other: mates with Freshwish
Name: Blossomleaf
Rank: medicine cat
Appearance: a brown tabby with green eyes
Name: Shadepaw
Rank: apprentice
Appearance: a pitch black tom with green eyes
Secret place: an abandoned twoleg nest
Name: Ashblaze
Rank: warrior
Appearance: a ginger tom with hazel eyes
Secret place: an underground cave
Other: he can be mates with whoever
No, the “Secret Place” means that somewhere where I can privately contact you if you become the murderer because if you are the murderer, you get to chose who dies, how, and why.
(but your characters are still allowed, just not allowed to be murderer)
Ohhhhhh okay, sorry.
I don’t think I have any secret pages i can use
BlogClan Name- Dustpaw/heart
BlossomClan Name- Pouncewish
Rank- Warrior
Secret Area- umm you can contact me in the rules/comments/questions section in Ravenkit’s and my RP in the RP discussion page
Appearance- Dappled, smokey gray tom with brassy, shiny eyes(Brass is a metallic brown, basically, but kinda lighter.. you know what, just google it, I cant explain it)
Personality- Keeps to himself, secretly in love with Icestar, feels a very deep affection for her and loves her more than anything in the world, but shies away from her. He keeps his feeling to himself though sometimes asks to share prey with her.
Leader: Icestar – Fluffy gray and white she-cat with ice blue eyes (Lilaca)
Deputy: Viperdusk – Fluffy gray tom with golden eyes (Flintshard’s brother) ((Ambixie))
Medicine cat: Snowstorm – Pure white she-cat with golden-copper eyes (Flintshard’s apprentice) ((Ambixie))
Apprentice, Blossomleaf (Brown tabby she-cat with green eyes) ((Sunny))
Sagethorn – Thick-furred light brown tabby tom with green eyes and white paws (Lilaca)
Apprentice, Briarpaw (Brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and cream chest and underbelly) ((Ria))
Thornfrost – Golden brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and white ears (Lilaca)
Apprentice, Riverpaw (Blue-gray tabby and white she-cat with stone-gray eyes) ((Lilaca))
Cottonshard – White she-cat with brown, grey, and golden overlapping flecks and green eyes (Cotton)
Apprentice, Shadepaw (Pitch black tom with green eyes) ((Sunny))
Flinthaze – White tom with green eyes and gray and black paws and black eartips (Blackie)
Apprentice, Eaglepaw (Golden tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes) ((Aquila))
Applefrost – Brown tabby she-cat with snowy white paws, chest, and muzzle and ice-blue eyes (Silver)
Sungleam (Spiritshade)
Stormeyes – Dark gray tom with bright yellow eyes (Sunny)
Ashblaze – Ginger tom with hazel eyes (Sunny)
Mistblossom – Pale gray she-cat with green eyes and fluffy white tail (Mother to Sagethorn’s kits: Snowkit, Frostkit) ((Lilaca))
Ivydew – Silver tabby and white she-cat with blue eyes (mother to Viperdusk’s kits: Primrosekit, Jinglekit, Iriskit, Silverkit; fostering Ambxie) ((Flintshard’s friend)) (((Ambixie)))
Freshwish – Silver-gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes (expecting Stormeyes’ kits) ((Sunny))
Snowkit – Fluffy white tom with crystal blue eyes (Lilaca)
Frostkit – Fluffy black she-cat with one white paw and ear (Lilaca)
Primrosekit – Fluffy gray tabby she-cat with unusual gray eyes (Ambixie)
Jinglekit – Silver tabby and white tom with blue eyes (Ambixie)
Iriskit – Fluffy gray she-cat with copper eyes (Ambixie)
Silverkit – Fluffy white she-cat with silver stripes and and yellow eyes (Ambixie)
Ambixie – Black she-cat with silver stripes and white spots and three white paws and sky blue eyes (Ambixie)
Oh no! Flintshard (the medicine cat), has been found dead! Snowstorm claimed she found the body in the medicine den next to a piece of half-eaten fresh-kill.
Before you play, you have to read the rules:
– For those who have already signed up, your name is listed next to your character. If your character is asked, then you have to respond.
– If you haven’t signed up, you can apply to as many characters as you want anytime.
– You can accuse anyone anytime. Once two cats are accused, a vote is held to see who gets the most votes. The one with the most votes is executed. Their position is revealed after they die.
– If you are playing the murderer and you have other characters, pretend they don’t know who the murderer is.
– If you are playing the murderer, you can offer to kill one or two other cats. They will be murdered after voting.
– All of the cats tagged “Lilaca” are innocent.
– If the murderer is executed, the cats who voted for the correct murderer will get a point. If not, the murderer will get a point. The game ends when the murderer has 5 points and the person behind the screen will get a point.
– BlossomClan needs more warriors
– Ask up to two questions to anyone.
Briarpaw: Jinglekit, have there been any changes in camp recently?
Jinglekit: Uh…I don’t think so….well, the apprentices are avoding the medicine den. I guess they don’t like the smell of death.
Briarpaw: Icestar, do you think a kit could be the killer?
Icestar: Snowstorm thinks that Flintshard was poisoned by deathberries, and kits don’t even know where her store is.
Cottonshard: Snowstorm, were there any unfamiliar scents in the den?
Snowstorm: You mean the medicine den? Well… I did smell some catmint left out. And SOMEONE smothered all of the juniper! But there weren’t any stragne smells, apart from the scent of death.
Sungleam: Snowstorm, were you close to Flintshard?
Snowstorm: Yes, I was very close. She was my mentor!
Sungleam: Is there any other cat in the clan that can use herbs?
Snowstorm: …I could. Some of the apprentices knew how. And I think Flinthaze knew. Also Icestar.
BlogClan name:
BlossomClan name:
Secret page/area:
Stormeyes: Icestar, did anyone dislike Flintshard?
Stormeyes: Icestar, did Flintshard ever fail to rescue anyone?’
I get two questions total right?
no, its two questions per update.
so next time I post this you get your two questions back
ok thanks
Leader: Icestar – Fluffy gray and white she-cat with ice blue eyes (Lilaca)
Deputy: Viperdusk – Fluffy gray tom with golden eyes (Flintshard’s brother) ((Ambixie))
Medicine cat: Snowstorm – Pure white she-cat with golden-copper eyes (Flintshard’s apprentice) ((Ambixie))
Apprentice, Blossomleaf (Brown tabby she-cat with green eyes) ((Sunny))
Sagethorn – Thick-furred light brown tabby tom with green eyes and white paws (Lilaca)
Apprentice, Briarpaw (Brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and cream chest and underbelly) ((Ria))
Thornfrost – Golden brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and white ears (Lilaca)
Apprentice, Riverpaw (Blue-gray tabby and white she-cat with stone-gray eyes) ((Lilaca))
Cottonshard – White she-cat with brown, grey, and golden overlapping flecks and green eyes (Cotton)
Apprentice, Shadepaw (Pitch black tom with green eyes) ((Sunny))
Flinthaze – White tom with green eyes and gray and black paws and black eartips (Blackie)
Apprentice, Eaglepaw (Golden tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes) ((Aquila))
Applefrost – Brown tabby she-cat with snowy white paws, chest, and muzzle and ice-blue eyes (Silver)
Sungleam (Spiritshade)
Stormeyes – Dark gray tom with bright yellow eyes (Sunny)
Ashblaze – Ginger tom with hazel eyes (Sunny)
Pouncewish – Dappled smoky gray tom with brass-colored eyes (Dustpaw)
Mistblossom – Pale gray she-cat with green eyes and fluffy white tail (Mother to Sagethorn’s kits: Snowkit, Frostkit) ((Lilaca))
Ivydew – Silver tabby and white she-cat with blue eyes (mother to Viperdusk’s kits: Primrosekit, Jinglekit, Iriskit, Silverkit; fostering Ambxie) ((Flintshard’s friend)) (((Ambixie)))
Freshwish – Silver-gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes (expecting Stormeyes’ kits) ((Sunny))
Snowkit – Fluffy white tom with crystal blue eyes (Lilaca)
Frostkit – Fluffy black she-cat with one white paw and ear (Lilaca)
Primrosekit – Fluffy gray tabby she-cat with unusual gray eyes (Ambixie)
Jinglekit – Silver tabby and white tom with blue eyes (Ambixie)
Iriskit – Fluffy gray she-cat with copper eyes (Ambixie)
Silverkit – Fluffy white she-cat with silver stripes and and yellow eyes (Ambixie)
Ambixie – Black she-cat with silver stripes and white spots and three white paws and sky blue eyes (Ambixie)
Oh no! Flintshard (the medicine cat), has been found dead! Snowstorm claimed she found the body in the medicine den next to a piece of half-eaten fresh-kill.
Before you play, you have to read the rules:
– For those who have already signed up, your name is listed next to your character. If your character is asked, then you have to respond.
– If you haven’t signed up, you can apply to as many characters as you want anytime.
– You can accuse anyone anytime. Once two cats are accused, a vote is held to see who gets the most votes. The one with the most votes is executed. Their position is revealed after they die.
– If you are playing the murderer and you have other characters, pretend they don’t know who the murderer is.
– If you are playing the murderer, you can offer to kill one or two other cats. They will be murdered after voting.
– All of the cats tagged “Lilaca” are innocent.
– If the murderer is executed, the cats who voted for the correct murderer will get a point. If not, the murderer will get a point. The game ends when the murderer has 5 points and the person behind the screen will get a point.
– BlossomClan needs more warriors
– Ask up to two questions to anyone.
Briarpaw: Jinglekit, have there been any changes in camp recently?
Jinglekit: Uh…I don’t think so….well, the apprentices are avoding the medicine den. I guess they don’t like the smell of death.
Briarpaw: Icestar, do you think a kit could be the killer?
Icestar: Snowstorm thinks that Flintshard was poisoned by deathberries, and kits don’t even know where her store is.
Cottonshard: Snowstorm, were there any unfamiliar scents in the den?
Snowstorm: You mean the medicine den? Well… I did smell some catmint left out. And SOMEONE smothered all of the juniper! But there weren’t any stragne smells, apart from the scent of death.
Sungleam: Snowstorm, were you close to Flintshard?
Snowstorm: Yes, I was very close. She was my mentor!
Sungleam: Is there any other cat in the clan that can use herbs?
Snowstorm: …I could. Some of the apprentices knew how. And I think Flinthaze knew. Also Icestar.
Stormeyes: Icestar, did anyone dislike Flintshard?
Icestar: No, she was quite well-liked.
Stormeyes: Icestar, did Flintshard ever fail to rescue anyone?
Icestar: No.
BlogClan name:
BlossomClan name:
Secret page/area:
Blogclan name: Dawnkit
blossomclan name: moonfire
rank: warrior
blogclan name: dawnkit
blossomclan name: Rosepetal
rank: expecting queen
Blogclan name: dawnkit
Blossomclan name: Lilypaw
lilypaw is an apprentice
blogclan name: dawnkit
blossomclan name: Whiteclaw
rank: warrior
other: Rosepeatal’s mate
Leader: Icestar – Fluffy gray and white she-cat with ice blue eyes (Lilaca)
Deputy: Viperdusk – Fluffy gray tom with golden eyes (Flintshard’s brother) ((Ambixie))
Medicine cat: Snowstorm – Pure white she-cat with golden-copper eyes (Flintshard’s apprentice) ((Ambixie))
Apprentice, Blossomleaf (Brown tabby she-cat with green eyes) ((Sunny))
Sagethorn – Thick-furred light brown tabby tom with green eyes and white paws (Lilaca)
Apprentice, Briarpaw (Brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and cream chest and underbelly) ((Ria))
Thornfrost – Golden brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and white ears (Lilaca)
Apprentice, Riverpaw (Blue-gray tabby and white she-cat with stone-gray eyes) ((Lilaca))
Cottonshard – White she-cat with brown, grey, and golden overlapping flecks and green eyes (Cotton)
Apprentice, Shadepaw (Pitch black tom with green eyes) ((Sunny))
Flinthaze – White tom with green eyes and gray and black paws and black eartips (Blackie)
Apprentice, Eaglepaw (Golden tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes) ((Aquila))
Applefrost – Brown tabby she-cat with snowy white paws, chest, and muzzle and ice-blue eyes (Silver)
Sungleam (Spiritshade)
Stormeyes – Dark gray tom with bright yellow eyes (Sunny)
Ashblaze – Ginger tom with hazel eyes (Sunny)
Pouncewish – Dappled smoky gray tom with brass-colored eyes (Dustpaw)
Moonfire (Dawnkit)
Whiteclaw (Dawnkit)
Apprentice, Lilypaw (Dawnkit)
Mistblossom – Pale gray she-cat with green eyes and fluffy white tail (Mother to Sagethorn’s kits: Snowkit, Frostkit) ((Lilaca))
Ivydew – Silver tabby and white she-cat with blue eyes (mother to Viperdusk’s kits: Primrosekit, Jinglekit, Iriskit, Silverkit; fostering Ambxie) ((Flintshard’s friend)) (((Ambixie)))
Freshwish – Silver-gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes (expecting Stormeyes’ kits) ((Sunny))
Rosepetal (expecting Whiteclaws’ kits) ((Dawnkit))
Snowkit – Fluffy white tom with crystal blue eyes (Lilaca)
Frostkit – Fluffy black she-cat with one white paw and ear (Lilaca)
Primrosekit – Fluffy gray tabby she-cat with unusual gray eyes (Ambixie)
Jinglekit – Silver tabby and white tom with blue eyes (Ambixie)
Iriskit – Fluffy gray she-cat with copper eyes (Ambixie)
Silverkit – Fluffy white she-cat with silver stripes and and yellow eyes (Ambixie)
Ambixie – Black she-cat with silver stripes and white spots and three white paws and sky blue eyes (Ambixie)
Oh no! Flintshard (the medicine cat), has been found dead! Snowstorm claimed she found the body in the medicine den next to a piece of half-eaten fresh-kill.
Before you play, you have to read the rules:
– For those who have already signed up, your name is listed next to your character. If your character is asked, then you have to respond.
– If you haven’t signed up, you can apply to as many characters as you want anytime.
– You can accuse anyone anytime. Once two cats are accused, a vote is held to see who gets the most votes. The one with the most votes is executed. Their position is revealed after they die.
– If you are playing the murderer and you have other characters, pretend they don’t know who the murderer is.
– If you are playing the murderer, you can offer to kill one or two other cats. They will be murdered after voting.
– All of the cats tagged “Lilaca” are innocent.
– If the murderer is executed, the cats who voted for the correct murderer will get a point. If not, the murderer will get a point. The game ends when the murderer has 5 points and the person behind the screen will get a point.
– BlossomClan needs more warriors
– Ask up to two questions to anyone.
Briarpaw: Jinglekit, have there been any changes in camp recently?
Jinglekit: Uh…I don’t think so….well, the apprentices are avoding the medicine den. I guess they don’t like the smell of death.
Briarpaw: Icestar, do you think a kit could be the killer?
Icestar: Snowstorm thinks that Flintshard was poisoned by deathberries, and kits don’t even know where her store is.
Cottonshard: Snowstorm, were there any unfamiliar scents in the den?
Snowstorm: You mean the medicine den? Well… I did smell some catmint left out. And SOMEONE smothered all of the juniper! But there weren’t any stragne smells, apart from the scent of death.
Sungleam: Snowstorm, were you close to Flintshard?
Snowstorm: Yes, I was very close. She was my mentor!
Sungleam: Is there any other cat in the clan that can use herbs?
Snowstorm: …I could. Some of the apprentices knew how. And I think Flinthaze knew. Also Icestar.
Stormeyes: Icestar, did anyone dislike Flintshard?
Icestar: No, she was quite well-liked.
Stormeyes: Icestar, did Flintshard ever fail to rescue anyone?
Icestar: No.
BlogClan name:
BlossomClan name:
Secret page/area:
since it has been a year [[RECLAIM]]
Ah, well, looks like I have abandoned this page.
Since my attempts for forging special pages for QAMDO have failed, I’m just going to use old secret pages instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aight, so here are the rules:
[spoiler title=”Currency Corner”] Viper: +1 golden coin, +2 silver coins (Silvershutter, Blizzardflash, Echosnap)
Riv: +1 golden coin (Silvershutter)
Hawk: +1 silver coin, +1 interesting coin (Hawkshutter, Feathershine*)
Lil: +3 silver coins (Whistleshutter, Flickersnap, Flipclick)
Kestry: +3 golden coins (Blueblink, Bubbleshine, Creekclick)
Florie: +1 silver coin (Dawnflash)
Sunnie: +1 silver coin (Squirrelflash)
Silvy: +1 silver coin (Iceflash)
Midnight: +1 golden coin, +1 silver coin (Rockflash, Sugarsnap)
Starla: +1 golden coin, +1 silver coin (Beltsnap, Lockclick)
*Feathershine was the name of one of my murder mystery characters [/spoiler]
All players who has at least some money in the QAMDO bank accounts are automatically in. Winner will receive 5 golden coins, 2nd place will receive 5 silver coins, and 1st place will receive 5 bronze coins.
[spoiler title=”The Summary (VIOLENCE WARNING”] The Bloodbath
Icestripe shoots a poisonous blow dart into Sunwillow’s neck, slowly killing her.
Minktail and Kestrelfeather fight for a bag. Kestrelfeather strangles Minktail with the straps and runs.
Day 1
Lilydawn, Springtail, and Icepelt start fighting, but Springtail runs away as Lilydawn kills Icepelt.
Night 1
Shimmerstorm attacks Riverfrost, but Brightspark protects her, killing Shimmerstorm.
Icestripe severely injures Flame and leaves them to die.
Day 2
No deaths occurred.
Night 2
No deaths occurred.
Day 3
Flowermistle begs for Springtail to kill her. She reluctantly obliges, killing Flowermistle.
Night 3
Kestrelfeather poisons Silverfeather’s drink. She drinks it and dies.
Viperfrost kills Icestripe with a sickle.
Day 4
Leafshadow dies from an infection.
Kestrelfeather throws a knife into Midnight’s chest.
Night 4
Springtail dies from hypothermia.
Day 5
Kestrelfeather’s trap kills Starmist.
Swirlfeather repeatedly stabs Rainypaw to death with sais.
Echopaw attacks Riverpond, but Brightspark protects her, killing Echopaw.
Night 5
Brightspark decapitates Riverpond with a sword.
The Feast
Lilydawn throws a knife into Riverfrost’s head.
Brightspark severely injures Swirlfeather and leaves them to die.
Hawkwhisker sets Kestrelfeather on fire with a molotov.
Shimmerstorm bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
Rabbitflame bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
Day 6
No deaths occurred.
Night 6
No deaths occurred.
Day 7
No deaths occurred.
Night 7
Brightspark severely slices Viperfrost with a sword.
Day 8
Hawkwhisker bashes Brightspark’s head in with a mace.
Lilydawn dies from thirst.
The winner is Hawkwhisker from District 12! [/spoiler]
As you know, Hawk is 1st place, Lil is 2nd, and Bright is 3rd! Will be receiving the coins next round!
And for y’all? Just…comment? Play the other games?
Totally coincidental that I died of thirst when I never drink water lol
lil why did you kill me >:{
My kill count-4
My being killed count-1
will this work eh
h u h noises
work mebbe?
edit: nope
But at the same time, I still want to keep this page