• Claimed or me and Coldheart! 🙂
    (Thank you very much for this page, Pineblossom! <3)

  • Hi Coldheart! <3

    Here are a few more things about me:
    -I'm lactose intolerant 🥛🐮 Are you allergic to anything?
    -I have a little bit of trypophobia. Do you have any phobias?
    -My favorite board game is chess!♟️What's your favorite board game?
    -I really love to run and swim! Do you do any sports? I also like hockey, but I've only played it once or twice.
    -I love to read and write! Do you? ✍🏻📚
    -I also like to draw, but I can only do cartoon people and animals.
    -I really love nature and animals! I'm very into protecting the planet! <3 🌎💖

    And some warrior- related things:
    -I really really ship Feather x Crow, but you already know that 😛
    Some other ships I like are Heather x Breeze, Bright x Cloud, Moon x Jay, and Crooked x Willow! What are your favorite ships other then Spotted x Fire? 🙂
    -My favorite warriors super edition is Crowfeather's trail! But I also enjoy SkyClan's destiny and Crookedstar's promise. Which one is your favorite super edition?
    -My favorite arc is the first one! How about you?
    -Some of my nicknames are Mountain, Mount, Rocky, Smoky, and Mounty! Do you have any nicknames other then Coldie? 🙂

    Thank you so much for being my mentor!! You're a really smart and kind person and I'm honored to be your apprentice! 😀

    • Hello, Mount! <333

      No, I'm not allergic to anything! 🙂
      It's really cool to know that you have a bit of trypophobia, because I do too! Only on a larger scale. :c
      Ooh I love chess! I think my favorite board game would be Clue. Have you ever played Clue? c:
      I love running and swimming too! Mostly I prefer to swim, but running is also a nice hobby of mine. 🙂 I also love soccer! I fell in love with it somewhere close to last year, which was a misfortune since I had a fractured collarbone back then and it hurt to play. Thankfully, my collarbone's better now and I love to play! 😀
      Yes! I mostly read, and write a few very cringy Warriors fanfiction when the time occurs. 😉 Have you written any fanfictions?
      Ooh I'd love to see one of your drawings some time, if you don't mind! I'm sure they're fantastic. 😀 I love drawing too! I mostly only draw cats, and I'm trying to improve. Right now I'm only drawing traditionally, but I hope to be a digital artist sometime! 🙂
      Yes! Protecting the environment is always a first. What's your favorite animal? Do you have any favorite flowers or trees?

      Gonna have to cut this in half, it's getting too long. 😮

    • For the Warriors-related questions:

      Yess I do! 😉
      I really like Breeze x Heather as well! And some others are Blue x Oak, Fern x Dust, Bramble x Squirrel, Moth x Micah, and Mouse x Minnow!
      Ooh Crowfeather’s Trial is a good one! (Let’s just say I totally didn’t read it ahead of time. 😉 ) Honestly I haven’t read that much! So far I would say Bluestar’s Prophecy, but that’s mostly because it’s the only one I remember. 😉
      I agree! (And not because Spottedleaf is mostly shown is there.. nope. 😉 )
      Ooh I love your nicknames! Most people call me Coldie, but other than that, people use Cold! Once I had a nickname I made up for myself, it was called “Rea,” but I quickly dropped it after Lone made up Coldie and everyone started calling me that. I really love the name Coldie, I find it so precious! People are still welcome to call me Rea, but if I honestly would prefer Coldie. 🙂

      Ahh thank you Mounty! You are a really talented, incredible and fabulous person yourself and I’m so glad you were an available apprentice. C: <333

      • Hi Coldie!

        Lucky you’re not allergic to anything! Having lactose intolerance isn’t fun, because I love milk, but oh well. You get used to drinking hot chocolate and eating cereal with oat milk! And it’s not like I’d meet a terrible doom if I drank milk! It just makes me uncomfortable. :l

        Oh, I’m sorry! Having a little bit of trypophobia isn’t good- so having it on a larger scale must be very hard!
        But it’s cool we have the same phobia!

        No, I haven’t played Clue before! What’s it about? How do you play?

        Ouch! What’s it like to have a broken bone?
        I’ve had injuries before but never a broken bone.

        Soccer is really fun too! A few years back I tried it out, and I really liked it until someone kicked the ball right at my chest! 😅

        I’m sure your fan fictions are great! I’d love to read them sometime, if you feel comfortable sharing them!
        Yes, I’ve written a few fan fictions before. I think I wrote one every other day before the tweaks happened! 😛
        Mostly about Feathertail, or Feathertail and Crowfeather! But I also wrote stories about my OCs! I once started a series where I wrote a story from every Clan! (Windyflight- WindClan, Pantherfrost- RiverClan, Ashstorm- SkyClan..and this was where the tweaks happened)
        Have you written any fan fictions? 🙂

        Oh cool! Digital art is really pretty, though personally, I prefer drawing on paper. 😛

        Hmm, tough question! I love all animals! But I really like the Kea, (It’s a mountain parrot from New Zealand) cheetahs, wolves, bowhead whales, otters, turtles, octopus- actually, I give up! I don’t have favorites!

        As for trees and flowers, I love tulips, roses, lavender, cedar, pine, and oaks!
        How about you? What are your favorite animals and plants? 🙂

        This is getting long! I’ll cut it in half too!

        • Whew! Hey Mounty! Sorry I took so long, chatting with someone can stress me out so I have to take breaks between periods of time. I’m so sorry!

          My younger sister is allergic to Goldfish! I’m really happy I’m not allergic to anything, especially Goldfish, because I’m currently surviving off of them. :p I’m really sorry, Mounty! Having allergies is no fun. :c

          Yes, it is! I was drawing one of my OCs yesterday and she had a lot of speckles. I think after that one any chance of me designing a character with anything close to even a square is gone. 😛
          Yep! Trypophobia twins together. c;

          Clue is basically a murder mystery! I suck at explaining, so here’s something I found online:
          Are you up for a challenging game of Clue? If so, by discovering the answer to who killed a fictional character named Mr. Boddy, in what room in his mansion, and by using which weapon, you’ll win the game. And simultaneously you’ll strengthen your deductive reasoning and logistical thinking skills.

          The game takes about an hour to play and calls for three to six players to investigate a murder by gathering evidence. The winner is the player who, through the process of elimination, can figure out which three cards are hidden within the secret envelope that hold the answers to Mr. Boddy’s murder.

          I hope that helped! C:

          Short answer: Pain.
          Long answer: Screaming, crying, more pain, more pain, more pain, stopping at a friend’s house when I’m literally in the front seat with a fractured collarbone. :`p It was a very painful time.
          Lucky! Breaking a bone is no fun at all. :`c

          OMS really?! When I was younger I tried soccer once and I really liked it until I got it kicked at my head! I didn’t play for a while, but eventually I did. It’s really fun! And it’s so cool that the same.. accident happen to us. c:

          I’ll have to cut this in half, it’s getting too long!

          • Hi Coldie!

            It’s okay!! Feel free to take as long breaks as you need!
            If you ever need to talk, I’m here! That’s all this page is for <3

            Goldfish! Oh wow. I'm glad I'm not allergic to them too!

            I'm so sorry! That seems really hard.
            If it's not too late, can I change my purrsona then? No need for white specks on my face and back!
            Yeah! Trypophobia twins C:

            No no! You explained it very well!
            Clue sounds super fun! I'll check it out sometime soon! 🙂

            Ouch…I'm sorry you had to go through that! It sounds very painful. 🙁

            Oh wow.
            Maybe I'll try soccer again! C:
            I'm going over to my friends sometime this week, so I might ask them to play with me. (They like soccer a lot 😛 )
            That is cool c:

            My pet guinea pig, Coffee, is sitting in my lap right now and acting very jealous that I'm paying attention to the computer and not him. 😛
            I'm going to go give him some cuddles now.
            Do you have any pets?

            Bye Coldie! 🙂
            Have a great day! 💙 💙 💙

            • Hello, Mounty! <3

              Thank you!! I really appreciate it. <33333 Same to you. <3

              Yep! That would suck. 😛

              No no, that's totally alright! A few specks won't kill me. c:
              We should make matching profile pictures. :p Just kidding, don't worry. 😛 <3

              Thanks! <3 C:

              Thank you, Mounty. <3

              You should! I'm going to cheer you on from this page. 😛 <3
              Ooh have fun! This probably already happened, so how was it? Tell me all about it, I'd love to hear! C:

              Coffee sounds like such a cute pet! I love his name. :3
              That sounds exactly like my two black kittens upstairs, they're super lonely and jealous because they think I never pay attention to them. :p
              I have two black kittens! Their names are Stick and Tuna, except in Russian. They're both girls! C:

              Bye, Mounty! <3
              You too! <33333

            • Hi Coldie!! 😀 Happy fall! 🍂

              For sure. Do you have a favorite flavor or color? I like the normal Goldfish. C:
              (When you first mentioned your sister was allergic to Goldfish, I thought you meant the actual fish. 😛 Only then did I start to think about how that would be impossible 😜)

              Well, I now have a drawing of my purrsona by the talented Darkie, so if I use it as my profile picture it would kinda match since yours is drawn by her too. C:

              Aww, thank you so much! It went well, actually! I had a lot of fun and though I was a little rusty at first by the end I had to be dragged away from the ball because I didn’t want to leave yet. 😜 Soccer is super fun, you were right! I never would have tried it again if you didn’t encourage me to do so. Thank you! 🙂
              (And luckily I survived with no big injuries 😅)

              Thanks! He is super cute. :3 He’s in love with these guinea pig C-vitamin snacks and he’ll do anything for them, so he can do a few tricks like a paw-five, going around in a circle, standing on two feet, etc. Guinea pigs are very smart when they have motivation! 😛
              Your kittens sound super cute!! Their names are adorable as well. :3
              Can you give them some cuddles for me, please? C:

              Bye Coldie! <3 <3 <3

        • Fanfictions can’t be great without motivation and my motivation level is currently -100. :p
          Here are the links to all the fanfictions I’ve ever written:
          mod edit: no links to fanfictions allowed outside of the fanfiction page!
          As you can see, most of them aren’t even started or super cringy. :`)

          Ooh cool! Do you have any of their links you feel comfortable sharing? I’d love to read them. C:
          That sound intriguing! I’m sure you’re a spectacular writer. <3

          I agree! I've downloaded Firealpaca, something where you can draw digitally, but so far my two pieces look kind of off. :p Mostly I draw on paper, as well! 🙂

          Yes! All animals are absolutely amazing. <3

          Ooh those are all so pretty! For me, I'd have to say roses and birches. :p Maybe a lily for flowers as well! c; My favorite animal is a cat, and my favorite plant is probably Aloe Vera! 🙂

          • Hmm, I can’t seem to read them.
            But I’m sure they are amazing! <3
            Sure! I'd feel comfortable sharing them! I can post them on the fan fiction page, if you'd like! It seems like that's the only place fan fiction can be posted. I did not know that. 😛
            But I must warn you, my writing is pretty cringy! 😛
            But thank you so much for the compliment! I think that was just the motivation I needed to keep writing! <3

            Oh cool! I'm sure your digital drawings are great too! Your ones on paper sure are! 😀

            Cats are amazing too! And so is Aloe Vera! My parents have a few big pots of that plant! C:
            And roses, lilies, and birches are all beautiful! 🙂

            • They’re listed on my Wiki page, if you want to go check them out! 🙂 Thank you! <3
              Please do! I'd love to read them!
              No, it isn't! It's terrific, I guarantee you. <3
              <333 I'm glad it did! 😀

              Thank you so much! You're so sweet, Mounty. <3

              Thank you! I think so too. And my family owns some pots of Aloe Vera too! C:
              Thanks again! <333333

            • Okay! I’ll definitely go check out your fan fictions on the wiki! I’m sure they will all be terrific! <3

      • Oh, yes, Fern x Dust, Blue x Oak, Moth x Micah, Mouse x Minnow are all amazing ships too! I used to like Bramble x Squirrel before reading Squirrelflight’s hope, where Bramblestar doesn’t treat Squirrelflight the best. Why do you like this ship? I’m sure you have some really good reasons! <3

        Also, I wanted to tell you I was neutral on the Spotted x Fire ship before reading your articles, but now I'm starting to like them! Spottedleaf is so sweet and caring, and I love how she helped Firestar through everything!

        Do you like the Feather x Crow ship? Just curious! <3 There aren't a lot of people who like this pair anymore.

        Thank you! I love your nickname too! Rea is also cool, but I'll stick to Coldie! <3

        Thank you!
        Okay, all for now!
        Good morning/evening/night!! 🙂

        • Well, mostly because they act so sweet to each other in The Power of Three! I haven’t read as far as Squirrelflight’s Hope, so once I read it I’ll tell you how I feel about it then. C:

          Aw thank you! Same thing about your recent article, Feather and Crow is starting to sound really sweet! <3

          Yes! I prefer LeafxCrow, but FeatherxCrow is still really cute! C:
          I agree! A while ago I liked FeatherxCrow more than LeafxCrow and when I said that everyone was like "LeafxCrow for the win!" I mean I guess they think that FeatherxCrow was apparently a "high school crush?" Really? I'm passionate about FeatherxCrow because I feel that it's similiar to SpottedxFire: Unfair.
          Hey, maybe we should write an article about it! As mentor and apprentice. C;

          Thank you! <3333 c:

          Have a terrific day, Mounty!

          • That’s true!! Squirrel x Bramble is super sweet in The Power of Three! <3

            Writing an article together as mentor and apprentice is a wonderful idea! 😀

            You too, Coldie! C:

            P.S I love your new profile picture!

            • Yep! c;

              Thank you! What do you think it should be about?

              <333 How have you been doing?

              Thank you! It was made by the talented Darkie. C:

            • Hmm, good question! Here are a few ideas, please let me know what you think of them!

              1. Comparing Feather x Crow and Spotted x Fire
              (Like finding out ways they are similar and ways they aren’t, and analyzing those two ships?)

              2. Comparing different designs of Spotted x Fire and Feather x Crow
              (We can find ship art of the two ships and make a picture article out of it! And maybe discuss why we love our favorite ships?)

              3. Why we love our favorite ships
              (Possibly an article about how to chose your favorite ship, and why we love the ships we love)

              4. Debating Spotted x Fire and Sand x Fire
              (I’m not sure about this one because I love Sand x Fire but I also love Spotted x Fire 😛 )

              5. I’m not sure about the titled of this one, but I could share my opinions of Spotted x Fire, while being a Sand x Fire shipper? And you could strengthen or debunk my points?

              6. Debating Feather x Crow and Leaf x Crow?

              7. You could share your opinions on Feather x Crow as a Leaf x Crow lover?

              Feel free to add to the ideas or pick from these! I’m fine with any as long as you’re happy with it <3

              Darkie is very talented! She drew my purrsona too not so long ago! 🙂
              Here it is: https://pasteboard.co/KiY2OmI.png

              I've been doing very well, thank you! How about you? 🙂 Anything new happen lately?
              (Sorry it took me so long to respond, by the way! Though I'm doing well I've been feeling a bit down, but I'm better now! 🙂 )

              Have a brilliant weekend, Coldie! 😀

    • Hi!
      Sure! Coldheart is my mentor, so we thought for fun, we could have a secret page where we can chat and get to know each other a bit more! We call it “training”, like how mentors in the warriors books train their apprentices. 🙂
      I did a repost of the page because it got super buried 😛

  • Hi Coldie! I was wondering if you could code my wiki page a bit after all? Mossi’s coding is awesome, but it’s a bit hard to read the parts in purple and blue.
    If not, that’s 100% okay! <3

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